It's just that when he saw the copper nas that was seriously in short supply in this virtual market, he suddenly changed his attention.

"One hundred silver nas is 5 copper nas, and if you sell it for [-] yuan, what kind of advertisements are there, and what kind of traffic is realized, hungry wolf gang, go to hell! I said it!"

Mo Lan's fighting spirit was instantly enthusiastic, and he was so full of energy that he couldn't sleep for a while, so he sat on the bed and began to study the spell models of wind blade and fireball.

Mo Lan is very familiar with these two kinds of spells, and can draw it with his eyes closed, but it is only familiar, and Mo Lan is not satisfied with this state.

Mo Lan wanted to know why.

Why do the first three spell nodes condense elemental power?Why do wind blades form?

What is the structure of the spell model?What is the role of each spell node of the spell model, can I piece together a brand new spell with different structures of different spell models, thus realizing a brand new spell?

These Mo Lan want to know, and these also require a lot of time to study.

The research time always passed quickly, and the night passed in the blink of an eye. Mo Lan, who did not plan to stay up all night, insisted on staying through the night.

The sun rose slowly, and Mo Lan continued to study in a hurry until the knock on the door rang.

"Boom boom boom!"

Chapter 30

"Dong dong dong."

"Hello, Mr. Mo, do you need us to take you to the Hungry Wolf Gang?"

"Wait a mininute."

Mo Lan took a screenshot of the contents of the notepad, organized it into text materials, and opened the door after finishing.

Mo Lan recalled what the passing players heard when he first entered Tieshu Town, and said lightly.

"I remember that the Hungry Wolf Gang was based on a mountain outside the town?"


"Okay, take me there, and let your leader bring the elites of the Viper Gang with you."

"The gang leader has already counted the good staff and is waiting outside."


Mo Lan nodded and said nothing. He followed him out of Tieshu Town and walked straight to the north, with Wayne and the Viper Gang following behind him.

"Help Master, we follow this way, if this Mo Lan is empty, then we are not very dangerous."

"Yeah, gang leader, this little white face is unreliable at first glance, let's not follow him, let him die, and we can avenge the gang leader."

The slightly feminine Wayne glanced at them, and they shuddered and closed their mouths.

"If you want to go to Viper, just say it straight, I will not be difficult for you, I will definitely give you a good time."

Wayne's gloomy words sounded, making some people shudder.

"I will take you to take refuge with the Viper in the future, and I will not be able to control it in the future, but now I am your helper.

If you dare to think carefully, then don't blame me. "

"Yes, helper."

"Yes, helper."

Some people in the Viper Gang were trembling with fear, and some people looked at the people around them proudly.

And Wayne looked at all these and said lightly.

"If he is a waste, then whoever is willing to follow me will follow. I will take you to Hongfeng City to eat and eat, but if he is unwilling to follow me, then go away and do whatever you want.

But let me warn you in advance, if a fight breaks out later, the one who drags his feet, betrays, or runs away, I will send him to hell. "


Wayne raised his head to look at Mo Lan in front of him, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Mo Lan? Hmph, just a greedy and arrogant reckless man, so what if there are too many treasures, he is not being played around by me, being my pawn, idiot."

Mo Lan naturally couldn't hear the words behind him. He followed behind the leader and slowly saw some undulating peaks.

"The Hungry Wolf Gang is right there, on the mountain in the middle."

Mo Lan narrowed her eyes as the guide pointed her finger at it.

On a mountain in the middle of the mountain over there, Mo Lan vaguely saw traces of some wooden buildings.

"it is good."

Mo Lan immediately accelerated his pace and walked forward, not long after walking into the hilly area, and came to the foot of the mountain.

The mountain in front of you is very steep, and it can be seen that the hungry wolf gang carefully selected it as the gang station.

There are cliffs on three sides of the mountain, the only side with a slope is still very steep, and there is only one slightly flat road to enter and exit the entire mountain.

This precipitous terrain has to be amazed. As long as you keep that path, it will definitely be an invincible stronghold.

And that trail is also a good place for one husband to pass, and ten thousand people not to drive.

Looking at such a difficult terrain, Mo Lan smiled.

Normally he wouldn't laugh, but now he laughed.

Behind him, Wayne led a group of people standing two or three hundred meters away to watch.

"Look at his skills."

"I hope he is really capable and doesn't die too soon."

One pouted in disdain.

"Look, there's a secret whistle down the mountain. How many tricks do you think he can hold?"

"When he was dying, he could still laugh."

"Come on, come on, the market has opened, he has survived three moves and one loses [-], two moves and one loses [-], and one move and one pays [-].

More than ten moves, one loses three. "

"I think since he dares to come, he must have some skills."

Suddenly, what one person said made everyone quiet down, and they turned their heads and stared blankly at this young, even a little immature person.

"Pfft, your doll is too young, this kind of person must be a little white-faced, a good hand who pretends to be one by one, and just happens to be a waste."

