The two had a casual meal outside the airport, and then took a taxi home.

Liu Qing didn't have a good rest last night, and she had two big dark circles under her eyes. After returning home, she took a shower, lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

It was a very deep sleep.

In a daze, he heard Xiaowen's voice talking in his ear, and without thinking too much, he stretched out his hand and pulled the girl down on the bed, and embraced her in his arms.

Gently and soft body, hugging really relieves pressure.

Then, fell asleep again.

Xiaowen blushed and explained to Ye Wanrong by the door:

"He must have mistook me for his former girlfriend in a daze,"

Chapter 127 The Battle with King Maoxi

After finalizing the meltblown cloth contract, Liu Qing's heart settled down, and he was finally in the mood to care about other things.

At the end of September, Qin Kun will conduct his first live PK on the Acne Printing Platform, playing PK with a quasi-first-line anchor, and selling goods by the way.

Before that, he had posted more than a dozen short videos, made some promotional hype, and bought zombie fans, and he had a total of 30 million fans.

——He still has a little restraint, and he didn't get more than one million fans for himself, leaving room for future growth.

In the short video he posted, every time he appeared on the stage, there were beauties in famous cars. Basically, the scene started with a luxury car driving up and stopping, a beautiful woman came to open the door, and then he limped out of the car with a beard on his face. Come out and say some Chicken Soup for the Soul full of Zhong Erqi:

"There is only one path in life that cannot be chosen—the path of giving up; there is also only one path that cannot be rejected—that is the path of growth. If you want more than others, you must pay more than others."

"In your twenties, you dare to think and do things, and you are hardworking enough, so you are qualified to welcome the well-fed and well-fed 30-year-old and the elegant and calm 40-year-old. Every step of the present is the cornerstone and foreshadowing of the future. There is no way to go in vain in life. , and there is no suffering in vain."

"A successful husband is one who has more money than his wife can spend; a successful wife is one who finds this kind of husband."

"When complaining becomes a habit, it's like drinking sea water. The more you drink, the more thirsty you become. In the end, those who walk on the road to success are those "fools" who don't complain. The world will not remember what you said, but the world Will remember what you did."

These words sound very inspirational, but for an adult who has really experienced the beating of society, this kind of inspiration is like carrying a big bag of two hundred catties, and a person next to you whispers to you "" Come on, stick to it for another 100 meters and you'll be there." You won't feel inspired, you'll just feel it's an annoying noise.

The so-called listening to what you have to say is like listening to what you say, which is neither interesting nor nutritious.

However, the user group of acne marks is so large, there are always some people who take this chicken soup for the soul as a nutritional supplement.

Even if it is only one percent, that number is quite astonishing.

What's more, that kind of person is never more than one percent.

Every time Qin Kun is a beautiful woman with a famous car, different famous cars, different beauties, several times inadvertently revealing the Rolex watch (borrowed from Liu Qing) worth millions on his wrist, which is even more important to him. These inspirational copywriting adds a degree of credibility, making some people think that he is a successful person, and he becomes a successful person by virtue of that belief.

More than a dozen videos were sent out, and each video was spent on promotion, and the company's contracted anchors also left messages to praise, which also stirred up the popularity.

Posting this kind of video, which is so embarrassing to normal people, has the meaning of IQ screening.

Users who believe in this kind of chicken soup for the soul and regard the person who said this as a life mentor will make it much easier to fool them into buying things in the future.

Such a group is a bit stupid, but from the perspective of e-commerce, they are proper high-quality users.

Qin Kun's main purpose is to bring goods, rather than simply attracting followers. Of course, it is more suitable to post this kind of video for group screening.

After watching those videos, Liu Qing was so embarrassed that she tapped her toes on the ground. She really didn't want to admit that this guy was the general manager of her company.

However, the effect of others is good.

Every week, Qin Kun would invite a few well-dressed signed anchors to the company's live broadcast room as his background wall to live broadcast and sell goods.

Of course, it’s not selling goods in name. The idea of ​​selling goods hurts the feelings of fans too much, as if they are treating them as cash machines.

Selling goods live is not called selling goods, it is called giving benefits to fans.

Before posting those secondary videos, relying on the company's money and subsidies and company employees to get relatives and friends to place orders, I got some decent sales data.

Those middle school two videos I posted attracted some real fans, and the sales suddenly increased significantly.

Although it is still necessary to mobilize the relatives and friends of the company's employees to subsidize the data, the data produced by myself has gradually retreated from [-]% of the sales to about [-]%.

And the sales are increasing every period.

