Black iron stones are extremely rare, and for stones of the same size, black iron stones are several times or even ten times heavier than ordinary stones.

And there are black iron stones in the northern mountains. They have the following characteristics. They are as black as ink, hard in texture, and have a metallic feel. When knocked, there is a clanging sound of metal collisions, just like black iron.

The highest-quality black iron stone is as moist as jade, and other properties are the same, but it is better, and its magic resistance and hardness are even better than other black iron stones.

This kind of black iron stone is often called black iron jade, and its price is ten times that of ordinary black iron stone. "

"How much is the news?"

Scar looked at him complicatedly.

"Free delivery. According to our gang rules, we have decided to sever all business relations with you. The news will be sent to you for free. It's a good get-together and break-up."

"You guys are very well informed."

Mo Lan gave a thumbs up, didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Thank you."

"This official matter is over, now let's talk about private matters."

Scar pulled out the hulking, tall and savage bear from behind.

"The parents of this child were beaten to death by the nobles on the street. They were stimulated since childhood, and their brains are not working very well.

Being pulled up by some of us, I heard that you blew up Earl Red Maple's castle.

I want to be your follower. "

Mo Lan turned to look at the wild bear.

With a serious face, the wild bear tapped his chest hard and made two muffled sounds.

"The wild bear will stand in front of you, and the wild bear will die in front of you."

Mo Lan looked into Man Xiong's eyes, his eyes didn't waver at all, and he looked at Mo Lan.

In his eyes, Mo Lan only saw something resembling paranoia.

"Okay, you will follow me from now on, and you will do whatever I ask you to do."

"Okay, sir."

The wild bear loosened his aura, and subconsciously wanted to show a naive smile, but he suddenly reacted, his face tensed, and he became serious. He left the scar and stood behind Mo Lan. His majestic body was more than a head taller than Mo Lan .

Mo Lan looked at Scar.

"The store will definitely not be able to open, so let's go back, let's get together and leave."

"It's good to get together and get away."

Mo Lan left with the wild bear, and quickly came to the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce to pick up Zhou Hao and Al.

But when he wanted to leave the city gate, he found that it was already too late, the gate of the city was under martial law, and the guards still held portraits in their hands.

Mo Lan curled her lips, she knew without looking at it that the one on the painting was himself.

Chapter 123 The characteristics of the monster bone

"It's still cool for you mages, learn a stone wall technique, and you can come and go anywhere freely.

No matter which nobleman is unhappy, just cheat that nobleman. No matter how high the magic resistance is, the castle will never fly, right? "

Ding Jin said casually following Mo Lan in the underground passage.

A flying castle?

An image appeared in Mo Lan's mind, and then she shook her head.

"What are you thinking, you can call these nobles feudal, cruel, and short-sighted, but you just can't call them stupid.

If anyone really thinks that learning the Stone Wall technique can easily deceive nobles, I guarantee that he will die a miserable death. "

Mo Lan smiled.

"Of course, if the news of Earl Red Maple has not yet spread, it may be successful if there is a time difference."



Wuchang quietly left Hongfeng City with a group of one hundred, walking on the main road, as if he was in a hurry to go to other cities, and the speed was quite fast.


"Then why don't you take the opportunity to make a fortune?"

"Why do you want to do it?"

Mo Lan looked at him suspiciously.

"Get the money fast."

Ding Jin took it for granted.

"But what can I do faster than this money?"

Mo Lan asked back, Ding Jin didn't believe it.

"for example?"

"Now I can quickly recover my mental power, and I can draw thousands of spell scrolls a day.

Excluding the cost of materials, I can earn a small target in a week, and directly collapse the low-level spell scroll market in the entire Morse Kingdom by myself.

Robbery is this fast?Still hiding, offending this and offending that, isn't it tiring? "

Ding Jin was lost in thought.

"It doesn't feel right."

Mo Lan shrugged.

"Using mages to rob is the stupidest way, and the least cost-effective way.

You still have to find the target, investigate the intelligence, prepare in advance, and sell the stolen goods. With that time, why not do it better than robbery?

It’s also good to engage in real estate, how many players don’t have a house to live in, and they dig a hole every day to bury themselves before they dare to go offline with confidence.

Have you ever seen a bank robber who has more money than real estate? "

Ding Jin fell into self-doubt.

"There shouldn't be such a fool, right?"

