Earl Hongfeng's speed was extremely fast, which surprised Mo Lan, because it was obviously at an elite level.

There are quite a few nobles who have changed jobs, and it is rare for them to reach the elite level.

Mo Lan didn't dodge, and let Earl Hongfeng catch him.

"Damn it, God Mo was arrested just like that?"

"It's over, it's over, let the whole village have a feast, and save a seat for me."

"One bow, two bows, three bows, after the ceremony, it's gone, it's all gone."

Mo Lan glanced at the barrage, and smiled even more happily.

"Earl Hongfeng, your castle is so magnificent, and it has strong magic resistance. I'm afraid it's very, very precious, right?"


"Fuck, I seem to have understood what God Mo is planning to do."

"Hey, no?"

Earl Hongfeng, who had no intention of killing himself, had a proud expression on his face when he heard that.

"Yes, very precious, but isn't it too late for you to please me now?"


"I'm afraid this poor kid doesn't know what he's about to face?"


Hearing this, Mo Lan smiled strangely, which made Earl Hongfeng feel that something was wrong.

"Please? No, no, no, I just feel a little pity.

Your big, magnificent, and precious castle is about to be... gone! "

As soon as the words fell, before Earl Hongfeng had time to react, he felt the ground tremble slightly.

One second, two seconds...

The ground underfoot seemed to be sinking.

Earl Hongfeng subconsciously grabbed Master Wei Luo and Mo Lan and rushed to the distance.

In the third second... Boom! !


A huge building made of pure stone, enough to accommodate hundreds of people, with city walls, stables, barracks, moats, gardens and other facilities fell from a height of tens of meters.

At this moment, the ground cracked, and the entire Red Maple City shook, and some weak thatched cottages collapsed directly.

Those who were close to the city center could not stand still and fell to the ground in the shock.

Endless dust rises from the hole, and the howling wind makes the dust rush to the sky.

The dust dispersed, and Hongfeng Molan was stunned.

There is only a huge hollow left in the original place of the castle, and only a huge sinkhole is left.

Netizens were also stunned, recovering from the deafening sound, looking at the tiankeng, blinking their eyes.

At this time, only Mo Lan's doubtful voice sounded.

"It's such a big, strong, and precious castle, how can it be gone if it's gone?"

Mo Lan's voice woke everyone up, and the live broadcast room went crazy.

"Pfft, hahaha, Mo God, my eternal God!"

"Mom asked me why I was kneeling and watching the live broadcast."

"God Mo, you are provocative like crazy, you will die a miserable death later... Uh, no, you have already died a miserable death."

The angry Hongfeng punched Mo Lan, and the body was intact, and the players who were watching the live broadcast laughed like crazy.

"Hahaha, it's a terrible death, but why am I smiling so happily?"

"It's miserable, hahaha."

"Eat a feast, eat a feast, the whole village eats a feast."

"Ah, actually, Earl Hongfeng shouldn't kill Moshen, at least he should be locked in a dungeon and tortured for a hundred or eighty days."

"Earl Red Maple: Blame me?"

Mo Lan, who was in a soul state, shrugged. Seeing the complaints from netizens, she shrugged.

"I'm helpless too, send an elite fighter to catch me.

It doesn't matter at all, it's not much different from ordinary soldiers, if you kill it, you will kill it.

But I just hold my breath in my heart, and I panic, can this be tolerated?This is absolutely unbearable!

I am a player, who is afraid of anyone, if you have the ability to kill me, kill me! "

Mo Lan shouted, and suddenly a barrage flashed across.

"Uh, God Mo, you're resurrected. Earl Hongfeng is waiting so anxiously."

Mo Lan blinked her eyes, glanced at his flushed face, stared at his corpse with nowhere to vent, shivered subconsciously, pretended not to see it, and continued to shout.

"Will I be cowardly? Just kill him if he has the ability, and I will be a hero again in a second."

Gradually, the barrage was filled with one sentence.

"You are resurrected."

Suddenly, a different barrage flashed across, and Mo Lan's eyes lit up.

"God Mo, he is guarding outside, when will you be resurrected, can you run away?"

"Resurrection? Run? I'm not in a hurry, I even want to eat braised chicken and rice."

Just after finishing speaking, a message box popped up in front of him.

"God Mo, do you need us to save you?"

"Come on, come on."

Mo Lan was taken aback when she sent it just now.

"Hey, it seems that the live broadcast is not turned off?"

"Pfft, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, is God Mo so down-to-earth? I love it."

"Drip, the live broadcast room you watched has been closed."