Because the results are not bad, the return rate is very low, and the number of cooperative merchants has gradually increased.

The IQ of the selected fans are very useful. Not only are they willing to spend money to buy their products, but some people are very moved by the large price reduction benefits he sent in the live broadcast room. brush gift.

This situation once made Liu Qing doubt whether the country's nine-year compulsory education was successful—it was not until he thought about his education that he stopped doubting.

More cooperative merchants, more choices for fans, can also bring greater sales, and greater sales can bring them more cooperative merchants, which can be regarded as a virtuous circle.

Last Saturday afternoon, the live broadcast brought goods and sold more than 50 RMB in sales.

In this live broadcast, after deducting the subsidy to make data for his own people, he made more than [-] yuan.

This is definitely a big victory for Tianyuan Media.

Although it has not yet reached the point of turning losses into profits, it has also seen hope.

A few days ago, Qin Kun posted a video, challenging a quasi-first-line anchor named "Jing Mao Xi Wang", the reason was that a contracted anchor under Tianyuan Media was caught by the other party when connecting with this Jing Mao Xi Wang. Humiliated, he wants to stand up for his artists.

At the beginning of the video, several luxury cars drove to a place, then stopped, the doors opened, and Qin Kun and several beautiful anchors came out of the luxury cars.

Surrounded by several beauties, Qin Kun shouted domineeringly to the camera:

"King Maoxi, yesterday you humiliated our company's anchor in your live broadcast room. I heard that you are a first-line PK anchor. Today I want to challenge you. Let's play a PK at [-] o'clock on Saturday night. I will teach you how As a human being, I just ask if you dare to accept it?"

In the copy, Aite also surprised Mao Xiwang.

There are many short videos of this kind of dating on the acne printing platform, and some unknown small anchors like to use this method to hype the traffic of the first-line anchors.

Under normal circumstances, those first-line anchors would not pay attention.

—unless money is given.

This time, Qin Kun received a reply from King Jingxi half a day later, and also sent a short video.

In the short video, the frightened Maoxi Wang with a golden wig said contemptuously:

"I heard that a man named Tianyuan Kun wants to PK with me at [-] o'clock on Saturday night. Anyway, I have nothing to do that day, so let's play with him and let him know what despair is."

In the copy, Aite also used Qin Kun's account "Tianyuan Kunye".

Those who understand the rules of the game in this circle will know that King Jingmao Xi must have taken advantage of Master Tianyuan Kun.

Either they gave him or his apprentice a lot of rewards, or they received transfers from others.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to accept other people's challenges, and a short video was specially made to respond, and the account of the other party was clicked.

This kind of meticulous service is impossible for Maoxi Wangzhun's first-line coffee position to cost [-] to [-] yuan.

Chapter 128 Recharge 500 million

Jingmao Xiwang, a quasi-first-line PK anchor on the acne printing platform, started out by making funny videos and attracted millions of fans.

He used to be a first-line PK anchor, but the statistics have been broken in the past few months. Sometimes the popularity of the live broadcast room can reach 30 to [-], and sometimes the popularity of the live broadcast room is only [-] to [-], hovering between the first and second lines.

The level of popularity has a lot to do with his opponents.

When you meet a strong opponent, even if the actual popularity is not high, you still have to spend some money to add [-] yuan, or the traffic is too low, and no one will take him to play in the future.

When playing PK, sometimes you meet a big brother with feelings in the live broadcast room, and you meet an opponent who is more likely to attract hatred, and you can also get millions of votes.

Usually it is a level of 10,000+ votes to hundreds of thousands of votes.

It wasn't that he was broadcasting live alone, but he was leading a dozen people to broadcast live in a luxurious live broadcast hall.

The gift income seems to be quite high, but to support such a large team, the annual income is not particularly high.

One ticket is worth ten cents, and the platform deducts half of it. Sometimes in order to make honor fans happy, they have to call back, spend their own money to give themselves gifts, and have to list the number of live broadcasts for themselves, which is a lot of expenses.

The average PK game is more than 1 yuan, and it is impossible to play PK every day.

After deducting the expenses, and deducting the money to support the team, not much fell into the hands.

He is richer than the average person, but not at the level of a rich man.

If you can get some other income, of course you won't miss it.

For those current first-line anchors, his current level is really amazing.

But for the anchors of the second and third tiers, he still belongs to the same existence as Gao Feng.

After he posted the short video in response, it also brought some traffic to Qin Kun, which made Qin Kun's account gain tens of thousands of followers.

Humiliation of Tianyuan Media's anchor in the live broadcast room, and how to invite a challenge are all scripts.

