Can you think of any way to do it? "

Chapter 124 Pure Steel Mage Tower?

"Failure, failure, all failure!"

Mo Lan tried many methods, such as high-pressure pure bone meal, fire-roasted pure bone meal, dry stewed bone stick, fire-boiled bone stick, but none of them succeeded, and all of them failed.

Either it cannot play the role of magic resistance, or it only has weak magic resistance, which cannot be actually used.

that is........


Mo Lan hiccupped, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Would you like to try resonance?"

Mo Lan gave up after several attempts, he couldn't capture the frequency of the bone stick at all, let alone reach a resonance.

"Warcraft bones can't be used, so what can be used as the material for the mage tower? It's impossible to use ordinary stones, right?

What can be built like that is called a tower at most, so what can we do?Trying to find stone with magic resistance?Find a needle in a haystack. "

Mo Lan knocked on the stone chair she was sitting on, suddenly a flash of inspiration came to her mind.

"My brain is pumped, why must there be magic resistance?

Can't the stone wall raised by the stone wall technique also resist spells?

As long as the density is high enough and hard enough, I don't need to weaken your spell damage, so that you can't penetrate through all the spell effects, isn't it all right?

The so-called magic resistance is nothing more than resisting the damage of elemental power, thus reducing the effect of elemental spells from this perspective.

And as long as the physical hardness is high enough, the spell will still be impenetrable. "

Mo Lan realized.

"Directly use the stone wall technique to compress the soil to make a mage tower?"

"No, no, no, it doesn't work, my strength is limited, even if I compress the stone wall, I can't resist the destruction of higher-level fighters and spells.

If you use the spell group to compress the whole process... It's too extravagant and the efficiency is too low.

I don't need this at all, there are a lot of naturally hard rocks in the world, especially underground. "

"It's a pity that the science and technology parties in the game are still too weak. They are basically at the level of small furnaces. The amount of iron and steel produced is too small. Otherwise, it seems good to pour a mage tower with steel."

Mo Lan recalled the shock when she heard the magical news before, and now she thinks about it.

"I don't know when they will resume production of gunpowder weapons. I heard that there are still a group of people researching elemental guns?

If you have time, you can communicate with them. There should be a common language. If they are successful, you can also get a few to play with. "

Mo Lan skipped this thought in her head, and then started to act without delay.

Now the pure steel mage tower is not realistic yet, maybe we can make one when the steel production becomes available in the future, it should be very cool, as for now, let’s find a way to make some high-strength stones.

"Stone Wall Technique!"

Mo Lan began to drill down.

A slanting downward hole began to appear.

"Stone Wall Technique!"

Time and time again, Mo Lan began to go deep underground.

Soon Mo Lan reached a depth of about 50 meters underground. When he got here, the soil had basically disappeared, leaving only hard rocks.

Mo Lan has already entered the rock layer. As a first-level spell, Stone Wall has basically reached its limit here.

Mo Lan's limit has not been reached, but the limit of the stone wall technique has been reached.

"I have to modify the stone wall technique when I have time, um, let's talk about it after I become a four-ring mage.

Upgrade the stone wall spell to a four-ring spell at one time. "

After creating spells, Mo Lan also had a new understanding of spells and spell models.

Spell nodes are the function nodes of spells. The more nodes there are, the more functions can be realized, and the higher the intensity can be realized.

To upgrade a spell is to increase its full set of structures, increase the number of spell nodes in each structure, and increase its strength. Although Mo Lan has never done it, she knows it well.

"However, it seems that there will still be problems with spell release time and other conflicts? Forget it, let's do it later, there is no rush."

Mo Lan moved her fingers and began to use magic power to construct the spell model of the stone wall technique.

Tip: Extended Casting!

Although the spell has reached its limit, Mo Lan can forcibly break the upper limit of the spell at the cost of increasing consumption by prolonging the casting.

In Mo Lan's view, spellcasting skills and the knowledge of creating spells are the most precious. They are the true inheritance of a mage, and the untold secret of a mage.

Spell model?

Isn't that something you can create at will?

"Stone Wall Technique!"

A more brilliant stone wall technique was completed in Mo Lan's hands, and the slanted downward corridor continued to extend.

Compared with before, the spiritual power possessed by Mo Lanyong, who is a mage of the third ring, made the quality of the magic power in his body rise to a higher level.

Although Mo Lan did not propose a clear classification of arcanists, the strength of arcanists is also increasing along with the increase in spiritual power.

So now the effect of fully releasing extended spellcasting is far better than before.

