The entire Spiritual Object Management Bureau is almost being smashed into a sieve by the Eighteenth Road Demon King!

There are so many spirit objects that fail the review, and they are all safe and sound in practice and life in the city. No wonder all kinds of spirit object disturbance cases have been repeatedly banned, and they still cannot guard against them. This is really bad!

If it wasn't for the demonic forces from all sides suddenly starting to investigate Brother Zhou, let him be alert in time, and summon the immortals to conduct an in-depth investigation, otherwise it might really lead to a catastrophe.

Do you really think that Uncle Fu has a good temper?That boss was also a tyrant in heaven back then.

"Let's talk about it."

Xiaoyue sighed:

"I don't bother to scold you anymore, Long Chen is the rear, and now the rear is just shaved cats and dogs, and little girls with no clothes on, let those demon kings scrutinize them."

"My lord," said a true immortal with a frown, "it's true that this subordinate has neglected his duties. He has been too lax these years."

"But my lord, we are all busy practicing, so we can only leave these matters to the monks to take care of."

"My lord, the subordinates feel that the rules are not strict enough, and the punishment is too light, which makes the price for their collaboration with the enemy too low."

"But if the rules are too rigid, wouldn't it be the same old path of strict rules?"

All the immortals made their own voices, and a dispute gradually arose.


Xiaoyue suddenly turned into two meters high, with a fierce look on her face, all the immortals immediately silenced, bowed their heads and stopped training.

Xiaoyue slowly recovered her appearance as a little gray dog, and said calmly:

"Maybe it's because I set too low requirements on you, which caused you to forget your own responsibilities, and punish each of you for three years, so reflect on yourself!

"Go and check the Spiritual Object Management Bureau, the Special Investigation Team, and the Special Operations Team again, from bottom to top, and examine Dao Xin one by one!"

"Subordinates take orders!"

All the immortals responded in unison, and Xiaoyue's face softened a little.

Suddenly, there was an avatar jumping in the lower left corner of the computer screen, and Xiaoyue glanced at it and was shocked immediately.

A message from Faber!

Xiaoyue waved her paw, and the immortals immediately left the office and began to act in a hurry.

When there was no one in the office, Xiaoyue opened the formation and carefully opened the message box.

Oh open!

The location shown by Forber is actually at the space station in space-based synchronous orbit!

Uncle Fu: Be more serious, no matter who asks, they will say that they have never seen me, and clear the news quickly! '

Xiaoyue tilted her head slightly, then quickly cleared the chat history, and looked around guiltily.

What's wrong, Forbe?How could you be so frightened?


Only 20 meters!

The driver really charged him the starting price!

What Tiangou Shiyue eats is not mooncakes, but the uncle's conscience!

Zhou Zheng walked out of the light rail station of the Third Industrial Island in grief, his whole body was engulfed by shadows, and he couldn't lift his strength.

Unexpectedly, Zhou, who spent half of his life planning carefully, would fail at some point.

What happened in front of this?

Zhou Zheng raised his head and stepped on his feet, and saw more than a dozen figures gathered in front of him, and they were surrounding a booth.

Sitting behind the booth was a helpless auntie, dressed plainly and with a distressed face, with two nylon bags in front of her, her face full of sorrow.

Zhou Zheng glanced at his dark blue windbreaker, turned his head and glanced, but found no staff anywhere.

He took the initiative to lean forward: "What's the matter?"

A girl exclaimed in a low voice: "Wow, so handsome, is it plain clothes?"

Zhou Zheng smiled, squatted in front of the aunt, and asked softly, "Auntie, what's the matter? Do you need help?"

The aunt looked up at Zhou Zheng, and said in a low voice, "I suddenly forgot where my home was, and I forgot where my son was, and my brain suddenly became difficult to use, and I was a little confused."

"Wait a minute, I'll call a patrol officer for you. I'm on a security patrol, so I can't check the population files."

