During this period, Zhou Yue, a tribal warrior, rushed back to the tribal camp once again to report frontline news to Luo Ji...

After listening to Zhou Yue's report, Luo Ji frowned slightly, "Are barbarians from other tribes appearing?"

"Yes, but the savages only showed their heads a little, and left after seeing the hyenas blocking the outside."

Those savages don't seem to be stupid. After knowing that they are close, it is easy to provoke this group of notorious ancient hooligans, so after taking a look from a distance and discovering the situation here, they left directly, obviously not intending to get involved. He came in, but Luo Ji didn't have any idea about this, and said directly, "Don't worry about them for now, talk about the situation of the group of hyenas."

"After a few days, the number of hyenas wandering around the periphery has decreased. Now there are only five hyenas left. The captain said that they should be splitting up. Some hyenas go to other places to hunt for food, while some stay here to continue searching. Chance."

"Zhao Pan is right." Luo Ji nodded, agreeing with Zhao Pan's judgment, "Don't be careless, just wait a few more days and it will be over soon."

Luo Ji, who developed the bow and arrow, has already brought the calmness of the dominant party in his words and deeds. He quickly sent Zhao Pan to arrange his own plans, and then carefully selected the archery from the original slingers. The five talented people formed the first archer team.

Considering the reason that arrows are consumables, the five-person team in the early stage is relatively safe. No matter how many people there are, there is a risk that they cannot afford it. The collapse of economic resources is simply a shame for farming players. How could Luo Ji, a man who swore to become the 'Farming King', make such a low-level mistake?

There is no need to practice any fixed target anymore, actual combat is the best teaching!This person was forced out, and Luo Ji went into battle directly. He had already shot more than 500 arrows in the bow and arrow trial works before, and it was more than enough for him to teach these rookies now.

"Okay!" I saw Luo Ji taking aim a little while bending the bow and shooting the arrow, and the sharp arrow on the string shot at a hyena in the distance. The meaning of running clouds and flowing water seems quite powerful.

The cunning hyena had obviously never seen such a weapon before. The arrows flew so fast that the hyena had no time to react. In the blink of an eye, a wailing sounded in the distance, a cruel blood flower. Bloom in the eye socket of one of the hyenas!With this casual arrow, Luo Ji shot one of the hyenas blind in the eye! !

Chapter 86. Is my skill tree a little crooked?

Luo Ji's arrow, which can be called divine, caused a burst of exclamations from the tribe. However, it was definitely not only them who were shocked, but also Luo Ji himself. He had no idea that this arrow from his own feeling would actually be able to directly Shooting a hyena blind in the eye, it is estimated that there is a lot of luck in it, and at the same time...

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for successfully comprehending the skill 'Precision Shooting'.

"Uh, is my skill tree crooked?" Fortunately, there is still a chance to wash skills in the later stage. Although he has a stomachache for this seemingly crooked skill tree, he will not struggle for too long.

For unknown things, creatures instinctively have a feeling of fear. The wailing sound of the companion next to him who was shot with an eyeball exploded amplifies the fear in their hearts. The hyenas are decisive. Be scared off.

However, after having endured these ancient gangsters for so long, how could Luo Ji, who was once in power, let them go so easily?I saw him directly raising his hand and throwing the longbow in his hand to the archer beside him, "Rayong, you take a team of soldiers to stay in the training camp, and be responsible for coordinating, and at the same time pay attention to other tribal barbarians that may appear..."

While talking, Luo Ji turned to look at Hei Jackal again, "Hei Jackal, you lead a team of warriors to protect the safety of the five archers, follow the footprints for me! Such a good living target, it's too wasteful to not use it. Yes, but remember to bring back the corpses, their skins are good for leather armor, and also, try to recycle the arrows shot, those are consumables..."

Speaking of this, Luo Ji suddenly changed his tone, with an inexplicable coldness in his tone, "In the future, I just want to see them in the specimen and fossil museum."

