Without hesitation, he had already made the corresponding arrangements, and asked Zhao Pan to bring three wolf warriors, together with ten newly trained tribe warriors, to stay in the tribe camp, and the other thirteen warriors, including Rayong and Heijia, accompanied him. Let him go together!

Liu Chuan led the way, and everyone walked through the dense forest, from daytime to dusk, and finally rushed to the periphery of the marked location before it got dark, and the purpose of their trip was to hunt saber-toothed tigers!

"Before moving on, everyone put this on your body." While speaking, Liu Chuan quickly opened the animal skin bag that had been hanging around his waist, and a stench came out from it, causing Rayong to take two steps back on the spot. .

"Damn! What's in it?"

"Saber-toothed tiger feces." The answer given made Luo Yong and others' faces turn blue, but Liu Chuan himself didn't care at all. , "Don't linger, hurry up, the only way to block the smell on our body, so that the saber-toothed tiger can't find us."

For the scouts who need to perform reconnaissance missions in the wild for a long time, the feces of this animal are good things, not to mention the feces of the ancient overlord saber-toothed tiger. It is not easy to get this.

Originally, Luo Yong and the others were not so hypocritical. However, under the management of Luo Ji, the hygiene of the Mingjing tribe has always been very good. After they've gotten into the habit of loving cleanliness, it's a little uncomfortable to have them rub feces on themselves.

At this time, Luo Ji was the most straightforward. After all, he taught the reconnaissance team this trick. He was prepared for it, but he didn't need to rub it on his own skin. If he rubbed it on the animal skin he was wearing, the effect would be the same. , anyway, as long as the smell is on it.

When Luo Yong and the others saw it, the patriarch was wiped, so what else do they have to say?They pinched their noses and complied, and then such a group of stinky people lurked in the jungle like this...

Chapter 78. The Good Show Begins

Taking advantage of the gradually darkening sky, Luo Ji and his party carefully touched a safe spot that Luo Jin had stepped on before. This area was originally the territory of the saber-toothed tiger, and other wild animals did not dare to approach. The location is right above a natural cave. Simply put, the cave below is the saber-toothed tiger's nest!

Luo Ji, who heard the news, and the others all acted as human beings. They even got the newly made toe-axe yesterday. Above the cave, for fear that he would be accidentally discovered by the saber-toothed tiger.

"The saber-toothed tiger is now in the cave below?" Luo Yong clenched the axe in his hand and asked in a low voice.

Liu Chuan glanced at the setting sun in the distance, then shook his head, "I'm not sure, maybe it's back, maybe not."

This inaccurate answer made Rayong's facial muscles twitch, "Damn, I don't even have an accurate number, how can I fight?"

Hearing this, Liu Chuan just wanted to say something, but unexpectedly, in the dense forest directly opposite the cave, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps...

At this moment, everyone was tensed in their hearts, holding their breaths and staring at the direction of the footsteps with their rounded eyes.

Soon, a burly figure walked out of the dense forest. It was the saber-toothed tiger that escaped under the siege of Luo Yong and others before!They recognized the wound on his body.

Just two days was obviously not enough for the wound to heal, and many wounds were still oozing blood, dyeing the brownish-yellow fur around it into black and red, and the two saber teeth of the saber-toothed tiger. Above his fangs, he was biting a dead roe deer. Obviously, this was the saber-toothed tiger's dinner today.

"Patriarch..." Being too nervous, a drop of cold sweat fell from Luo Yong's forehead. He lowered his voice, but saw Luo Ji shaking his head.

"Don't worry, we're here to watch a good show today."

Seeing that the saber-toothed tiger's corpse with a roe deer walked into his lair, Luo Ji didn't give the order to do it. The black jackal, who was equally nervous in his heart, glanced in the direction of Luo Yong, with a kind of questioning in his eyes, obviously a little bit He couldn't understand what Luo Ji was doing at this time.

Luo Yong shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either, but his loyalty to Luo Ji kept him from doubting this order...

Time passed minute by minute, and gradually, the sky became completely dark. With the bright moonlight pouring down from the sky, they could vaguely see the scene below. The quiet atmosphere made Hei Jackal feel a little uncomfortable. , he was about to lose his patience, and subconsciously looked back at the others, however, the scene that caught his eye made him stunned for a moment.

I saw the tribal warriors who came with them from the rear, all of them crouching on the ground with resolute faces, and none of them showed impatient expressions. At the same time, I don’t know if it was the illusion of a black jackal. It doesn't seem to have changed since the beginning...