Zhou Zheng replied with a smile, and took out his mobile phone to contact the police officers who had cooperated with his team.

But the aunt said: "Young man, can you send me off? I think you have a kind face and a stable heart."

"Do you know where you are going?"

"I probably remember the way."

"That's fine, I'll help you with your luggage!"

Zhou Zheng thought for a while, anyway, he was not in a hurry to go back, and he would suffer the mental oppression of a certain reading bear when he went back.

But Zhou Zheng did not relax his vigilance.

He had just felt the prying eyes before, and at this moment he did not forget to feel the breath of this aunt carefully. He was sure in every possible way that she was just an ordinary person, and she was really in poor health, so she was relieved to be a porter.

One thing to say, this thing is really heavy.

"Young man, go this way. I remember that every time I get out of the light rail station and walk for a while, I get home."


Zhou Zheng grinned, and followed the aunt with relaxed steps, thinking about many details of repairing Lei Fa from the bottom of his heart.

Although the aunt is in poor health, she speaks very diligently, and started chatting cheerfully with Zhou Zheng as soon as she got out of the light rail station.

Strange to say, Zhou Zheng felt that the two nylon bags were getting heavier and heavier as he walked.

He walked another dozens of steps, but he couldn't lift the nylon bags. The thought of unfastening them just came to his mind, but his hands didn't obey, as if he would commit a great crime if he didn't mention them.

"Boy, are you married?"

"No, no," Zhou Zheng agreed with a smile, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead, "What's in your bag? Why is it getting heavier and heavier."

"It's just something unnecessary."

Auntie's voice became much softer: "People always have to bear a lot of expectations in this life, their own and others'. When you really learn to let go of these expectations, you can live more easily."

Zhou Zheng smiled and said, "Are you still a chicken soup expert?"

"Chicken soup?" Auntie turned her head and looked suspiciously.

"It's just some inspirational and instructive words. We young people like to call it chicken soup. Generally, the older generation likes to cook chicken soup and say these words...uh."

Zhou Zheng suddenly thought of something, blinked, and carefully looked at this kind-hearted old aunt.

"you are?"

Auntie squinted her eyes and smiled softly, and a soft light appeared around her body.

Chapter 66 Avalokitesvara, Online...

Eh?Has the squad leader found his long-lost mother?

In the garden of the small courtyard, Yue Wushuang, who was trying to prepare a sumptuous dinner, looked not far away with some puzzlement.

There, the squad leader held the arm of a kind-faced old man with both hands, holding his breath and walking sideways, his face full of seriousness and seriousness.

I didn't dare to support my hands anymore, I just made a symbolic gesture.

"Squad leader," Yue Wushuang called out, "Do you need help?"

Zhou Zheng shook his head with a smile, and blinked four times at Yue Wushuang.

She didn't dare to spread her voice, and Zhou Zheng didn't dare to be too deliberate. Whether Xiaoyue can get some opportunities depends entirely on her understanding at the moment.

Who can make him so respectful?

Think about the three big guys living in our team villa now!

Think quickly, sister Wushuang, just kowtow at this time, maybe it can also bless you to have more children when you get married and want children!

It's a pity that Yue Wushuang just tilted his head slightly, his ponytail swayed again and again, and raised his hand to scratch his temples. Not only could he not read the squad leader's eyes, but he was even more confused.

'Auntie' didn't care too much, she just took Zhou Zheng forward, and even helped her knee when going up the steps.

The strong man sitting quietly in front of the door seemed to have sensed something, raised his head and opened his eyes, his face changed accordingly, but he didn't care about the calmness before, he got up and knelt down on one knee.

The aunt nodded with a smile, passed by the black bear spirit, stepped into the main entrance of the living room, and glanced at the corner.

Mu Zha, who was serving tea to watch the red boy perform the "gray screen", glanced at the strangeness of the door from the corner of his eye, and wondered why Zhou Zheng, this guy, helped the old lady across the road and came to perform at home.

