The 'lantern' slowly floated over, and the handle of the lantern flickered with fairy light, and there was an extra figure out of thin air.

This is a white-haired woman, wearing a retro-style fairy dress, her white hair is scattered casually, sitting on the wooden handle of the lantern at this moment, with a gentle face, willow eyebrows and almond eyes, she raised her hand to her chest, and bowed to Ao Yiling .

"Jie Tian Jiao?" Ao Yiling asked coldly.

"Bai Mengxian," the visitor replied softly.

"You want to start a war with Dragon Palace?"

Bai Mengxian shook his head slightly, his smile was quite friendly.

"Pindao just wants the general to stay here. Several fellow Taoists who are traveling with him are already in the Twelve Cities of the Eastern Sea. They have all seen the portrait of His Highness Ao Ying, and they can all feel the breath of the real dragon.

"General, don't misunderstand me. My teaching has absolutely no malice towards the Dragon Palace. It will only protect His Royal Highness Ao Ying's safety and will not harm His Highness Ao Ying. After this battle, I will send Her Highness Ao Ying back to the Dragon Palace safely.

"The land of the blue star, the place of the cage, my teaching just wants to expel the forces of the Futian League here."

Ao Yiling said proudly, "What if I don't agree?"

Bai Mengxian said with a smile: "Poverty Dao has a method, please general appreciate it."

Ao Yiling's fingers trembled slightly, and suddenly left an afterimage in the sea water, and his figure shuttled back and forth very quickly, seeing the sea water as nothing!

Bai Mengxian's silver hair fluttered slightly, and she put her fingers in front of her.

"My Buddha is merciful."

The golden swastika printed erupted from the bottom of the sea, instantly suppressing a range of hundreds of miles!

Clusters of currents exploded on the surface of the sea, and also isolated all the turtles and fish spirits who tried to come forward to help!



An unnamed desert island not far from the coastline.

The four figures sensed the fluctuations of fighting skills coming from a distance, opened their eyes at the same time, and each spoke:

"Everyone, Bai Mengxian has intercepted the eldest princess of the Dragon Palace, and we have nothing to worry about."

"Please also keep in mind that if the city can be broken today, then it will be broken, and if it cannot be broken, then it will mainly be invaded and plundered, so that the Futian League will feel that the rear is tight, and it will be transferred back to the frontline immortals.

"After all, this is the Eighteenth Holy Spirit that assists the land. We don't need to work hard."

"According to the tactics you and I discussed earlier, the Giant King and the Kun King pretended to attack their north and south ports, diverted the tiger away from the mountain, and the Claw King and Black King harassed the enemy's rear to attack."

"It's too much!"

The shirtless burly man shook his head and sneered, his body leaped up, his long hair exploded, and his body turned into a pitch-black giant python!

The giant python swelled rapidly, and when it fell into the sea, it was already thousands of meters long. It kept churning from below the sea surface, setting off waves tens of meters high!

There was a steady stream of waves, one wave was higher than the other, and they were fiercely hitting the south coastline!

Immediately afterwards, the woman with heavy makeup and a strong body fell into the sea, turned into a whale several times larger than this deserted island, and swam slowly to the north!

There was a torrential rain in the sky, and a fault gradually appeared in the sea water in front of the giant whale.

The [-]-meter-high tsunami surged at high speed, drawing a silver line between the sky and the earth.

In the sea water, ferocious fish turned into human figures, holding long forks and sharpening their fangs, their scarlet eyes full of longing.

Above the coastline, a beautiful figure stood quietly, the cloak behind her fluttered, and the tight combat uniform on her body gradually ignited the flames.

Fairy, Fengtong.

She swung her left hand violently, and dozens of figures behind her were divided into two groups, one south and one north flying away.

Tu Mao is in a hurry!

Siji is in a hurry!

Alarm after alarm was sent to these two port cities, and most of the residents in the two cities had been carried by monks to higher ground.

But because too many cultivation forces were deployed to support these two cities, the remaining ten cities are still in chaos at the moment.

Fortunately, the other ten cities are far away from the coast, and the combat effectiveness of those sea monsters will drop sharply away from the sea.

These ten cities are safe for now.



In the military underground passage of Longchen City, the off-road vehicle driven by Yue Wushuang braked suddenly.

The three big men in the back seat swayed separately, Xiao Sheng bumped into the front seat, and his whole body became energetic.

The light-gold barrier of protective formations blocked their way forward.

Several monks were already guarding the front, gesturing to them to return.

"I gonna go see."

Yue Wushuang opened the car door and ran over, and began to communicate with several monks guarding the gate.

"Squad leader," Li Zhiyong showed the phone screen to Zhou Zheng, "Tumao and Jisi are at war."

Zhou Zheng took the phone and looked at it carefully.

This is a high-definition picture taken by satellite, which is currently being circulated in the unofficial monk group chat.

Huge waves from the sea hit the shore, fishing boats were directly engulfed by the huge waves, and a thousand-ton destroyer was overturned like a sampan.

The tsunami is not only large in scale, but also far faster than a naturally occurring tsunami, and the energy stored in it is naturally even more astonishing.

But the semicircular shield standing on the ground is indestructible!

Even facing the vast hectares of sea water, the formation only trembled slightly at this moment, and colorful rays of light shone everywhere.

Zhou Zheng could faintly see figures under the formation.

They stood suspended in the air, standing below the nodes of the formation, with their hands raised high, roaring from time to time, bursting out their own immortal power to bless the formation.

"Depend on!"

Xiao Sheng scolded in a low voice: "These fish spirits are not authentic! They just use the weight of sea water to consume a large array of spiritual power!"

"The two armies are at war, and you will die."

Li Zhiyong said indifferently:

"If they have this strength, it is not impossible to push an asteroid into space."

