There is no time to think about it, how can these **** ancient hooligans snatch their food?Luo Ji changed his tactics decisively. While using the 'moral booster' skill to boost his morale, he directly turned the slingers into cover, and then let the tribal warriors with stone spears go up side by side!

In the face of such a tight defense, the hyenas were a little bit helpless in a short period of time, and the battle on both sides fell into a stalemate.

In the end, it seemed that they realized that they could no longer take advantage of it, and the hyenas who had grabbed the food retreated decisively. I have to say that these ancient hooligans are really hooligans.

Of course, they didn't have to pay the price. Looking at the four dead hyena corpses in front of them, Luo Ji pouted and said, "Take it back."

Returning to the Mingjing tribe, the results they brought back caused a sensation without any surprise, and the tribesmen couldn't help but run out to pay their respects to the corpse of the ancient overlord saber-toothed tiger.

Damn, that's a saber-toothed tiger!Unexpectedly, their patriarch was killed, and the impact that that moment brought to everyone was really indescribable.

And those newcomers who have just joined are basically dumbfounded. In this era, who would dare to hunt saber-toothed tigers?Facts have proved that Luo Ji not only has the courage, but also did it!

I didn't urge the people who came out to watch quickly to go back to work. This time they came back with so much meat. Even if they gave the tribesmen a day off, it would be fine to celebrate the previous day. , you always have to look forward to it, and wouldn't it also boost the morale of their tribe?

Taking advantage of this atmosphere, Luo Ji took advantage of the situation to announce that this day of each year will be designated as the 'Harvest Day', and all except some people who are assigned to special positions can join the whole-day festival. celebration!

For the ancient people who had never had the concept of holidays, this was obviously a luxurious decision, but at the same time, Luo Ji was cheered by all the fallen people, and invisibly gained a lot of loyalty.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for successfully unlocking the cultural item 'Festival'.

To an unexpected surprise, Luo Ji, who heard the system prompt, opened his own panel and took a look. He didn't expect that he would unlock a cultural item just by casually mentioning it.

Festivals (Level 0): A civilization without festivals is incomplete. Everyone needs festivals. Within seven days before and after all 'festivals', the work efficiency of all citizens in the civilization increases by 10%.

Compared with the other items in the current culture section, this is undoubtedly a more practical item. Luo Ji, who has always had no shortage of cultural points, has decisively selected one level. This is where he became a little depressed because of the hyena. Much better in an instant.

Chapter 82, Research Madman Little Fox

Looking at the suddenly lively tribal camp, Luo Ji smiled, obviously happy to see such a situation, but he didn't get involved. After walking two steps, he happened to meet Liu Shu who came out to join in the fun, Luo Ji said smoothly. He asked, "Where's the little fox?"

"It seems that he is still studying bows and arrows..." When he said this, Liu Shu was obviously a little embarrassed. He, the minister, came out to join in the fun, but the newcomer, Little Fox, was all focused on the study of bows and arrows. Now, this inevitably made him a little embarrassed, so he quickly said, "Patriarch, I'll come out and take a look, and then go back to study immediately!"

"It's all right, proper rest is also necessary." Luo Ji patted Liu Shu on the shoulder, obviously not caring at all, but the little fox, she really wasn't interested in anything other than weapons and equipment.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji simply took a look at the tent of the Ordnance Department. Inside the tent, all kinds of materials were piled all over the floor. The little fox was sitting cross-legged on a piece of animal skin, with both hands clenching it hard. The newly made bow body seems to be testing the toughness of the bow body.

After seeing that she was almost broken, Luo Ji said calmly, "How is your bow and arrow research?"

"I'm experimenting." Luo Ji's leader's status didn't seem to affect her too much, the little fox replied without raising his head, then pointed to the wood piled in the corner, "Those wood are still there. You have to try one by one."

After the bow and arrow research began, Luo Ji signaled that the reconnaissance team and the hunting team had collected them while performing their missions. There were quite a lot of them. It would undoubtedly be a tedious process to try all these woods. The fox seemed to enjoy the boring process a little bit.