While training the archer team, Luo Ji unabashedly showed his willful and ruthless side, and issued a massacre order to the hyena tribe that provoked him!Don't give them some color and see, do these hyenas really think he is from the Animal Protection Association?

The matter here is left to Zhao Pan and the others. On the way back to the tribal camp, Luo Ji did not forget to take a look at the skills that he accidentally learned after his crooked skill tree.

Precision Shot (Active): After the skill is activated, the hit rate of the next long-range attack increases by 60% (this skill is affected by 'Spirit')

After reading the concise and clear skill introduction, Luo Ji, who has always been good at finding key points, suddenly raised his brows slightly, pay attention!This skill introduction says it's the next long-range attack!It seems that it is not designated as a long-range weapon such as a bow and arrow. Can it be understood that any long-range weapon or any long-range attack method can enjoy the effect of this 'precise shooting' in his hands?If that's the case, then the effect of this skill seems to be pretty good!To confirm this, Luo Ji decided to experiment.

He went directly to the open space outside the camp that was originally used to test bows and arrows, and saw that he picked up a stone from the ground.

Holding the stone in his hand, Luo Ji glanced around, and finally focused on a big tree about 20 meters away.

However, at a distance of 20 meters, it is not too difficult to hit a big tree, so it is difficult to test the effect of the skill. In this way, Luo Ji intends to make it more difficult for himself. He wants to aim at the trunk of the big tree. That tree hole was about the size of a fist, and threw the stone in his hand into that tree hole!

I simply adjusted my breathing, and silently said 'Precision Shooting' in my heart. A slightly strange feeling suddenly spread all over my body. I didn't know how to describe it. The moment the stone came out of his hand, before he had time to regain his senses, a sound of air came into his ears, and the small stone had already accurately flew into the tree hole!

Luo Ji raised his brows. The effect of this skill was more powerful than he had expected. Of course, it could be luck once in a while. To prove that what he did just now was not luck, Luo Ji picked up a stone again and shot again without stopping.

This time, Luo Ji saw it clearly, but he accidentally missed it. He saw the small stone flying quickly towards the tree hole, but it hit the edge of the tree hole and was thrown away...

The miss this time did not make Luo Ji feel discouraged. At that time, he almost flew into the tree hole at that position, and he himself absolutely did not have this kind of aim. This shows that the skill of 'precision shooting' worked. He His hit rate has been improved, but the 60.00% hit rate increase is not enough to make him hit every shot.

Luo Ji didn't go to pick up the third stone. He wanted to change it to a sling. The sling was very difficult to grasp. At the same time, he only used it once when he first made it. It's simple. It's just that his sling is terrible.

Still aiming at the tree hole and placing a stone bullet, Luo Ji let the sling in his hand start to spin quickly, without thinking much, while launching the 'Precision Shooting' skill, he directly followed his instinct and shot the speeding stone. A 'bang' hit the trunk of the big tree.

Probably because of the size of the stone bullet, it did not fly into the tree hole, but was bounced off, but there is no doubt that he hit!His eyes really saw the stone bullet hit the tree hole!

Luo Ji, whose self-confidence greatly increased, decisively put another stone bullet on the sling, intending to try again. However, just as he meditated on 'Precision Shooting' and was about to activate his skill, an unexpected situation occurred, and his entire body suddenly burst into flames. He swayed, one of them was not steady in his hand, and even the sling and the stone bullet were thrown out by him, and the accurate head was naturally more than [-] miles away.

But at this moment, Luo Ji didn't have time to take care of that. He stumbled, and subconsciously raised his hand to support his forehead, his face turned pale. The moment he activated his skill, he only felt that his entire brain was completely useless. The symptom produced a tingling sensation like a needle stick, which made him have a splitting headache and directly lost his ability to think.

"What, what's going on?" Ignoring the mess on the ground, Luo Ji sat down on the spot, gasping for breath, and managed to ease the breath, but his face still wasn't very good-looking. "Could it be a skill limitation? There seems to be a note on the skill description, saying that this skill is affected by 'spirit'. Is it because I have used it several times in a row, so my spirit is overdrawn?"

