
With a crisp sound, the brand-new spell model collapsed and shattered, and the first and second sides of the cartridge, which belonged to Earth Splitting and Fireball respectively, appeared again.

"Is the fusion failure because the level gap between the two spell models is too large?"

Mo Lan slowly felt the information on the ink cartridge. Just when he wanted to replace the Earth Splitting Technique with the Wind Blade Technique, he felt dizzy for a while, and then he reacted.

"It turns out that fusion will consume mental power, oh, I was taken out of time, and I was a little dizzy."

Mo Lan was dizzy and staggered when she walked. She had no choice but to walk to the side of the road, sit under a tree, and close her eyes.

And when I closed my eyes and meditated, I also began to think in my heart.

"Fusion? Is this a new function of ink cartridges? What kind of spells will fireball and earth fissure fuse?"

"It seems that the level difference between Fireball and Earth Splitting is too big to be integrated. Can the Wind Blade, which is also a dozen or ten spell nodes, be integrated with Fireball?

What spells will appear if fused? "

Mo Lan closed her eyes and thought, but at this moment, the sound of carriages gradually came from far and near, and Mo Lan heard a voice after a while.

"Master, there is a fainted passerby in front of him. He doesn't look like a soldier. He should not be the one who cast spells in front of him."

Chapter 33 Forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-five yuan

"No then go."

"Yes, sir."

As the frame approached, Mo Lan opened her eyes and turned to look at it. It was a slightly old carriage. The decorations on the corners had many scratches, which made it look worn out. There was only one horse pulling the carriage, which was not a big deal. Tall, but a little thin.

However, the decoration on the curtain of the carriage made Mo Lan realize that this was the frame of an aristocrat, and it looked like a run-down aristocrat.

Mo Lan's gaze caught the attention of the driving servant, who stared at him alertly, and then slightly accelerated the speed of the carriage to pass.

Before he left, Mo Lan vaguely heard a voice.

"Master, are we really going to sell the castle and territory? This is the last glory of the family."

"No, the glory of the family does not lie in the castle and territory, but in me, and I am the glory."

The voice was very young, but the perseverance and confidence in the words made Mo Lan a little moved.

The carriage went away, and Mo Lan continued to close her eyes again.

This mental overdraft made him very tired, and he didn't even have the energy to read the forum, so he had to close his eyes and rest, thinking with the additional computing power of the ink cartridge, and trying to calculate.

The ink cartridge provides computing power and does not consume mental power.

After closing his eyes and resting for about an hour, Mo Lan got up and prepared to set off again.

But now he doesn't dare to continue to try spell fusion indiscriminately.

I used to be lucky and never encountered danger, but it is not always so lucky, and it is never safe to be in the wilderness.

For a mage, without mental power, it is like a tiger without claws, with no power to bind chickens.

This applies to any kind of mage.

Walking on the road, holding a long wooden stick, Mo Lan suddenly reacted.

"The mage is too useless, I am also a professional mage anyway, if there is no ink cartridge, then I only have one spell slot, which is still the lowest level spell slot.

This kind of strength can't beat a warrior at all, and even a warrior can release a spell. "

Mo Lan said helplessly.

"It's a pity that I don't have any spell scrolls on me, or else I wouldn't be in the current situation.

I can understand that the mage is weak in the early stage of the profession. Before the transfer, it was only to improve the spiritual power, and there was almost no combat power.

And even if he changed jobs, his combat power in a short period of time was probably only five. "

Thinking of this, Mo Lan fiercely squeezed the wooden stick in his hand.

"It must be accumulated, and after arriving in Hongfeng City, it must be dormant for a period of time, otherwise the combat power will not be able to form, and it will always be a pretense.

And as a mage, there shouldn't be only one spell slot, and similarly, the constant spells used by magic flow mage to enhance physical fitness have not been resolved. "

Speaking of this, Mo Lan suddenly frowned.

"Alas, I hope Red Maple City has enough information to help me complete this step.


Mo Lan sighed and moved on, looking forward to the arrival of the goblins along the way.

To his disappointment, he never met the goblins again, but he did meet many kobolds, goblins and other weak gregarious monsters, all of which were easily defeated by Mo Lan.

When he met the kobolds, Mo Lan, who had already understood what it was, reluctantly used all means to kill most of the kobolds and gained a lot of experience.

And it really didn't go beyond Mo Lan's expectations. No matter how weak Mo Lan showed, he was never attacked by the same race for the second time from beginning to end.

"Is there really some murderous aura, suffocating aura, etc. in the body after killing too much, or how can I explain that they will run away when they see me?

The attacks are not attacked, and it is difficult for them to exchange messages in a friendly way between different races?how is this possible? "

Mo Lan finally understood why there were so many goblins, kobolds, and goblins on this road, and they were able to live until now.

Just four very simple words, bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

Encountering the stubborn stubble of the crowd, turn around and run, not appearing in their field of vision from beginning to end.

When encountering a loner or a weak one without hesitation, they immediately swarmed up.

In terms of Mo Lan's strength, there should be no one on this road that can threaten his existence with individual power, so outside the beginning, there is basically no attack in the later stage.

Of course, this is also the reason why the powerful aliens and demon beasts must have been besieged and killed by the army of Red Maple City, leaving behind some weak people who are not afraid of it.

