Zou Peng greeted Yi Fei and Zuo Qingwen as soon as they reached the lakeside.

When they saw Jinghu Lake, their eyes could not help but froze slightly. The magnificence and beauty of Jinghu Lake was beyond their imagination. It is vast and boundless, but it is not stormy. It is like a mirror embedded in the mountains, beautiful and beautiful. Huan.

On the contrary, the underground base of the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce seems ordinary to them, but when they think that this is the first underground base, it existed long before the sorcerer was exposed, and they are still quite emotional.

"President Zou, your first batch, the first batch of mages in the entire game was trained here, right?"

"Yes, at the beginning, [-] people were recruited, and after preparing a bunch of materials, the cats were trained here, and after the training, they were taken away for training.

It's been a long time since this flash. "

"I heard that you met a green dragon before?"

Zuo Qingwen asked curiously.

Zou Peng shook his head.

"I was not there at the time, so I missed it, but it did happen. The green dragon directly wiped out the entire mage group with one breath, and there was no chance to resist."

"It's a pity that no trace of the green dragon can be found. Otherwise, I really want to see what the green dragon and his lair look like. If I can witness it with my own eyes, I will die without regret."

Yi Fei said with some regret, obviously since he knew the news, he has sent people to look for it.

Zuo Qingwen next to her rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and said contemptuously.

"I think you're just a nest of greedy people, you're a scumbag!"

"Aren't you hungry?"

"I don't."

Zuo Qingwen said with her chest out.

"I just crave the little shiny things in its lair."

Zou Peng smiled when he saw it.

"Two, the other guilds have already arrived, just wait for the two.

And this time there may be clues to the green dragon's lair, the two of you can look forward to it a little bit. "

The two raised their brows and looked at each other.

A clue to the green dragon's lair?

"If it's this, it's enough to contact several major first-line guilds."

"But is the current green dragon us able to attack?"

The two looked at each other for a few moments, and immediately understood what the other meant, they didn't speak any more, and followed Zou Peng towards the inside.

As soon as I entered the lecture theater inside, I saw familiar figures one by one.

"Gentlemen, everyone present here must be familiar with the nine old first-line guilds in Hongfeng City, and there are quite a few of them.

Thank you for being able to give this face today, and come to join us.

Of course, I, Zou, will not let everyone down and go home.

Everyone is a busy person, so they probably don't have the heart to listen to my comparisons on the board. "

Speaking of this, the guild leaders below also showed smiles on their faces, and everyone laughed out loud.

After all, everyone is young, and the presidents of these guilds are no exception. Most of them are in their 20s, and the older ones are only in their thirties, so they won't be too big.

After Zou Peng finished speaking, he walked towards the small door next to him.

"As for the theme this time... please follow me."

The nine presidents were a little puzzled, looked at each other, and followed.

All the way down, the nine presidents followed Zou Peng through the magic laboratory and the study room, and finally led them into a wide underground space. There was an oblique downward passage in the center of the space.

But the doubts of the nine presidents not only did not resolve, but intensified.

But when he saw that passage, he couldn't help being shocked.

A straight passage extends diagonally downwards, with small pits dug on the smooth walls and oil lamps on them.

Oil lamps every few meters illuminate this passage, and the straight and wide passage seems to extend deep into the earth, with no end in sight.

"What is this? It's so deep."

"You don't have to worry, just follow me."

Zou Peng continued to go down and go deeper, while many presidents were also calculating the depth as they walked.

But the numbers in their hearts made them more and more surprised.

100 meters...200 meters...300 meters...haven't bottomed out yet.

"How deep did Zou Peng dig, and what did he find underground?"

Many presidents looked at each other, and they all saw the curiosity in each other's eyes.

They are no longer impatient, and all the impatience before has turned into anticipation at this moment.

After finally walking to the end, the end of the passage exudes a blue light of stars and stars. Zuo Qingwen walked in, looked up and saw the starry sky close at hand, and lowered her head, the light slowly faltered.

"What a nice view!"

Zou Peng stood beside him and waited quietly. Slowly, the presidents all came to their senses, and Zuo Qingwen couldn't help asking first.

"Where is this?"

Zou Peng heard a smile on his face.

"This is a whole new world! A world full of gold."

Chapter 139 "You are extorting!!"

"Come on, look here, this footprint, the height of this broken branch."

