After Mo Lan came out of the tavern, he glanced left and right, and then walked quickly to the alley, looking vigilant, he almost wrote "I have a secret" on his face.

Not long after he left, a series of people followed, and most of them followed Mo Lan at the same time.

However, some people went in the opposite direction of Mo Lan, as if they were really going home.


Mo Lan, who hadn't walked far, seemed to notice that someone was following him, with three points of panic and seven points of anger on his face, and suddenly quickened his pace and walked quickly.

Seeing this, a few people with sullen faces sneered and spread out to surround Mo Lan.

And Mo Lan walked more and more anxiously, and the more and more anxiously, he drilled towards the side alley, as if he wanted to find a place to get rid of them.

Seeing this, the hooligans in the back laughed hilariously, and didn't stop them. They just let the two of them go around, and the others hung behind them, but none of them saw the almost invisible smile on Mo Lan's face.

"Catch ducks, catch a few, catch five, quack quack."

Not long after, Mo Lan, who was in a hurry, didn't wait for the detour to stop him. He walked into the dead end by himself, and the five people who came over immediately blocked the alley.

"Brother, why are you walking so fast?"

A person walked up to Mo Lan, who had a flustered face, and patted the gray on his clothes and said aloud.

"Why did you forget your brothers when you had the chance to make a fortune?"

"Don't chat with him, say, where is the treasure?"

The other person waited for him and said fiercely.

Looking at this gangster with a face full of flesh and anger, the panic on Mo Lan's face suddenly disappeared. He grabbed his hand in the alley next to him, and grabbed a straight wooden stick with the height of the shoulder and the thickness of an egg, and said simply and simply.

"Well, indeed, stop fussing and hand over all the money on your body."

Hearing Mo Lan's words, the people on the other side were stunned, looked at each other, and suddenly laughed.

"Robber us?"

After speaking, they picked up the stone from the ground and held it in their hands, and one of them took out a palm-length dagger and charged towards Mo Lan.

Mo Lan smiled slightly.

"I don't know if you are surrounded by me? Do you still want to fight back?"

As soon as the words fell, Mo Lan's long stick was a little bit in his hand.

"A little bit of cold light came first, and then the gun came out... Um, sorry, I went to the wrong set."

Mo Lan said casually, raising the wooden stick in his hand and slamming it down.

The stick doesn't have any rules, but Mo Lan's brainpower and control are very accurate now, and they all fall on them one after another, without a single shot.

As soon as the stick was drawn, a red and swollen strip appeared on their necks, shoulders, hands, and then stabbed them in their stomachs again and again.

I don't know when, Mo Lan has turned behind them, holding a wooden stick, twisting his neck.

"You are surrounded by me, be honest, hand over all your money, or you will not be spared."

"Let me tell you, we belong to the Viper Gang, if you dare to touch me..."


Before the man could speak, he was slapped by the dagger man behind him, interrupting him directly.

After the fight, he directly took out all his money.

"Come on, take out all the money you have, don't gossip."

While talking, the dagger man started to move, took out all the money and handed it to Mo Lan, his red and swollen face smiling.

"Brother, this is our little care, you accept it, and you see, if you are short of money, you can consider joining our Viper Gang.

With your ability, eldest brother, you will definitely be able to manage a street. By then, you will have endless money to spend every month. "

Mo Lan looked at the dagger man with a playful look, and lifted the wallet with a piece of cloth, without saying a word, just pointed to the dagger on the ground.

The dagger man immediately showed a distressed expression on his face, but he still picked it up and handed it to Mo Lan, and he had no plans to fight back from beginning to end.

Mo Lan had a wooden stick on his shoulder and played with a dagger in his hand. He turned around and walked outside. He seemed to remember something when he walked, and took a piece of cloth and tied it to his face.

Well, you have to cover your face.

"Brother, if you are short of money, come to our Viper Gang."

Mo Lan didn't answer, walked directly outside, and finally disappeared in the corner. Seeing this, the dagger man was relieved, and then slapped the man just now.

