The manufacturer was in the south of the Yangtze River, so Liu Qing took the purchasing supervisor to discuss this matter.

Of course, as Liu Qing's bodyguard, Ye Wanrong also followed.

There are people from the airport and the manufacturer to greet them.

After all, it was a big order of [-] tons a month.

Based on the price of 1000 tons, that is more than [-] million a month.

Such a partner is enough to make people pay attention.

The person who came to greet him was the boss of the other company, driving a Rolls Royce.

As for whether the Rolls-Royce is the company's own car or a temporary leased car, it doesn't matter at all.

If it weren't for the distance, Liu Qing would have wanted Ye Wanrong to drive Ding Yun's Rolls Royce over to prove her strength.

But Liu Qing was not bad either. Although he didn't come here in a luxury car, the Rolex watch worth several million on his wrist was already able to prove his strength from the side.

The boss of the other company, surnamed Wang, is a semi-bald old man in his 50s. After seeing Liu Qing, he was very enthusiastic.

He agreed to negotiate this big contract with Tianyuan Mask Factory, not because he believed in such a small factory that popped up suddenly, but because he heard the news from the procurement supervisor that the owner of Tianyuan Mask Factory was Ding Yun, chairman of Tianyuan Group. son.

Tianyuan Mask Factory is a little-known small factory, and its annual sales are pitifully small.

He finds it ridiculous to talk to such a small factory with tens of millions of orders per month.

——No matter how you look at it, they look like a bunch of liars.

But Tianyuan Group is an investment company with tens of billions of assets. The chairman of this company owns 50.00% of the company's shares and has a net worth of tens of billions.

With such an identity to endorse, it is worth talking about.

Mr. Wang also found out that Ding Yun, the current chairman of Tianyuan Group, did have a son with his ex-husband, and that son had made an appearance more than a month ago.

But that was just gossip, and he wasn't sure if the owner of Tianyuan Mask Factory was Ding Yun's son.

This time, Liu Qing was asked to come over to discuss the contract mainly to prove this point.

If this can be confirmed, this big order can be negotiated.

It cannot be confirmed that it is impossible for him to negotiate a large order of more than 1000 million a month with a small factory with annual sales of less than one million.

After seeing the Rolex watch on Liu Qing's wrist, he believed it a little bit.

However, there is only a little bit of belief.

He can recognize that it is a Rolex watch, but he can't recognize what kind of Rolex it is, and he can't clearly judge the price of that watch.

Moreover, famous watches, like famous cars, can also be rented to support the scene.

When the two sides were discussing cooperation, Mr. Wang expressed his concerns clearly:

"If we want to proceed with this order, we will have to build a production line with a daily output of more than ten tons. If your company cannot guarantee long-term procurement with guaranteed price and quantity, then our risk is too great. I hope that Mr. Liu understand our difficulties."

Liu Qing nodded and said: "This is completely understandable. I came here this time with sincerity. I am willing to sign a long-term contract with your company that guarantees price and quantity."

"However, according to what we have learned, your company's annual sales are less than one million yuan, and the scale of the factory is not large. Some people in our company doubt whether your company has the ability to fulfill such a contract."

President Wang honestly expressed his doubts.

Liu Qing pondered for a while, thinking whether to ask Mr. Wang to check her account balance, but felt that this was too secondary.

And things like account balances are not so real.

Hearing President Wang say with a smile:

"I heard that Mr. Liu is the son of Chairman Ding of Tianyuan Group. I wonder if there is such a thing?"

Liu Qing nodded: "There is such a thing."

Mr. Wang said: "Why don't Mr. Liu ask Chairman Ding to call me, and we'll talk about signing the contract again."

Chapter 124 The Role of Raising the Banner

The chairman of Tianyuan Group is now the queen signboard of Liu Qing and his subordinate media company and mask factory.

When Qin Kun was discussing business with others, he always said:

"My boss is the son of Ding Yun, the chairman of Tianyuan Group. His family's assets are tens of billions. Do you still doubt our strength?"

When the mask factory went to purchase, it also said: "Our boss is the son of Ding Yun, the chairman of Tianyuan Group. Are you still worried about our repayment?"

This signboard is so easy to use that everyone can't resist using it again and again.

Of course Liu Qing knew it herself.

He will also use this signboard when necessary.

Anyway, there is no need to spend money, and it is not doing something bad, so why not use it for a while?

Hearing Mr. Wang say that, he agreed without hesitation:

"No problem, since Mr. Wang said so, I'll ask my mother to call Mr. Wang."

Mr. Wang reminded with a smile: "Call me from the office of the chairman of your company."

He didn't know Ding Yun, even if Ding Yun really called, he couldn't tell if it was real or not.

However, he can still get the phone number of the Tianyuan Group chairman's company, and there is no problem if he calls from that phone number or makes a call to that phone number.

Liu Qing took out her mobile phone and called his mother: "Mom, are you in the group now?"

"I'm at home," Ding Yun said a little strangely on the phone, "Is there anything I need to go to the group? Is there something wrong with the media company's transfer procedures?"

She didn't know anything about the company's business, and only two or three days a week passed, usually in the afternoon instead of the morning.