Zou Peng started to tour with the nine presidents.

"We found a lot of evidence that there was large biological activity here, and it was very frequent.

This shows that this underground space is so large that the entire biological chain is enough to support multiple races and multiple numbers of large creatures. "

"Do you have a mage with you? Let them feel the concentration of elements below."

Some of the nine presidents closed their eyes to perceive the words, and some asked the people next to them.

But the result was the same, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but his expression remained calm.

"Is the element concentration different? Why don't you guess what ingenious changes will occur between living and non-living things at this concentration?"

Zou Peng smiled without saying a word, and led them to a corner of the cave, where a layer of rock wall had been cut off, and all the weathered, corroded and cracked stones on the surface were removed, revealing the dense, firm and hard inside. Stone body without gaps.

And Mo Lan was among them, holding a square stone in his hand.

"These stones are very hard, with excellent indicators, and plants are the same. In the next short time, our Jiuding Chamber of Commerce will try our best to develop the special products of the underground world, try to establish contact with the alien races in the underground world, and complete trade.

You can come to Jiuding Chamber of Commerce more often, and you will not be disappointed by then. "

"President Zou, everyone, don't go around, chattering one by one, just tell me, I want to join the development and make a price."

Zou Peng smiled when he heard Geng Tao's words, and turned to look at the other presidents.

The other presidents glanced at Geng Tao, with some helplessness on their faces.

"What are you?"

The other presidents sighed.

"President Zou, I mean the same thing, let's make a price."

Seeing this, Geng Tao showed a smile on his face.

"President Zou, with my help, they said it first, don't they need to give us a little discount for the Niehuo Guild?"

Zou Peng couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, so he gave a thumbs up.

"I'll give you a [-]% discount."

"make a deal!"

Geng Tao smiled, but the other presidents glared at him. He didn't care at all, and was even proud of it.

"Everyone, you can join and buy an admission ticket."

"Well, it's reasonable to buy a ticket for the project you developed, you said."

Yi Fei stood up and said aloud.

"Each guild will lend me [-] fighters, plus [-] fifth-level fighters. The period is indefinite, and the longest is no more than one month."

Zou Peng smiled and said softly.


Yi Fei said firmly, Zou Peng didn't care.

"Don't refuse so quickly, don't worry, there is no life-threatening situation, and there will be no downgrades. Anyway, you won't be able to find a way to upgrade to the elite level for a while, and you won't be able to get so many fighters' job transfer materials.

Let me borrow it first, it's nothing. "

This is what Geng Tao suddenly wanted to say. The leader of the No. [-] Guild in the World and another leader suddenly jumped up and threw him to the ground, covering their mouths desperately.

"This is almost the elite of half of our guild, if you borrow it, our guild will have difficulty running.

And we're just a game guild, so there's no way to enforce it. With such a large number, we don't even have room for rotation.

And if the underground world is really as big as you said, then we can dig it out as long as we dig down.

The greatest value of your channel has already been given to us. We are willing to pay tickets because we actively want to pay a little, but we don’t have to pay. "

Yi Fei's words made Zou Peng laugh.

"Oh, really?"

Yi Fei's heart sank.

"The handsome guy next to you should be a mage, right? Let him cast a stone wall spell."

The mage next to him looked at Yi Fei.


The mage who got the order nodded and pointed.


The ground means, arched two or three centimeters.

Zou Peng walked over and kicked him.

"Are you trying to touch my feet? Well, it's not a stone, the rock formation hasn't moved at all, it's all weathered and broken rock from the ground."

A bit ashamed mage said something in Yi Fei's ear.

"This passage is so far the only one leading to the underground world. It is three meters high and five meters wide, very spacious.

If you are determined not to cooperate, then there is nothing you can do, Xu Zongxin. "


"Seeing off the guests, the passage will collapse as soon as the presidents leave!"

"President! We spent a lot..."

Xu Zongxin showed some reluctance and reluctance.

"Didn't you hear what I said? We couldn't hold on, it collapsed!"


Xu Zongxin turned around and was about to summon the mage group. Seeing this, Yi Fei rubbed his brows and waved to Zou Peng.

"Shut it up, stop it, don't act anymore, you guys are simply blackmailing!"

Hearing this, Zou Peng stretched out his fingers and moved them.

"No, this is a unique business, blackmail is not as fast as this."

Yi Fei was silent.

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