Mo Lan didn't want to waste time, just clicked to confirm the resurrection, the experience value was deducted, and then the whole person appeared in the grass hut.

At this time, the flames had spread to the first layer of grass wall, and Mo Lan felt a wave of heat coming towards him as soon as he was resurrected, which made his skin dry and quickly dehydrated, and the smoke and dust in the air made him cough again and again.

"Cough, cough, die!"

Mo Lan gritted her teeth, and threw her dagger at the sluggish leopard.

However, although the leopard was a little sluggish, he still avoided it easily, and left three deep wounds on Mo Lan's body with his claws.

But the already familiar pain just made Mo Lan grin and continue to pounce towards the leopard.

"Whirring whirring!"

The flames roared, the only fire-free area around the grass shed, but it was like a steel-making furnace. Every inch of space was filled with scorching heat. Whether it was the leopard or Mo Lan's hair and clothes, they had already begun to curl and burn. stand up.

In addition, the grass shed also had an open flame under the high temperature.

There is less and less space to dodge and move.


Mo Lan's throat was cut open, blood spurted out and squeaked on the ground, and was instantly evaporated.

Mo Lan clicked resurrect and instantly appeared in place, but a message popped up on the property panel.


The clothes on the resurrected Mo Lan's body have been burnt to ashes, and only a pair of boxer shorts showed no signs of being ignited in the fire.

In addition, both Mo Lan and Leopard have begun to show open flames.


The intense burning sensation made Mo Lan's face grim, grabbed the fiery dagger and rushed towards the leopard again.


Immersed in fear and pain, Leopard was unprepared for the first time, and was crushed to the ground by Mo Lan for the first time.


The leopard let out a low roar, Mo Lan's face was full of pain, and the hot dagger stabbed directly from the leopard's mouth, causing a stir.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Cough-cough-cough."

A white smoke rose and sank into Mo Lan's body, which made him relax, panting heavily, but coughing again and again due to the thick smoke.

The flames were raging, and Mo Lan felt that the water in his body was rapidly evaporating, and soon fell on the leopard, losing his breath.

Chapter 9 Seal Magic


The raging flames illuminated the entire valley as bright as day. The fire burned for half an hour before gradually extinguishing. Fortunately, Mo Lan had deliberately cleared an isolation area before, so the flames did not spread.

In the silent night, the residual temperature in the ashes gradually dissipated, strange noises could be heard from time to time in the valley, and from time to time a stone suddenly burst.

After a while, Mo Lan appeared in the center of the ashes wearing boxer shorts.

As the price of resurrection, the 150 and seven experience points obtained by killing the leopard just now were deducted by another fifty, leaving only 107 points, which just relieved Mo Lan from his weak state.

However, Mo Lan didn't care about it either. He didn't think it was a big problem whether he was weak or not.

Anyway, it's already so weak, can it be even weaker?

Stepping on the ashes with bare feet, there is still some warm feeling inside.

After pulling with his feet for a while, his body had disappeared, but the leopard's remains were still there.

The originally handsome and wild leopard has now turned into a one-meter-long, pitch-black, severely carbonized corpse under the flames.

Fumbling to find his own dagger, he first scraped off the leopard's carbonized skin and flesh, and when the bone tissue appeared, Mo Lan regained his energy and turned on the video mode that came with the game.

"I'm Mo Lan, this is the first extraordinary wild monster killed in "Real Game" so far, it alone has added 150 seven experience points to me.

This is a leopard. Unfortunately, this leopard skin has been burned into carbon by fire. If it is in good condition, it can definitely sell for a big price.

Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's take a look at the internal structure of the extraordinary leopard and see if we can find the extraordinary secret.

You must know that although this leopard is only so big, it is a ruthless character that can spit out a one-meter-long wind blade. If anyone encounters it, it will be torn to pieces. Coupled with the flexible speed of the leopard, it is not something we can do at this stage. deal with. "

As Mo Lan spoke, he dismantled the black corpse of the leopard, and explained it aloud from time to time.

"Well, the internal organs have basically been roasted, but the basic structure seems to be no different from normal beasts.

Now let's look at its brain again. "

While speaking, Mo Lan seemed to have touched something.

"Hey, look what I touched, a brain stone?"

Mo Lan took out a rhombus-shaped white crystal, and there were small cyan dots one after another. There were faint light links between the dots.

"Well, it seems that we have found the right place. This is estimated to be the real core of Leopard Transcendence. Let's take a simple name, let's call it Transcendent Core, maybe there is an extraordinary secret hidden in it.

Well, this hunt is over. Hello everyone, I am Mo Lan, welcome to bookmark my homepage, and the more recommended tickets, the better, I will continue to update, thank you everyone. "

Mo Lan turned off the camera after taking a picture of the surrounding situation.

As soon as the camera closed, Mo Lan raised the transcendent core and put it in front of him to take a closer look.

At this time, the ink cartridge in my mind suddenly turned, and the side that was assembled was just aligned with the transcendent core.

The rune on the side of the ink cartridge slowly changed under Mo Lan's gaze, and it soon became a brand new pattern.

