'Didn't you ask me first, is this world fair to us? '

Zhou Zheng was stunned for a moment, and several images slowly emerged in front of his eyes, as if someone had lifted a layer of gauze, and saw the bruised and bruised boy.

The corner of the orphanage in the afternoon.

The young man dragging his tired body sat there with bruises all over his body, his eyes were full of tiredness, but there was a slight smile on his mouth.

The girl knelt aside, frowning and helping him clean up the injury.

'Why did you go to black boxing again, and the dean's mother found out that you were going to be locked up again. '

"What are you afraid of?" the boy grinned, "I have a special constitution, and the injury will disappear after a night's sleep. Look! '

He shook the stack of banknotes in his hand, raised his eyebrows:

'The newcomers will have money for their milk powder. '


On a cloudy day with drizzle, an excavator knocked down the wall of the orphanage.

The young man was held tightly by someone, his eyes were spitting fire, and he wanted to rush up to fight those people, but not far away was a group of gangsters with utensils, who kept raising their eyebrows and smiling at the young man.

In the evening, the boy took the girl to the nightclubs where gangsters hang out.

'I'll go in later, if there is no movement in 5 minutes, you call the police. '

The girl trembled and asked: 'Are you okay?There are so many people inside! '

'There are too many people to mess up, so get them in the dark! '

The boy unbuttoned his jacket and threw it into the girl's arms: "Fate is a fixed thing. The fortune teller said that I can live to be at least 80 years old. I shouldn't be able to break it today." '


The teenager was picked up by the dean at the police station that day.

On the way back, the dean didn't say much, just hugged his bruised but harmless body, and kept wiping away his tears.

The dean became even more ill after returning home.

The teacher at the orphanage said that the dean had cancer, and he hadn't been to the hospital before, but going to the hospital now can only relieve the pain.

In the dimly lit rental house, the gray-haired dean was lying on the bed, holding the boy's left hand.

'Go to the exam...what's the point of fighting...'

'Well, I'm going to take the exam, and I'll take the exam according to your instructions. '

"Thanks to you for the past few years," the dean said in a trembling voice, "I'm useless, I can't find much donations... But Xiao Zheng, a person's ability is limited, you don't have to force yourself to do something ... You have to live a good life. '

'I know, you rest first, don't talk. '

'If you don't say it, you won't have a chance. '

The dean smiled softly, raised his rough hand tremblingly, and wiped away the unrestrained tears from the corners of his eyes.


in front of the tombstone.

The girl in the black dress straightened her hair, she was about to go on a long journey.

'Xiao Zheng, do you think this world is fair to us? '

The boy did not answer.

The girl pursed her lips slightly, turned around and walked away without saying anything.

The boy hugged his knees tightly, fixed his eyes on the dean's tombstone, and after an unknown amount of time, he got up and walked in another direction.

Since then, go to school, take exams.

Since then, I have been gentle with people, and kept telling myself that nothing can be solved with fists, and I have to get along with everyone kindly.

Since then, I have been crowded on the crowded light rail in the morning rush hour, looking at the wheat waves blowing by the wind outside the window, and thinking about which forum to visit after work.

From then on, live well.

'Xiao Zheng, you really have changed a lot. '

'Husband!Hee hee, I'm going to shout, I'm going to shout!Husband! '

'Squad leader! '

Zhou Zheng opened his eyes suddenly, and what he saw was the blue sky filled with mist, and Xiao Sheng's figure thrown backwards.

Xiao Sheng's chest collapsed completely, his protective mana was shattered, the gold chain on his chest was stained with blood, his face was iron-colored, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Zhou Zheng struggled to turn over and looked at the scene of the battle over there.

The ferocious monster showed itself, its tentacles swept across the field, and it was close to defeating its own defense line.

Silhouettes being shot everywhere;

Li Zhiyong rushing from a distance;

The helpless Ao Ying...

In the rear, Xiao Sheng, who flew upside down, knocked away the protective formation of the shelter, smashed the wall, and revealed the densely packed and countless figures inside.

They looked at the monster outside in horror, almost forgetting how to scream.

Fortunately, Xiao Sheng vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and was able to sit up after struggling.

"Squad leader! Cough...how are you hurt..."

Zhou Zheng didn't answer. At this moment, he didn't have the strength to answer. He could only barely grab the wrist guard on his right hand and take it off forcefully.

The three-ring imprint shone brightly.

Zhou Zheng closed his eyes, and Bing Ning seemed to appear in front of her eyes. She stood on the top of the snow-capped mountain, staring at the mortal dust filled with fireworks below, her face was cold and not disturbing the dust.

I also saw the Fairy Fengtong who was like a phoenix coming to the world;

I saw the Tengu Xiaoyue who opened his mouth as if to devour the world.

The three bans were shattered at the same time!

Zhou Zheng's prostrate body slowly floated up, a rich golden light bloomed from his forehead, and eight golden wheels that rotated forward and backward appeared one after another.

The sound of chanting, singing, and drums rose out of thin air!

'If you can't fully explode, your body can't bear this power, so you must plan the use of your spiritual power. '

Zhou Zheng's thoughts kept turning, and the magic power in his body was quickly filled with the nourishment of spiritual energy.

