
Yue Wushuang responded in a steady voice, although he stepped on the accelerator hard, the asphalt road below had begun to crack.

Chapter 46 Fame!Lolicon team!

5 minutes ago.

Underground of the Immortal Bathing Center, a temporary combat command center.

Tiangou Xiaoyue sat on the podium, staring meticulously at the pictures made up of more than a dozen screens side by side. From time to time, immortals would come to report the battle situation.

Are these sirens bluffing?

Such an offensive, wanting to break through their deliberately thickened port defense array in a short period of time, is simply whimsical.

West Front Bing Ning has rushed back with a large number of immortals, and they will arrive in about half an hour. If these sea monsters can't break through the protective shield within half an hour, they will come to deliver food.

Xiaoyue grinned her dog's mouth and made a cooing sound.

If it were normal, it would have already started the half-time celebration;

But today it held its own.

In the past few days, demon girls from Jietian Sect have appeared, and those guys are closely related to various demon kings.

Most of the demon kings are a group of iron and simple people, and they belong to the kind that can be played by ordinary people when they are in love. This can be regarded as the inherent advantage of the human race.

But those sinister people of Jietian Sect are more sinister than each other!

Of course, it is undeniable that there are many good guys in Jietian Sect - such as a certain honorary deputy leader, his uncle.

There are many talented people in Jietianjiao, and there are also many masters who are good at planning and scheduling;

This time the Yaozu sea and land alliance was very sudden, and they did not get any news from the Futian League's eyeliner in the Yaozu. The Yaozu probably finalized all the plans within a few days, which is very Jietianjiao style. .

Really can not be underestimated.

"The order!"

Xiaoyue's low roar echoed back and forth in the command hall: "The two ports will stand firm, and the rest of the cities will focus on their own feet, carefully observe if there is anything unusual!"

More than a dozen Taoists at the side immediately answered with hands clasped, and then turned around to send instructions to the jade talisman, mobile phone, and walkie-talkie.

Xiaoyue looked up at the pictures presented on the big screen.

Alas, a lot of seafood.

It's a pity that he can't eat it. He has to be in charge of dispatching and guarding the base camp of Twelve Cities...

"grown ups!"

Kun Dao, who was holding a Sinan-like magic weapon, turned his head and stared at Xiaoyue.

At that moment, Xiaoyue was still a little bit guilty in her heart, thinking that she had some dirty little tail and was caught by this order monk.

The nun raised the magic weapon in her hand, and the golden 'spoon' on it spun yo-yo.

"Suddenly there is a monster aura! A lot of monster aura!"


"At...under our feet!"

Xiaoyue's dog's eyes widened, and she immediately lowered her head to look downwards. Her gaze penetrated layers of reinforced concrete and rock formations, and she saw the large light wall arranged below, and the hole that appeared in the light wall at an unknown time.

Cut to heaven!

This method of silently melting the formation, it has been talked about by the immortals of other stars!

Under the hole, a newly opened underground river gushed out a large amount of seawater, which directly flowed into the city's underground sewage pipes and poured into the city's 'veins'!

"Every department listens to orders!"

Xiaoyue raised her head slowly, and her originally milky body swelled into a vicious giant dog over six feet tall.

It grinned like a dog, exuding a strong coercion all over its body, and all the figures in the hall were watching.

"The monsters come from below, all ministries except the clerks gather to meet the monsters, all the people move to the refuge as soon as possible, and the formations of the refuges are fully activated.

"Today, everyone, please follow me and defend the way and protect the common people!"


In the western sky, a icy blue fairy light flashed across at high speed;

When piercing the clouds, there will be bursts of torrential rain, and when the fog passes, the sky will be full of water droplets.

She has left a large number of her peers behind.

On the eastern coastline, Feng Tong, wrapped in the phantom shadow of Suzaku, turned her head to look in Longchen's direction. She was about to spread her wings and fly over, but when the sea water exploded, a giant python swooped in, and a vast demon power suddenly appeared in the distance. appear.

She needs to deal with the twin demon kings alone, and she has no time for him.

How did they bypass the line of defense and attack Long Chen directly?

There was a bit of thought in Feng Tong's eyes, but his strikes became more and more fierce. The phantom of the vermilion bird spread its wings and screamed, showing signs of forcibly transforming into a phoenix bird.

Longchen City.

Just a few minutes before and after, the sewer pipes of each building began to turn back fiercely. Due to the excessive water flow, the pipes continued to rupture everywhere.

First, a fountain shot up into the sky like a water arrow, casting a rainbow in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, 'fountains' shot out from roads, parks, street corners, and the bottom of buildings. From the main urban area to industrial islands and agricultural islands, all the areas where modern humans live are covered by fountains.

The ground quickly overflowed with billowing sea water, and the entire city was turned into a vast ocean under the obstruction of various protective arrays.

In the sea water, strips of ferocious and terrifying fish spread rapidly.

They slowly stood upright in the shallow water area, turned into an ugly giant with a bloody mouth, and rushed towards the scattered crowd.

The special operations team and ordinary police force who had just received the order had discovered these enemies that were almost everywhere at this moment.

Fierce battles broke out quickly, and the command systems at all levels in Longchen City fell into chaos within a few minutes.

Although most of the citizens have taken shelter in the stadium and underground fortress, there are monks around to guard them intensively;

But at this moment, there are still many people trapped in houses and streets.


A park in the third industrial island.

A water arrow blasted out from the soft ground, and a phantom of a white dragon wrapped the severely deformed off-road vehicle and broke through the soil layer.

Bailong phantom mopped the ground and rushed forward, and the off-road vehicle kept rolling inside.

