Uncle Fu raised his hand and poked Zhou Zheng in the ribs, Zhou Zheng squeezed his arms and dodged aside, and the two laughed.

"Really not going?"

Uncle Fu shook the two cards, Zhou Zheng shook his head and refused without much hesitation.

"That's fine," Fu Bo sighed, "Then Fu Bo will give you a warning motto!"

"What motto?"

"People die and birds face the sky, and they will not die for ten thousand years!"

Uncle Fu waved his hand: "Don't be cowardly when something happens, just do it! At worst, Uncle Fu will teach you how to run. I'm an old expert!"

Zhou Zheng was a little confused.

If he was just a little skeptical before, now he is basically convinced...

Over the past few years, Uncle Fu has indeed become more and more dishonest as he gets older!


Satiated with wine and food, Zhou Zheng and Ao Ying took the light rail train back to the third industrial island.

Zhou Zheng hasn't eaten so full for a long time.

Although his taste was gradually taken away by Ao Yingyang, and he lost his need for food after entering the innate realm, he still couldn't resist the temptation of braised meat in a copper pot.

Ao Ying seemed to be thinking about some difficult problem at the moment.

She deliberately put on light makeup today, lip gloss, and eyeliner. That small face is a little more delicate now, and the light pink lips seem to be quite sweet.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Zheng asked, "Is there something on your mind?"

"Zhou, Uncle Fu seems to be a little... a little hidden."

Ao Ying said in a voice: "My spiritual sense is relatively sharp among our clan. When facing Uncle Fu, I dare not look directly for more than three seconds, or I will panic in my heart. But the strange thing is, I didn't." Feeling any aura fluctuations and dao rhymes, and actively investigating did not find any abnormalities, it was just a purely instinctive feeling."

"Is Forbe hiding anything?"

Zhou Zheng thought about it seriously, and said with a smile: "Maybe it's just a kind of aura."

"It's a bit weird," Ao Ying murmured softly, just as she was about to continue her analysis, the phone by her lap vibrated slightly.

She picked it up and looked at it, then suddenly raised her head to look at Zhou Zheng, pursing her lips slightly.

"problem occurs."

Zhou Zheng took the phone and looked at the lock screen interface. The two messages displayed side by side, on the top was a beautiful head portrait of a dragon girl with two horns on her head, and below was the 'certificate photo' of the benevolent turtle fairy.

[Elder Sister: Longwei, come back quickly. 】

[Fourth Grandma: The demons in the sea have united with the eighteen demon kings on land to attack the twelve cities in the East China Sea. Now a large number of demons have been secretly transferred to the coast. sea, you should go west. 】

Zhou Zheng returned the phone with a solemn expression: "I'll contact instructor Xiaoyue."

"Well," Ao Ying nodded lightly, "Don't be impatient, the local immortals should be prepared, Fairy Fengtong has been watching from the East Sea."

"If the situation is not right, you should leave first," Zhou Zheng warned, "Don't worry about me, the Futian League should not let me, a congenital monk, go all out."

In the voice, Zhou Zheng had dialed Xiaoyue's voice, lowered his head and began to speak quickly.

Ao Ying blinked, a flash of inspiration.

That Uncle Fu called them over today, as if to give them two tourist cards for the mid-tier cities... Wouldn't it be too clever to arrange for the two of them to go to the western cities at this time?

'I should have thought too much. '

Ao Ying looked up at Zhou Zheng, and didn't mention this matter much.

Now is clearly the wrong time.

After Zhou Zheng briefly reported the situation to Xiaoyue, he folded his arms and fell into deep thought, as if he was under a lot of pressure.

On this day, the twelve cities in the East China Sea all sounded the alarm.

The citizens of the two port cities received an emergency evacuation message. A mortal and monk in uniform drove through the streets and alleys, knocking on the door of every house.

The major refuges were activated urgently, and the foundations of the inner and outer protective formations were quickly filled with spirit stones.