Mo Lan led a group of people out of Red Maple City and went directly to the previous training base beside Jinghu Lake.

After simply cleaning up, Mo Lan stayed here, let Zhouhao take two days off first, and asked Al to take him to the lake to have fun, but this little nephew was very happy, saying that uncle is good every day.

"Uncle, you are so kind."

"Otherwise, why is it your uncle? Go and play, I am your best uncle."

Mo Lan smiled and touched Zhou Hao's head.

Two tutors came over from the side.

"Al studies very hard. He really puts his life into learning. His talent is also good. He basically got through the first, second and third grades of elementary school. Now he is teaching fifth and sixth grades, and he will soon be able to enter the junior high school part. "

"Well, okay, then let's prepare the textbooks for junior high school, remember Zhou Hao don't relax.

Let him take and teach Al, and learn together. "

"Yeah. I know."

"Thank you for your hard work, I will treat you to dinner later."

After Mo Lan settled these things, he ran to the spell-casting training ground at the bottom. He wanted to verify something.

Mo Lan carefully recalled how he felt when he used his mental power to perceive Earl Hongfeng's castle.

"I don't know what formed the black iron stone, not only is it highly resistant to elemental power, but also to spiritual power.

It is extremely difficult for spiritual power to penetrate, and the castle built with black iron stone is not afraid of being prying by others with spiritual power. "

Like an ordinary log cabin, Mo Lan enters it as soon as he explores it, without any privacy at all.

"This feeling is very familiar, I seem to have felt it in something."

Mo Lan muttered to herself.

"It seems to be... a wild boar horn?"

Mo Lan took out the unicorn, and her mental power penetrated into it, as expected, a very stagnant feeling, difficult to penetrate.

"The characteristics of the black iron stone seem to be similar to those of these Warcraft bones and materials.

Hard, resistant to elemental power, resistant to psychic penetration.

The unicorn is due to the incorporation of elemental power, and the effect of the close combination of elemental power. Does this mean that the same is true for the black iron stone?

In the natural environment, certain stones and ores are fused with elemental power by chance.

Thus forming this special class of minerals? "

Mo Lan didn't know whether her inference was correct, but at least at this moment it was the most reasonable and most likely inference.

"If this is the case, can the Warcraft bones also have the same effect as the black iron stone?"

Mo Lan pondered for a moment and then shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you build it with bones, but it's useless if you can't piece it together."

Mo Lan stuck the two bones together, and it seemed that there was no gap, but Mo Lan's mental power could penetrate through it very easily.

"The adhesive between them must also use a material that has magic resistance, is hard, and has high physical strength.

And this bone is somewhat unsightly, if it is used to cast a mage tower... the style will be crooked in an instant. "

Mo Lan looked at Duojiao, thinking silently in her heart.

After a while, Mo Lan used the stone wall technique to create two big mills.

"Barbarian, come and grind."

"Yes, sir."

The tall and burly bear came over, grabbed the stone arm of the millstone and turned it.

The stone mill creaked, and Mo Lan attached the sharpness technique to the dagger and cut the horn into pieces.

The cut horns are thrown into the stone mill and polished bit by bit.

The unicorn slowly turned into small particles, and the small particles were poured in again.

After grinding again and again, the horn finally turned into a fine powder.

Mo Lan squeezed and sensed it with mental power.

"The elemental power is still inside."

After confirming this, Mo Lan searched for some information on the Internet, and then went out to look for clay.

The unicorn powder is mixed with clay in different proportions, and finally molded into the shape of square bricks.

Half of it was left to dry naturally, and Mo Lan generally pushed it through with a wall of fire technique, and it became dry instantly.

But all broken into several pieces, no piece is complete.

Mo Lan didn't care, her mental power spread over, trying to penetrate the broken bricks.

A low proportion has basically no effect, but a high mixing proportion can give Mo Lan a definite sense of stagnation.

The sense of stagnation is very weak, and compared with the original bone as a whole, Mo Lan can still penetrate easily, which is basically of no practical value.

"This doesn't seem to work, and it may be that my method is wrong."

Mo Lan muttered.

"However, even if it succeeds, the degree of magic resistance and hardness are definitely not as good as the original bone itself.

Not to mention the black iron stone with higher magic resistance and higher hardness. "

Mo Lan was lost in thought.

"It would be great if the bones could be melted, just melted and recast, but unfortunately the bones will only turn into ashes when they are burned.

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