It will be updated around 9 o'clock in the future

------off topic-----

Oh, yesterday's debt was 21, and I counted it as 20, but no one corrected it.

I corrected myself today.

In addition, there is no reward for today, the final price of the first order is about 1900, plus two changes, the current monthly ticket should be more than 700, and one chapter will be added.

Minus 4 chapters today.

At present, I only owe 16 chapters.

It feels easy, and it will be all done in four or five days

Chapter 102 Excellent Quality Medicinal Dregs

Mingyue Building, reference room.

Following the cold voice, a pale yellow figure walked in.

If Wu Wei were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the person walking in before him was Lou Xiaoyue who was in the real world before.

On Zhong Shengnan's side, he was also taken aback when he saw Lou Xiaoyue suddenly appearing in front of him.

It seems that she did not expect her to appear in the inner courtyard.

What puzzled her even more was that Lou Xiaoyue's attitude towards her at this time was very problematic.

There is no respect at all in the real world before, and there is a faint lingering guard between his brows.

Zhong Shengnan frowned: "Why are you here?"

"Senior Zhong, not long ago, I was transferred to the inner courtyard to cooperate with the investigation of Team 8322!"

"You? Investigating the incident of Team 8322?"

Zhong Shengnan was stunned.

I don't know what Yuehua City is doing, how can I transfer a person from the outside, and it is Lou Xiaoyue who is not very high-ranking to cooperate with the investigation of the 8322 team incident.

Zhong Shengnan felt a little hard to understand.

To Zhong Shengnan's doubts, Lou Xiaoyue responded indifferently: "As early as when the incident in the Dryad Forest happened, I wrote a report on it to the higher authorities.

After Little Labyrinth Cave, I wrote another report.

It may be that after reading my report, the higher-ups felt that I was suitable for this project, so they transferred me to the inner courtyard. "

Zhong Shengnan curled his lips and subconsciously said, "Really, then which part of the investigation are you currently in charge of?"

As soon as these words came out, Lou Xiaoyue on the opposite side fell silent.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Only then did Zhong Shengnan realize that she seemed to have asked a question that shouldn't be asked.

Scratching his head: "I violated the rules with this question?"

"It's not a violation, you can ask, and I can't tell.

At present, I am mainly responsible for the investigation of possible 'salvation' members! "

Speaking of this, Lou Xiaoyue paused, looked at Zhong Shengnan, hesitated for a moment and added another sentence.

"Currently you are my third target for investigation!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Shengnan's face changed and became very gloomy.

Good guy, she's still investigating Wu Wei, and when she turned around, she herself was suspected?

"You doubt me?"

"It's not a suspicion, it's just an investigation of possible targets. By the way, my first investigation target is myself, and the second investigation target is the one in your hand!"

Zhong Shengnan was taken aback, and looked at Wu Wei's information in his hand: "Have you had any contact with him?"

"No, since there may be members of 'Salvation' in Yuehua City, contacting him rashly may cause unnecessary trouble, so we didn't contact Wu Wei.

However, in the past few days, we have mobilized all the permissions we can use to thoroughly investigate Wu Wei.

Now we can basically confirm that Wu Wei is not a member of 'Salvation'.

The matter of the 8322 team has nothing to do with him!

Plus, the affair might not be over yet.

So we don't want you to investigate him hastily and disturb him, it will bring him unnecessary trouble! "

"unnecessary trouble?"

Zhong Shengnan narrowed his eyes: "You mean, you are worried that 'Redemption' will trouble him?

Isn't that better?Just enough to lure that group of guys out and catch them all! "

As soon as Zhong Shengnan said this, Lou Xiaoyue looked at her even colder.

"Senior Zhong, please be careful with your words.

Your thinking is very dangerous, please don't take your classmates as your bait.

You don't have this power!

Also, please don't forget that the greatest significance of Yuehua City's existence is to provide them with a safe environment to grow up.

Instead of using them as bait, let them fall into danger that cannot be guaranteed! "

"That's what you said!"

Zhong Shengnan's face changed, and he was about to say something.

But Lou Xiaoyue didn't give her a chance.

"In addition, sister Zhong, your biggest task right now is not to stare at Wu Wei, but to help us complete the investigation of your suspicions!

Please come with me! "

Saying that, Lou Xiaoyue put on a gesture of invitation.

Politely invited Zhong Shengnan to an inquiry room!