"There's a celebration going on in the camp, why don't you go out and have a look?"

"No, I'm not interested."

Luo Ji spread his hands and didn't force him any more. Since staying in the Ordnance Department to study bows and arrows made her more happy than letting her go outside to participate in the celebration, why did he have to force him to participate in the ceremony?

At this point, Luo Ji himself is the same. Next, he has to go back to his tent to draw the design of the leather armor. Due to the need to collect resin and deal with animal skins, various preparations in the early stage are relatively time-consuming, so His drawing of the leather armor design has been delayed several times, but this time he can't delay any longer, and honestly go back to the tent to draw the design...

Spreading out a piece of animal skin, Luo Ji, who had checked the information in the real world before, knew about the structural design of the leather armor. The original leather armor style was very simple. Adding two bracers is almost the same, but at this time Luo Ji wanted to make it a little more extravagant and designed a set of full-body leather armor!

After all, in this matter, their tribe has an advantage, and the advantage lies in the small number of people. To be precise, the number of fighters is small. Counting the ten new fighters who have just started training, Luo Ji has a total of 29 soldiers. Bing, that is to say, he can pour all the military resources in his tribe on these 29 soldiers!

Regarding the matter of making 29 sets of leather armor before the end of the novice protection period, Luo Ji is still quite confident, and finished drawing the design drawings of the two sets of leather armor with ease and pleasure. To distinguish them, ranged units such as catapults and archers obviously need to pay more attention to flexibility, while melee units that need to charge forward need to pay more attention to defensive capabilities. When he was in the Ministry, Luo Yong came to find him.


"Is something wrong? Why didn't you go to the festival?" Luo Ji asked strangely.

"Actually, it's the corpses of those hyenas..." Luo Yong's expression was full of subtleties when he said this, and Luo Ji decisively glanced at him.

Before he could get close, an almost disgusting smell hit his face, causing him to take two steps back on the spot, "Damn! Has a corpse started to rot?"

There was a hint of incredulousness in Luo Ji's tone. Although these corpses had been in place overnight, it was still winter, and they didn't rot so quickly!

After getting to know Luo Yong later, Luo Ji finally got the whole thing straightened out. Simply put, they are skinning the corpses of these hungry wolves and hyenas. Also want to quickly deal with these meat.

However, after it was the turn of the four hyena corpses, it was only halfway through the process, and everyone couldn't take it anymore. It is normal for the smell of the flesh and blood of the beasts to be very strong, but the problem is that the smell of hyenas is no longer heavy, but stinky. !

The stench was so strong that they all doubted whether the meat could be eaten or not, so they hurriedly called Luo Ji, the patriarch, and wanted to let Luo Ji make a decision.

Holding his nose, he walked over and glanced at the corpses of the four hyenas. He couldn't tell the difference just by looking at them with his eyes. After that, he backed away and found a place where the air was relatively fresh. Seriously Recalling the homework he had done before, a few minutes later, Luo Ji slapped his forehead, "I remember, hyenas are scavengers, and the meat of scavengers shouldn't be eaten, right? They are all parasites, easy to eat. I'm sick, but just throwing it away is a bit of a waste..."

After thinking about the role of the four hyena corpses in his mind, Luo Ji finally made up his mind, "Anyway, take off the skin of this hyena and hand it over to the Ordnance Department. These guys have rough skin and thick flesh, so it should be good to make a hard leather armor. , As for the meat and bones, you can't eat them, you will get sick from eating them, so find a place to burn them."

If it were people from other tribes, they would definitely think their patriarchs were crazy when they heard this. In this era, some food is good, so who would pick and choose?

However, the situation of the Jingjing tribe is quite special. The daily food problems have basically been solved. Under this premise, everyone will naturally not have any particularly strong obsession with these four stinky hyena corpses. So a little waste, but the patriarch said that he would burn it, so he would burn it.

Luo Ji felt that it was better to pay more attention to this matter. Don't eat people to death, or even cause an infectious disease, that would be really terrible.

In order to prevent anyone from committing trouble, he directly ordered Luo Yong and Zhao Pan, two loyal people, to supervise together. After skinning, he had to watch the bodies of the four hyenas burn to ashes, and then report back to him. .

