And this starts with..."

Mo Lan wrote a large piece, appropriate pictures, and finally put the video at the bottom of the post, and finally edited the title.

"Shocked! The handsome man hunted the extraordinary magic leopard to find the extraordinary secret!"

"Well, send."

Immediately after Mo Lan sent it, there was a lot of waves on the forum.

This post, which is full of explosions and has no shortage of dry goods, immediately attracted the attention of the majority of players, and they responded below one after another. After a while, the post became popular, second only to a star whose hand was scratched by a tree branch.

"Bastard Mungdou: Shocked, this person shocked me."

"Beijing exam: 3 minutes, I want all the information of this male bank."

"Li Jingyu: It's a bit interesting, is it hunting extraordinary monsters with flames? Same as I think, I'm also preparing to do it, is anyone investing?"

"Wang Sanmei: Is the Transcendent Core for sale? The price is negotiable."

In a deserted alley, Mo Lan couldn't help showing her aunt's smile when she looked at the comments one by one. She liked one after another tirelessly, before closing it reluctantly after a long time.

Before closing the forum, I took a look at it, and now the collection on his homepage has increased a lot compared to before, to more than 5000, and it is still growing. If it is always popular, it will not be long before it can exceed [-].

"Let's set a small goal first, and the collection will break through [-]."

Mo Lan, who was in a happy mood, closed her eyes to perceive the ink cartridge, and looked at the side with the cyan three-dimensional model engraved.

The model on this side became dim after the wind blade was just triggered, Mo Lan deliberately timed it, and it took about half an hour to recover.

In other words, Mo Lan now has a spell, wind blade, instant cast, with a half-hour cooldown.

"Half an hour, the interval is too long. If this problem can't be solved, the spell can only become a hole card, and it is impossible to become my flat A."

Mo Lan frowned slightly, which did not meet his expectations.

Looking at the cyan three-dimensional model on the ink cartridge, Mo Lan had an idea.

"Can I cast spells on my own without relying on cartridges?

It stands to reason that the leopard can do this, and I should be able to do it, so the key should be the super core, or the model. "

Mo Lan carefully pondered the cyan model on the ink cartridge.

This model is rubbed from the leopard's extraordinary core by the ink cartridge, but it is clearer, more thorough, and more three-dimensional than the one on the extraordinary core.

Compared with the hazy, indistinct cyan light spots on the transcendent core, it is obvious that the rubbing on the ink cartridge is more suitable for research.

"Models are key, but how should I cast spells?

Modeling out of thin air in your head?It shouldn't be, if you think about it, you can cast spells, then the leopard won't wilt like that with a wind blade before. "

However, although he thought it was unlikely, Mo Lan still tried to build a cyan model in his mind.

Because of the existence of ink cartridges, this is simpler than imagined. The computing power brought by the rotation of the ink cartridges makes Mo Lan like a human computer. After several attempts, a three-dimensional cyan model is reproduced in his mind.

As expected, the cyan model did not cause a slight reaction, let alone the formation of wind blades, just like the cyan particles caused by the previous ink cartridge casting, that is, the wind element fluctuations did not appear.

The experiment failed utterly.

Mo Lan was not depressed, but continued to think.

While thinking about it, the ink cartridge seemed to be moved by an invisible hand and rotated rapidly, giving Mo Lan powerful computing power.

Mo Lan directly simulated the real environment in his mind, started modeling, and started simulation experiments again and again.

But within a few minutes, Mo Lan held her forehead with a headache.

"No, there is too little data to complete modeling, let alone experiments.

Perhaps in the future, there will be more data to conduct simulation experiments in this way, but now it will definitely not work, and experiments must be carried out in reality. "

Mo Lan rubbed his brows and continued to think.

"Through previous observations and casting spells, it is known that spells will trigger the elemental energy in the outside world and form a spell model in the outside world. From this, it can be assumed that the spell model is an introduction, a frame, and filling the frame with elemental power is A successful spell."

"Verify it."

After speaking, Mo Lan thought directly, the top side of the ink cartridge lit up, and in the blur, Mo Lan seemed to see some cyan light spots converge, forming some small dots in front of him, the dots were hooked up with each other, and then the cyan light Click to file in.


A meter-long cyan wind blade roared out, leaving a few deep traces on the wasteland not far away.

After getting rid of all the interference, Mo Lan closed his eyes after watching the whole process carefully, and realized it carefully.

In his mind, the ink cartridge was rotated, and the picture just now was replayed in Mo Lan's mind bit by bit, as if a top-notch camera was used to capture every detail, and it could be paused, zoomed in, or played backwards at will.

Mo Lan opened her eyes after a long time.

"Judging from the experimental observation just now, not only did it not make the hypothesis loophole, but it further confirmed the hypothesis. In this case, according to this hypothesis, if I want to release the spell, I need to solve two problems.

First, build a spell model in my mind and communicate with the outside world... No, this is very difficult. Maybe I should consider building a spell model directly with other things now, which is more practical and easier to implement.

Second, that is to solve the problem of controlling the wind element. Although most of the wind blades use the wind element in the environment, I still need to provide the introduction as part of the model.

Maybe if I solve these two problems, I can become a true mage. Well, at least I can use the wind blade. "

Chapter 11 The Son of God

"Actually, the two problems can be directly merged into one."

Mo Lan thought.