Wu Wei dormitory.

Wu Wei had no idea how much trouble someone had saved him.

He is now devoting all his heart to the optimization and drawing of [Torch Talisman].

It took 1 days to upgrade [Basic Talismanship] to 2-star Wu Wei, and it took Wu Wei a little over half an hour to successfully draw [Torch Talisman], and it took Wu Wei three hours to optimize the [Torch Talisman] to a high-quality level about.

But next, it will take a little too much time for Wu Wei to go up this step.

After tossing and tossing for two days, Wu Wei still failed to get out the high-quality [torch talisman].

The main reason is that there are more boutique-quality [torch talisman] talisman nodes than he expected.

Well, not too many, just one more!

Originally, Wu Wei thought that 4 talisman nodes would be enough, but it turned out that 5 talisman nodes were needed.

Although there is only one more talisman node, the difficulty of the problem that needs to be faced is not increased by one-fifth, but directly multiplied.

As a result, Wu Wei struggled for two days, but he couldn't get out the high-quality [torch talisman].

Some problems, he has never been able to solve them.

This is mainly because his [Fundamentals of Talismanship] is too poor, only 1 star.

But he couldn't help it, he didn't have further knowledge at hand, and the logistics department didn't sell it.

If he wanted to start, he could only learn from Jiang Li and the others.

Without a knowledge base, Wu Wei could only use stupid methods to die.

This takes a lot of brains and energy.

Wu Wei, who has been working for two days without any results, is almost depressed by repeated failures.

And when Wu Wei was depressed and had a headache, a timid knock on the door rang out, and at the same time, Wu Wei was temporarily pulled out of the depression and headache.

It's black!

Well, Wu Weiguang can tell who knocked when he heard the knock on the door.

Sure enough, Wu Wei opened the door, and standing outside was Xiao Hei holding a medicine bottle and a sign.

[Spirit Talisman Pill has been refined...]

The words on the sign made people feel very depressed. Wu Wei's eyes lit up when he saw it, and it seemed that this time it should be all right.

Sure enough, when Wu Wei's eyes fell on Xiao Hei's medicine bottle, the properties of the pill came out.


Elixir: Lingfu Dan

Quality: high quality

Level: 20

Explanation: It is not difficult to see from the level that it is much higher quality than ordinary high-quality spirit charm pills.

But please don't rush to praise this alchemy room, after all, refining this kind of elixir with excellent quality materials is something that an alchemist can do.


Well, don't look at what the description says is an alchemy room and hand.

But this thing is the only one that Xiao Hei spent four whole days and spent a lot of high-quality materials to barely make it.

After finally succeeding once, she immediately took it over to share the joy with Wu Wei.

But it was only at this time that she remembered the materials she had wasted, and she suddenly became apprehensive.

Some worried that Wu Wei would be angry.

Unexpectedly, not only was Wu Wei not angry, but he happily took the pill.

He also came to the alchemy room with Xiao Hei, and then threw himself into Xiao Hei's alchemy furnace, carefully and meticulously picked out all the medicine residues in the alchemy furnace.

Some of them couldn't be picked away, Wu Wei even wanted to hold them and started talking.

This scene makes Xiao Hei look stupid, especially he can't understand what Wu Wei is doing.

She who doesn't know how precious the dregs are, of course can't understand Wu Wei's behavior.


Medicinal dregs: medicinal dregs that can purify aura

Quality: Excellent+

Level: 20

Description: Possesses medicinal dregs that purify aura and increase the effect of spiritual power.

After taking it, it can increase the spiritual value.

The side effect is that after taking it, the internal organs will be cut like a knife. In addition, the purified spiritual energy needs to be guided.


This is the property of the dregs in Xiao Hei's alchemy furnace.

This dregs made Wu Wei see the hope of increasing his spiritual power.

You know, his current 30 points of spiritual power can only make him explode for one second. If he can increase it, even if it is only for one second, it will be a huge improvement for him.

Can such a baby Wu Wei not talk about it?

After cleaning the entire alchemy furnace, Wu Wei hurried back to the training room, carefully poured out about 30/[-]th of the medicine dregs and stuffed it down in one gulp.

As soon as this mouthful of medicine dregs entered his stomach, Wu Wei immediately felt that the aura around him became violent and rushed towards his body.

At the same time, his internal organs began to ache.

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