Our own side has no choice but to shrink the front line, and can only use the terrain here for defense.

The refuge is full of people, if it falls here, the consequences...

Feng Bugui didn't dare to think about it at all.

Fortunately, the strength of these sea monsters was only [-]-[-]% stronger than the hundreds of monster soldiers he and Zhou Zheng had encountered before. They were obviously ordinary sea monster soldiers.

But Feng Bugui would look behind these sea monsters from time to time.

There, a six-meter-tall monster with a bloated figure stood quietly.

It has the head of an octopus, a light pink gelatinous skin, and some terrifying muscle groups under the skin.

It hasn't been shot yet.

It seemed to be enjoying a game, its eyes full of banter.

Feng Bugui already felt the powerlessness and despair.

"Support! Damn! Why don't you come to support!"

A shout came from the Bluetooth headset:

"Where does Team Feng have support now! There are more monsters in the main city! Everyone is in a hard fight! Who will control us as an industrial island!"

"These bastard monsters! I'm going to fight them!"

"Everyone calm down!"

The voice of the leader of the third industrial island is already hoarse: "Use all your strength to hold on! Do everything possible to hold on for as long as possible! The shelter must not be lost!"


A group of men and women responded at the same time, Feng Bugui's bluetooth headset fixed to his right ear was almost useless.

He moved forward to fill the line of defense, and stormed forward with his iron fist, directly smashing the two smaller fish monsters into the air.

But more monsters rushed in, and Feng Bugui had a few more scars on his body.

Suddenly someone shouted in the headset:

"Fuck! This young man!"

"Support is here! There is a four-person team moving quickly! They just supported us! Team Feng, they are heading towards you!"

"The one leading the team is that, that! I forgot the name! On the back of his uniform is Lolicon!"

"What the hell? Lolicon?"

"They supported us just now and threw dozens of injured people over."

Feng Bugui didn't care about listening to these things at all. A few nimble monsters in front attacked his neck and torso, but Feng Bugui couldn't retreat at all, which would make a gap in the defense line.

He could only swing his fists forward, move all his muscles to avoid the vital points, and trade his own injury for his life!

Bang, bang, bang!

The sound of the sniper rifle exploded in Feng Bugui's ears, and the three monsters in front of him almost simultaneously had their heads blown and their bodies flew sideways.

There was a golden light blooming from his mouth, and the yellow-haired Taoist stood in the air, with his sword fingers together, and the talismans floating behind his back turned into sword shadows, like a peacock spreading its tail, and like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, raining down swords on the bottom.

A figure descended from the sky, surrounded by a faint white light, standing directly in front of the battle line.

Borrow spirit;

Coagulation method!

Holding up the shield in his hand and smashing it down, thunderbolts repelled the demon attack!

On the roof in the distance, Li Zhiyong prostrated on the ground, closed his eyes and concentrated, two sniper rifles were suspended out of thin air, each with two faint hand shadows controlling the guns.

Although the posture is not good-looking, it can perfectly cover its own whereabouts.

Xiao Sheng's complaint came from his earphones: "Old Li, why are you dying! Prepare a few more machine guns next time! It's still powerful."

Li Zhiyong's nose trembled slightly.

It's like the barrel of a gun under high-speed shooting can last for a long time!

"Team Feng! Have they gone to your place!"

Feng Bugui looked at Zhou Zheng and Yue Wushuang who were rushing forward, with a slight smile in his eyes, and the windbreaker fluttering on Zhou Zheng's body was reflected in his pupils.

"Ah, here we come... Lolicon."

Chapter 47 The boy

"Squad leader, pay attention to that octopus demon."

During the fierce battle, Li Zhiyong's dull voice came from the Bluetooth headset:

"I can't judge its strength. It gives me the feeling that it should be at least a thousand years old, but the breath is mottled and impure. It must have devoured too many creatures in the sea, so I don't know its specific means."

Xiao Sheng laughed softly: "Give it to me!"

"Don't act rashly," Zhou Zheng's voice was still calm. "It's the best situation for us if it doesn't attack. Control the defense line, don't counterattack, save mana, we just need to hold here and wait for support."

"Understood." Li Zhiyong replied quickly.

"Yes!" Yue Wushuang's voice was still crisp.

"Squad leader, don't worry, I'm not a reckless man," Xiao Sheng's answer can be said to be without self-knowledge.

"Be careful," Ao Ying whispered into her ears, "All of us working together will not be its opponent."

"I will unblock the soul when necessary," Zhou Zheng responded in a voice, "Now I can't think about the future. I have to hold on for a while. Immortal monks from other cities are definitely on their way to help."

Ao Ying agreed softly, and continued to provide Zhou Zheng with the spiritual power to possess her body, strengthening Zhou Zheng's strength and speed.

Feng Bugui had already retreated to the rear to heal his wounds, and a few weak female team members quickly bandaged him. There were dozens of wounds on this strong man, and many places were infected with toxins.

Feng Bugui didn't say a word, just stared at Zhou Zheng's back.

He was analyzing Zhou Zheng's movements in his mind, and he had even begun to try to conceive how to improve Zhou Zheng's close combat ability.

'It's really good to be able to continue to break through in practice. '

Feng Bugui lowered his head and sighed, looking at his big rough hands full of calluses, his eyes were filled with emotion, and he slowly stood up.

"Captain, where are you going!"

"You are seriously injured! Now the line of defense is stable...Captain!"

"My team is still ahead."