As for himself, according to the original plan, he took the leather armor design to the Ordnance Department, and the armor is also part of the ordnance. For this new design, the little fox changed his previous love for Luo Ji and ignored it. Bo Bo looked at the blueprint, and after confirming a lot of details with Luo Ji, he turned around and continued to devote himself to his research.

Chapter 83. Bad Luck

As the first festival in the lives of the people of the Mingjing tribe, everyone just sang and danced around the fire, chatted and ate, and it was lively until late at night, and they were reluctant to rest. That's how the festival ends.

This was undoubtedly a disaster for Luo Ji, who had been sleepy and wanted to sleep for a long time. His heart was full of bitterness, but he had nowhere to say it, so he could only secretly make up his mind to sleep late...

After all, the various developments in the tribe are already on the right track, and he should not have any problem sleeping in once in a while. Well, he originally thought so...

However, the next morning, Luo Ji, who hadn't woken up, had dark circles under his eyes. After listening to the report of Zhou Yue, a soldier under his command, he suddenly realized that he had experienced the continuous discovery of little foxes and black jackals. After the good fortune of these two five-star talents, it seems that he, who has fallen into a bad luck period, has not yet come out of that bad bad luck. The previous saber-toothed tiger is just the beginning...

"Patriarch, a group of hyenas have been found near the woods outside the tribe!"

"Damn it!" He pulled his hair, which was about to become a bird's nest. Luo Ji was both mad and annoyed, "It's definitely the position that was exposed yesterday! , but still can't hide from the dog nose of those hyenas!"

After venting his emotions briefly, Luo Ji's eyes quickly fell on Zhou Yue, "How is the situation now?"

"The group of hyenas did not rush up directly, but they have been lingering in the periphery of the woods, making it inconvenient for the hunting team in the tribe to enter and exit.

Totally hooligan behavior!After hearing the actions of the hyenas, Luo Ji had a disgusted expression on his face, "Anyway, go and inform Ye Shan of the hunting team to let him temporarily avoid that area for a few days, and try to avoid it as much as possible."

After speaking, Luo Ji obviously didn't have the mood to sleep in, so he put on his animal fur coat and headed to the training camp of the Mirror Tribe.


Looking at Luo Ji who had arrived at the front line in time, Luo Yong, Hei Jia and the others were relieved. Without the order of Luo Ji, the patriarch, they would not act rashly. Facing the hyenas in the distance, they inevitably seemed a little passive. Luo Ji is here, which is a good thing for them.

"What about those hyenas?" Luo Ji asked quite directly.

"Over there..." After speaking, Luo Yong pointed towards the distance with a displeased face, with obvious annoyance in his voice, "As soon as we approach, they run away, and as soon as we retreat, they also come back. , don't fight us at all, just stuck there..."

Looking in the direction that Luo Yong pointed, Luo Ji immediately saw seven or eight hyenas wandering in the distance, neither approaching nor leaving, but don't be careless, because these hyenas are looking for opportunities, they As long as you relax, this group of disgusting ancient hooligans will definitely pounce on the spot!Does this treat them as a farm?

Luo Ji was also in a hurry. He never imagined that one day he would be blocked by a bunch of beasts at the gate of the city. Before thinking about it, it seemed that he also used this rogue method to deal with the young leader of the tribe. It was inexplicable. Heaven is good for reincarnation, who will Heaven forgive? ' feeling, this is definitely God disgusting him, however, he said that he has no intention of correcting.

In the final analysis, it was because the slingers could not cause effective damage to these rough-skinned guys. At this time, if there was a team of archers, according to the penetrating power of the bow and arrow, these beasts would be waiting to be a living target!

"Haven't the slingers arrived yet?" Thoughts flew around in his mind. When he came out, he instructed Zhao Pan to bring all the slingers in the tribe and rush over with stone bullets on his back. The stone bullets and slingers obviously couldn't be as fast as him.

After waiting for a while, Zhao Pan finally arrived with the slingers. He glanced at Zhao Pan and the others who were sweating profusely. Luo Ji raised his hand and motioned them to take a breath and take a rest.