This is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing. After all, among his two skills before, the weak spot pursuit is a passive skill, and he does not need to actively trigger it. He has tried the effect of boosting morale, but he has only used it twice in a row. time, and then found that after using the skill repeatedly, the effect could not be stacked, so he stopped doing it. As a result, it was a coincidence that he never understood the limitations of using the skill. This time, he suffered a lot. .

Chapter 87. The pleasure of assigning homework

Faced with this kind of problem, when he was not sure, Luo Ji decisively opened the friend list, sent a message to Gao Su, and briefly explained what happened to him.

About 5 minutes later, Gao Su gave him an affirmative answer, allowing Luo Ji to confirm that his analysis was correct. Although this skill has no cooldown time limit, it is really not for you to use casually. , will cause a certain degree of consumption on the body. If you use it too many times in a row, you may experience symptoms such as 'body fatigue, dizziness, and splitting headache'. Of course, how many times you can use it depends on the Look at each person's attribute panel and physical fitness.

Feeling that I was dying, I looked up at the sky, and judging from the position of the sun, the time should be one or two o'clock in the afternoon. With several pounds of cement poured into his head, Luo Ji planned to go back to the tent to take a nap.

But before going to bed, he didn't forget to call someone to inform Luo Jin and let Luo Jin take his reconnaissance team to investigate the barbarians that appeared today.

After that, Luo Ji, who had everything arranged properly, finally had a few days of stability. In the past few days, after inspecting the progress of the work in various parts of the tribe every day, he took the few literacy cards he made and went to teach the tribe. The children in the school can read and write, and by the way, a cultural project of 'writing' has been triggered.

Looking at the effect, it turned out to be a self-produced and self-sold project to increase cultural points. The depressed Luo Ji hurriedly asked Gao Su, what is the role of developing cultural projects?Or what is the use.

After asking this question, from the answers sent by Gao Su, Luo Ji found that this has a lot of effects. First of all, if the culture develops well, it can improve the basic intelligence of many people in the civilization. At the same time, when giving birth to offspring, you can Raising the chance of the emergence of intellectual talents is enough to convince Luo Ji to develop culture.

Secondly, when the number of people who have received cultural education accounts for more than 70.00% of the total population in a city, the livability of the city +1

In the end, technology development projects can only be unlocked after the culture has developed to a certain point...

Looking at the last one, Luo Ji's face flashed a hint of understanding, yes, if civilization is full of illiterate people, how can we develop scientific and technological projects?At this moment, Luo Ji immediately strengthened his determination to develop cultural projects.

At the same time, he also enjoys the whole process of teaching the children in the tribe to read, especially when assigning them homework, ah!This hit the pleasure from the bottom of my heart!

A few more days passed by like this. During this time, the Jingjing tribe, which had been quite stable, finally ushered in a major event. Luo Ji's fortifications, which had been built for several months, were finally nearing completion!

Hearing the report of the construction team, Luo Ji's whole mood was obviously excited. It is not easy to build a city wall in this era.

This will complete the entire Mingjing tribe, together with a city wall that protects the surrounding area, and only the last step is left, and that is the installation of the city gate!

This step obviously requires Luo Ji to do it himself. After all, the entire city gate structure needs a set of pulleys to drive it. Except for Luo Ji, other people in the tribe obviously don't understand this. As for asking Luo Ji to teach junior high school physics to these people who haven't even graduated from elementary school, forget it, just thinking about it makes the brain start to hurt.

After assembling the mechanism of the entire roller skating team, along with the installation of the city gate, the entire circle of the outer city wall was connected together. Controlling the excitement in his heart, Luo Ji raised his hand to signal the people of the construction team to start turning. Two runners placed inside the city gate.

The two men who came out of the team looked at each other. As one of the members of the construction team that made this city gate, they knew how much this city gate weighed. At that time, they were more than a dozen adult men working together, and finally moved here.