The overhaul group that Zhou Zheng joined unlocked all speech bans, and the official announcement was changed to two lines of bright red words:

[The monsters in the sea are attacking, and the port situation of Tumao and Bansi is in crisis. All fellow Taoists above the God Realm, please use the official channel to help! 】

All over the Twelve Cities, villas located on the agricultural island shone with immortal light, and figures of many figures, either flying swords or riding clouds, rushed to the nearest entrance and exit point of the formation.

More than 300 kilometers east of Longchen City, near a certain submarine volcano.

A series of huge black shadows passed quickly, and under the faint light near the crater, these black shadows were innumerable and continuous.


Third Industrial Island light rail station.

Accompanied by the sound of reminders for the citizens to rush to the shelter as soon as possible, Zhou Zheng dragged Ao Ying down the stairs and ran towards the building of the special operations team.

What reassures Ao Ying is that their team has received the task of protecting the people.

If a large-scale 'disaster' breaks out in the Twelve Cities, the shelters must also have sufficient defense forces to prevent the masses from mixing with monsters and launching massacres in a closed environment.

These are bloody lessons.

Perhaps it was because the Twelve Cities of the East China Sea had really been at peace for too long, and people didn't know anything about the existence of monsters. At this moment, when they suddenly received an alarm, they didn't respond quickly enough, and chaos of various degrees appeared everywhere.

The five members of Zhou Zheng's team rushed to the central refuge of the Third Industrial Island immediately after meeting, and together with more than 200 members of the special operations team, they undertook the defense task here.

What made the five of them feel a little strange was that they had just arrived at their posts, and a new order was issued, asking their team to immediately support the central city area and help maintain order on Xingfu Street.

Xingfu Avenue is the place with the most masters in Longchen City, so there is no need for the five of them to shine.

"Is this to protect us?"

Yue Wushuang frowned and looked around at other groups that were already busy, feeling a little depressed.

Li Zhiyong reminded: "At least our past is not a bad thing."

Xiao Sheng could only show apology for this, and said in a voice: "Sorry, it should be because of me, I... well, they still take too much care of the reincarnated gods, where there will be rainbows without going through wind and rain, I should go Experience on the edge of life and death!"

Yue Wushuang immediately showed the whites of her beautiful eyes.

Ao Ying couldn't hold back, and covered her mouth with a chuckle.

"Let's go."

Zhou Zheng said sternly, "Aim for government in his position and obey orders."

"Okay," Xiao Sheng scratched his head, regretting why he got stuck.

If there is no such bottleneck, he can successfully recover the strength of his previous life, and he can also be a first-class combat unit on Blue Star, second only to the kind of Demon King of the Golden Fairyland.


Almost the same moment.

Somewhere on the shallow seabed of the East China Sea, it is built in a crystal palace among coral groves.

Under the service of several clam girls, Ao Yiling walked out of the pool made of white jade.

She has a graceful and immaculate figure. At this moment, she opened a pair of arms that flowed with sunlight, tied on a soft tube top, and put on an inner skirt made of tulle. Her long hair was gently rolled up by a few light-white jade hands.

Look at the princess of the Dragon Palace.

Wearing scarlet chain mail and a purple gold crown with phoenix wings.

The hands are streamlined and the wrists are light, and the feet are black-soled cloud-piercing boots.

A dragon's head belt is worn around the waist, and an immortal sword is also worn; a red cloud canopy is worn on the shoulder, and a demon-slaying bow is hung obliquely.

Four strong men transformed into whales brought a bronze spear tremblingly, but Ao Yiling took it easily, and casually took the gun, causing trembling everywhere in the Crystal Palace.

The two tortoise prime ministers knelt down and hurriedly said:

"Your Highness, we are not yet strong enough to compete with the coalition forces of all the monsters in the sea. If we act rashly, I'm afraid we will get burned."