In the past, it was just to show her sense of existence and let the employees of the group understand one thing - she is the boss of this company.

If you go too many times and take care of too many things, it is easy to show your timidity. It is better to go a few times less and maintain a sense of mystery.

"No," Liu Qing explained to her, "I have a partner here who wants to get to know you, can you go to the group later and call him from your office phone?"

"Okay, I should go to the group to take a look." Ding Yun said, "You send me the mobile phone number on WeChat, wait for me for half an hour, and I will call you."

She didn't know why Liu Qing asked him to do this, but since her son made such a request, she felt that it was necessary to meet it.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Qing said to Mr. Wang in embarrassment:

"President Wang, I'm so sorry, my mother is not at the group company now, she will call in half an hour."

Mr. Wang also heard the content of the conversation, with a smile on his face, and said: "No problem, don't talk about half an hour, we can afford to wait a day."

He explained to Liu Qing: "Actually, I believe in Mr. Liu, but there are still some people in the company who are skeptical about this single business. There must be a guarantee. I hope Mr. Liu can understand the abrupt part."

Liu Qing could only express her understanding once again.

Ding Yun's phone call hasn't come yet, so it doesn't prevent them from discussing cooperation.

This company is very powerful and is a branch of a giant group company.

They already have a production line for the production of melt-blown cloth, and there is no technical problem at all.

The ingredients are also no problem.

The only thing restricting their production capacity is the market problem.

As long as Liu Qing can give them a long-term and stable order, they can quickly set up a production line and put it into production in less than a month.

——When Mr. Wang made such a promise, Liu Qing had no doubts at all.

He has memories about the next two years, and he is sure that domestic companies do have such capabilities.

As long as this contract is signed, it will mean that the domestic meltblown cloth market will have an extra production capacity of [-] tons a month. When the epidemic comes, at least the supply of meltblown cloth will not be so tight.

He felt that it was necessary to sign this contract based on this alone.

If Ding Yun hadn't given him only [-] million yuan, he would have wanted to sign a bigger contract—for example, [-] tons a month.

Three hundred tons a month, he thinks it is no problem at all.

As for the two-year contract, he doubts whether the other party will implement this contract after the price of meltblown cloth soars.

At that time, the price of meltblown cloth increased more than ten times, and the highest level of medical BFE99 meltblown cloth reached 80 million tons.

If the other party sells those melt-blown cloths to others, even if it is compensation for liquidated damages, it will be more profitable than supplying him at the contract price.

With the price so high, he doesn't really believe in such things as business reputation.

If people really want to talk about business reputation, they should sell it to him at the agreed price, and of course he will accept it.

Although the price of melt blown cloth began to fall rapidly after reaching a peak, it only fell to the level before the epidemic.

Even if he continues to take so many goods, Liu Qing can still afford it.

His factory has the qualifications to export to the West. Even after the peak period of the domestic epidemic, there is still a lot to do in business.

He didn't know how long the epidemic would last, but he knew it was definitely not just two years.

He felt that there was no problem signing such a two-year contract.

That is, the price and the payment method need to be discussed again.

Buying a few tons is [-] tons, buying [-] tons a month, if it is still [-] tons, that would be too bullying.

Then there is the payment method.

A one-time purchase can achieve both money and goods.

For such a long-term and stable contract, under normal circumstances, there will be a delay in payment.

Some are monthly, some are quarterly.

Of course Liu Qing hoped that the delay could be longer.

He only has a total of [-] million funds. If the payment can be delayed for one month, the payment for the delayed month can play a greater role.

He knows where the time node is, so that he can control expenditure more precisely, spend all the money wisely, and produce more masks before the epidemic arrives.

The settlement payment method proposed by Liu Qing here is to settle once a quarter.

However, the other party expressed that this proposal was unacceptable. They felt that three months was too long, and he could only accept the settlement once a month.

Liu Qing is not good at business negotiation, this job is done by the procurement supervisor and the people under Mr. Wang.

During the negotiation, Mr. Wang's cell phone rang.

He had previously stored the phone number of the chairman's office of Tianyuan Group, and noted it as Chairman Ding.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Chairman Ding calling.

With confidence in my mind, I connected the phone.

After the call was connected, a woman's voice came over:

"Hello, I'm Ding Yun, chairman of Tianyuan Group. Are you the president of XX Chemical Industry, which is cooperating with my son Liu Qing?"


Chapter 125 Signing the Contract

After Ding Yun's phone call, Mr. Wang's worries disappeared.

They exchanged a few words.

It is not difficult to see Ding Yun's doting on that son from the conversation.

With this relationship, there is no need to be afraid that Liu Qing will not admit it.

——Liu Qing wants to cheat, and the law does not allow him to cheat.

As long as a contract with legal binding effects is signed, there is nothing to be afraid of.

In terms of size, the group company his company belongs to is much larger than Tianyuan Group, and they are not at the same level.

What he was worried about was that Liu Qing had no ability to repay, and it would be useless to win the breach of contract lawsuit.

Since people have such strength, then don't be afraid.

Being able to sign a two-year supply contract, the profit of building a new production line is there.

It is also a relatively big performance for him, and he may even be promoted.

As for what will happen two years later, there is no need to think so far. By then, he will most likely be promoted.

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