Although the city gate was made according to the design drawings, they couldn't imagine what it would take to open such a heavy city gate once it was closed.

"Go ahead, hold the handle, and turn the wheel in front of you." Seeing the two of them standing there, Luo Ji explained a little.

Out of loyalty to Luo Ji, although both of them felt a little inexplicable in their hearts, they still did it honestly, holding both hands on the long handle, and then started to exert force at the same time. The wheel was basically motionless, and as a result, the two of them subconsciously glanced at Luo Ji's position, "Leader..."

"Use all your strength, don't worry about breaking it, this thing is not that fragile."

Hearing Luo Ji's words, the two exchanged glances, and began to exert force on the runner again. It was obvious that the muscles on their arms were constantly bulging. The previously motionless wheel finally moved, and it began to turn slowly, and then pulled the pulley to start running...

Accompanied by a sound of 'click, click, click' penetrated into the ears of the two, before they could look back, bursts of uncontrollable exclamations came from the crowd of onlookers nearby, "The city gate, the city The door is up!"

"Rise up?" At this time, the two who were facing the city gate and pushing the wheel with all their strength were stunned at the same time.

After they had pushed the wheel to the limit, and then followed Luo Ji's instructions and stuck the wheel with the button that had been prepared a long time ago, the two of them who couldn't wait for a long time didn't have time to take a breath, and quickly turned around to face the man behind them. Looking at the city gate, the impact brought to them at that moment made the two of them freeze on the spot, and their faces were full of shock that could not be concealed, "Rising, rising? Did it really rise? !"

Looking at the high-rise city gate, at this moment, even though the facts are already in front of them, the two of them still can't believe their eyes, actually rising?That city gate that requires more than a dozen people to lift barely, just raised the city gate with the strength of just the two of them?

How on earth is this done?It was so unbelievable that everyone who didn't know what a 'roller skating team' was could only keep marveling at the magic of the scene in front of them, and looked at Luo Ji with even more admiration.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for building the 'Far Ancient City Wall', the habitability of the 'Mirror' tribe +1

Chapter 88. Subsequent preparations

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for building the 'Far Ancient City Wall', the habitability of the 'Mirror' tribe +1

Luo Ji's expression was stunned by the sudden system prompt, and he couldn't help but muttered in his heart, "How could building a city wall make it more livable?"

With this idea in mind, he thought about it carefully, his mind turned a corner, and he immediately reacted, "I see, I understand, because of the city wall, the people of my tribe will live more safely in the future, everyone. Don't worry about it, life is more comfortable, so naturally, the livability has also increased, is that the reason?"

Luo Ji nodded subconsciously, um, there's nothing wrong...

In any case, this livability is a good thing. Every point of livability can improve the work efficiency of the people in the territory by [-]%, and when the livability increases to a certain level, it can even improve the people's work efficiency. Loyalty can be understood as the fact that everyone lives comfortably, so the work efficiency becomes higher, and it is also pleasing to the eye.

However, this habitability is not so easy to stack. According to Gao Su, it is not easy to stack the habitability of a tribe or city to +3. With the development of cities, people If there are too many, some people will be dissatisfied, and some people will be dissatisfied, and the livability will be reduced. Therefore, there are definitely wonders that increase the livability in the vicinity of cities with high livability.

It can only be said that Luo Ji's luck in this opening was really good, and he directly set up a tribal camp next to a two-star natural wonder.

Closer to home, the construction of the city wall has completely given Luo Ji an absolute advantage in this ancient period. For such a large project, other tribes in this era would simply dream of building it!In his early development plan, the most important step was finally completed at this moment!

There is still more than a month before the end of the novice protection period. When the city wall is here, it is rude to say that as long as it is a rookie of the same rank, he is not afraid of anyone coming.

Of course, in addition to this, other follow-up preparations are also being carried out in an orderly manner. The busiest department is obviously the Ordnance Department. After all, pre-war preparations are the responsibility of the Ordnance Department, such as the production of arrows and stone bullets. According to the distribution rules set by Luo Ji, these are the work of the Ordnance Department.