"Your Highness, please think twice. Demons have been fighting people for a long time. You only need to take back the Third Highness and the man she likes, but you don't have to directly fight demons."

"There is nothing in the world that is absolutely sure."

Ao Yiling raised his head slightly, that melon-seeded face that should have been bright and charming, now showed a heroic spirit.

"The purpose of this trip is to bring Yingying back. If there is an opportunity to fight the demon king in the sea, don't let it go."

The two tortoise ministers didn't dare to say much, and even called His Highness wise.

At this moment, several generals in the sea moved forward in panic, kneeling outside the gate of the palace here.

"Your Highness! His Second Highness led people to block the gate of the palace! He said he wanted to guard against surprise attacks by monsters, and no one was allowed to enter or leave."

Ao Yiling's Danfeng eyes flashed a little cold light, but he didn't say a word, just walked forward with his spear.

Chapter 45 Raid!Raid!

at this time.

Ao Yiling rushed to the gate of the palace with his spear in hand, and looked at the few figures outside, his face, which was still filled with anger, quickly returned to a little cold.

Those three or five figures are all under Ao Yitian's subordinates.

Ao Yitian was wearing red and yellow battle armor, his expression was full of gloomy at the moment, but there was a sneer that seemed to be absent from the corner of his mouth.

"Step aside."

Ao Yiling's gaze was like a sword, and the phantom of a fire-colored horned dragon slowly emerged from behind, her long and narrow dragon's eyes opened slightly, and her voice became a mixture of rough and soft.

Ao Yitian clenched his spear tightly, and said in a low voice: "Eldest sister, let them settle the matter between monsters and people by themselves. This is an ancient practice of our clan."

"I said, get out of the way."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to let it go again today!"

"To shut up!"

The fire horned dragon opened its mouth and roared violently, gusts of sea water gushed forward, and the school of fish hiding among the corals on the bottom of the sea panicked and fled.

"Ao Yiling!"

Blue light gushed out from Ao Yitian's body, a black dragon rose up, and the light of the dragon's eyes flickered slightly.

"The power of the Dragon Palace, you and I will rule together, this is the promise you gave me before the third son came! Now! You only have Ao Ying in your eyes now! My hard work has been occupied by you and ruined!"

The blue dragon fluttered its beard, and roared at the fire horned dragon.

Two strands of dragon power, one blue and one red, rendered a large area of ​​sea water.

There were huge waves on the sea directly above, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and thunder bursts.

The fire horned dragon leaped forward, its pair of dragon claws were like running thunder, it was an incomparably huge body, but it had an unbelievable speed.

Her violent attack made Canglong unable to dodge in time. The latter tried to turn his head to escape, but was pinned to the bottom of the sea by the fire horned dragon's front paws.

The horned dragon opened its mouth and roared angrily at the head of the blue dragon:

"Why don't you look at what you've done!

"I asked you to find out the reality of the monster, not to associate with the monster!

"The respect of the world was brought back by my Dragon Clan bit by bit! You didn't talk about it like this! They should be the ministers of you and me, but you want to be equal to them!"

There was a bit of panic in Canglong's eyes, the pinned dragon's claws kept trembling, his body gradually shrunk, and he returned to Ao Yitian's human form, panting hard.

The Huo Horned Dragon snorted coldly, turned into Ao Yiling's human form, hovered above the bottom of the sea, and looked down at Ao Yitian.

Although she really wanted to call him a waste, she finally endured it.

"Go back and reflect."

Ao Yitian's eyes trembled slightly, and he breathed hard in the seawater—this was just some instinct.

There was a bit of evil light in his eyes, and a bit of a sneer was drawn from the corner of his mouth, seeing Ao Yiling's slight mockery...

"excuse me."

A cold female voice sounded in the sea ahead.

In the dark sea water, a white light slowly bloomed, like a lantern floating in the sea.

Ao Yiling's expression didn't change at all, he handed over the spear to his left hand, and held the handle of the knife at his waist with his right hand.

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