A demon king wondered, "Shall we go to curry favor with this Zhou Zheng too?"

The corner of King Qingyuan's mouth twitched slightly, cursing:

"We must target this person as soon as possible and find out his details! Then report this matter to the ancestors, and take credit for it! Wait for the ancestors to decide whether to send him to reincarnation!

"Just curry favor with anything! You curry favor with gods and gods just use you as a mount!

"How many seniors of the Holy Clan were servile and servile, and what they got in exchange was only a collar!

"The heavens are unrighteous, the gods are unkind, and now is the time of my holy race! Whoever dares to mention this kind of thing again, don't blame me for being rude!"

call out!

The screen in the upper left corner suddenly went black.

All the demon kings were about to sigh with emotion when they suddenly heard King Qingyuan's voice sound again:

"Made! There are always a few fools who mess with this king's mentality! They even try to curry favor! This king really wants to swallow him!"

A woman hurriedly said: "My lord, you just turned off the camera and did not disconnect."

Boom, zi——

Amidst the noise, there was finally no movement from King Qingyuan's side.

Feng Qing shook his head slightly, but he glanced over and saw that the expressions of the dozen or so 'colleagues' were different, and he didn't say anything.

This lolicon, I'm afraid there will be trouble this time.

Chapter 65 Auntie who glows

How far can a man be pushed by a bear?

Jiang Li looked at his brother Zhou who was sitting by the hospital bed with some anxiety, and wanted to speak a few times, but was too embarrassed to say anything.

Brother Zhou, what's wrong?

I've been here for more than two hours, holding my mobile phone and watching popular physics videos, and I still look depressed.

"Brother," Jiang Li finally couldn't help asking in a low voice, "The practice is not going well, do you want to study again?"

"I'm fine, haha."

Zhou Zheng put down his cell phone, as if waking up from a dream, the scene in his eyes was a bit in a trance.

He finally remembered the main purpose of his visit today - to see Jiang Li;

The secondary purpose is a bit difficult to say-to hide from the reading bear, charge the battery with this guy on his back, and learn more about the theoretical science of physics.

Otherwise he will be despised by a bear!

"How is your health?" Zhou Zheng was at a loss for words.

Jiang Li's recovery is actually pretty good, except for a little scale on his forehead, the scary half-demon features before have almost faded away.

"I've almost recovered," Jiang Li said with a smile, "Now I can go out normally wearing a hat, and I'm thinking about whether to leave the hospital."

"Don't worry, just stay for a while."

Zhou Zheng stretched, walked to the window and looked at the scenery of the main city.

Today is a bit cloudy and rainy, and the lights of the city are turned on a little earlier.

Because the 'Luo Jia Sanxiong' stayed in Long Chen, it was rare for the external monster forces to calm down, and Long Chen was also unusually quiet these days.

Jiang Li looked at Zhou Zheng's back, a little lost in thought.

It's always been like this.

The figure that I keep chasing forward will always stand in a more forward position, and then turn my head to show a kind of warm smile to myself, so that I will not sink and fall.

But now, the back view in Jiang Li's eyes has not only become more generous, but also a little more heavy.

"Brother, is there anything wrong with you recently?"

"Some," Zhou Zheng sighed slightly, and a few pictures flashed across his mind.

It was before going out, he broke a piece of dogtail grass and made it into a cat teasing stick, and dangled it in front of Lingqin'er... Cough, these scenes are not very important.

When Lingqin'er scratched Zhou Zheng's back with two bloodstains with her nails, she smiled triumphantly and shared with Zhou Zheng the little stories that happened in the past two days.

'Hmph, we have helped you a lot!Not only do you not know how to be grateful, but you are even reluctant to make a cat teaser out of Lingshi! '

'What's the big deal?real or fake? '

'of course it's true!I'm here for you... to work!Yes, we are working, and we can still receive double subsidies!I have two former colleagues from the Authority who keep asking me about you, and I don't know them well before.

'We have been in the Spiritual Object Management Bureau for so many years, and our work is very reliable. We were keenly aware that something was wrong with them, so we secretly contacted the Bureau of Investigation and asked them to follow up and investigate. Guess what?

'Both are spies!It is to provide information to the Eighteenth Road Demon King!He also followed the clues and caught the internal response of many demons! '

Lingqin'er was in human form at that time, otherwise the cat's tail would be up to the sky.

"Lolicon, please pay attention to yourself. The three great gods in the family have attracted a lot of attention to you. It is said that several demon kings have focused on investigating you. You may have been listed as their priority target to get rid of." '

Zhou Zheng came back to his senses a little, remembered that he was chatting with Jiang Li, and continued:

"The world doesn't revolve around us, how can everything go well."

"Brother," Jiang Li asked with a frown, "Although Sister Yan'er didn't tell me in detail, I can almost guess that the path she is taking now is the opposite of yours?"

Zhou Zheng turned to look at Jiang Li, and said with a smile, "Are you worried that I will meet Sister Yan'er on the battlefield?"

"Isn't it?"

Jiang Li whispered: "Everyone is an adult, even childhood playmates, now they each have their own pursuits and stances... I have seen decades of friendship fight to the death in the ring... "

"Stop worrying about that."