A hint of inconceivable flashed in the black jackal's eyes, there is no doubt that this is the effect of military training!He didn't know if the calm atmosphere had infected him, and the irritability in the black jackal's heart was inexplicably calmed down.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a wolf howl came from a distance, causing everyone's breathing to become involuntary for a while, and a pair of eyes fell on Luo Ji's body at the same time, as if they were waiting for the order of their patriarch.

However, before Luo Ji could make a move, a deafening tiger roar rang out in the cave below, startling the birds flying in all directions.

With this roar, the burly figure of the saber-toothed tiger quickly rushed out of the cave, and at the same time, in the opposite jungle, with countless shadows flashing by, a pair of green eyes lit up in the darkness... …

"The show is about to begin." Luo Ji crouched above the cave and looked at the situation below, only to see the corner of his mouth twitching, revealing an excited smile.

Luo Yong and Hei Jia, who were crouching on the left and right sides of Luo Ji at this time, naturally listened to what they said, and there was a hint of consternation on their faces, but more of it was incredible, "How could the wolf pack be possible? Will it attack saber-toothed tigers?"

Under normal circumstances, it is of course impossible for wolves to attack saber-toothed tigers. On the Internet in modern society, people often ask, 'Can wolves beat tigers? ', 'Can the wolves beat the bears' and so on.

But in fact, these problems are basically untenable, because under normal circumstances, wolves will not include tigers and bears in their hunting lists. They are very similar to humans. When they act, they have a measure in their hearts. And the standard of risk, they will not do things that are too risky, and this is where they are smart.

But there are exceptions to everything. For example, the target who was originally at high risk of hunting was injured, and they were too hungry...

I have to say that it is probably time to turn around. Luo Ji's luck is not bad at this time. Some time ago, when Luo Jin was on a reconnaissance mission, he suddenly found the footprints of the wolves on the snow that had been confirmed to be safe. The severe cold a while ago caused a large number of wild animals to freeze to death. The wolves probably couldn't find their prey in the original hunting grounds, so they migrated long distances and appeared here.

At that time, Luo Ji, who remembered this news, had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and immediately made a decision to let Luo Jin seduce him a little, and resorted to this trick to drive away the wolf!

Those hungry wolves wandering in the dense forest saw that the saber-toothed tiger was really injured, and the pair of green wolf eyes suddenly burst into fierce light, accompanied by the loud howl of the alpha wolf behind, the attack of the wolves immediately started!Hungry wolves with fierce eyes rushed out of the jungle frantically, and opened their bloody mouths to bite at the saber-toothed tiger outside the cave!

The ancient overlord who was attacked by the wolves was furious, and the furious roar resounded throughout the jungle territory. A fight between the wolves and the ancient overlord saber-toothed tiger suddenly kicked off. This was really what Luo Ji said. In other words, the fun begins!

Faced with this situation, Luo Yong and Hei Jia, who were crouching above the cave, were full of surprise. They had no idea that things would turn into such a situation. It is estimated that such a battle of the century may not be seen once in a lifetime. Each one's eyes widened.

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from behind everyone, causing Luo Yong and others to quickly recover, "What?!"

With the question of four words, a wolf's head suddenly protruded from the bushes, causing everyone to break out in a cold sweat on the spot!

Chapter 79, Drive away the wolf

Before he could think about it, Luo Yong's muscles tensed as he looked at the wolf's head sticking out from the bushes. His first reaction was to start, but Luo Ji's voice stopped him...

After glancing at the outstretched wolf head, Luo Ji said a little speechlessly, "Okay Luo Jin, now is not the time to joke..."

Hearing this, before everyone could react, the wolf's head protruding from the bushes suddenly twisted strangely, and there were hands stretched out below, "It's not so much a joke, it's better to say that it's around here. It's a pack of wolves, so it's safer to wear this one."

While saying this, Luo Jin, who had torn off the wolf skin disguise, revealed his true colors, "However, as expected of the patriarch, you can recognize me."

To this, Luo Ji just smiled. That wolf skin disguise was made by order. Although he used real wolf skin and attached the whole wolf head, it was still a little subtle to the real hungry wolf. difference.

Of course, the biggest flaw is that if it was a real wolf, it would have jumped straight at it long ago, why would it be the first to come out like that?

In order to disguise himself as a hungry wolf, Luo Jin's body can be said to be covered with an unpleasant wolf odor at this moment, which made Luo Yong frown as a young man, and then he unabashedly lost a look of disgust, as if It was in revenge for Luo Jin's just pretending to be a hungry wolf to scare him.

In this regard, how could Luo Jin be polite to Luo Yong?He directly pinched his nose and said, "I don't want to be rejected by you who smell like shit".