Playing PK requires a script, otherwise it won't be able to raise the hatred value, and it won't be able to attract lively fans to watch.

For an appointment to fight with Jing Maoxi King, Qin Kun gave Liu Qing two options in the plan, one option is to lose to Jing Maoxi King by a small score, so that a pk will not lose the face of Jing Maoxi King , as the new anchor, he lost by a small score. Although the defeat was glorious, he didn't lose much face.

Another option is to win King Maoxi.

In this way, the company will get more votes, and it will also pay more money to Jingmao Xiwang—a new anchor who overthrows him, a quasi-first-line veteran anchor, doesn't he want to lose face?

It's like stepping on him.

That must add money!

Compared with the previous plan, it will cost 2 yuan more.

Coupled with the expense of swiping tickets by yourself, the cost may be more than [-] to [-].

If it is the day of PK, and the other party happens to have a big brother with feelings, it will cost more to do it.

Qin Kun's suggestion is to choose or lose.

But Liu Qing finally chose to win this PK:

"This is your first PK match on behalf of the company. It represents the face of our company. You must win it, and you must win it no matter how much you spend."

He knew that Qin Kun also wanted to win this PK and get a good start.

He might not have supported such behavior in the past, but now the most critical purchase contract for meltblown cloth at the mask factory has been signed, and the expansion of the factory and warehouse is also underway in an intense and orderly manner. Everything is going well, and his mentality is also stabilized.

Moreover, the price of signing the big purchase order of melt blown cloth was much lower than what he originally expected, and it also saved him a lot of expenses, making him willing to spend money to boost the performance of the media company.

Ding Yun reminded him that for him, the most important thing is to obtain the seat of director of Tianyuan Group. Whether Tianyuan Media can make money under his leadership is more important, which is related to whether he has a reasonable reason Get on the board.

The mask factory is almost finished, and he feels that it doesn't matter if he spends a small amount of money to boost the performance of this media company.

——After signing the big purchase order for melt blown cloth, Liu Qing's state of mind has become different. She has already felt in advance that she is a person who has contributed to society, a proper big shot, and her mind is different. It's different.

A little money for playing PK is really just a small amount of money for him now, he can afford it and is willing to spend it.

He topped up 500 million Doucoins with his personal acne print account.

According to the official recharge ratio, it takes 50 RMB.

However, Tianyuan Media was originally engaged in this area, and knew how to recharge more cheaply, so it didn't spend that much money.

The 500 million Doucoin is higher than Jing Mao Xi Wang's highest income in a single PK match this year. With so much recharge, he can hold the opponent firmly.

Hundreds of thousands were spent, and Liu Qing generously stated that he would pay for it himself, instead of taking the company's account.

——If you use the company's account, it must be included in the company's expenses, so that the profit on the book will be less, and there may even be a loss.

He paid out of his own pocket, deducting half of the income from the sound waves from the platform, and the rest is the company's net profit, and the profit on the book looks good.

Although the loss fell on Liu Qing personally, as long as he can successfully enter the Tianyuan Group's board of directors, it's just a trivial matter.

The boss is so mean, which makes Qin Kun feel a little embarrassed.

With these 500 million Doucoins, Qin Kun has more confidence and looks even more domineering when posting the challenge video.

Liu Qing not only recharged 500 million Doucoin himself, but also shared the news that Qin Kun was going to have a large-scale PK with the quasi-first-line anchor to the history group, and hoped that everyone would support the personal field.

Qingshi Group was named because there were only 24 group members at the beginning, which happened to correspond to Shang 24 Shi, and a strange group name was created by borrowing a character of Qing from Liu Qing.

But now the group members have reached 80 to [-] people, in addition to the demolition of the second generation, there are more than a dozen models.

The spending power of those dozens of demolition second generations is still quite strong. During this period of time, some demolition second generations have become the top brothers in the list of signed anchors of Tianyuan Media.

This time, in order to let them join in the show, on Friday night, Tianyuan Media also arranged an event, booked a small bar, and called the second generation of dismantlers to come and play together.

Of course, I also got the promise from those demolition second generations that I will definitely support Qin Kun's PK debut and help them promote their popularity.

——In fact, what they are promoting is not Qin Kun's field, but Liu Qing's field, and those beautiful contracted anchors of Tianyuan Media.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Kun has some regrets—if he had known that Liu Qing could mobilize such power to support him, then he would not have made an appointment with a quasi-first-line anchor like Jing Maoxi Wang, and directly asked a first-line anchor to make an appointment Wouldn't it be better to fight?

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