In a blink of an eye, the white dragon phantom quickly exploded, and streams of milky white light merged into the off-road vehicle, found Zhou Zheng's neck, and formed a golden carp-shaped jade pendant on his chest.

The car door was forcibly kicked open, and four figures rushed out from the left and right, all in a panic.

Zhou Zheng felt dizzy and dizzy, and he couldn't stand still for a while.

He covered his chest and asked quickly, "What's going on!"

Then his eyes kept scanning everywhere, his expression became more solemn.

As far as the eye can see, there are 'fountains' rising into the sky everywhere, streams of monster aura rising from the sky, and the silhouettes of those monks flying in mid-air.

Screams, roars, growls, gunshots, spell explosions, one after another.

Apparently half an hour ago, before they entered the underground passage, everything was just a little deserted, just like the situation in my impression of disaster avoidance drills.

But now, it's a completely doomsday scene.

Zhou Zheng's mana moved his eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly.

In the distance, he saw two monsters covered with black scales and with octopus heads on their heads. They patted the fleeing humans with their sharp claws, and sent the screaming humans into their mouths.

The picture seems to be only black and white.

Zhou Zheng's muscles tensed up, his feet straightened, and his body stood upright.

"Squad leader be careful!"

Yue Wushuang shouted hastily, and there was a rushing sound of piercing the air behind Zhou Zheng!

He tilted his head to the left, and a chopstick-length 'fishbone' passed by his ear, taking away a handful of hair tips and a little skin on the tip of his ear.

Turning around, holding the knife in his right hand and the shield in his left, Zhou Zheng looked at the black shadows that jumped out of the 'fountain'.

The screams in the distance still stimulated Zhou Zheng's eardrums.

He clenched the handle of the knife tightly, leaped up, his body was covered with a layer of jade color, and together with Yue Wushuang and Xiao Sheng who attacked in tacit understanding at the same time, he slammed the monsters head-on!

Li Zhiyong's figure has appeared beside the off-road vehicle, holding the gun in a kneeling position, and shouldering the sniper rifle whose barrel has been illuminated with runes.

The sword slashes the sky and thunders vertically!

Two minutes later, there were several huge corpses on the ground, which were the main body of the sea elf after death.

The four of Zhou Zheng didn't care about rest, exchanged glances with each other, and immediately formed the formation of the three talents that had been practiced during the special training.

Xiao Sheng, who has the highest level of cultivation, used the sharp knife, Zhou Zheng held a shield to protect the right wing, Yue Wushuang held two knives as the blades of the left wing, and Li Zhiyong wandered behind the three, providing long-range fire suppression.

Xiao Sheng put his sword fingers together and pinched the formula continuously.

The windbreakers on the four of them lit up at the same time, and the imprints of the four images of Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu appeared on the back at the same time.

Xiao Sheng roared: "Squad leader! Where are you going!"

"Save people," Zhou Zheng whispered.


Xiao Sheng took a deep breath, fully pulling away the strength of the peak of the Returning Ruins Realm, and with the help of four windbreaker hooks, he led the three of them soaring into the sky, and smashed towards the group of monsters closest to them.

The sniper rifle fired in the air, and the bang bang was deafening.

Zhou Zheng raised the round shield in his hand, a weak electric arc appeared around the round shield, and more electric arcs were gathering rapidly.

The group of monsters found several figures, turned around and roared, sprayed out monster mist, raised their weapons, and threw out the exoskeleton!

Several three-meter-tall humanoid monsters soared into the sky, directly facing the group of four!

Xiao Sheng's body flashed with golden light, talismans flew out from the big gold chain, and dozens of sword shadows slashed down like a rainstorm, piercing through the bodies of several monsters rushing in an instant.

Zhou Zheng's figure dropped sharply, his right shoulder smashed away the mid-air monster, then he raised his shield with both hands, smashed into the arena with more than ten bolts of lightning, and threw out iron pellets with his hands!

Yue Wushuang shuttled to the left and right, the blade of the precious saber swayed out a little arc of light, sweeping towards the eyes, under the ribs, and the weak gills of the monster!

During the fierce battle, Zhou Zheng asked in a low voice: "Is there any way to attract more monsters to rush towards us? It's too slow to disperse and save people."

"I can," Ao Ying replied quickly.

Before Zhou Zheng refused, a soft white light burst out from Zhou Zheng's chest.

A phantom of a divine dragon carved out of white jade appeared around Zhou Zheng's body. The divine dragon raised its head slightly and let out a soft moan. The soft mane and long beard fluttered slightly, and milky white ripples appeared on the horns of its forehead.

Taking Bailong as the origin, the sea monsters within a few hundred meters nearby looked up at the same time, and then rushed towards Zhou Zheng and the others as if they were dazed.

The corner of Xiao Sheng's mouth twitched slightly: "Squad leader, we seem to be surrounded."


Li Zhiyong took a deep breath, and he retracted the sniper rifles floating on the left and right to store magic weapons. He held a six-barreled helicopter hatch door machine gun in his hand as if nothing was there, and dozens of spares filled with spirit-infused bullets. Magazines lined up behind him.

"It may also be that we surrounded them instead."

Zhou Zheng took a breath, feeling that the blood in his body was burning, and some kind of longing was inexplicably in his heart.

He was the first to rush towards the group of sea monsters, and the tiger-head knife in his hand was full of strong thunder.



Feng Bugui's huge body flew upside down, hitting the thick iron door of the refuge with a muffled sound.

The man fell into the stagnant water that could submerge his knees, a mouthful of gore spewed out of his mouth, and his whole body was shaking.

But he didn't dare to delay any longer, he stuffed two pills casually, got up and rushed to the precarious battle line ahead.

More than 200 members of the special investigation team are here;

But seven or eight hundred sea monsters and monsters gathered to attack this intersection.

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