Ignoring the two who despised each other, the battle of the century below caught Luo Ji's attention even more.

I saw that the wolves facing the ancient overlord Saber-toothed tiger quickly formed a battle. The five hungry wolves feinted and contained them. The other hungry wolves quickly divided into two waves, and in the blink of an eye, the saber-toothed tiger fell into the siege of the wolves.

The advantage of the wolf pack's ability to use group tactics was immediately revealed. I wonder if it was the wolf pack's play that reminded it of the previous human beings. With an astonishing explosive force, the hideous front paws slammed and waved!A hungry wolf that could not dodge was shot and flew out on the spot. The tyrannical force easily crushed the bones of the hungry wolf's body, and even injured the internal organs. Can't get up again!

However, the saber-toothed tiger's tyrannical blow failed to contain the wolves' offensive, maintaining an encircling formation, and attacks from all directions continued to attack the ancient overlord.

The wounds that Rayong and the black jackal left to it before, have not yet healed, just because of its violent movements at this moment, it began to tear continuously. The wounds were bleeding everywhere, and the surrounding air was filled with blood. taste.

It seemed that they were stimulated by the smell of blood. In an instant, the hungry hungry wolves turned into bloodthirsty beasts, and the offensive became even more ferocious!There is actually a little bit of a red-eye trend!

This is the most primitive and bloody fight, a scene that is absolutely unseen in modern society, constantly stimulating the violent factor in Luo Ji's body, causing him to inexplicably have a feeling of wanting to rush down and take a kick The impulse, and then this impulse was immediately suppressed by his reason.

In this scene, even if the black jackal in its heyday rushes down, it will be a life-and-death situation, and if the person is replaced by Luo Ji, it is basically the same as courting death, correcting your mentality, and then correcting your own position, honestly To be a big leader with strategizing strategies, this is his development route!

Below, the battle between the saber-toothed tiger and the wolves has a tendency to become incandescent. This ancient overlord is really not worthy of a false name. Under the condition of injury, he can still survive until now, and the pair of saber-toothed fangs and tigers Claw has also killed several hungry wolves successively, and his physique is by no means comparable to that of humans.

The price paid by the wolves is not small. The alpha wolf seems to be hesitant and is re-evaluating the pros and cons. However, when things have developed to this point, the alpha wolf also has a feeling that it is difficult to ride a tiger. The price has been paid, and it cannot be obtained. In the end, Bai died of so many of his kin, and in the end he got nothing, right?

The green eyes swept across the blood-soaked saber-toothed tiger, as if estimating how much power the ancient overlord had left. Finally, a wolf howled and the attack continued!

Even a machine made of iron will run out of fuel and electricity, let alone this flesh and blood?Facing the unstoppable consuming attacks of the wolves, the saber-toothed tiger's state was constantly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were more and more wounds, large and small. Finally, with a muffled sound, the huge body slammed. Falling to the ground indicates that the life of a generation of ancient overlords has come to an end at this moment...

Immediately, a wolf howl after another sounded under the silver moon. I don't know if it was celebrating their victory in the hunt or mourning the death of their companions. In any case, this can only be called a tragic victory, and, laughing In the end, it was not destined to be them from the beginning...

Without warning, a whistling stone bullet seemed to descend into the sky, hitting a hungry wolf who was roaring in the sky with a 'bang' sound.

After that, before the wolves could react, the four slingers brought by Luo Ji had already taken the advantage of the high ground. The hungry wolf is carrying out a slaughter that seems to be the aftermath!

This was a battle without any suspense. In the face of heavy casualties, the wolves who had just won a tragic victory, had been in ambush until now, how could Luo Ji and the others, whose state had barely declined much, lose?

The alpha wolf in the distance obviously realized that he was in a human ambush. In the wolf's eyes, Luo Ji could see a bit of grief and anger. Luo Ji believed that if the wolf could speak, he would definitely Screaming 'despicable humans' a few times, but so what?What is despicable and not despicable?It's called tactics!It's called a plan, right?

With this one-handed plan to devour the wolf, he made it beautiful enough, and then with the help of several rounds of stone bombing by the four slingers, the alpha wolf, who knew he was invincible, suddenly let out an unwilling wolf howl, bringing with him what was left. The wolves retreated in embarrassment.

Didn't let Luo Yong and others chase and kill, just relying on the few remaining hungry wolves, they couldn't make any big waves. It was nothing to be afraid of. In comparison, rushing into the jungle in the middle of the night and chasing the fleeing wolves would be the opposite. Dangerous.

