Mo Lan thought for a while, remembered a point, and added another sentence.

"If you can get quicksilver, get some quicksilver."


Zou Peng quickly responded to the message, and Mo Lan put down the stone after pondering for a while, and turned to look at another part of the blood pool's photo.

The photo of Xuechi was bloody and disgusting. After reading the photos, Mo Lan tried to recall the overall structure of Xuechi.

The structure of the blood pool is very simple, it is just a pool, and there are many lines, lines, and nodes on the stone walls around the pool.

Obviously, there is also a spell model solidified around here.

Mo Lan studied the solidified spell model carefully, and gradually got the answer in his heart.

"This part is a restrictive spell model, and its function is to restrict and suppress the elemental power within the range."

"And this part is responsible for conducting energy, connecting to the spell altar above to supply energy."

"And this part is...."

This structure, which has never been seen before, is very complicated, and the overall shape of the structure is peculiar, and Mo Lan has never seen it before.

However, according to some spell nodes and small structures, Mo Lan deduced its function.

"This is probably the structure used to refine flesh and blood and transform soul into energy.

Flesh and Soul Oven! "

Mo Lan took a deep breath, after seeing these things clearly, looking back at the little devil's plans and thoughts, it was clear at a glance.

"The little devil secretly chose a hidden cave to build an altar, preparing to summon other demons.

The altar was built, but there was not enough energy, so the blood pool was arranged, and then human beings were hunted and used as materials to transform energy, stored in the blood pool, and ready to drive the altar..."

Mo Lan withdrew her thoughts and recorded the structure of this oven for soul and flesh.

After that, I followed the gourd drawing and re-engraved the entire structure of the blood pool, but removed the part of the structure of the oven and replaced it with the structure that attracted elements obtained from the forum.

The empty pool is exactly the same size as the blood pool. When Mo Lan completed and activated the spell model, Mo Lan felt a suction force emanating from the empty pool.

According to Mo Lan's setting just now, the element-absorbing structure absorbs the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water into it and settles them in the pool.

"This is the element pool."

Just after Mo Lan finished speaking, under the induction of spiritual power, four kinds of elemental power gradually began to appear in the empty pool, but at this moment, Mo Lan's eyes suddenly stared.

"Damn it, it exploded!"


In an instant, Mo Lan appeared 200 meters away!

The empty pool on the spot exploded instantly, and the huge power lifted the hole open, allowing it to appear under the sun.

Moreover, Mo Lan could still feel that the elements in place became disordered and restless.

"Oh, it exploded again."

"Wait, I haven't blown up for a long time, why do I say again?"

Chapter 136 Arcane Tower?

"Hey, it didn't explode, it's unrealistic."

Mo Lan went back cautiously and returned to her burrow.

I'm afraid that this element pool will explode when I get close.

Mo Lan was a little surprised when he saw the situation of the element pool clearly.

"These elements are actually so honest?"

Mo Lan was surprised to find that the four elements in the element pool stayed in the element pool clearly, and there was no intention of conflict at all.

"Won't the four elements of earth, fire, wind, and water conflict together?

Maybe it didn't activate the spell at the same time, so there was no explosion, that's right, or the world would have exploded, and there were all kinds of elements everywhere. "

After thinking about it, Mo Lan breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, it is estimated that the structure of this constraint element also played a certain role in suppression.

Otherwise, these elements would not have such a strong inertia. "

Mo Lan suddenly had an idea.

"The stronger the elemental inertia, the harder it is to cast spells.

If the strength is increased, wouldn't it become a forbidden magic force field? "

"Hey, it's a trick, but it seems that after it's done, the ones who benefit the most are the warriors and those idiots?"

Mo Lan was silent.

"Forget it, let's start with my elemental pool first. As long as my elemental pool is big enough and strong enough, I can blow up any forbidden magic field for you."

Mo Lan added the research of the forbidden magic force field to her schedule, and then devoted herself to the research of the element pool again.

"Element pool, do I want to set up an element pool for each element?

Or to build an element pool of which element to solidify spells of any attribute for the mage tower? "

"If all elements build element pools, although it is possible, it would be too complicated.

And if only a few kinds are built, it is foreseeable that many times they will be limited by the element pool attributes.

Do you want to build an element pool and form magic power?It doesn't work either, although the magic power can change properties freely, but its formation requires the participation of my spiritual power.

This means that I have to stay in the mage tower often, and the transformed magic power can only be controlled by me alone....... Wait! "

Mo Lan suddenly reacted.

"I'm a mage. If I don't stay in the mage tower, where will I go? If I have to go out, can't I take the mage tower with me?

