It was like being stirred with a knife, extremely painful.

Fortunately, Wu Wei has already taken a lot of Xiao Hei's medicine, and Wu Wei has a certain ability to endure this side effect and can bear it.

But he was able to hold on, but the aura was surging in his body, as if he couldn't find a way to vent it, he could only accumulate more and more inside.

Seeing that the aura seemed to explode him, Wu Weiyi gritted his teeth and started the practice of [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake].

As Wu Wei struggled to put on the [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake] posture, and adjusted his aura bit by bit, he finally completed a week of cultivation.

The aura in Wu Wei's body seemed to have found a way, and he knew what to do next.

It began to run down the cycle of the [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile].

And as Zhou Tian revolved round and round, the aura in Wu Wei's body was purified bit by bit.

The effect of the medicine lasted for more than three hours.

Wu Wei completed hundreds of Sundays in these three hours.

When the last week was completed, the aura in the body completely turned into spiritual power and merged into Wu Wei's dantian.

The incorporation of this aura changed Wu Wei's spiritual power from 30 to 35, an increase of 5 points!

In addition, Wu Wei's proficiency in the Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile has increased by a full 100 points.

That is to say, if Wu Wei eats all the dregs of the medicine, his spiritual power can soar to 180 points, and the proficiency of the yellow scarf iron bull pile can also soar to 3000 points.

The benefits are pretty scary.

With a spiritual power of 180 points, at least Wu Wei could burst into a spiritual power state for 6 seconds.

More importantly, this wave of practice seems to have tempered Wu Wei's body, but there is currently no attribute improvement, so it cannot be truly confirmed.

But no matter what, Xiao Hei's medicine dregs is really a magic medicine.

However, Wu Wei was not surprised at this time.

It's not that he doesn't like the effect of the dregs, but that at this time he is still under another effect of the dregs.

When he was cultivating before, the pain Wu Wei endured was truly severe.

And he seems to have such a kind of resilience, a kind of talent, able to endure pain, the more pain he has, the more he can concentrate his mind together.

Previously, Wu Wei's energy was concentrated on the operation of the [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile].

And when the effect of the medicine ends and the operation of [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Pile] stops.

Wu Wei's highly concentrated state of mind didn't slump, on the contrary, it became more cohesive.

In this state, Wu Wei felt that his thoughts became extremely active.

At this time, the yellow turban iron bull pile didn't need Wu Wei to bother, so, with a thought, Wu Wei put his thoughts on the optimization of the [torch talisman].

Wu Wei originally just wanted to try it, and didn't hold out too much hope, but he didn't expect the effect to be good.

In this state, all kinds of whimsical ideas came to his mind.

But it is a pity that Wu Wei could not implement various ideas experimentally.

So very soon, Wu Wei came down from that state, his mind was empty for an instant, he felt like there was something, and there was nothing at all.

Wu Wei narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"This state alone is not enough, the optimized state of the talisman must also be added!"

As he said that, Wu Wei took action and drew 9 optimized versions of [Torch Talisman], but the last one was stuck, and Wu Wei took out one-thirtieth of the dregs of the medicine and took it.

Soon, another three hours passed, and Wu Wei gained 5 points of spiritual power and 100 points of skill proficiency again.

But at this moment, Wu Wei had no time to care about these things.

As soon as the effect of the medicine was over, Wu Wei immediately drew the last [High Quality Torch Talisman] on the desk prepared by the side.

With the formation of the tenth high-quality torch talisman, Wu Wei entered a special state of epiphany with a [boom] in his head.

In this state, Wu Wei has benefited a lot this time.

In one go, I finished the high-quality version of [Torch Talisman] that I had conceived for two days.

After exiting from this state, Wu Wei directly dropped the high-quality version of [Torch Talisman] on the paper.

It went smoothly, almost in one go.

Soon a magic talisman that was much more mysterious than the ordinary torch talisman took shape under Wu Wei's pen, and a golden finger reminder appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

[You have successfully drawn a high-quality [torch talisman], your level of [torch talisman drawing] has increased, and the current level is 2 stars! 】



Rune: Torch Talisman

Quality: boutique

Level: 10

Explanation: The boutique-quality torch talisman can control the brightness of the torch and the direction of the light. If you want, you can even let the light fully bloom in an instant!


Looking at this attribute, Wu Wei was a little disappointed at first, but then, Wu Wei couldn't help having a slightly bold idea.

"Can it burst out all the light in an instant? Then do I use it as a flash bomb?"

Thinking in this way, Wu Wei raised his hand and tried directly.

In the next second, the torch talisman bloomed, and an unbelievably bright light bloomed in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

In the next second, Wu Wei was rolling all over the floor.

"Eyes, my eyes!"

Chapter 103 Assault (adding 10/11 for [Xuexi Chen Tangguan] leader)

When using the fine [torch talisman], Wu Wei deliberately did not close his eyes.

He wants to try the effect of flash.

What is the result?

Well, the effect is outstanding!