Zhou Zheng smiled very calmly:

"I've talked to Sister Yan'er, her aura is very peaceful, and she doesn't take the path of killing. I still believe in her; but if we really want to confront each other in the future, I will let other people fight against her, yes She, I can't do it."

Jiang Li's eyes brightened: "The childhood sweethearts fell in love with each other and killed each other, and their positions were opposite but their love never diminished, and finally they joined hands and retired to the world?"

"Screw you!"

Zhou Zheng grabbed the pillow at the end of the hospital bed and threw it at Jiang Li.

Jiang Li chuckled: "Sister Yan'er is so beautiful, you can't find a big beauty of this level even with a lantern, brother, if you don't look for her, can you find a fairy?"

"Take care of it with peace of mind, brother is back!"

Before going out, Zhou Zheng turned his head to look at Jiang Li, and asked, "Do you want to practice?"

"I think so, bro! But isn't it necessary to start practicing at an early age?"

"I am a monk halfway, as long as I work hard, there will always be results," Zhou Zheng waved his hand, "Wait for my news, and I will help you young couple find a way."

Jiang Li suddenly felt affectionate: "Brother, you still love me."

"Evil or not!"

Zhou Zheng shivered and almost jumped directly from the corridor window.

He met the young girl who was waiting on the bench beside him, took two bottles of pills for strengthening the foundation and put them in her hands, told her how to use them, and then walked away.


In no rush to get in the car, Zhou Zheng put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and strolled along the streets with few pedestrians.

He couldn't say he was confused.

From the night when meteors fell from the sky, and the legendary Mu Zha suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhou Zheng felt that his mentality began to change.

is yearning.

It's not yearning for their strength, but yearning for that kind of freedom and unrestrained.

Strong background, tyrannical strength, come and go at will without caring about the chicness of other people's eyes.

Is this also the case in your previous life?

It seems that it is and it is not. In the previous life, I knelt in front of the Lingxiao Palace and said with grief and indignation, "Heaven owes me".

This is not chic, let alone freedom.

Why kneel?

Who deserves others to kneel down?

It's just the vulgarity of feudal ethics.

Is the goal of my practice in this life just to repeat myself in my previous life?

Zhou Zheng thought this way, although these questions were big and vague, he felt that he had to think clearly, think clearly, and keep his thoughts clear, so as not to frustrate his Dao heart.

They all say that the world of mortals refines one's mind, and the world of mortals is full of firewood, rice, oil, salt, and sophistication of the world, which only increases worries.

Zhou Zheng hummed the little tune that Ao Ying often hums, and the short hair he just cut yesterday was wetted by the autumn rain.

Before, he wanted to grow his hair long, thinking that he would be more elegant when he wore Taoist robes like that, but he also felt that deliberately growing long hair was more like himself in the previous life, not Zhou Zheng in this life;

When he came back to his senses, he realized that thinking about this question meant that he had fallen into shackles.

He seems to be hiding some secrets.

Are the eight golden wheels and vertical eyes that can seal the golden immortal a seal set by him in his previous life, or someone else?

What does the 'Day of Heaven' whispered by Brother Xiong represent?

What did the 'Da Tianzun' who asked me what to do in the previous life do?

There are also fragments of past life memories that happened to pass by. I saw the Erlang God Yang Jian who was sitting in the fairy pavilion and was now considered taboo by the gods.

Zhou Zheng looked into the distance, and the focus of his eyes was a little divergent.

What happened hundreds of years ago?Why did Monkey and Yang Jian break the previous order?Where did they get the strength to break the old order?Is the creed believed by Jie Tianjiao really Yang Jian's ideal?

Questions in mind one after another;

Zhou Zheng looked at the pedestrians ahead, and the focus of his eyes gradually became concentrated.

He suddenly thought of an ancient essay he had read in extra-curricular readings when he was in middle school. The old official walking by the Miluo River with a sword once questioned the world one after another.

At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it?

This is courage.

The road of cultivating the Tao is at your feet, and the so-called past life is a thing of the past.

The secrets I carry will always be unraveled one day. This may be my trouble, but it may also be my chance. I have nothing at all, so why should I be afraid of losing anything?

Go check it out.

Zhou Zheng smiled, and stopped the taxi not far ahead.


Zhou Zheng raised his head slightly and looked at the passing figure on the opposite side of the road.

Just now he felt the spiritual sense of prying eyes, but the other party left without leaving a trace.

Zhou Zheng didn't observe much, he opened the car door casually, took a closer look at the uncle in the driver's seat, and got into the back seat after confirming that there was nothing unusual.

"Master, go to the light rail station."

He said in a deep voice, feeling that his Dao heart was extremely strong.

Well, there is nothing to worry about anymore!Practice hard and ascend as soon as possible!

The driver groaned a few times, stepped on the accelerator, slid forward 20 meters, and stopped slowly.

"The starting price is 18 yuan, thank you."

Zhou Zheng: ...

Break the defense.


Xiaoyue felt a little melancholy now.

It sat on the desk with a serious dog face, frowning at the dozen or so local defense immortals standing in front of it, Xiaoyue, who had just gotten angry once, didn't know what to say at the moment.

Everyone fell asleep, right?How dare you go to sleep!

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