"You viper gang, you viper gang, why haven't you been beaten to death when you are so awesome? Looking for death, right?"

"The big brother, I was wrong. I won't take revenge on him. I will call him big brother next time I see him."


Another big mouth slapped him in the face, and the other people's eyes suddenly became pitiful when they looked at him.

"That dagger man is a man of current affairs. He can bend and stretch. It saves me a lot of saliva. Well, next time, if I encounter it, I will kill it. Just to see if this kind of bastard counts as experience points."

Mo Lan muttered, finding a place to count the money.

"170 five copper nas, the cost is 150 copper nas, the net profit is [-] five copper nas, comfortable, murder and set fire to the gold belt, the ancients did not deceive me."

Mo Lan was all smiles, and ran directly to the grocery store, and slapped the huge sum of 80 yuan on the counter with the shop owner's contemptuous and contemptuous expression.

Well, Mo Lan said comfortably.

"Come on, wrap three and a half cans of oil for me."

The shop owner hesitated for a while, and finally wrapped the black oil in Mo Lan.

Money, still have to make a drop.

Mo Lan took the four bundled jars, and without hesitation, walked straight out of the town.

When I left, I didn't forget to open the forum and posted a post.

"Mo Lan: I found a way to get rich, surprise ヽ(·′з`·)?!"

As soon as the post was posted, there was a reply, and it was suspected to be in the forum.

"Extrajudicial madman: I know, I have a whole bookcase written on the method of making a fortune, and it is guaranteed to be effective and guaranteed to make a fortune. Do you want to see it?"

"Mo Lan: I mean in "Real Game"."

"Qin Chu Tangming: Well, there is no bookcase criminal law in the real game, and there is no law enforcement team, nor will you be caught in a water jail for a whole day because of robbery, nor will you be whipped [-] times, and then your name will be red. God, you can rest assured, really not."

"Mo Lan: Uh, we are good people, why do we rob you, won't you let others rob you?"

"Qin Chu Tangming: You mean..."

"Mo Lan: Yes, yes, as long as we do this first, and then we can make a fortune, we will not be found by the law enforcement team at all, even if we are found, you will not be guilty, and you will not be famous. There are pictures as evidence. .


"Qin Chu Tang Ming: ⊙ω⊙"

"Outlaw maniac: ⊙ω⊙"

"Zhang San Li Si: ⊙ω⊙"


In the town, Mo Lan looked at the backstage of the forum with a smile.

Favorite +1

Favorite +1

Recommended ticket +3

Favorite +1

Watching the data increase little by little, Mo Lan's confidence in full-time work has also increased little by little, and her mood has become happier.

But when he heard the familiar voice again after leaving the town, the smile on Mo Lan's face gradually disappeared.

The leopard followed him again.

"So many people come and go here, how can I be."

Mo Lan's face was stern, and instead of going to the forest, he walked along the river, going deep, going deep, and walking among the reeds, until Mo Lan saw a small Gobi.

Chapter 8 Self-Immolation

This is a valley. In the middle of the valley is the Gobi Desert, which is about the size of two or three football fields. There is no grass on it, only large and small stones, and Mo Lan is standing in front of the valley at this moment.

Looking at the terrain of the valley, Mo Lan turned around and walked back to the river, and cut down piles of dry reeds, weeds, and shrubs with a dagger.

Carrying the reeds and weeds to the middle of the valley, first build a simple skeleton with wooden sticks, and put on the reed leaves to make a simple grass hut.

The grass hut is set up, leaving a gap of about two meters around it, and the two meters away are all piled with reeds, weeds and shrubs.

Mo Lan, like an ant moving house, worked tirelessly, cutting down shrubs, reeds, etc. bit by bit, holding them up and stacking them in the valley, just like stacking walls, going around in a circle.

After the circle is full, go two meters outside, and then surround a circle of weeds and shrubs two meters away.