And the scene that Mo Lan was looking forward to did not happen. Except for a few attacks in the early stage, he came to the outside of Hongfeng City without hindrance.

Along the way, Mo Lan's experience has probably increased by more than 300 points, nearly [-] points.

More than 90.00% of them were killed by Mo Lan bombarding them with fireballs while they were in a dense position.

And very few are actually killed with a stick.

After all, even if Mo Lan's sticks can accurately hit their throats, eyes, lower genitals, etc., Mo Lan's stamina and strength are flawed.

These two attributes with no added points are just about the level of ordinary people, even if Mo Lan relies on extraordinary precision and micro-manipulation to kill one monster after another.

But Mo Lan's physical strength is limited after all. Almost every time he kills a monster, he needs to go all out. If this happens, he will be exhausted soon.

"Three hundred experience points, a lot, but not much, alas, even a fraction of the third-order upgrade of ink cartridges is not enough."

Mo Lan looked at the experience bar under the ink cartridge in his mind and sighed deeply.

Second order: 0/10000

Mo Lan counted it many times before he was really sure that it was really ten thousand.

It takes [-] experience points to upgrade to Tier [-].

"Fuck, it's really outrageous, it only takes [-] experience points to upgrade to the first rank, a thousand to upgrade to the second rank, and [-] to upgrade to the third rank.

Good guy, I'm direct, good guy, won't I get 1000 billion experience points when I upgrade the ink cartridge to the tenth level? "

Speaking of this number, Mo Lan felt a bit of a toothache.

"Forget it, it's a headache to see, let's upgrade first.

At least the mental power has to be mentioned, condensing a few more spell slots, so that when you encounter something, you can only watch after throwing a fireball technique, alas, there are so many things. "

However, at this moment, an incomparably sweet and universally loved female voice sounded in her ears. Mo Lan's blood was bursting with her words. The decadence just now was swept away, and she was instantly full of passion, and she began to shout about upgrades.

"Dick, the transaction is successful, and the balance is 95 yuan."

Hearing this voice, Mo Lan glared excitedly and opened the trading interface directly.

The one-hundred-silver Nass order listed above was sold at a total price of 5 yuan, and the transaction was successful.

After the five-yuan handling fee was deducted, more than 4 yuan was directly transferred to his wallet balance, and the five-figure balance made his eyes shine.

Without hesitation, Mo Lan clicked to withdraw cash directly to the bank card. It didn't take long for Mo Lan to see the news of the bank card's arrival and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, hahaha."

After a long time, Mo Lan's smile gradually restrained, the pressure in her heart disappeared, and she sighed happily.

"I... made it."

Chapter 34 Red Maple City

"The first pot of gold is in hand, and we will make persistent efforts next."

Mo Lan suppressed her excitement.

"This game has a lot to offer."

Looking at the huge shadow that appeared in the field of vision, Mo Lan walked forward quickly.

The first thing that caught Mo Lan's eyelids was a tall city wall that was slightly inclined.

The city wall made of strips of stone tilted slightly inward, and some diamond-shaped arrow holes and some hideous paw prints were vaguely visible on it, which seemed to tell the ups and downs that the city wall had experienced.

The city wall about ten meters high extends to both ends of the field of vision, and the tall city wall gives a huge sense of oppression.

"Is this the Red Maple City? It's so spectacular."

Mo Lan walked over in surprise, and before entering the Red Maple City, Mo Lan saw the crowd of players at the door.

This group of players stood at the gate of the city laughing and giggling, while there seemed to be many people sitting on the ground with a piece of cloth in front of them, or they simply put the goods on the ground for sale.

Mo Lan looked at this as if it were a lifetime away, completely different from what he had felt in the forest before.

"This is an online game. Before, I was just playing a single player."

Mo Lan shuttled among the players, listening to the languages ​​all over the country and watching the various commodities on the stall.

"Water, black bread, dried meat, fishing net, wooden fork, rope, pancake fruit, candied haws, bone sword, bone dagger..."

Mo Lan, who was walking, suddenly held back, and took a few steps back with a strange expression on her face.

"It seemed that something strange was mixed in just now. Damn, there are actually pancake fruits and candied haws. Brothers, how did you do it?"

Mo Lan stared at the two players selling candied haws and pancakes.

The two laughed hilariously.

"Just when I found the material, I made it. Do you want one? Bingtang gourd has one copper and one copper, and one rock candy apple is three coppers."

"Pancake fruit, nothing is added with two coppers, the taste is absolutely the same as what you eat in reality."

"Forget it, don't eat it, just feel a little weird."

Mo Lan said with a strange expression.

"Playing a game, it's a game with a western medieval background, and you can see candied haws and pancakes... Sorry, it really feels a bit unexpected.

Play a game and still have a snack? "

Hearing Mo Lan's words, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"Hahaha, you must have just come here, right?"

"Well, what happened?"

"You will find even more surprising things when you enter the city."


Mo Lan asked strangely.



"Hey, the feces in Hongfeng City are no longer handled at will, do you know why?"

"Because all feces can be sold now, there are players who collect feces for composting."

Mo Lan's eyes narrowed.

"Damn it, shouldn't there be people who are still farming? Playing a game and farming? It's too much."

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