"You suckling baby, go home, hahaha."

Hearing their ridicule, this somewhat immature young man's face flushed red, and at this moment, the man who was gambling said with a playful look in his eyes.

"Otherwise, if this little white-faced kills more than one professional soldier, he will lose one hundred, and I will pay if you dare.

But sister, do you dare?puff. "

The brawny man who opened the game said disdainfully.

How could this immature young man be able to stand being agitated, he immediately flushed and took out a silver coin from his arms, and said angrily.

"One silver Nas, bet on him to win!"

The silver coins glistening under the sun immediately attracted the attention of many people, the breathing became heavy, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes.

The strong man who opened the gambling market quickly took Yinnas into his arms greedily, and the others could only sigh in disappointment.

And just when the man who opened the casino was about to say something, Wayne suddenly came over and quietly cast a glance at the gambler.

"Since that's the case, then I'll be a witness. No one is allowed to default, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk."

Wayne said lightly, his eyes almost narrowed to a slit.

The strong man who gambled suddenly had a bad feeling, but still said with a forced smile.

"how could be."

However, at this moment, the earth seemed to shake a little, and at first they thought it was an illusion.

But when the earth shook violently, they subconsciously thought it was an earthquake.

But when they locked the source of the vibration, their eyes widened.

It's over the mountain where the Hungry Wolf Gang is!


There was a constant dull sound under the ground, and the mountain peak in front of Mo Lan shook violently, and it didn't take long for one after another hideous cracks to extend upwards from the bottom of the mountain peak.


In the deafening sound, the mountain was divided into four parts by cracks, and the two parts of the edge collapsed directly from the edge of the cliff.


The collapsed mountain fell to the ground with a deafening noise, and the earth shook again.

In addition, the entire top of the mountain collapsed, the house was torn apart, and the people above let out a desperate roar, trying to rush down.

But the stones that fell frequently smashed a person into flesh from time to time, and the loose soil also formed a torrent that poured down, and people were constantly involved in it and disappeared without a trace.

In front of Mo Lan, An Shao, who had just come down, looked back at the mountain in shock, then glanced at Mo Lan again, his legs softened, and he collapsed to the ground.

The faces of the Viper Gang behind Mo Lan were also full of shock. Looking at the disintegrating and collapsing mountain, everyone took a breath and murmured in disbelief.

"Hey! How is this possible!"

The young man whose face was blushing before turned even redder, looking at Mo Lan with excitement and shock.

As for the strong man who opened the game, his face was pale, and he looked at Wayne pleadingly. His previous arrogance disappeared without a trace.

Wayne ignored him, squinting at the collapsed mountain, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Mo Lan, you're more powerful than I thought, but you're still being played around by me, stupid.

But thank you, Tieshu Town, it's mine at last. "

Chapter 31 Leaving Tieshu Town

Mo Lan stood in front of the constantly collapsing mountain, her face was calm and did not change in the slightest.

A pair of dark and deep eyes quietly looked at the person who kept sprinting down and dodging, with a smile on his face.

In his field of vision, white smoke rose one after another, and then sank into his body.

As the mountain collapsed and the earth poured down the torrent, the direction of every boulder was reflected in Mo Lan's mind.

Among the group of people rushing down from the mountain, there were two people who performed very well, which directly attracted Mo Lan's attention.

Obviously, these two people are the two professional warriors of the Hungry Wolf Gang, and Mo Lan's goal today.

Looking at them, Mo Lan showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and quickly calculated in his mind the boulders and routes they could land on.

At this moment, the last spell scroll on Mo Lan's hand turned into flames and flew out.

Unlike the general fireball technique before, the difference is that Mo Lan's mental power directly took over the fireball technique.

The fireball technique became active in the moment of connection with the spiritual force, unlike the previous feeling of being stiff and rigid.

The fireball technique flew out, and at this moment, a professional warrior jumped up and fell towards a boulder.

At this moment, a fireball landed on the boulder, and the fiery temperature made him have to hurriedly change direction and fall toward another boulder.

However, at this moment, another fireball appeared on the boulder, and the professional warrior no longer had room to move.

The fireball flew out almost at the same time as the spell scroll, and it came to the boulder before the professional warrior changed direction.

And now the professional warrior changed direction, and to outsiders it almost looked like he was actively hitting the fireball technique.


The fireball exploded, and the professional warrior was swallowed by the fire wave, and the blast wave directly lifted his body out.

This time, he couldn't change his direction. He could only stare at Mo Lan with disbelief, then landed on the torrent of mud, and was swallowed by the mud in an instant.

Another professional warrior shouted in disbelief, then stared at Mo Lan with hatred, and rushed down desperately.

And Mo Lan waited for about a minute, and it took nearly 2 minutes before he saw the white smoke flying out of the mud torrent.

The experience points have not entered the body, plus other previous experience of being accidentally injured by the Earth Splitting technique, Mo Lan's current experience bar has gone a lot.

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