As the sky gradually darkened, the grass wall surrounded the valley four times, forming a large circle with a diameter of 20 meters in the center of the valley.

Molan didn't stop when he got to this place, but carefully checked outside the big circle, collected all combustibles and combustibles within a radius of 100 meters and piled them up next to the outermost initialed wall.

After all this was over, Mo Lan took out the three and a half black cans of oil. There was not one can left, so he just sprinkled it all over the grass walls on the fourth and third layers, and left a little in the end. Pour directly from the fourth layer of grass wall to the edge of the innermost grass shed and draw a line with oil.

Mo Lan glanced back, made sure there was no problem, climbed over the grass wall, went directly to the innermost, set fire with the flint he bought, lit a torch and inserted it next to him, and then went into the grass hut and fell down to rest.

The valley in the wild was silent, Mo Lan's breathing gradually became longer, and soon he fell asleep.

Not long after, a black figure appeared outside the grass wall, his nose gently sniffed, and the air was filled with a pungent smell, but the black figure didn't care, his limbs exerted force, and lightly climbed over the grass wall.

The shadows fell on the reeds, making only a faint sound, which was difficult to detect even on a silent night.

After crossing layers of grass walls, it didn't take long to come to the outside of the simple grass hut. The meat pads absorbed all the sounds and let it enter the grass hut silently, staring at the human who seemed to be undead in front of him with cold eyes.


There was a sound outside, as if something fell to the ground.

The leopard in the grass hut didn't care, the front legs lifted, and the claws with shining cold light fell towards Mo Lan's neck.

But at this moment, Mo Lan suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight at the leopard.

The frightened leopard's front paws exerted force, almost cutting off Mo Lan's neck, and rushed out of the grass hut with four legs, but just as he was about to leave, he was forced back by a wave of heat.


The flames burned, reflecting the entire valley like day, and the violent heat wave began to distort the air.

A three- or four-meter-high flame instantly rose from the fourth-layer grass wall and spread rapidly inward.

The nervous leopard's claws stretched out, leaving four deep marks on the stone under his feet. Its narrow vertical pupils reflected the raging flames and the primitive fear of it.

No matter how strong the beast is, as long as it has not become an intelligent creature, it must have the most primitive fear of flames. This primitive fear is deeply embedded in the gene chain of their ancestors from generation to generation, without exception.

Mo Lan floated in the air as a soul perspective, watching the leopard growling constantly, trying to escape outside, but every time he was forced back by the raging flames.

After a few times, the leopard lowered its limbs and let out a low roar, the blue light flashed, and a tiny curved blade formed between its fangs.

"Whirring whirring!"

"Wind Blade!"

Mo Lan shouted in surprise, the magic has been used, and this leopard has already involved the extraordinary field.

Under Mo Lan's gaze, the cyan wind blade expanded rapidly and directly transformed into a cyan wind blade more than one meter long, which was slashed against the grass wall by the strong wind.


The grass wall was split in an instant, leaving a slender scratch on the ground, but before the leopard rushed out, the more vigorous flames directly swallowed this narrow road. Under the strong wind, the fire was much bigger than before. two o'clock.

The leopard who spit out the wind blade became a little sluggish, and the divine light in his eyes was much weaker.


Mo Lan couldn't help laughing and clicked resurrect, but this time, instead of directly resurrecting, a page popped up.

"Reminder: 50.00% of the experience required for leveling up will be deducted for death above level one. The first time the level is insufficient, the experience will be deducted until the current level has zero experience value. There is one and only one opportunity to maintain level for each level.

If there is no chance of relegation and the deduction is insufficient, the experience value of the previous level will be replaced by the experience value of the previous level. Until the deduction is complete, the deducted experience value will be downgraded, but the added attribute points will remain unchanged. After the resurrection, the player will be in a weak state, and the strength can be used to match the experience value. level, and the weakening time until the deduction of experience points is completed.

No longer remind/determine resurrection. "

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