Feng responded without looking back, holding his right shoulder, slowly shaking his right arm, his steps became more and more steady, his eyes were burning with fighting spirit, and he punched the monster in front of him with a similar physique.

Zoom out.

The third industrial island is full of fierce battles between monks and demons.

The untrained policeman picked up his pistol and tried his best to attract the eyes of these monsters to himself. Although the young policeman's hands were trembling, he still roared to encourage himself.

The main urban area, where the water is overflowing.

The god dog firmly bit an octopus' tentacles, dragged it to the far wall, and then pounced on it. Just as it was about to bite the opponent's head, it was shot away by an emerald green water arrow from the side...

In front of the refuge in the center of the third industrial island.

Zhou Zheng's left hand holding the shield was a little numb, and the tiger's mouth was stained with blood, but his movements were still swift and violent.

What Zhou Zheng couldn't see was that he actually looked a little vicious at the moment.

He has a delicate face, and his internal lines are very soft on weekdays. He has slightly slender eyebrows, a fairly straight nose bridge, and a sharp jaw line. He really has the capital to rely on his face for food.

But at this moment, he was on the front line of fighting against demons, his face was full of anger, his lips were pursed and his brows were pursed, and the corners of his brows seemed to be flying.

Ao Ying was worried that Zhou Zheng would get angry.

But when she was attached to Zhou Zheng's body, she felt carefully, and found that Zhou Zheng's mausoleum was completely clear, and Zhou Zheng's thoughts were completely consistent with the actions of his body, and even his thinking was much more sensitive than usual.

"Attention," Zhou Zheng said suddenly, "The octopus has moved!"

In the distance, the six-meter-tall octopus monster took a big step forward, its octopus-like head was cracked with shark-like mouthparts, revealing its staggered sharp teeth.

It moves the strong human body, and the muscles of the whole body seem to be in linkage when walking.

Zhou Zheng seemed to see a dark cloud shrouded behind the octopus demon.

He shook his head violently, raised his sword and shield, and took a big step forward.

"Fire it!"


The barrel of the sniper rifle next to Li Zhiyong spewed out flames!

The head of the octopus demon trembled twice, and the head that seemed to have only a layer of membrane left only two shallow marks.

Two large-caliber armor-piercing bullets fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The entire defense line was dead silent.

Zhou Zheng raised his shield and jumped forward, his eyes erupted with anger, and a thunderbolt accompanied his movement, slashing at the octopus monster.

The octopus monster's eyes glanced at him, and one of the tentacles on the outside of its neck suddenly swelled, and it hit Zhou Zheng's shield with lightning speed, knocking Zhou Zheng's figure into the air.

"Cultivator," the octopus demon raised his finger to Xiao Sheng floating in mid-air, and said in a low voice, "Come here to die."

Xiao Sheng's facial muscles kept trembling, his windbreaker fluttered, hundreds of yellow paper talismans appeared around him, and he rushed at the octopus demon with all the talismans.

Feng Bugui let out a loud roar, and dozens of members of the special operations team whose strength was above the sixth level of the Xiantian Realm immediately besieged the octopus monster.

He is not afraid of death, and is furious.

Zhou Zheng's back slammed into the shelter's ceiling, which touched the outer protective formation, and his figure was bounced away again, rolling to the ground.

He had multiple fractures all over his body. At this moment, he immediately urged to open the healing pill that he had eaten in advance but hadn't melted from the mana wrap, and quickly got up.

But Zhou Zheng's feet swayed, he staggered two steps, and fell straight on the ground.

The mana in the body suddenly cut off.

Even if Ao Ying's spiritual power continued, Zhou Zheng had been urging to release those pills that supplemented mana, but his Dao realm was indeed not enough to support such a high-intensity fighting technique.

The feeling of losing mana is even more uncomfortable than losing strength.

Even, waves of tiredness rushed to Zhou Zheng's brows, not only his 'Qi', but also his 'God' was at the end of its strength.

"Zhou, don't force yourself."

A flash of white light flashed, and Ao Ying appeared next to him with a dagger in hand. She raised the dagger and suspended it over Zhou Zheng's body, and shed rays of immortal light to protect Zhou Zheng.

She said softly: "I'm going to delay everyone's time, you can rest here for a while, the immortals are on their way."

"Be careful……"

Zhou Zheng raised his head reluctantly, trying to support himself to stand up, but his arms trembled slightly, and he lay powerlessly in the shallow water.

Ao Ying didn't dare to delay, turned around and leaped up in an instant, with her hands in front of her body in the shape of embracing the yuan and returning to one, and there was an extra jade orb in it, which sprinkled pieces of fairy light and attached to Xiao Sheng and others.

Zhou Zheng looked at her back and struggled hard, but he could only turn over and lie there breathing heavily.

Breathing out, returning to Yuan, he can only hope that he will recover a mouthful of mana soon, as long as the mana in his body is circulating, he will have the ability to act again.

He looked at the gloomy sky, endured the soreness and pain all over his body, and his vision was slightly blurred.

A person's ability is limited;

I did my best;

Moreover, I have reached the upper limit of my ability at this stage, right?

Zhou Zheng closed his eyes and tried to breathe calmly.

The sea water under his body soaked his short hair, and exuded the softness of the origin and belonging of life, and he slowly let go of the handle he was holding tightly to before.

'Xiao Zheng, you really have changed a lot. '

Sister Yan'er?

Zhou Zheng was a little dazed, as if he saw the girl in the black dress squatting aside, smiling at him.

'Didn't you teach me, be tough on yourself. '

She asked softly:

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