He motioned for the others to clean up the corpses of those hungry wolves, while Luo Ji himself walked slowly to the scarred corpse of the saber-toothed tiger, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, "So didn't I say it earlier? What about the overlord? Isn't it in my hands in the end?"

Chapter 80, Ancient Rogue

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for raising the command level!

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for obtaining the tactics 'Fighting the Goblin'!

Before Luo Ji could return to his senses, the two system prompts that sounded in his mind made him stunned for a moment, and then, a flash of ecstasy quickly appeared on Luo Ji's face, "Damn! Has it finally been upgraded?!"

Since he became a player, he has experienced a lot of battles, big and small. Basically every time he leads his troops into battle, if there is such thing as experience points, then I think I have already brushed a lot, but my own five-star cap However, the commander had been silent, which made Luo Ji secretly anxious, and this time, it was finally an upgrade!

He hurriedly opened his attribute panel to confirm, and when he saw that the commander had grown to three stars, Luo Ji clenched his fist, took two quick deep breaths, and calmed down his excitement, so that he would not suddenly panic in the middle of the night. It sounded like a cry.

The command level has been increased from two stars to three stars. This change has a great impact on Luo Ji's attribute panel, because his 'ruler' talent and 'morale booster' skills are both affected by the command level. Now As the commanding level rises, the effects of the talents and skills affected by the commanding command naturally increase as well!

Ruler (talent): As an excellent ruler, your civilization is impregnable, all your subjects default loyalty +10, civilization development speed is increased by 30%, and the combat power of the army you lead is increased by 30%.

Boost Morale (Active): After activation, increase overall morale by 45% through simple words and actions.

The change of the ruler's talent is that the development speed of civilization and the combat power of the army under his command have both increased by 30.00% compared to the original, and the improvement of the morale boosting skill is a little bit larger, from 40.00% to 15.00%. Five, directly Increased by [-]%!

In addition, the 'Tactics' column, which should have been empty, now also has a new tactic called 'Devouring the Wolf'. Luo Ji stretched out a little bit of this tactic, and the detailed explanation window immediately opened... …

Gobbling away: When there are three or more forces on the battlefield, including one's own forces, the success rate of instigating and enticing the other two forces to fight other than one's own forces increases by 15%.

After reading the description of this technique, Luo Ji rubbed his chin and pondered for a while. To put it simply, if you want to use this skill well, you have to pay attention to some methods, and it is not as simple as a skill like 'boosting morale'. , but when used well, it can directly change the situation of a melee, and even allow oneself to achieve the effect of 'the snipe and the clam compete, and the fisherman wins'.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji suddenly became aware of it. He closed the attribute panel, and looking at the weather, it was obviously impossible to rush back overnight. The most important thing was the corpses of wolves and saber-toothed tigers. We couldn't just throw them all here, right?Will definitely take it back!

In this way, don't dislike the smell of the saber-toothed tiger's nest, first pick up some branches, build a fire, and then make do with it in the cave for a night.

Luo Ji was silent all night. The next morning, Luo Ji, who had slept in the cave all night, only felt a pain in his back. After a short rest, he gathered his hands and carried the bodies of those hungry wolves and saber-toothed tigers. The group was quite ostentatious. On the way back to the Jingjing tribe, the harvest of this trip has definitely exceeded the workload of the hunting team for several days, although the wolf meat is not delicious...

On the way back, everyone was quite cautious. After all, there were so many corpses, and it was conceivable how strong the bloody smell was. In the territory of the saber-toothed tiger, other beasts dare not approach at all, and now, they have left the jungle, and the carnivorous beasts who smell this bloody smell will probably come after the smell!

Luo Ji was just thinking about it. In the distance, a group of beasts broke into his line of sight. There were about thirteen or four of them. They were similar in size to a wolf, but in terms of appearance, it was better to call it a wolf than a wolf. Say more like a dog.

The fur on the body is tan, and it is covered with a large number of irregular black-brown spots, which give the impression of being dirty at first glance, which is really difficult to please, of course, they do not need He was likable, Luo Ji, who had done his homework a while ago, recognized the carnivores in the distance at a glance, they were hyenas!

"Looks like it's hard to live in the ice and snow. The hungry hyenas, which are nocturnal animals, have to come out to work during the day..." Luo Ji's face was full of bitterness when he said this, and there was a kind of joy in the bitterness. mean.

If the wolves are the army in the animal world, then the hyenas in front of you should be classified as hooligans. Of course, this does not mean that they are weak. In fact, the hyenas with thick skin and amazing strength are not at all. It's easy to deal with, so this ruffian means that they are despicable, cunning, and insatiable!

It's definitely not a good thing to be stared at by them. Even if they don't do anything for a while, these hyenas will never leave so honestly, they will always follow until their goals are achieved.