Wu Wei was directly blinded by the flash, but fortunately, his blindness was only short-lived.

After about ten minutes, Wu Wei's vision gradually recovered, but his eyes still felt stinging.

This one lasted for an hour before it was considered over.

In this wave, Wu Wei has given himself a hard time.

But this wave is also worthwhile. Wu Wei used his own painful experience to prove that the idea of ​​using [torch talisman] as a flash bomb can be established.

Caught off guard, it can definitely play a big role.

At the same time, this also means that Wu Wei's [Amulet Making] can break away from the stage of losing money.

Selling the high-quality [torch talisman] Wu Wei can realize the income here.

Like the level 10 [Strong Body] Talisman 14 contributes one, and the cheapest ones also need 10 to contribute one.

This boutique-quality [torch talisman] Wu Wei feels that it is unrealistic to sell it for 10 contributions, but it shouldn't be a problem to sell it for 5 contributions, right?

It is more difficult to draw boutique-quality talismans. Wu Wei can only draw about 5 pieces in an hour now.


After such a calculation, Wu Wei suddenly became excited.

Hurry up and run to the logistics department with this exquisite torch talisman.

As a result, Wu Wei went to the logistics department. When he expressed that he wanted to sell this exquisite torch talisman to the logistics department, the logistics department offered him a price that made him suffer from cerebral hemorrhage.

50 charms!

Yes, not 10 contributions, but 50 talismans, only 0.5 contributions.

"50 talismans? Why?"

When Wu Wei heard the price, he was so excited that he slapped the table.

"Look carefully, this is a level 10 boutique-quality torch talisman. Other boutique-quality talismans of the same level start with at least 10 contributions. You tell me that your logistics department is only willing to give out 50 talismans for this thing? Aren't you Bullying honest people?"

"Well, this classmate, don't get excited, listen to me!"

The lady from the logistics department calmed Wu Wei's emotions gently, and at the same time explained to Wu Wei: "Indeed, your talisman is indeed a level 10 talisman, and it is indeed of high-quality goods!

But the question is, do you think some students will choose to burn torch symbols? "

As soon as he said this, the corners of Wu Wei's mouth twitched.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have nothing to say.

The reason why the price of the talisman is high, or in other words, the greatest value of the talisman, does not lie in the effect of the talisman, but in burning it!

As for the torch talisman, even if it is of fine quality, as long as the brain does not suffer from cramps, it should not be accepted to burn it.

After all, the main function of this thing is lighting, as for the flash bomb effect developed by Wu Wei.

This thing is actually very easy to be restrained, once you close your eyes, there is nothing you can do.

So, not to mention others, even Wu Wei himself would not be willing to burn this thing.

And since there is no value of burning, the value of the torch talisman is of course plummeting.

In this case, it is reasonable for the logistics department to be willing to use 50 spirit symbols to accept it.

But this is reasonable, Wu Wei's income will drop directly from 400 talismans to 40 talismans, and this cliff-like decline is a bit too exciting.

Moreover, if it is only 40 talismans, it seems that it is not worth Wu Wei's 20 hours of drawing a day!

He casually went to the crocodile swamp for more than 40 contributions.

Ever since, Wu Wei's newly born dream of getting rich had a miscarriage before he even started to pursue it.

This made Wu Wei depressed.

Wu Wei who returned home was not in the mood to continue making talismans.

After all, making money is not enough, and the quality has already reached the level of high-quality goods. If it goes any higher, it will be too difficult to do it with Wu Wei's current knowledge base.

Moreover, it may not be a good thing if he really produced the [Torch Talisman] of excellent quality.

Too much too!

Therefore, Wu Wei stopped here thinking about making talismans, and then waited for news from Jiang Li.

But waiting is never easy.

Wu Wei also couldn't stay idle.

He waited at home for less than a day, and Wu Wei couldn't stay still anymore.

The main reason is that he can't do anything now.

Although there is [Excellent Quality Medicinal Dregs], after eating two consecutive servings of that stuff, Wu Wei found that his body couldn't take it anymore, and he couldn't take the third serving in a short time.

Correspondingly, [Yellow Turban Iron Bull Stake] cannot be practiced either.

As for other skills.

The basics of the rune formation are also because of insufficient knowledge, the basic archery is stuck, and the gathering technique cannot be trained.

The only [Heart of the Earth] that can be trained has been practicing for a whole day, and my head is buzzing.

And [Frivolous Illusion] is running like a fool, as long as Wu Wei maintains a good supply of spiritual energy, he doesn't need to worry about anything else...

After this, Wu Wei really has nothing to do.

"It won't work like this, idle is idle, why don't you go to the crocodile swamp to see, it's been four or five days, maybe that crocodile king has been refreshed!

Even if the crocodile king hasn't refreshed, it's not bad to spawn some high-quality crocodiles! "

Wu Wei's decision was firmly supported by Ah Huang and Elf.

The former is because he has been tossed so much by the elves these days, and the latter is because Ah Huang is tired of tormenting and wants to go out for a long time.

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