All the members of the Ordnance Department were overwhelmed by all these things. Considering the shortage of manpower in the Ordnance Department, Luo Ji responded quickly. The manpower of the logging team, and then by mobilizing manpower, they patched up and dispatched five new recruits with panel attributes and loyalty standards to the Ordnance Department.

In addition, the training of recruits and archers should not be left behind. Archers are a long-range unit that Luo Ji attaches great importance to. Therefore, when it comes to training archer squads, he will never be soft-hearted. Let them face the hyena group and let them seek breakthroughs in actual combat. During this period, although they were personally protected by the black jackals and others, they still put the members of the archer team under enormous pressure.

But judging from the hyena corpses that have been sent back from time to time recently, it is true that people are forced out when speaking directly with the results.

In order to further ensure the safety of the archers, Luo Ji directly ordered the Ordnance Department to let them use the hyena skins they sent back to make five sets of leather armor for the long-range troops as a priority.

The production and research and development of leather armor did not fall into a bottleneck, and the whole process went very smoothly.Of course, considering the problem of movement, the joints of the whole set of leather armor still have to use soft leather, and the overall structure is also much more complicated than ordinary animal skin clothes.

According to the design drawings provided by Luo Ji, the leather armor, finger guards, longbow, quiver, and a complete set of archer's equipment were quickly produced in the hands of members of the Ordnance Department.

In addition, Luo Ji also put a bone dagger around each archer's waist, so that in case they were approached by the enemy, they would be able to pull out the dagger and fight for a close attack. Fighting with oneself, it will not be so easy to capture.

Putting on this full set of long-range arm equipment carefully matched by Luo Ji, the five-man archer team that was originally dressed in animal skins suddenly became majestic, and even brought some of the regular army. Looking at the momentum, Luo Ji nodded repeatedly, expressing satisfaction.

The slingers next to them didn't say a word, their eyes were full of envy. Originally, they were also deeply relied on by the leader. Thick-skinned hyena...

A defeat led the leader to develop bows and arrows and set up a team of archers. Since then, the leader has obviously relied more on the team of archers, and the presence of these slingers is getting lower and lower, and even recently, There is nothing else they need to do other than their daily routine training.

On the other hand, the archer team, under the protection of black jackals and others, goes out to hunt hyenas every day, and now the new leather armor made by the Ordnance Department is also given priority to them...

Thinking of this, the envy in the eyes of the slingers suddenly turned into loss. Everyone gathered together, you look at me, I look at you, and the last line of sight fell on Zhao Pan. Obviously, everyone knew that Zhao Pan was deeply affected by the leader. It is important, and coincidentally, that the weapon Zhao Pan is good at using is also a sling.

He has been leading troops for a long time, and he has become the eldest brother in the army. He is obviously clear about the thoughts of his brothers, and he wants to comfort a few words, but he doesn't know how to say it. , after all, he doesn't know what Luo Ji's thoughts are, so he can't talk randomly, right?

But I had to consider the emotions of the gang of brothers under my hands, so as not to cause any trouble at that time, I had no choice but to sigh heavily, "I see, I'll find a chance to talk to the patriarch later."

As he said it was, after dinner, Zhao Pan took some time to find Luo Ji, "Patriarch, I have something to discuss with my subordinates..."

"Is there something you want to discuss?" While muttering Zhao Pan's words in his heart, Luo Ji's face showed a hint of thoughtfulness, and then he said quite simply, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

With permission, Zhao Pan quickly explained the situation of the slingers and his own concerns. After listening to this, Luo Ji suddenly felt dumbfounded, and then waved his hand, "The slingers and the archers, the two arms are different. There is no argument that I rely more on which side..."

As he spoke, Luo Ji carefully analyzed the pros and cons and specialties of the two arms with Zhao Pan. As a general with high command and intelligence, according to Zhao Pan's talent, Luo Ji believed that he could understand what he just said. if.

