Only a talisman master who is good at copying can become a good talisman master, which is why [Fundamentals of Talismanship] did not teach any basic talisman drawing methods.

By the way, the final homework for talisman making is to try to copy and draw a talisman by yourself.

As for drawing or copying his first talisman, Wu Wei was not as good as Gao Luyuan. He chose the most basic [torch talisman] among the 0-level talismans!

That's right, it's [torch talisman] with 1 pieces of magic talisman.

If it is said that the main purpose is to make money, drawing this kind of [torch talisman] is undoubtedly a blood loss.

After all, a bottle of talisman ink and a stack of blank talisman paper cost 2 points of contribution, and they can only draw 300 talismans in total.

That is to say, the cost for Wu Wei to draw a [torch talisman] is 0.66 talisman, and the profit of successfully drawing one is only 0.2, which is 0.4 talisman.

But there is no way, who made him a newcomer.

He can only lose so much if he wants to get started, not only him, but almost all the talisman masters are so disadvantaged.

Wu Wei was also prepared to lose a lot of money.

In the dormitory, in the training room.

Wu Wei first took out a [torch talisman] and observed it repeatedly.

I silently analyzed the torch symbol in my heart.

"The torch talisman has only two talisman nodes, and the difficulty of drawing is basically in these two talisman nodes and the lines that overflow from them. If you get familiar with it in advance, it should be easier to learn!"

At this time, Wu Wei can be said to show his energy and spirit to learn [Heart of the Earth].

I don't know if it's because Wu Wei has accumulated enough experience in analyzing [Heart of the Earth], the [Torch Talisman] in front of him with only two talisman nodes is quite simple for him to analyze.

It only took about half an hour for Wu Wei to complete the analysis.

But Wu Wei didn't dare to be careless. After all, mastering the brain is not the same as mastering the hands. It's hard to say whether it can be put on paper.

So Wu Wei concentrated and calmed down, adjusting his energy to the peak.

Only then did he really start drawing his first talisman.

Sure enough, getting from the brain to the hand is not a simple matter. The first one, the drawing of the first talisman node failed.

The drawing of the first talisman node in the second picture fails when it transitions to the second talisman node.

In the third one, the transition to the second talisman node was successful, but the drawing of the second node failed.

In the fourth picture, the second node was successfully drawn, but there was a problem at the end.

And then the fifth one!

Finally, Wu Wei didn't make any mistakes and successfully drew the [Torch Talisman].

But the drawing is not considered successful, and there are two final steps.

One is a pointing spirit, and the other is a sealing spirit.

Touching the spirit means successfully activating this talisman, and sealing the spirit means keeping the energy of the talisman in a state of balanced seal.

These two steps [Basics of Symbolism] are available.

But all are difficult.

However, Wu Wei was still the same as before, only failed once, and Wu Wei successfully drew the [Torch Talisman] in the eighth drawing.

[You have successfully drawn the torch symbol, you have mastered the drawing of the [torch symbol]! 】


At the same time as the torch symbol was successfully drawn, two gold finger reminders appeared in front of Wu Wei one after another.

The first one is normal, but the second one is somewhat beyond Wu Wei's expectation.


This is almost the shortest upgrade progress Wu Wei has ever seen.

Such a short one, how could Wu Wei tolerate it dangling in front of him?

Ever since, I continued to draw runes with my hands.

After the first successful drawing, Wu Wei is very familiar with the next drawing.

He quickly finished drawing 4 [torch talismans] again, and after spending several talismans, he finally earned one.

With the successful drawing of the fifth picture, Wu Wei's mind became clear for a while, and at the same time, the overall outline of the [Torch Talisman] appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

At this time, Wu Wei looked at the outline in front of him again, and suddenly felt a little strange.

No, it's not unfamiliar, but Wu Wei feels that the nodes and lines of this [Torch Talisman] seem to have some other changes.

It's just that before Wu Wei had time to think about it, the outline of the [Torch Talisman] in front of Wu Wei's eyes suddenly disappeared.

This scene caught Wu Wei off guard.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Wei found that the [5/5] behind the skill [Drawing Torches] in his attribute board had changed to [0/5].

"Why is this completely different from the array, what does it mean?

That is to say, if the progress bar is full, it does not allow the spirit talisman to be upgraded directly, but gives me a chance to look at the [torch talisman] from another angle?

If I can comprehend it, the torch talisman can be upgraded, if not, then I have to start all over again? "

This was the first time Wu Wei encountered such a situation.

Even when I upgraded [Lost Array], I didn't encounter this situation.

However, Wu Wei did not reject such a situation at all.

Maybe even for him, this way of upgrading makes him like it more.

He has no sense of participation and no sense of security for archery and other "swipe" upgrades all at once. He is afraid that one day the golden finger will fail, and everything he has obtained will disappear.

