Listening to Mo Lan's words, the two looked at him strangely.

"Why don't you plant, now a copper Nas trading platform is five yuan, and the medieval background grain is hard currency, and with our intensive farming skills, we can make a steady profit.

Can you play games and make money while you're at it, isn't it sweet? "

After a long time, Mo Lan walked towards Hongfeng City in a trance.

He realized again why this game could be called "Real Game", and he also knew how real the real game was.

In other games, no matter how many plot lines and how rich the gameplay is, in the end, every player will play the same game, and there will be no difference.

But real games are different, real games are a whole new world, games are life, and no life is the same.

"This is a second world that will run autonomously, and the world will run normally without the player, and things will happen to him.

After the player joins the world, the world will also be affected by the player, resulting in a series of changes.

Based on the current [-] million registered players of "Real Games", the changes caused by the integration of [-] million players into this world are definitely in every aspect.

In "Real Game", everyone is truly changing the world. This is the second world of human beings. This is reality. There are no restrictions. You can do whatever you want and can do. This is the real of charm. "

"But how does such a second world work?

It seems that even adding up all the service periods in the world is not enough to run this game, right? "

Mo Lan suddenly had a doubt, but after thinking about it for a while, he stopped thinking about it and began to think about another question.

"What am I going to do next? Fight monsters to upgrade and sell materials to make money?"

"Well, it's not that it doesn't work, it just feels too ordinary. Why don't I open a shop."

Mo Lan thought carefully about the next development route.

After thinking about it, Mo Lan walked into the city gate, and glanced aside when he entered.

Seeing that all the drivers were stopped, whether it was a caravan or something else, they were all stopped, and they only entered the city after paying the entrance fee, while those who walked directly entered the city.

"Hello, sir, do you need a guide? I know all the roads and shops in Dongcheng District.

I know where the price of animal skins is the highest in Dongcheng District, where the shops are the darkest, and where the bosses are the kindest.

You can hire me all day for one copper nas. "

As soon as Mo Lan entered the city, a thin and short child stopped in front of Mo Lan and spoke at a very fast pace, as if he was worried that Mo Lan would interrupt him.

Mo Lan looked up and down at the child, and at this moment, the short man suddenly shouted loudly behind Mo Lan.

"Saler, get out of here!"

Mo Lan looked back, a thin child quickly retracted his hand, gave the short man a hateful look, and then disappeared into the crowd.

"What's your name?"

Mo Lan raised his brows and asked aloud with a strange expression on his face, the short man said quickly after hearing the words.


"Al, okay, I'll hire you for a day."

Mo Lan walked forward and said with a smile.

"The thief was with you just now, right?"

Mo Lan clearly felt Al's body stiffened and his muscles tense, as if he would run away in the next moment.

"Don't be nervous, after all, you are just making money rightfully, aren't you, there is no evil intentions."

Argan laughed twice.

"Okay, let me ask you, how big is Red Maple City? How many people are there?"

"No...don't know."

An embarrassed look appeared on Al's face.

"I only know that there are four urban districts, east, west, north and south. Those close to the city walls are all slums, and in the middle are the lord's castle and the residence of the nobles."

Mo Lan nodded when she heard the words.

A child, especially a poor child in a medieval context, will definitely not have access to this data, and it would be a problem if he knew it.

"Where are the shops in general?"

"Ah, shops? There are them everywhere, in the slums, and in the nobles."

"Oh, are there any requirements for opening a store?"

"As long as you have a house, you can open a shop, but..."

Chapter 35 Professional Team

"But what?"

Seeing him hesitating, Mo Lan asked aloud.

"After you open a shop, gangs will send people. After you negotiate with them, you can continue to open it. If you can't negotiate, you can't open it."

Al's wording is more euphemistic, but Mo Lan understands it directly.

"It's the protection fee, I understand. Are there any other conditions? For example, go to the City Lord's Mansion, or report to the castle? Apply?"

"Ah, why do you have to file an application?"

Al looked at Mo Lan suspiciously, and Mo Lan nodded when he saw this.

"It seems that if you want to open a shop, you only need the consent of the gangster. Well, it feels strange."

"I hope these gangs can talk to me well, otherwise......."

A trace of ferocity flashed in Mo Lan's eyes, and the suffocation on his face made Al subconsciously tremble.

"I can only run."

"Take me around Dongcheng District, mainly where there are shops."

Al nodded, and directly led Mo Lan around Dongcheng District.