The pattern after the cyan light dots in the transcendent core are connected.

After seeing this pattern, Mo Lan realized something in his heart. As soon as he thought about it, he suddenly felt that some cyan particles gathered around him, forming a model faintly in the void. The next moment, the cyan wind blade appeared, and in the strong wind, the wind blade broke through the air.

At this time, a person happened to come out of a stone at the back of the valley, staring at the extraordinary core in Mo Lan's hands, shouting loudly.


The wind blade swelled and turned into a meter-long wind blade that fell on a boulder next to the man.


Pieces of gravel splashed out from the boulder, and some of them even hit the face of the person next to him, causing him pain.

On the boulder next to him, a huge trace of more than two meters long appeared.

The traces were scattered and messy, as if someone had slashed hundreds of knives on it with a knife. It was not a single scratch that overlapped, but a lot of scattered scratches.

The scratches were deep, and even on the hard boulders, they left marks twenty or thirty centimeters deep and twenty or thirty centimeters wide.

Seeing this effect, Mo Lan was overjoyed, but did not show it, but looked at the person next to him suspiciously.


The man's face changed again, and he suddenly showed a shy smile.

"Hit... big brother, good evening big brother."

Mo Lan glanced at him with a half-smile.

"Big brother? Am I big?"

"It's not big, oh, no no no, no small, you are the most majestic and powerful elder brother I have ever seen, and the little one admires you."

"Okay, since you admire it so much, then take off your clothes."

Hearing this, the man's eyes widened and he looked at Mo Lan in disbelief.

"Don't take off?"

"Take off, take off, I take off."

The man glanced at the boulder next to him, his face was pale, and he said quickly, taking off his clothes after a while.

After a while, Mo Lan, who was fully dressed, left the valley, and the man behind him hid behind the boulder and shivered.

After Mo Lan walked away, the man let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the experience is preserved, Mad, what kind of immortals, supernatural beasts have been killed, and they can still do magic, my darling, he won't find a way to change careers, right?

But I will definitely catch up. Who am I, I am Emperor Ye. "

The man hid behind the boulder and muttered when he suddenly heard someone approaching, so he lowered his voice and lurked.

When the person approached the boulder, he jumped out, covered his mouth, stuck his neck and dragged behind the boulder.

The latecomer who was attacked was startled, but when he touched Ye Di's body, he panicked and struggled desperately.

It's a pity that Emperor Ye's hand is like iron tongs, and it is stuck on his neck, and the other hand directly ripped off his clothes.

However, at this time, a person attracted by the fire also appeared above the valley. He looked down, but was shocked when he saw the two people beside the boulder.

I was stunned for a second, and the next moment, I opened the attribute panel with the fastest hand speed ever, and chose to take a screenshot.


After the screen shot, the man took a closer look at the following two people with relish.

"Hey, wait, this person seems a little familiar."

The man was shocked, but to his disappointment, Ye Di who was beside the boulder didn't know what to do, so he dragged him and ran behind the boulder.

After a while, Ye Di sorted out his clothes, his face was serious, and he walked quickly towards the outside of the valley, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Well, no one should have seen it. My name is still there."

Behind the boulder, a surrogate ghost hid behind the boulder and shivered.

In his view, countless barrages drifted by like a storm.

"Hahaha, why is my screen full of holy light?"

"Whether this is a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature, please tune in to today's focus interview."

"Pfft, my girlfriend and I were having dinner, and I burst out laughing. If you have any conscience, the anchor, come to the hospital to see me."

"My condolences upstairs, and by the way, is your girlfriend still there?"

"Hey, am I the only one who thinks that person just now looks familiar?"

"I also feel a little familiar. It seems to be a high-level game player. I think what is it called?"

Ye Di: "Well, fortunately no one knows."

Chapter 10 Spell Models

"What should I do, is there a water friend next to Tieshu Town? Give the child a set of clothes."

"No, wait to die."

"No, wait to die."

"There's no help, just wait to die."

Qi brushed the barrage, making Li Bin sigh that the world is not worth it, and then a barrage caught his attention.

"The fire is so big here, there must be other people coming to join in the fun, and then choose a lucky crowd to grab a suit of clothes."

Li Bin's eyes lit up when he saw this.

Not long after, a person came out of the valley, his face was as usual, he tidied up his clothes and left quickly.

After a period of time, another person came out of the mouth of the valley. He also sorted out his clothes and walked outside calmly.

This kind of guy.......comes up every once in a while.

Mo Lan, who had already returned to the town, did not know what kind of chain reaction his actions had triggered. At this time, he searched the whole town and could not find a place to sit for a while, and the only hotel still used The simple price discouraged the simple man.

In desperation, he had to find a corner to sit down like other players, leaning against the wall, the only remaining restraint made him find a deeper alley, um, there are few people.

Open the forum, find the video you just shot and start editing.

First, take a few more shocking pictures from the video.

Put the picture at the very top, then edit the text.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mo Lan, this is an extraordinary leopard that I killed, the picture is attached.


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