As for the distribution of armor, why should the archer team be given priority and the slingers last? The reason is very simple. With the defense power of leather armor, how high can it be to pass the city wall?In the battle of defending the city, there is a city wall blocking the front to cover you, so what kind of leather armor do you miss?In comparison, the archer squads who often need to go out to fight are in a more dangerous situation, and they need this leather armor more than the slingers!

Zhao Pan breathed a sigh of relief when he got this answer, and then told Luo Ji's words to the slingers almost intact. Now, their hearts can be put back in their stomachs. .

Chapter 89. Bear Tribe

Early the next morning, Luo Jin, dressed in snow and wind, returned to the tribal camp and brought back a piece of news that made Luo Ji both happy and sad...

"Patriarch, it's the wild bear tribe!"

"The Wild Bear Tribe?"

"Before the blizzard a few months ago, the Barbarian Bear tribe was the most powerful tribe in the entire area at that time, and the tribe's population reached more than 300 people!"

Hearing this number, Luo Ji's brows furrowed on the spot. If this is the case, then this Wild Bear tribe should be the first large tribe he has encountered so far. The population is actually larger than his Mingjing tribe and Heiyan tribe combined. The sum is more!

Even if he has the advantage of weapons and equipment, it is estimated that it is impossible to win easily against such a large tribe with a large population. The biggest possibility is to directly evolve into a protracted war. …

This is equivalent to the crowd tactics and elite tactics in the game. The battles of two different genres are the same, each has its own advantages, and it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

"For some reason, the Wild Bear tribe seems to have also left their original settlement, and the barbarians who appeared on the outskirts of our tribe before should have been sent out to explore the way."

Hearing this, Luo Ji's brows furrowed even tighter, his eyebrows almost twisted into a ball, "Compared with our tribe, what is the strength of this Wild Bear tribe?"

Luo Ji originally thought that Luo Jin would be able to say that they had a better chance of winning, but unexpectedly, this question made Luo Jin ponder for a while, and after thinking about it for a few minutes, he finally frowned and said, "It's hard to say. "

This time, Luo Ji was really surprised. As an important member of the tribe, Luo Jin should know the strength of their tribe, but under this premise, Luo Jin's answer is not easy to say? !

As one of the first few people he came into contact with after he came to this different world, he knew Luo Jin. Luo Jin is the kind of person who must pay attention to a certain basis for making any judgment. If there is no basis, he is Will not speak casually.

And just now, if he could give the answer of 'it's hard to say', it can only show that the strength of the wild bear tribe is really strong. Comparing the strength of the two sides, it is difficult for him to judge who wins and who loses.

Realizing this, Luo Ji's expression suddenly took on a dignified expression, and then he glanced at the map spread between the two of them, "Then, is this wild bear tribe camping at this location? "

While speaking, Luo Ji reached out and pointed to a marker on the map, then cast a questioning look at Luo Jin...

Luo Jin nodded, "Yes, the camp has already been set up, but the distance from our tribe is actually quite safe. From the Jingjing tribe to the camp they have just set up, the one-way journey will take a long time. For a long time, it is estimated that the people who were in charge of the road exploration of the Wild Bear tribe discovered that there were hyenas in this area. They did not want to be entangled by the hyenas, so they deliberately retreated a certain distance. According to my judgment, they took a short time. Nei should avoid this area of ​​our tribe."

Luo Jin's analysis was basically the same as his judgment. He didn't expect that the group of hyenas who were blocking their tribe's gates and playing hooligans had unexpectedly helped them. The idea of ​​seeing them in a museum of specimens and fossils.

In any case, the novice protection period is coming to an end. According to his original plan, for the remaining month or so, he must concentrate on preparing for the battle. The number of stone bullets and arrows as consumables is not enough, and he needs to continue. Hoarding, the leather armor has to speed up the production speed, and strive to equip every warrior in the tribe within a month.

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