There is only a blank area about 50 meters away from the residential area on the city wall. There is no building in the blank area, but now it has been occupied by various stalls and hawkers. They have black hair, black eyes, yellow skin, and a familiar accent. A feeling of visiting temple fairs when I was young.

"Candied haws, sell candied haws, a bunch of candied haws for a copper nasi, sweet and sour, delicious..."

Entering the area of ​​the house in the familiar melody, the houses here are mostly adobe houses, but many are built of wood and stone.

There are various types of houses with wood and earth walls, and there is no horizontal and vertical type, giving people a very scattered feeling.

Al skillfully led Mo Lan around, and after a while, he took him to a place with more people.

The house here has become a hidden street. There are pubs, grocery stores, grain stores, etc. on the street, and there is still a lot of traffic.

However, Mo Lan still shook her head in disappointment.

"Go to the next one."

When Al heard the words, he immediately took Mo Lan out of a small alley, and when he passed the tavern, he said hello to a person before leaving.

It didn't take long for Mo Lan to see another street similar to the one before, but Mo Lan still shook her head.


Looking at one place after another, I was a little disappointed after looking around Mo Lan.

"Let me ask you, are there mercenaries in the city, adventurers, mercenaries or something?"

"Yes, there is the Adventurer's Guild, as well as the Warrior's Guild, the Archer's Guild, and the Assassin's Guild, all of which are available."

Hearing this, Mo Lan's eyes lit up.

"Take me to the Adventurer's Guild and Warrior's Guild to have a look."

Al nodded and led the way.

"The Fighter's Union and the Adventurer's Union are together, in the middle of Dongcheng District and Beicheng District."

Al walked with Mo Lan for a long time, and the Red Maple City was much larger than Mo Lan expected.

After walking through the streets for a while, Mo Lan finally saw two halls next to each other in front of a street.

The doors of the two buildings are very high, and the curved arches look very shocking. The arches of adventurers are painted with various patterns of monsters and money, and the doors of the Warrior Union are painted with figures and weapons. , looks rough but has some charm.

What amazes Mo Lan is that this street is very prosperous, people come and go, and Mo Lan feels a lively atmosphere as soon as she enters.

There are shops on both sides of the street that can run three carriages, and what attracts Mo Lan's attention is the blacksmith shop all over the street. The sound of the hammer of Dangdang echoes on the street, and it is made piece by piece. Weapons keep the buzz on this street up to the next level.

"Al, let me ask you a question, which city gate has the most adventurers and warriors?"

"North Gate!"

Al replied without hesitation.

"Okay, where we are now, which way is the closest to the North City Gate?"

On this east-west street, Al led Molan to a path behind the Adventurer's Hall.

It is said that it is a small road, and a half-horse cart can also pass through, but the flow of people on this road is suddenly much sparser.

However, Mo Lan carefully noticed that almost everyone who came and went on this road carried weapons with them, and almost all of the people who came back had some injuries, and some had animal skins on their backs.

The most important thing is that although there are shops on the side of the road, there are not many. Mo Lan nodded with satisfaction after seeing this.

"Do you know the man who lives on the corner?"

Mo Lan pointed to the house at the corner of the intersection and asked.

"do not know."

Al shook his head.

"I want to rent his house, what should I do?"

"You can go to the gangs here. If you want you to negotiate, they will help you."

Mo Lan blinked her eyes when she heard the words.

"This is a gang? Isn't this an intermediary? Forget it, call it a gang if you want, and take me to the gang here."

"Well, the gang here is called the Black Crow Gang. This area is their territory, and there are many people."

It didn't take long for Mo Lan to see a large yard. The people in the yard were full of flesh and blood, and there were many scars on their bodies.

As soon as Mo Lan came over, he saw a group of people beating a... player at the gate of the yard?

Well, it is indeed playing a player.

Al took Mo Lan to bypass the beaten player and came to the gate of the small courtyard.

"Little devil, what are you doing?"

"Scar, he wants to rent a house to open a shop."

The fierce man with a scar on his face glanced at Mo Lan.

"Where do you want to open a store?"

"The house on the side of the street behind the Adventurer's Guild."

Al said aloud.

"For renting a house, one hundred coppers a month, and the first three months must be paid."

"How about the protection fee for opening a store?"

Mo Lan continued to ask.

Scar heard the words and smiled, and the scar on his face looked a bit hideous when he was pulled.

"Open there, no matter if your business is good or not, two hundred coppers a month."

"Two hundred copper nas? So expensive?"

"The poor go away."

Scar's face turned cold.

"I can pay the protection fee, but I paid the protection fee, what will you do?"

Scar's face improved a little after hearing this.

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