Chapter 122 Followers

Mo Lan waited quietly, and when Earl Hongfeng left, he believed that Earl Hongfeng would definitely check the situation of the castle soon.

Although the castle has been shattered, Earl Red Maple will definitely not sit idly by and ignore the things inside.

Sure enough, as Mo Lan expected, Earl Hongfeng left in a hurry, leaving behind an elite warrior and some professional warriors to guard him.


As soon as the news was released, the long-awaited group of mages immediately began to cast spells.

Half of it is a stone wall technique, forming a hole in the area where Mo Lan died.

The other half is the fireball technique, the explosion of fireballs.

The power of more than 40 fireballs converged and exploded so that the soldiers who stayed behind quickly covered their faces with their arms and took a few steps back.

And at this moment, before the flames dissipated, Mo Lan clicked to resurrect.

"Water Shield Technique!"

After being resurrected, she was enveloped in flames and her whole body was burned, and Mo Lan quickly put the remaining water shield on her body.

The whole person was submerged into the hole under the action of gravity, and the soldiers who stayed beside him could only throw a few spells down with the flames on their shoulders.

There were a few screams, and it seemed that a few people had died, but the ground still closed up, and Mo Lan disappeared.

In a certain underground space, Mo Lan, who was covered in scorched black, moved around.

"Withdraw and withdraw."

"Are we just going? There's definitely a lot of good stuff in the castle.

And with the ability of the stone wall technique, we can move through the ground flexibly, maybe we can gain a lot. "

Hearing this, Mo Lan sized him up and said aloud.

"First, Earl Hongfeng is very strong, so I dare not resurrect and run away when he is guarding me. I don't want to seek death. Sometimes I like to die, but I never die.

Second, Earl Red Maple is definitely in the ruins of the castle right now. With your strength, it is very likely that you will die there before you can cast a spell and run away. He is an elite class. "

"Elite, God Mo, didn't you kill an elite before?"

"I can't beat this, or else I need you to say it?

Not to mention anything else in this castle, Guangjinas is definitely more than ten thousand, and there are tens of millions here, and the market is good, even hundreds of millions.

don't i want itThink about it, but I really can't beat it, what can I do, so, now listen to my third point.

Thirdly, Yi Fei and I said that the group of mages will be returned to him, and I will leave first. If you want to fight for wealth, it is understandable.

A little reminder for you, try to find money, don't hold the plan of getting out of the whole body, if you find the money, put it on the market and sell it, so it doesn't matter even if you die. "

After Mo Lan finished speaking, she sent a message to Yi Fei, and then opened a passage to go out on her own.

Although he was unable to support the use of third-level spell slots due to his mental weakness, the first-level spell slots of the stone wall technique were sufficient and did not affect him.

The magic troupe behind hesitated, Mo Lan thought for a while and then turned around and said.

"By the way, I will surprise Earl Hongfeng in three or ten minutes, you'd better stay away.

Waiting for me to finish the surprise in action. "

At this time, all the mages also made up their minds, and none of them left with Mo Lan.

Seeing this, Mo Lan didn't say anything, and left the area silently, then went up to the surface, and detoured to the tiankeng not far away, with a smile on his face.

The spells on the first and second sides of the ink cartridge have been restored, and Mo Lan waited until No. 30 minutes.

"Earth Split Technique!"

"Earth Split Technique!"

After casting the spell, Mo Lan turned around and jumped into the vertical hole that had been prepared.

At this moment, the ground fissure technique, which had been frustrated before, displayed its true power as a four-ring spell.


The earth shook, and three or four cracks appeared on the ground extending towards the sinkhole.

The crack broke off at the edge of the tiankeng, tearing the tiankeng apart, and the vibration became more and more violent.

The stone walls that originally supported the walls of the pit shattered in the shock.


Under the two ground cracking techniques, the tiankeng collapsed again, and the surrounding soil and gravel rushed towards the middle like a torrent.


A golden beam of light blasted out from the tiankeng, and the soil splashed and melted away, followed by a roar.

"Mo Lan!!"

Mo Lan glanced at the pillar of sight suspiciously, feeling a little strange, but feeling the soldiers approaching rapidly behind him, turned around and left quickly.

He casually left the core area, and instead of rushing to the chamber of commerce to find Al and Zhou Hao, he walked to the Black Crow Gang's residence and found Scar.

Scar saw that his eyes were complicated, and gave a thumbs up silently.

"I want to know what material Earl Red Maple used to cast the castle? What are its characteristics? Where is it?"

Scar was silent for a while, then spoke out.

"Black iron stone, an extremely precious stone, is as hard as iron, and has extremely high magic resistance. Generally, elemental spells hit it without a single one out of ten.

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