Chapter 137 The Underworld

"Stone Wall Technique!"

"Stone Wall Technique!"

"Okay, the first group retreats, and continue to memorize the stone wall technique!

The second group followed. "

"Stone Wall Technique!"

"Stone Wall Technique!"

Under the resonating stone wall technique of twenty mages, the tunnel extends downward at a speed of more than tens of meters at a time.

No matter how hard the rock formation is, it obediently makes way for the stone wall technique.

With the stone wall spell again and again, the greatest advantage of the spell mage is revealed.

Under the condition that the mental power is sufficient, no one disturbs, and you can record spell slots with peace of mind, you can basically record spells and release spells continuously.

Unlike the hard-working arcanist, although he can release a large number of spells at once, although he can cast spells silently, although he can perfectly fit with the mage tower, although he can break through the upper limit of spells and cast spells, although there is no spell limit, he still has to come. In other words, in terms of being a worker, an arcanist is still far inferior.

In the underground where you can't see your fingers, it seems that even the concept of time has been blurred.

Mo Lan didn't know how long she had been down here, but she only knew that she had released hundreds of rounds of the Stone Wall spell, and everyone in the mage group behind was a little sluggish.

No matter how strong a mage's spiritual power is, he can't help doing this.

"Don't relax. As someone who has experienced it, I'm telling you that casting spells in this extreme state can often stimulate your potential and take you to a higher level."

"Stone Wall Technique!"

Mo Lan poured free chicken soup while casting spells.

But this time Mo Lan was stunned.

"Did I dig into a cave? Or some kind of underground cavity?"

At the very front of the passage, a hole was exposed, and there was still a trace of fluorescence in it.

"Where does this light come from? Is there something under here?"

Mo Lan had some doubts in her mind, she poked her head to take a look, and was suddenly stunned.

In a dark underground space, there are patches of glowing moss growing on the ground and the dome, like a sky full of stars.

Some shrubs are also shimmering, slowly swaying, reflecting the shadows of the stalactites.

In the center of the cave, a river flows slowly, shining with light and sparkling water.

Mo Lan calmed down, as if the tranquility came from her heart, and her whole body became extremely relaxed. At this moment, the spiritual power in her mind suddenly condensed a little and injected a lot.

"Huh, it's like a dream, it's not like the world."

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"This situation is like a fairyland."

Xu Zongxin stood up.

Ding Jin, Zou Peng, and Zhang Haobo, who had just arrived after hearing the news, saw it.




Mo Lan and Xu Zongxin walked away silently, pretending not to see them.

"Oh, rough warrior!"

The three of them buried their heads in the black line, wanting to beat Mo Lan in groups, but they were worried that they would not be able to beat them, so they pretended not to hear, then covered Xu Zongxin's mouth, and beat him silently.


Mo Lan walked straight into the hole, but her expression was a little cautious.

The mental power had already spread out, and the information he had collected allowed him to stop the three people behind him.

"what happened?"

"Be careful, there are traces of large creatures, or large monsters, this is not a good place."

"How is it possible? How can such a small place support a large monster?"

"Of course such a small place can't afford it, but what if there is another world here?"

"You mean...the underground world?"

"Yes, I just calculated, this place is about 400 meters underground.

There are three to 400 meters of soil and rock cover, and all movement and movement below will not be transmitted to the top.

We naturally know nothing. "

"Then what do we do now?"

"Proceed with caution first, the people living in this environment will definitely not be simple races.

If you don't know what kind of aliens are here, and if you don't know the level of strength below, you will die miserably if you act without authorization. "


Zou Peng nodded, and immediately dispatched a team of soldiers to form a team with the mage, and began to explore this space.

Soon the information in this space will be gathered.

This space is not very big, it is about 1000 meters long and [-] meters wide in a strip-shaped space, with three relatively large external passages.

The three passages lead to different underground spaces, which are very large, but none of them went out to investigate.

"Lu Ling, you lead the team to check all the plant conditions, biological conditions, and mineral conditions in this space. I will ask for your summary report later."


Lu Leng, the captain of the chamber of commerce guards, led his people away, and Mo Lan also released a stone wall technique towards the ground.

The yellow light sinks into the ground, but has little effect.

"what's the situation?"

Mo Lan shook her head after feeling the elemental environment around her a little.