In this way, time passed bit by bit, and after an extended cast, he sat down to recover his magic power.

If you are mentally exhausted, then meditate for eight hours. While recovering, you should also improve your mental power as much as possible, and advance to the fourth-ring mage as soon as possible.

But Zou Peng found Mo Lan the next day.

"Zou Peng, you're not staying at the chamber of commerce, why are you here looking for me?"

"I have some news to tell you."

"Won't you post the message in the group? Will you come over?"

Mo Lan pouted, just in time to hear the noisy movement outside.

"A newcomer is here?"

"That's right, it's not suitable in the city. There is a ready-made venue here, so why don't you just bring it here?"

"Well, it's just right to bring it here, I can use it later."

When Mo Lan was talking, Zou Peng was also looking at the underground passage next to him.

"You made another one? That's right, it's a little more secure to make one."

Mo Lan was a little dumbfounded when she heard the words.

"I didn't do it this time to deceive people, I have other uses, and you will know it later.

Come on, what's the matter, don't delay my time. "

Zou Peng rolled his eyes.

"You must not pay attention to the forum news recently, right?"

"Huh? What's the matter, I haven't watched it for a few days, did you have any fun?"

Zou Peng was speechless.

"That's right, great fun, a certain player has been offered a reward of [-] Jinnas for his capture alive."


"Yes, I'm tempted, grab hundreds of thousands at a time, tsk tsk tsk, Earl Hongfeng really hates you.

He also has a lot of things to do now, and the elite fighters under him can't spare their hands, and he doesn't want to send ordinary fighters to give away the head, so he never came to chase you, so he had to offer a reward. "

"Whatever, anyway, there should not be many players who have beaten me."

"Well, but don't be too lax, as far as I know, many players have reached the threshold of being promoted to the elite.

They are all crazily earning experience to upgrade, and their level is at least one step higher than ours. "

"Uh, no, it's you."

Mo Lan pointed to her level.

"I'm almost level seven."

The corner of Zou Peng's mouth twitched slightly.

"I know you have a way to cultivate. I don't need to emphasize it again. Sooner or later, I will get the method of warrior cultivation, OK?"


"Forget it, there is one more thing, and this is the main reason why I came to you."


"Someone found a magical beast that can only flash."

Mo Lan stood up instantly.

Chapter 125 Little Devil!

"what's the situation?"

Mo Lan's face instantly became serious.


This spell can be said to be basically the soul of the mage, a real displacement spell.

Having the flash technique means that you can forcibly distance yourself when you are approached by melee.

For mages, as long as the distance is long enough, they can release spells as much as they want.

The ability of flashing to open up the distance means that one flashing can exchange one life.

For example, Mo Lan, if she has the Blink technique, she doesn't have to pitifully use the ring of fire resistance every time.

Basically, every time you resist the ring of fire, it is not used to push others, but to push yourself, and you have to put in a defensive spell. There is no way, the resistance to the ring of fire is too weak, so you can only bully Zou Peng and Ding Jin assassins and marksmen.

It's different if there is a flash, and the cool flash left, making the soldiers who had finally broken through the many obstacles and approached them full of bewilderment.

What about people?who I am?where am I?

"There was a pathfinder who went deep into the mountains to scan the map. He went in several times, and died at the hands of monsters every time. He didn't care. He was resurrected as a hero.

Today he died again, it was just like this, it was normal, but the point is that the monster that killed him suddenly appeared in front of him, seemed to be panicked, and killed the player passing by while fleeing.

When leaving, it also disappears directly. This kind of fast leaping skill has very strong practical significance, so we judge that this is not a long-distance teleportation, but a relatively short-distance flashing technique. "

"How did you know?"

Zou Peng released a screenshot.

"He exploded on the forum."

Mo Lan glanced at it twice, and rubbed the center of her brows with a headache when she saw the number representing the heat.

"Reading has exceeded [-] million."

Zou Peng shrugged.

"Soldiers who have been transferred from flashing skills are very exciting, not to mention that you have made the popularity of mages so high.

Who hasn't played a mage in other games, and who doesn't know the practical significance of the flash technique.

Come and go again and again, there will be ghosts if the heat doesn't rise. "

Hearing this, Mo Lan continued to look down, but when she saw the screenshot, she let out a sound of surprise.

"Hey, why does this monster look so much like a little devil to me?"

With a thin body half the height of a person, a pair of bat wings on the back, short curved horns on the top of the head, and dark black skin, Mo Lan gave Mo Lan the feeling of a little devil at first glance.

"Yes, there are also many people on the forum who say that, now they basically call this monster a little devil.

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