More than 500 experience points have been added, and there are half-pipe experience bars.

The shaking of the earth gradually subsided, and the power of the Earth Splitting Technique had actually passed away long ago, and the vibration behind was purely due to the collapse of the mountain.

And this is also the reason why Mo Lanping only got a little more than 500 experience points after a gang of hungry wolves helped a village.

The damage of Earthquake is limited, its strategic significance lies in the high degree of damage to the terrain, and it can cause extremely high damage in specific terrains.

The rules of the experience value system of "Real Game" are very complicated, and even now Mo Lan can't say it clearly.

Anyway, only the launch of the Earth Fissure, and the death directly and indirectly caused in a short period of time later brought experience to Mo Lan.

By the time the professional warrior died, the experience value had long been lost. The professional warrior died because of the Mo Lan fireball technique, which added new influences before calculating the experience value.

With the subsidence of the vibrations, there were constantly bewildered people standing up on the top of the mountain, on the mountainside, and under the mountain in front of them. Their eyes were full of lingering fears of the rest of their lives, as well as the endless fear of the just landslide.

"I am going to kill you!"

The only remaining professional soldier of the Hungry Wolf Gang rushed down the mountain, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Mo Lan frantically.

Mo Lan looked at him calmly, motionless, a gust of wind blew past him, and a man with a sullen face and a professional warrior from the Hungry Wolf Gang crashed into each other.

"Ah, Wayne, you son of a bitch, I'm going to rip you off!"

After that, people from the Viper Gang rushed over one by one, slashing and slaughtering the hungry wolf gang, who were in a state of embarrassment and exhaustion.

The hungry wolf gang members who had just escaped the disaster died quickly, even if there was sporadic resistance, it would not affect the overall situation.

And Mo Lan stood there, calmly watching Wayne kill the last professional warrior of the Hungry Wolf Gang with the help of other gang members.

Two hours later, the Hungry Wolf Gang was completely removed from Tieshu Town.

With flushed face, Wayne, who was wearing torn clothes, handed a bag of money to Mo Lan.

Mo Lan took the money and counted it, one hundred silvery silver Nas, and at the same time, a system prompt sounded in his ear.

"The task is completed, you will get [-] silver nas, [-] experience points, and two reasonable requirements for the Viper Gang."

Four hundred experience points have not entered the body, and Mo Lan is very satisfied with the experience bar that can be upgraded with only a few dozen points.

"Mr. Mo, you have successfully obtained the friendship of our Viper Gang. You can make two reasonable requests to us."

Wayne's mouth twitched and he said softly.


Mo Lan said with a smile.

"One asks for a hundred silver Nas."

Wayne's expression did not change at all when he heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched, but his eyes contained a bit of hidden contempt.

"as you wish."

After speaking, he took out another money bag and handed it to Mo Lan after a while.

Mo Lan weighed something and felt something was wrong. When he opened it, it turned out that there was one gold Nas and one hundred silver Nas in the bag, and then nodded with satisfaction.

"Good luck."

After Mo Lan finished speaking, he turned around and left, and the person next to him looked at Mo Lan's back and turned his head to ask Wayne for instructions.

Wayne shook his head and smiled disdainfully.

"Just a greedy and reckless man, who can play around with little tricks.

There is no need to cause more trouble now, until we have complete control of Tieshu Town. "


The curvature of the corners of Wayne's mouth became larger and larger, and the happy smile on Mo Lan's face was recalled in his mind, and the mockery on his face became more and more obvious.

"Iron Tree mine now!"

Mo Lan, who was far away, looked back with emotion, narrowed his eyes, and pouted.

Find a bakery and buy five long brown loaves for five coppers.

He walked into a dilapidated thatched hut with black bread in his hand, found the homeless around him, and swayed the black bread in his hand, which immediately attracted the attention of a group of homeless people.

"I need five people to help me with one thing, and each one will be given a brown bread after it is done."

The skinny and hungry poor immediately squeezed towards Mo Lan, with a green light like a hungry wolf in his eyes.

"You, you, you, and the two of you, go, help me get the news out, and the bread will be yours when you get back."

The five people who were overjoyed hurriedly ran to the outside, and said to everyone.

"The Viper Gang has three Earthquake spell scrolls, and one leveled the mountain of the Hungry Wolf Gang.

Do not believe?If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. In the future, Tieshu Town will be the territory of the Viper Gang.

What is a Baron? It’s a spell. The spell scroll of the Earthquake spell. Even the castle has to be reduced to ruins. One can destroy the entire Iron Tree Town. It’s terrible......

You know what, the Vipers..."

After a while, several homeless people who completed the task came back, and Mo Lan smiled and sent them brown bread.

Mo Lan used the same method three times in three different places, costing a total of fifteen copper nas, and finally someone helped send a letter to the castle and a letter to the Viper Gang, all of which were completed. After that, Mo Lan patted her butt and left Tieshu Town.

"Wayne, don't thank me.

Also, good luck. "


The sound of smashing things was constantly heard from the innermost room of the Viper Gang, which made the people outside tremble and dare not make a sound. Wayne in the room tore the letter to shreds, and the mocking smile on his face disappeared. its ugly.

"Mo Lan!!!!"

Chapter 32 Fusion


Mo Lan walked on the uneven dirt road with a smile on her face and whistled happily.

"Wayne? Still taking advantage of me? The old ancestors played a bad trick, really think I'm a fool.

People are ugly, but they think they are beautiful.

Good luck. "

Mo Lan thought about this and laughed. If it followed the previous trend, Wayne would definitely keep a low profile and slowly digest the newly acquired territory and interests.