Xiao Sheng who was behind was stunned, and he tremblingly said: "Squad leader... your spiritual power! This is the spiritual power that will allow you to rush to the fairyland in the future..."

Zhou Zheng turned his head slightly, smiled at Xiao Sheng through Baolun, and exhaled lightly.

Dean, if the world is peaceful, I will listen to you and live a good life;

But this world is not.

It's not fair, it's full of man-eating monsters, and its only fairness is that it's unfair to everyone.

[All dharmas are impermanent, the Dao is peaceful].

Zhou Zheng's face showed anger, and he suddenly rushed forward, causing a deafening sonic boom, and several layers of shock wave marks that bloomed vertically, knocking down the octopus that was tens of meters long!

He must be able to delay until Teacher Bingning returns.

Chapter 48 The Ice Fall

Such a strong demon body.

The tentacles of the octopus demon swept past Zhou Zheng;

The world in his eyes suddenly slowed down, and the lines, details, and mucus on the tentacles several meters thick were all in his eyes.

As the wind hit his face, Zhou Zheng immediately turned back from the air to avoid the staggered falling tentacles in front of him, quickly turned his body back several times, and rushed to the big eyeballs of the octopus monster.

Slash vertically!

The Immortal Treasure Hengdao temporarily brought out by Zhou Zheng was shining brightly.

Zhou Zheng's angry expression was reflected in the eyes of this octopus monster, its huge body turned in place, and its tentacles swept across the audience.

Zhou Zheng cut it down with a single blow!

Blue water arrows burst out from the top of the octopus monster!

But he was unable to directly injure the monster, and immediately rushed towards the sky, and then moved sideways away from the refuge, and began to avoid the next round of the octopus monster's attack.

The tentacles danced wildly, and the water arrows flew across.

The octopus demon was already a little annoyed, and the attack became more and more rapid, Zhou Zheng could find fewer and fewer gaps to escape.

He is now dancing on the tip of a knife.

The body is the body of the innate state, but by virtue of the spiritual power of the previous life, it has temporarily obtained a good 'attack power'.

The last time Zhou Zheng punched the shark, he almost dislocated his arm and shattered his bones once he punched the shark.

Fortunately, now that he has a little foundation of monasticism, his bones will not be directly shattered.

Defeating the enemy relies on the sharpness of the precious sword in his hand, You Dou borrows the spiritual power from his previous life, but he relies on his inherently imperfect Taoist body for defense.

Getting hit by an octopus foot will really kill you!

A white light bloomed beside him, and Zhou Zheng's speed increased again.

Ao Ying floated quietly above the refuge, and the ancient skirt that she didn't know when she changed slowly fluttered, with her right hand pointing to her chest, and her left hand on her right elbow, she chanted scriptures in a low voice.

The white light didn't just bless Zhou Zheng. At this time, all the monks in the audience were infected by the white light, but there was more or less white light, and Zhou Zheng alone accounted for [-]% to [-]%.

"Squad leader, let me help you plan the route."

Li Zhiyong's voice suddenly entered his ears, and a blurred light and shadow appeared in Zhou Zheng's heart.

Zhou Zheng's eyes lit up, and he immediately rushed forward in the direction shown by the light and shadow, his figure easily escaped under the siege of several tentacles.

The members of the special investigation team not far away looked at this scene and couldn't help but sweat for Zhou Zheng.

The tentacles of the giant octopus danced wildly, and the buildings affected by the tentacles collapsed like paper, and cracks several meters wide appeared on the ground hit by the tentacles.

That figure carried eight golden wheels on its back, and shuttled back and forth among these tentacles, drawing a striking golden trajectory.

Like wild bees dancing wildly, the people watching are dazzled.

The windbreaker with the word "Loricon" printed on it, for some reason... so conspicuous.

"Squad leader! Come on!"

Yue Wushuang was holding two broken scimitars, standing in the distance and shouting loudly.

'This guy Li Zhiyong has something. '

Zhou Zheng glanced distractedly at Li Zhiyong's position.

At this moment, I saw Li Zhiyong floating in the air not far away, his feet were suspended in the air but he was standing steadily, his eyes were full of divine light, and he was holding a slingshot in his hand and kept shooting iron pellets at the octopus monster...

wait!He is levitating?

Zhou Zheng frowned.

Isn't this guy a cultivator in the realm of the gods?When will a cultivator in the realm of the gods be able to hang in the air without relying on imperial objects?

Zhiyong also has spiritual power in his previous life?

Seeing the situation is a bit different, Li Zhiyong's levitation is very natural!

Ah this?

Before he had time to think about it, Zhou Zheng kept his angry expression, and his figure flew back and forth, attacking the octopus monster's head again, aiming to hit the octopus monster's vitals.

Li Zhiyong was on the sidelines to help, and the iron pellets were replaced with vermilion 'explosive pills', and a layer of red powder exploded around the head of the octopus monster, covering the octopus monster's sight.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zhiyong looked at Zhou Zheng with some concern.

When he blocked the octopus monster's sight, he also blocked the squad leader's sight. If the squad leader had a slight mistrust of his command, or hesitated or wavered, it might really lead to tragedy.


"Tell me how to get there!"

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