"Our cultivation base is still too weak," Zhou Zheng said with a smile, "We can't help much at this time."

"Just started to practice," Xiao Sheng said with a smile, "Squad leader, with your cultivation speed, maybe in a few years you will be able to plunge into the waves and directly chase after those demon kings."

While speaking, Zhou Zheng glanced at Ao Ying who was in the co-pilot seat. She was frowning at the chat box on the phone.

The information in the chat box has not been updated for more than ten minutes.

"Ying, what's wrong?"

"Suddenly the eldest sister can't be contacted," Ao Ying pursed her lips slightly, "It may be that the signal has been interfered."

Zhou Zheng stretched out his right hand and patted her lightly on the shoulder:

"Don't worry, didn't you say that the eldest sister is very powerful, and the camps of demons and humans on Blue Star are in a delicate balance.

"The monsters definitely don't dare to fight on two fronts, they should find a way to monitor Dragon Palace now, to prevent Dragon Palace from coming to support, and let their plan to disturb the enemy fall short.

"In short, there will be no major problems."

"Well, I'll listen to you," Ao Ying nodded gently, with a reassuring smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Cough! Cough-cough-cough!"

Xiao Sheng looked up at the roof of the car: "There are still two single dogs here, you two pay attention."

The corner of Li Zhiyong's mouth twitched: "Only those who are single based on their strength are called dogs. I just don't like women."

Zhou Zheng and Xiao Sheng moved their buttocks away from Li Zhiyong at the same time.

Outside the car, Yue Wushuang trotted back, leaned on the car window and frowned:

"The secondary array protecting the industrial island has been fully activated, and there is no way to get in and out now, unless a fairy leaves with the entrance from the ground."

"That's just right," Xiao Sheng said indifferently, "Let's find a place to have a cup of tea, anyway, we can't go anywhere if we're trapped here."

"Zhiyong, please reply to the main station that sent us the transfer order, just tell the truth," Zhou Zheng sighed, "Let's go back the same way."

"Good squad leader."

Yue Wushuang agreed, turned her head and waved to the monks guarding here, and the latter waved their hands with smiles in response.

Soon, the off-road vehicle turned around and continued driving.

Li Zhiyong swiped a few videos with his mobile phone, and more and more images of fierce battles in the group of monks he was in came out.

Zhou Zheng and Xiao Sheng watched from the sidelines, which was an eye-opener.

The tsunami engulfed the land beyond the light wall of the Great Formation, and a figure with a strange shape and humanoid shape appeared in the sea, and they rushed into the Great Formation in groups.

There were stars twinkling in the sky, and Zhou Zheng's sharp eyes saw a few immortals flying towards them stepping on missiles one after another. The immortals hung in the air to let the missiles hit the group of giant monsters in the sea who were about to land first, and then they each activated their magic weapons and grabbed them. The sword fell straight down from the sky, fighting with these giant monsters.

Protect the formation!

Snipe the demon!

Scenes of such fierce battles abound. Even if a large number of immortals are dispatched to support the western front, the defensive strength of the Twelve Cities of the East China Sea is still very impressive.

According to the news in the group chat, there was also a big battle on the western front, and all kinds of monsters brazenly launched a general attack. Half of the large number of immortals and monks who should have rushed back to support had to stay on the western front to participate in the battle.

"Flanking back and forth, so that the head and the tail can't look at each other," Xiao Sheng was worried, "These monsters really learned the art of war."

"Let me take a closer look."

Zhou Zheng groaned a few times, borrowed Li Zhiyong's cell phone, and quickly browsed through the videos one by one.

Li Zhiyong smiled slightly, and took out another mobile phone from the storage magic weapon, which did not affect him watching the battle from the air.

Not long after, both Zhou Zheng and Li Zhiyong had solemn expressions.

"Something is wrong," Zhou Zheng said in a deep voice.

"The opponent's offensive seems a little too weak."

Li Zhiyong narrowed his eyes:

"If the monsters in the sea want to attack our formation, they must rely on the initial attack, otherwise they will not be able to gain a foothold on land if the waves recede.

"But at the moment, it seems that the opponent's first wave of offensive has no effect."

Zhou Zheng continued: "It's impossible for them to not even estimate the strength of the formation."

"If it's just for show," Li Zhiyong said in a low voice, "the number of monsters in the sea is not small, and the types are not the same. Obviously, there are several forces in the sea... Could it be that the land eighteen demon kings put pressure on the sea monster kings?" gone?"


Zhou Zheng returned the mobile phone, looked at the gray wall that was passing by quickly outside the car window, his eyes were shining with thought.

wow wow wow-

Um?What's happening?

Zhou Zheng's ears twitched slightly, and he looked down at the side of the road.

The location they are in at the moment is the underground tunnel connecting the main city and the satellite islands. Usually, only monks and official staff can enter and exit this road.

The ventilation and drainage systems in the tunnel are very good. Even if you breathe in it for several hours, you will not feel any suffocation; because there are usually fewer passing vehicles and there is not such a heavy exhaust gas.

At this moment, in the drainage ditches on both sides of the road, there is water flowing rapidly.

Zhou Zheng raised his hand and patted Li Zhiyong, who looked over together.

In just a few seconds, a stream of clear water emerged from under the reinforced concrete cover, and the flow continued to intensify, and those thick fence covers were directly lifted up.

Because of seawater intrusion?


It is more than 100 kilometers away from the coastline, and it is farther away from the two port cities that were hit by the tsunami at the moment. It cannot be affected by the fighting situation there!

Li Zhiyong's expression was extremely serious.

Zhou Zheng yelled suddenly: "Zhiyong quickly contact the main control station! Demon attack! Wushuang, drive faster! Xiao Sheng's spiritual sense checks the thickness of the land above, and finds an opportunity to break through!"

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