But when Mu Zha saw the face of the person being supported, he stood up with a bang, and quickly pushed Hong Hai'er on the shoulder.

"You can't make it in this game! Hahaha! Help my Brother Xiao with three kills! See if I'm slipping, brother!"

The corner of Mu Zha's mouth twitched slightly, he moved half a step aside, pushed his hands forward, bowed and cupped his hands, and said loudly:

"The disciple pays respects to the teacher."

Xiao Sheng, who was staring at the laptop with bright eyes on one side, turned his head. When he saw the aunt next to Zhou Zheng, he was taken aback for a moment, then carefully identified it, and quickly kicked over the chair and knelt forward on one knee.

Xiao Sheng dared not declare his name at all.

The clicking sound of the mouse is still there.

"Teacher? What teacher?"

Red Boy sneered:

"Brother, your strategy to distract me is too weak, can the teacher come to such a shitty place?

"Even if Zhou Zheng is weird, he can't attract the teacher to come over. The teacher doesn't want to care about these messy things in the Three Realms, unless the teacher has been busy recently, we are not at home, and she has no one to chat with... "

Sudden listening.

"Please, general, Hui An is free."

Red Boy's voice and the click of the mouse stopped abruptly.

The child seemed to be petrified. He turned his head a little bit, his facial muscles twitched wildly, and his slightly sunken nose was only breathing.

"Old, teacher?"

The aunt nodded with a smile, milky white light bloomed around her body, and gently pushed Zhou Zheng away a few inches.

Zhou Zheng felt dazed, and there was a dignified woman in a white monk's dress standing in front of him.

Colorful rays of light bloomed from the monk's skirt around her body, her thick black long hair was simply tied up, a white jade hairpin was inserted flat, and a pair of simple cloth shoes could be vaguely seen under the several layers of skirt. soil.

At this moment, Zhou Zheng seemed to see a piece of green bamboo, a row of distant mountains, and a few white clouds hovering over her shoulders.

Zhou Zheng immediately bowed his head and shouted loudly: "I have seen Master Guanyin!"

Yue Wushuang outside the door, and Li Zhiyong, who stood up at the top of the stairs, rushed to behind Zhou Zheng after being dazed.

Zhou Zheng glanced at Xiao Sheng, and found that this guy wanted to laugh but tried his best to hold back, as if he heard Xiao Sheng's inner voice.

The Bodhisattva called him a general, hey, who should ask for an argument. '

"Shancai," Master Avalokitesvara frowned slightly, "You have been chanting sutras for many years and you are still fierce. This time, seeing you go out, you feel depressed in your heart and playful. I never thought that there would be killings here. !"

"Teacher, this is a game! A video game!"

Master Avalokitesvara shook his head slightly, and said slowly: "Your thoughts come from your mind, you are angry, ignorant, greedy and angry. You have violated many precepts, and you will be punished when you go back with me."

After saying that, he raised his hand slightly, and the red boy put on a bitter face, and his figure turned into a beam of red light and was put into the sleeve of the Guanyin master.

At this moment, the benefits of Zhou Zheng's years of being in university clubs and fishing in the workplace finally manifested.

First of all, he didn't know why Master Guanyin came here, maybe it was to pick up the 'Luo Jia Sanxiong' home, or it might have other deep meanings, but it would definitely be helpful for the few members of their team to let Master Guanyin stay here for a while Great benefit.

It's impossible for Guanyin Bodhisattva to suppress these little monks, right?

As long as the Bodhisattva can sit here... will their team still lack the lotus platform in the future?

Feisheng Avenue is simply wide and wide!

Furthermore, what is the identity of Master Avalokitesvara?

The second in command of the Buddhist sect, the vice president of Daleiyin Temple, one of the few big bosses in the Buddhist sect now, has a very strong appeal in the Three Realms!

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