And the transformed magic power can only be used by me alone, and the spell model that can be solidified on the mage tower can also be used.

And after being transformed into magic power, it is a great enhancement for me personally.

As long as I preside over the Mage Tower, I will have a huge amount of magic power to cast spells, so for me, the Mage Tower becomes an extension of my body, a storage of my magic power, and it can even be an amplifier, allowing me to leapfrog release Spells with high mana requirements?

For mages, an ordinary elemental pool is just a building, a building that solidifies a large number of spell models and has a large amount of element reserves, a defensive tower.

This moment is different, these two points are completely advantages for me, wonderful! "

Mo Lan patted her thigh with one hand.

"The mage tower was originally the exclusive equipment of the arcanist, and the matching degree is simply invincible. As long as the arcanist stands in the mage tower, it will really become a fort.

The mage can only watch helplessly, and can only control the solidified spell model. No matter how he uses the spell slot to cast the spell, the power will not become larger because of the element pool. "

After Mo Lan finished speaking, she immediately started designing the element pool with great interest.

"The four auxiliary element pools around, namely earth, fire, wind, and water, all leave paths to connect to the large element pool in the middle.

This element pool strengthens the suppressing effect, removes the effect of absorbing elements, and adds exported energy pathways......"

Little by little, under Mo Lan's hands, the design of the magic element pool slowly took shape.

Looking at the more than ten pages of design drawings, Mo Lan smiled and began to shape the scale model.

Expand the underground space, dig out the element pool, four around and one in the middle, save the step of solidifying the spell model, manually guide the four elements to enter, and walk through it according to the design level.

"Huh, it should work."

The deduction results in Mo Lan's mind are also gratifying.

"Except for the stone with high magic resistance, all other materials have been collected."

Mo Lan was taken aback by the news from Zou Peng.

"Is Mercury okay?"

"I ordered some at a high price from the group of science and technology parties, although they haven't produced any woolen results so far.

But these simple metal extractions are not a big problem. "

"Oh, I'll be back right away. Let the mage group gather and get ready. Everyone will replace the spell in the spell slot with the stone wall spell, and change all three."


Mo Lan got up and looked at the elemental pool model and the stones that solidified the fireball technique in front of him.


The element pool model was directly fragmented, but the stone was intact.

Mo Lan looked at it for a while, and couldn't help laughing.

"It turns out that the answer is so simple, the stone that solidifies the spell model contains elements inside.

The elemental power can prevent the effect of the stone wall from being activated. "

Mo Lan thought for a while, and released another water shield technique to wrap a piece of ordinary soil.

"Stone Wall Technique!"

The water shield was rippling, but the soil was motionless.

Mo Lan smiled, grabbed the stone and injected magic power continuously.

The stone shatters after the second fireball is cast.

Dark Fireball!


The black fireball exploded, tearing apart everything in the cave, and the corrosive flames spread all over the cave, burning one layer of the entire cave.

After making sure that no one would find anything, Mo Lan turned and left.

After coming to the side of the mirror lake, walk directly underground and return to the underground base all the way.

Before entering the underground base, Mo Lan randomly found a place that he didn't remember, stuffed the extraordinary core, and left.

Entering the bottom of the underground base, looking at the widened passage, Mo Lan went in and took a look.

70 meters!

It stands to reason that the limit of the stone wall in the magic position is more than 50 meters, and the more than ten meters beyond the limit is estimated to be ground down bit by bit by a hundred mages.

After all, although the spell has reached its limit, it can still be extended downward by a few centimeters or more than ten centimeters.

"Xu Zongxin, you did a good job."

Xu Zong smiled confidently.

"Then when will you teach us some dry stuff, instructor?"

Mo Lan laughed uncontrollably upon hearing this.

"Okay, their level is still a bit low, but you are almost there, I will teach you a little dry stuff, and then you will hand it over to them."

When Xu Zong heard the news, his eyes lit up.

"Okay, let's do the work now, and we'll talk about the rest after finishing the work.

The first and second teams are one group, and so on, all of them are divided into five groups, and they line up to follow me one by one. "


Xu Zongxin responded loudly, immediately adjusted the formation of the mage group, and followed Mo Lan's footsteps down.

When reaching the bottom, Mo Lan stopped.

"The first group, stone wall!"

As soon as the words fell, the first group subconsciously released the stone wall technique.

Mo Lan's mental power caught up with him the moment he was successfully released, captured him, and handed over the command.

Spell Resonance!

A thick yellow light sank into the ground, and in an instant, the ground shook slowly, and a long passage broke through the hard and dense stones and extended to the depths of the ground.

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