Originally including Zhao Pan, there were a total of five slingers in their tribe, but when they expanded their troops before, they took into account the detached status of the slingers in the battle of defending the city, and the possible player invasion two months later. , Luo Ji decisively selected five more talented newcomers from the ten newcomers to join the team of slingers, and just made up a ten-man team, and now all ten of them are here.

Taking advantage of their breathlessness, Luo Ji stretched out his hand and pointed at the group of hyenas wandering in the distance, "If you can't see it, that's the target. It's just for you newcomers to practice their hands, give me a reassuring and bold fight, there will be some in the front row. Soldiers keep you safe!"

After giving instructions to the slingers, Luo Ji turned to look at Luo Yong and the other soldiers, "Luo Yong, Hei Jia, you two lead seven soldiers to guard here in turn, while one team is guarding, the other is guarding. The first team went to the training camp to supervise the training of the five rookie soldiers..."

"Also, because the number of stone bombs is relatively limited, when the stone bombs are thrown by the slingers, the team in charge of guarding them at that time will pick them up, three people will pick them up, and four people will be responsible for guarding them. If the group of hyenas dare to take advantage of the If you rush up when you are picking up stone bullets, then hit them, and one kill counts as one!"

In this passage, what Luo Ji said was called a fiery hyena, even if the damage of the stone bullet was very limited, so what?No matter how limited it was, it was still a long-range attack method. He just took this opportunity to train the rookie slingers in the tribe. He really didn’t believe it. Could he still be disgusted by a group of hyenas?Want to waste, right?Then spend it and see who can't hold it first!

After instructing the arrangement here, Luo Ji obviously did not intend to stay here for long, but before leaving, in order to cope with the unexpected situation that might occur, he decided to select a person to be in charge of commanding the battle here...

"Zhao Pan, the command here will be handed over to you. If something unexpected happens, you will adapt accordingly." There is no doubt that Zhao Pan is the only one who has the potential to lead, except Luo Ji himself. The black jackal with a command level of three stars is not bad, and he can lead troops at critical moments, but who is as promising as Zhao Pan with four stars?Decisively let Zhao Pan stay here to gain experience.

As for himself, Luo Ji would stay with the Ordnance Department for a few days after Luo Ji's decision!These dead hyenas, dare to offend him and play hooligans on his territory?Just leave it here, it's not over!

Chapter 84. Research and development of bows and arrows

Luo Ji, who was determined to clean up the group of hyenas, did what he said, and for the next few days, he spent most of the time in the Ordnance Department.

Although he doesn't have the talent of being an 'arms master', his mind as a modern man is his greatest advantage. Many little foxes can't understand the structure and problems of parts for a while. Luo Ji often only needs one sentence to solve it. It can make her suddenly enlightened, and in the past few days, the little fox's loyalty to him has been rising in a straight line, and the research and development speed of bows and arrows and leather armor has also been significantly improved.

A few days later, Luo Ji was in a delicate mood with the longbow that he had just completed. In the past few days, the failed items had been piled up into a hill in the corner of the tent of the Ordnance Department. When the bow was completed, he was very excited, and when the second one was completed, he was also very excited. However, this has been done nearly a hundred times, and now all he has left in his mind is the subtlety and complexity, and there may be a trace of apprehension.

"Let's go, try it outside the camp!" With a heavy sigh, Luo Ji stood up with the longbow and walked outside. Even the tribesmen in the camp were already used to the way they had come these days. In and out, and then continue to do their own work.

Experimenting with the effect of the weapon, this is probably the only time the little fox will leave the Ordnance Department's camp besides eating and sleeping. Although she has experienced nearly a hundred failures, she is not discouraged, holding the repaired card in her hand. After modifying and modifying the design of the bow and arrow many times, Xiaolian followed Luo Ji nervously.

It is said that it is an experiment, but in fact there is no high-level process. To put it bluntly, it is to find a place to shoot an arrow and try it.

Walking to an empty space outside the camp, Luo Ji held a longbow, took two deep breaths, calmed down his emotions, and then took an arrow from a member of the Ordnance Department beside him, ready to start the test .