In contrast, this way of making him feel more involved makes him feel more secure.

"Since this is the case, then I will try it!"

As he said that, Wu Wei continued to draw the 【Torch Talisman】.

But for the second time, Wu Wei is no longer just drawing.

In addition to drawing the [torch talisman], he was also recalling the picture he had just seen in his mind, using the only remaining memory to think about how to modify it when he entered that situation again.

This kind of 'half-hearted' method made Wu Wei frequently fail to draw the magic talisman.

But Wu Wei would rather fail than stop 'half-hearted'.

And with Wu Wei's attempts again and again, on the tenth time, Wu Wei finally succeeded in drawing the [torch talisman] in the 'Half Heart, Two Minds'.

The successful drawing this time not only allowed the progress to reach [1/5], but also gave Wu Wei an idea for the optimization of the talisman.

Next, Wu Wei will work harder.

Soon came [5/5] again, and Wu Wei also entered that epiphany state again.

This time, Wu Wei performed much better than last time. He clicked out a talisman node that he thought was suitable, but failed. also failed.

But Wu Wei was not only not discouraged, but full of energy.

"Come again!"

For the third time, Wu Wei pointed out three third nodes, but still failed.

For the fourth time, Wu Wei pointed out six third nodes, but still failed.

Finally, at the fifth time, Wu Wei successfully clicked the third node, but he still failed at the end.

With the successful experience of the fifth time, Wu Wei soon came to the sixth time, and in the sixth time, Wu Wei successfully concluded.

As Wu Wei finished successfully, the golden finger reminder appeared in front of his eyes again.

[You have successfully optimized the [torch talisman], your torch talisman drawing skills have improved, and the current level is 1 star! 】

Wu Wei didn't even look at this hint, but directly drew his optimized [torch symbol].

Following the successful drawing of the [Torch Talisman], the words [1/10] appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes again.

But Wu Wei's eyes were all on the [torch talisman] he had just drawn.


Rune: Superior Torch Talisman

Level: 5

Description: This is an optimized torch amulet based on the ordinary torch amulet. The light it emits is brighter and lasts longer.


This property!

That can be said to be quite rubbish, not much better than ordinary torch talismans.

If Wu Wei sells it, the price will not be much higher than ordinary torch amulets, so it can be said that it is also a money-losing item.

But Wu Wei couldn't put it down when he looked at the high-quality torch amulet in front of him.

Not only because this high-quality torch talisman was optimized by him through hard work, but also because it was a stepping stone for Wu Wei to become a genius talisman master.

Wu Wei believed that as long as he took out this talisman, he would be able to impress that professor.

However, just looking high is not enough!

Wu Wei felt that he had to be better.

"There is still time, and I still have hope. If I can optimize the torch talisman to high-quality quality before that professor meets me, then my name as a talented talisman master apprentice will be secure."

Although it is Wu Wei's ideal to be invincible, sometimes it is appropriate to make a high profile just to be able to better hide himself.

With this thought in mind, Wu Wei continued to drive at full power, and began to charge towards the boutique-quality [Torch Talisman].


On Wu Wei's side, when he charged towards the boutique-quality [Torch Talisman].

What he didn't know was that someone in Mingyue Building was looking at his profile.


Name: Wu Wei

Student ID: 9527

Occupation: Rune Summoner

The first source rune: Yellow Turban Warrior (Excellent)

The Second Origin Rune: Earth Elf (Exquisite)

Time to enter the inner courtyard: November [-]rd

Admission assessment score: S-level No.1

The examiner's evaluation: courageous and clever, but seems to be not good at interpersonal communication.


Looking at this document, Zhong Shengnan didn't curl his lips, it felt uncomfortable, especially seeing Wu Wei's photo, and thinking of how he was driven away by Xiao Hei not long ago, she felt disgusted by Wu Wei.

Later, Zhong Shengnan dug out the investigation report of 8322.

This time, Zhong Shengnan's gaze stopped on a line of writing.

Before the 8322 team performed the mission, they met with Wu Wei in order to collect funds, and Wu Wei gave the 8322 team a [Strong Body Talisman]! '

Looking at this line of words, Zhong Shengnan's eyes lit up.

This is connected!

She just wondered if Wu Wei might have something to do with that incident. After all, he was present in the Little Maze Cave, and his strength had skyrocketed so much recently. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Wu Wei was a little suspicious.

So I came here to check Wu Wei's information, and I didn't expect such a surprise to come.

"How did the group of insects in Mingyue Tower do things? They didn't find such an obvious clue!"

While making complaints about Mingyue Tower, Zhong Shengnan got up almost immediately and wanted to find Wu Wei, and arrested him to ask about the situation.

As for Zhong Shengnan, who was just about to get up, a cold voice sounded from beside him: "I advise you not to!"


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