Maybe it can really be done, but Mo Lan's actions have attracted the attention of the Baron of Tieshu Town and others. Not to mention the success, the situation will probably be worse than before, and I'm afraid it will really have to survive in the underground ditch.

When Mo Lan was in a good mood, he swung the wooden stick in his hand at will. There was a faint crack at one end of the stick, as if something had broken off. This was the handle of the hammer of the Viper Gang leader, and it was when he went to get the bear skin. I brought it here, and I felt it was still in my hand, so I took it as a weapon.

At this moment, a group of goblins suddenly burst out from the grass on the side of the road, and they directly surrounded Mo Lan.

The goblins were only over one meter tall, with about a dozen or twenty goblins. They looked like a group of children in front of Mo Lan.

But now these children are holding arms thick wooden sticks and rusted machetes, with some dark red marks on them, and some blood.

"Yo, go go, little brat, I don't have time to play with you guys."

Mo Lan waved his hands to expel him at will, but these goblins rushed towards Mo Lan with a strange scream.

Mo Lan smiled at this.

"Emotions, do you know that I almost got dozens of experience points to upgrade, so enthusiastic."

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed forward with a wooden stick in his hand, and instantly intersected with a goblin. The wooden stick was raised high and smashed down with the force of splitting Mount Huashan.

"Roar, eat my stick!"

The goblin in front of him roared and jumped up, waving the tetanus blade in his hand and slashing towards Mo Lan's knee, but at this moment, it suddenly found that Mo Lan's right eye blinked slightly at it.

Just as it was wondering, a fireball appeared out of nowhere among the unsuspecting goblins behind.


All the goblins within a range of more than two meters from the weak point were all turned into coke under the fireball, and the shock wave spread, and the surrounding goblins were in a mess, leaving a charred pit in place.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and the surrounding goblins fled away with fear chattering in an instant.

Mo Lan's stick stopped, hung over the goblin's head, and looked at it with a half-smile.

Seeing this, the goblin threw the machete in his hand, turned and fled in fear, while Mo Lan saw this and stabbed the wooden stick hanging in the air.


A bloody mouth appeared, and the goblin stumbled, and instantly burst out and ran towards the wilderness at a faster speed.

Mo Lan scratched her head in embarrassment as she looked at the broken fork of the wooden stick.

"I'm careless, my stick doesn't have a gun blade, so it won't kill anyone."

Taking back the stick and looking at the corpse of the goblin on the ground, Mo Lan didn't take a second glance and stepped over to continue forward.

Going forward also opens the properties panel.

LV4: 35/1000

"A goblin at five points, if the group destroys a wave just now, wouldn't it be basically equivalent to a monster above level five.

I heard that there are a lot of goblins in this area. If you really want to brush it down, darling, this road is a paradise for monsters. Why didn't I find this place before. "

Mo Lan looked at the 35 experience points in the experience bar and exclaimed.

With a thought, 27 experience points were lost into the ink cartridge, plus the three experience points of 970 that were transferred into the ink cartridge before, just enough to add up to [-].

1000st order: 1000/[-]

But at the moment when the experience bar was full, a little white light began to appear on the upper right side of the ink cartridge.

With the convergence of white light, it gradually converges from points to lines.

Lines light up, forming a mysterious pattern on the second side.

Cartridge second order!

Mo Lan took a deep breath and looked at the ink cartridge expectantly.

"This time, another spell slot has been added, and it is a spell slot that can carry spells of this level of Earthquake. It's comfortable."

Mo Lan just wanted to take out the fireball spell model from his pocket to re-enact it, but on a whim, his mental power was directly attached to the second side of the ink cartridge.

With a thought, mental power tried to blend into the lines above.

What excites Mo Lan is that mental power is easily integrated into it, and the lines on it begin to change with Mo Lan's thoughts.

Mo Lan felt a little bit, and without delaying, he started to describe directly.

After a while, the most memorable fireball technique was drawn by Mo Lan and formed directly on the second side of the ink cartridge.

"Really, the ink cartridge only has the function of replicating the spell model in the extraordinary core, but it does not have to be the extraordinary core, only the spell model can do it."

This is the first new discovery.

The second new discovery is that after the ink cartridge has been upgraded to the second level, the computing power provided by the ink cartridge is more powerful.

If the ink cartridge is compared to a computer, the gap between now and before is like the gap between the first generation computer and the second generation computer.

And Mo Lan was surprised to find that he seemed to be able to open dual-thread operation through the ink cartridge.

Standing on the side of the road, Mo Lan drew circles with one hand and squares with the other, and had a great time playing.

But it didn't take long for Mo Lan to stop with a headache.

"No, the ink cartridge is strong enough, but my mental power can't carry the ink cartridge at all.

My current mental strength simply can't bear the real dual thread. At most, I can draw a circle with one hand and a square with the other, and I can't hold on for long.

It seems that we still have to seize the time to upgrade and increase the mental strength. "

Mo Lan muttered to himself after a series of experiments.

After the state recovered a little, Mo Lan's mental force subconsciously attached to the ink cartridge, and it was attached to the first side and the second side at the same time.

However, at this time, the ink cartridge turned on its own, and with the increase in the rotational speed, the two spell models gradually floated up.

"Spell model fusion?"

Mo Lan felt the information on the ink cartridge and exclaimed.

In mid-air, the two spell models approached each other, influenced each other, and finally glued together. Some spell nodes disappeared, while others appeared, waiting for the new spell model to take shape.

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