"A good news and a bad news, which one do you hear first?"

"Definitely bad news."

"The underground world is located hundreds of meters deep in the rock formation, and the huge pressure makes every stone here very dense and hard, so the stone wall technique can also play a role in stirring feet.

Moreover, the element density in the environment is one level higher than the above. According to my speculation, this means that the monsters and races living in this environment will not be too weak, and the danger is very high. "

"What about the good news?"

"Highly concentrated elemental power can support not only animals but also plants and non-living things.

This should mean that there will be more potions growing in the underground space, trees containing elemental power, ores containing elemental power and special properties than above.

These are wealth. "

"Phew, may I consider this all good news?"

Mo Lan nodded.

"You may think so."

"That's beautiful, you do your work first, I think I need to adjust the center of gravity of the chamber of commerce."

Zou Peng just left after speaking and suddenly turned around and asked.

"Then do you want to slow down your progress in building the mage tower? After all, you also said that it is easier to produce high-quality ore here.

You can wait until you find high-quality ore to rebuild the mage tower. "

Mo Lan shook his head.

"I want to speed up the progress of making the mage tower.

A few extraordinary cores in my hand make people want to rob them, how about this underground space passage in your hand?

This is completely a gold mine, a gold mountain, not to mention those small player teams, even the major guilds will go crazy when they hear the news.

You know, this is the only way to the underground world before they figure out the skill of magic resonance.

Don't you think that after so many people know the existence of the underground world, it will still be a secret? "

Zou Peng rubbed the center of his brows with some headaches, and then smiled wryly at Mo Lan.

"This surprise came so suddenly that people were not prepared at all.

Even a little bit of preparation is completely different, alas. "

Mo Lan shrugged, and Zou Peng said after pondering for a moment.

"Xiao Wang, in the name of the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce, send invitation letters to first-line guilds such as God of War, Number One Under Heaven, Niehuo, Veterans Club, Ideal Township, etc.!

In addition, mobilize all the manpower that can be mobilized by the chamber of commerce, give up all the business that can be given up, and all come to build......"

Zou Peng pondered for a moment and then said slowly.

"Mage Tower!"

Chapter 138 The New World

"Zou Peng? Chairman of the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce?"

Yi Fei looked at the invitation letter in his hand and pondered for a moment.

"Then go and see what he plans to do."

One after another, the first-line guild leaders received Zou Peng's invitation. Although they were all busy, they all came after careful consideration.

"Qingwen, Zou Peng also invited you?"

Yi Fei couldn't help asking when he saw Zuo Qingwen from Utopia.

"It's not just me, the number one in the world, the retired club and other frontlines have all been invited, and Geng Tao's idiot is also in front."

"I don't know what he's doing, it's not that easy to organize so many people here.

If the team is not good..."

"That is to say, he can have such a big face to let everyone come here, Chairman of the God of War, I heard that your official members have officially exceeded 1?

You have to take the little girl with you. "

Zuo Qingwen said with a smile.

Since becoming famous in the previous battle, countless miserable people have come to Red Maple City, and now the number of players in Red Maple is increasing day by day.

And it is precisely at this time point, and it is precisely during this critical period that these top-ranking guilds are expanding at an exponential rate almost every day.

Just like the God of War Guild, there were only a few hundred official members in the game at the beginning.

Hundreds of regular members who could be called at any time and had a high cohesive force could almost be said to be a very large guild at that time. Ordinary guilds would not have such appeal.

But those few hundred people have rapidly expanded into a large guild with tens of thousands of official members. It can be seen how fast the situation is changing now. It can be seen how much pressure the leaders and high-level leaders of the major guilds are now, and how busy they are every day.

You know, not all of these 1 people are good stubble, there are countless capable and ambitious ones.

And they are here today.

"Don't, don't, President Zuo, if you keep talking, I'm going to swell.

So, how about we two have a social activity?Bonfire, barbecue, singing, dancing.

I don't need to tell you when the time comes, they will definitely help you wholeheartedly. "

"It's not impossible. At that time, I will count how many sisters are willing to come, and then we will hold a publicity event together."

"Okay, my guild board is probably full of ghosts and wolves.

Come on, go in, let's go and see what kind of medicine is sold in Zou Peng's pot. "

"President Yi, President Zuo, welcome, this way please."

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