At the same time, don't think that being a little clever and throwing a corpse as food for them can escape the catastrophe. If so, they will not be described as insatiable!

"Patriarch, they are still behind." When he said this, Luo Yong's face was solemn, "It's better to do it directly, it is not impossible to fight according to our number!"

"Yeah, they can't be allowed to follow any more. If they find out the location of the tribe, according to the character of these beasts, it is estimated that they will wander outside the tribe every day..." As the leader of the original Black Jackal tribe, Black Jackal It was obvious that he suffered from it in the past, but now these hyenas are mentioned with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

Luo Ji nodded, apparently agreeing with what the two of them said. It seems that it is too difficult to get these greedy guys to retreat. It seems that this battle is inevitable.

After thinking about this, Luo Ji sorted out his thoughts a little and said, "Everyone continue to walk forward, and follow my instructions as you go..."

Having said this, Luo Ji paused for two seconds and then spoke again, "The slingers walking behind, move to the front of the line first, then the Black Jackal and Luo Yong, you all retreat to the rear."

"After the fight starts later, the four soldiers are responsible for protecting the safety of the slingers, and the others are scattered to cover the battle between Rayong and the black jackal. If you understand it, let's do it!"

Chapter 81. The ancient rogues are really rogues

As soon as the battle was about to break out, the black jackal, who had turned his back to the hyena group and had already retreated to the back of the team, suddenly exerted force on his left arm.

The sudden movement of the black jackal obviously made the hyenas in the rear wary, but for the hungry hyenas, the flying food was too tempting, coupled with the constant stimulation of the bloody smell, a pair of black Uncontrollably, his eyes were distracted by the corpse of the hungry wolf.

At this moment, the black jackal moved!With an explosive force, the black jackal pushed his speed to the peak in an instant. At this time, he was like a cheetah pounced on its prey, killing the hyenas in one breath!

The spearhead of the axe in his hand quickly pierced the air, causing a sharp whistling, and then with a scalp-numbing sound, it sank into the abdomen of one of the hyenas!

The feedback from the feedback made the black jackal's emotions an unprecedented excitement!He really liked the newly made tomahawk in his hand!

Although the problem of insufficient bearing capacity of the handle has not been completely solved, the axe blade and spearhead have been carefully polished by the Ordnance Department, and in terms of lethality, it definitely exceeds his original one.

Originally, the black jackal wanted to use this axe to make a big fight, but in the battle last night, Luo Ji's beautiful devouring strategy not only opened his eyes, but also made him disappear. The room for display, I was depressed, and now, just use this group of annoying hyenas to vent the full stomach!

The black jackal that succeeded in the blow did not stop, and continued to exert force with both arms, waving the toe-axe in his hand to pull aside. At that time, only a sound of tearing flesh was heard, accompanied by splashes of blood, the hyena His abdomen was torn open on the spot, and his liver and intestines were all hung down. This bloody scene was enough to cause discomfort to many people.

The death of a companion sounded the alarm for the hyenas, and for a while, the howling continued, and the black jackal battle was on the rise, and the axe in both hands was swung more and more madly, showing a bit of importance. With the momentum of one to ten.

However, it was obvious that his situation could not last long. Not to be outdone, Luo Yong showed his double axe and then killed him, sharing some of the pressure on him.

The horn of battle has already sounded. The way the hyenas fight is somewhat similar to that of the wolves. If there is any difference, it should be that they are a bit more despicable. The sharp-eyed Luo Ji has seen four or five heads. The hyenas were divided into two groups, left and right, and flanked behind them!

I saw that the hyena that rushed at the front saw an opportunity, but instead of attacking Luo Ji and the others, it grabbed the body of a hungry wolf and dragged it back. These greedy ancient hooligans, The purpose is obvious, to rob them of their food.

However, how could Luo Ji, who had been prepared for a long time, let them do whatever they wanted?Following his order, heavy stone bullets quickly hit the hyenas who were trying to snatch their food, and made a dull sound after hitting.

These hyenas are not small, and it is not difficult for the long-trained slingers to hit them. However, the problem is that the effect is not ideal.

I saw one of the hyenas that was hit by a stone bullet. After a brief loss of balance, the body quickly adjusted back, and then dragged the body of the hungry wolf, and rushed to dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye. For thick hyenas, the effect of stone bullets as blunt weapon attacks does not seem to be ideal, and it should be much better to replace them with sharper weapons.

The first defeat of the slingers made Luo Ji feel a little heavy. After all, his understanding of the roughness of hyena skin was only literal, but he didn't expect it to be so thick...

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