To be honest, this arrow was made very rough, even a little inferior, but there was no way, the conditions were limited, they couldn't get a lot of feathers at the end of the arrow for the time being, and the metal arrow was even more helpless, so it was simply a straight one. The sticks are sharpened and used as arrows.

However, lethality is still no problem. After all, there is no such thing as armor in this era. If it is only inferior leather armor, it can still penetrate according to the sharpness of the arrow. Of course, the focus is on the part of the longbow.

During this period of time, Luo Ji has tried shooting too many times, and the entire movement of bending the bow and raising the arrow has become very proficient. He didn't dare to pull too hard all at once. The bowstring woven from animal tendons is pulled open.

Looking at the bowstring that was tensing little by little and was constantly stretched, Luo Ji's originally calm mood became uncontrollable and became a little nervous. His heart was beating so fast that he never thought of studying Bows and arrows can fail so many times.

The bow body made this time has no problem with its toughness. Looking at the longbow that has been completely pulled apart, Luo Ji sighed, as if he wanted to test the bow's endurance limit. Yes, he increased his strength a little bit, and forcibly pulled the bowstring that had been pulled to the full moon by another point.

Afterwards, he loosened his two fingers, and along with the sharp arrows that flew out, the sound of the system's notification sounded in Luo Ji's mind...

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for successfully making 'Bow and Arrow'.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for successfully unlocking the military item 'Archery'.

Two system prompts in a row made Luo Ji, who was originally nervous, completely plunged into a burst of ecstasy. He didn't need to say anything at all. Looking at the parabola drawn by the arrow in the air, that moment swept over like a tsunami. The ecstasy almost made everyone in the Ordnance Department feel dizzy, and every face was flushed with the excitement, and then one by one they were dancing and revelling!Many of them shouted like a fool, venting their emotions in this way, "Success! We succeeded!! Hahahahaha!!"

After a period of cheering and celebrating like crazy, Luo Ji took two deep breaths, trying to calm down his emotions again, but the corners of his obviously grinning mouth couldn't hold back.

However, he still pretended to be serious and said, "Okay, okay, everyone calm down, this is just a trial work, there are still a lot of things to improve, give me a good job, tonight, add two more to the pot of the Ordnance Department. fish!"

Not surprisingly, Luo Ji's generous reward was greeted with cheers again, and many people even shouted "Long live the leader". Luo Ji felt a little embarrassed when he heard it, and hurriedly laughed and scolded the group. Do the right thing.

A qualified longbow, in addition to being able to shoot lethal arrows, is obviously also very important in durability. Of course, in addition to this, range, accuracy and stability are also very important. Therefore, in order to confirm These data, just shooting an arrow, is obviously not enough.

After everyone was ready to take their places, Luo Ji bent bows and arrows again, and started their follow-up experiments. Facts have proved that after learning the lessons of so many failures, the longbow they made this time is of quite good quality. It is very tough and the string part is strong enough to shoot ten arrows in a row without any problems.

Just as Luo Ji was about to shoot a few more arrows and finish collecting the data, there was a sudden pain in the hand responsible for drawing the bow, causing his brows to wrinkle uncontrollably.

"His——" With a light hiss, Luo Ji looked down and saw that there was a deep blood mark on his finger by the bowstring. Counting the nearly [-] trials that failed in the past, Luo Ji In the past few days, at least [-] arrows have been fired, and he hadn't paid much attention to it before. When he came back to his senses, his fingers were like this...

Feeling the pain from his fingers, Luo Ji slapped his forehead, "I'm careless."

After a turn of mind, he quickly asked someone to find a relatively thick soft animal skin, and then made a few things similar to 'finger protectors' and put them on his fingers.

He was studying bows and arrows before, but he forgot the other small equipment that archers need to use. It was a miscalculation, but the things he wrote down some time ago were too many and too complicated, and there were too many things in his mind. , Occasionally one or two things can't be remembered, it is also helpless.