"A qualified spell model should have the function of communicating elements in the environment."

"It's just how do you do it? Is it to create a whole new medium or..."

Mo Lan took out the extraordinary core of the wind blade in his arms, which is a natural casting carrier, which contains a spell model and can mobilize the elements in the environment.

"But how to use this extraordinary core, open a scoop and put it in your head?"

After thinking about it carefully, Mo Lan gave up the idea because he felt that this extraordinary core was too rubbish.

"Would you like to grind the transcendent core into powder, and then use this powder into ink to draw the spell model?"

"Well, it may be feasible to some extent, but it's too wasteful, so for now, let's put it on hold for now.

Maybe I can consider drawing the spell model with materials that can communicate with the environment. Well, it should be better to use a matrix that can store elemental energy. "

Thinking of this, Mo Lan frowned.

"The Real Game is like reality, there are countless substances, and there are thousands of materials that can be obtained.

Looking for a needle in a haystack without knowing the properties of these materials and without the slightest clue is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if there is, I can't waste all my energy on it. "

"But this problem must be solved. If it is not solved, even if I temporarily avoid this problem now, it will be solved sooner or later."

Mo Lan tried hard to think of a solution, and seemed to think of something, but in the end she shook her head and put the problem aside for the time being.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later when someone has the resources, and now think of a way to solve the problem of spell casting.

Connect with the environment, communicate elemental energies, and start by experimenting with materials that are more likely and readily available.

First, the substrate, paper, animal skin, wood, stone, well, that's all for now.

Then the ink will be tested with six kinds of blood, human blood, animal blood, supernatural beast blood, big tree sap, cinnabar, and ink. "

After selecting the materials, Mo Lan quickly designed the experimental plan.

However, there was a question that made Mo Lan ponder before purchasing the materials.

"By the way, where should I live? Buy a house?"

"No, I can't afford it."

In desperation, Mo Lan finally looked at the river outside the town.

Walking along the river, you can find the forest where Mo Lan was before.


Mo Lan let out a distressed sigh, helplessly preparing to buy some common experimental materials and some things that might be used in the forest.

Such as saws, barrels and other tools.

After making a list of what to buy, Mo Lan got up and walked outside. When passing an intersection, two people ran in front of Mo Lan, chasing and fleeing.

"Damn Barud, you devil in hell, I'll kick you in the head with my boots!!"

Mo Lan glanced at it and continued to walk outside without paying any attention.

This is one of the hallmarks of Real Games, where the world continues to function even when no player is involved.

And just like the incident just now, if Mo Lan chased after him, he might be able to get a task, which would promote the completion of this incident and affect other individuals in the environment.

But even if there is no player's participation, the event will continue, but the result may be changed or even reversed, and it will still affect other individuals in the environment.

"No one will stop when the world leaves."

Mo Lan strode forward, but before he could leave the remote area, he was blocked by a group of people. The leader was a strong man, his face was full of flesh, and he was a head taller than Mo Lan. It was estimated that there were two Miduo is tall, standing in front of it is like a city wall, which brings a sense of oppression to Mo Lan.

And there were a few people in the back just after the front was blocked. It was obvious that there was a premeditated plan.

Mo Lan glanced a few times and saw a familiar face, the man who had earned money from him before.

"What do you want to do?"

Mo Lan said calmly.

"It's very simple, two choices, either join us and make a fortune together, or pay the price for our previous actions."

The strong voice sounded.

"As long as you join us, what happened before that will not happen.

If you don't join, you can't live in Tieshu Town, and you will die miserably. "

"Don't join, get out of the way, I'm in a hurry."

Mo Lan glanced at him and said.

"You're looking for a dead end."

The flesh on the strong man's face twitched, his eyes showed a fierceness, and the big slap of Pu Fan was pinched directly at Mo Lan's neck.

Mo Lan raised her eyelids slightly, and spit out two words from her mouth.

"Wind Blade!"

Half an hour had passed since Mo Lan's previous experiment. As soon as the words fell, a cyan wind blade formed, which instantly fell on the strong man's chest and shredded it.

The strong man's chest was torn to shreds by the violent wind blade in an instant, and his flesh and blood flew, revealing the pale ribs and the internal organs torn by the strong wind.

"Ho! Ho!"

The strong man fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and his mouth made a ho-ho sound like a broken bellows.

"God's son!"

The person next to the strong man was shocked and murmured.

Not far away, a melon-eating player also widened his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Fuck, magic!"

Mo Lan heard the raised eyebrows of the Son of God, but didn't say anything, and walked towards the strong man with a dagger in his hand.

None of the dagger men dared to stop them, they looked at Mo Lan in fear, and hurriedly gave way as soon as he approached.

Mo Lan went all the way to the strong man, squatted down and looked at his wide eyes, put the dagger in his hand around his neck, and cut it off bit by bit.

The strong man died, and a white smoke did not enter Mo Lan's body, but obviously they didn't see the dagger man.

"You...Aren't you afraid of the Viper Gang? If you offend the Viper Gang, you won't be able to survive in Iron Tree Town, and the Viper Gang will definitely kill you.

Even if you are the son of God, you cannot escape. "

A man whispered sternly, Mo Lan got up after hearing the words, turned to look at him, and said indifferently.

"Do you know who I am?"

When the dagger man and the others heard this, there was a look of surprise in their eyes, could it be...

"do not know."

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