After putting on the finger guards, Luo Ji moved his fingers a bit, and they were still flexible. Then he tried to shoot a few arrows, and he felt a lot more comfortable. Then, after shooting a dozen more arrows, he finally got the data that he needed to collect. All collected.

Chapter 85. Archery

After the first pass of the test, Luo Ji looked at the data records in front of him. The expression on his face could be said to be mixed. He was overjoyed that he finally made this bow and arrow, but he was worried that there were still many flaws...

One of the expected defects is the lack of stability. The most common type of arrows, the feathers at the end are actually used to increase the stability of the arrows, and also increase the flight speed and range. However, on their side It is impossible to get enough feathers for the time being, and the defect of poor stability is a reality that has to be accepted at present.

In addition to that, there is the issue of shooting range. Luo Ji shot more than 20 arrows before, and the range of each arrow was about 90 meters by visual estimation. This range is actually quite far, but to be honest, it is far away from Luo Ji The expectation was still a little short. According to his previous prediction, he wanted to reach a range of [-] meters.

Rubbing his chin, Luo Ji, who was sitting cross-legged in the tent of the Ordnance Department, suddenly said, "Tell me, if I add one more animal tendon and weave three animal tendons into a bowstring, will it effectively increase the range and power of the bow and arrow."

Hearing this, the little fox quickly fell into contemplation. After thinking for a while, he slowly said, "But this way, the arm strength requirements for archers have also increased, and there is also the issue of cost..."

Luo Ji nodded subconsciously. The bowstring woven by the two animal tendons has already reached a certain level of consumption of arm strength. If this increases the difficulty of drawing the bow, it is not suitable for ordinary arms. At the same time, the cost is also true. It's a big problem. Take the Ordnance Department as an example. Not only the bowstrings, but also the leather armor under production also needs to be connected with animal tendons. In this era, there are many places where animal tendons need to be used, but it is not possible. Just a waste of resources.

"Okay, let's do this for now." As he spoke, Luo Ji held up the longbow in his hand, "Liu Shu, take this as the standard, you all work harder, and on the premise of ensuring the quality, try your best to Make more bows and arrows in a short time."

Liu Shu naturally responded to Luo Ji's orders. By the way, in order to facilitate the distribution of work, Luo Ji has divided into two sub-departments under the Ordnance Department, namely the Ordnance Research and Development Department and the Ordnance Production Department, the Ordnance Research Department. The development work is basically handed over to Little Fox and two other members who are more talented in this regard, while the polishing and production work is handed over to Liu Shu and others. The two departments have a clear division of labor, which has greatly improved work efficiency.

After leaving the Ordnance Department, Luo Ji returned to his tent, opened the attribute panel, and planned to check the military items he had unlocked earlier...

Bow (level 0): I shoot arrows into the sky, I don't know where the arrows land, and the archer's combat power increases by 10%.

There is no doubt that this is a very useful military project. In addition, the archer is a long-range unit that has almost run through the entire cold weapon era. It is blunt to say that before entering the hot weapon era, the archer was the signboard of the long-range arms. , there will always be a place on the battlefield, there is no need to hesitate at all, Luo Ji directly spent the ten military points he saved before in the upgrade of the 'Archery' project, this is a military project that will never be lost. .

After upgrading 'Archery' to level [-], I turned off Luo Ji in the attribute panel, and decided to think about the choice of archers. As I said before, archers and slingers each have their own advantages.

In general, the archer is a more comprehensive arm, and it can handle most of the battles. If it is replaced by other players, after the development of the bow and arrow is completed, they will probably abandon the slinger directly and use the long-range under their command. All arms are replaced by more comprehensive archers.

But Luo Ji is different. He has a development plan for himself. In order to deal with the invasion of other players in the early stage, the play routine he preset for himself is the farming style that focuses on defending the city!And in the battle of defending the city, the slinger is a miraculous type!

In this way, after the successful development of the bow and arrow, Luo Ji, who did not intend to give up the stone slingers, planned to keep some of the stone slingers as the defending troops in the tribal camp, and then turn the remaining part into archers and let them You can follow the soldiers to fight in the field at any time. As for this candidate, you have to choose carefully.

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