He has too many things to do, and he is really in no mood to go to war with a wild bear tribe with a population larger than them. In case the novice protection period expires, the war between the two tribes is not over yet. As soon as the invading player came in, wouldn't he want to be attacked by the enemy?

Thinking of this, Luo Ji suddenly made a decision in his heart, "For now, leave the wild bear tribe alone, you go to the training camp and the hunting team to inform them that everyone should be vigilant when patrolling and hunting. If you encounter a wild bear. People of the tribe, as long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to provoke us, then we don't make trouble, try to avoid it..."

Luo Ji's decision was quite straightforward, and the meaning was even more obvious. No matter what, he would wait until he had passed the stage a month later. Before that, he didn't want to cause trouble for himself and increase instability.

I don’t know if it’s because God saw that his bad luck was almost at the end of the day and planned to let him go, or maybe the group of notorious ancient hooligans were too deterrent. In the following days, the wild bear tribe’s Just like Luo Jin's analysis, the people deliberately avoided this area where the hyenas might be active, and had no intention of moving closer, allowing Luo Ji to grow the fields relatively comfortably for a period of time.

The end of the novice protection period is getting closer and closer. Gradually, Luo Ji, who was still calm, began to feel a little nervous, and he felt like a pre-war anxiety. Know nothing.

In order to further increase his confidence, he gave the five wolf bone masks newly made some time ago to Black Jackal and four other tribal warriors who were very skilled and good at charging on the grounds that he had done a good job in hunting hyenas.

In this way, excluding himself, the number of wolf warriors under Luo Ji's command reached twelve, and then they were replaced with sturdy leather armor, and Luo Ji's heart was suddenly more confident.

At the same time, at the other end, as the senior boss who brought Luo Ji into the game, Gao Su is obviously very concerned about his future ally. He calculated the time and sent a message one week before the end of the novice protection period. A message came over and asked about his condition...

"How's it going? Are you sure?"

"Five archers, five slingers, nineteen close-quarters warriors, plus a circle of city walls." Luo Ji didn't hide his current military configuration, and it wasn't a secret that needed to be hidden.

At this time, Gao Su, who was in the real world, was choked on the spot by the coffee he drank at the moment when he saw this news, and a trace of incredibility flashed in his eyes, "City wall? Six months' time. , you built the city wall?!"

This piece of news was full of disbelief, and Luo Ji didn't know how to answer for a while, "To be precise, it was built more than a month ago, and the system prompts that it is the ancient city wall. ."

"..." Seeing the new message reply, Gao Su extravagantly sent a little bit, and then, there is no more, Ma Dan, Bai cares about this beast!

Chapter 90, This is a terrorist attack!

Of course, for Luo Ji, an ally who was so hard to win, Gao Su couldn't really just leave people there. For the questions that Luo Ji sent later, he basically answered them one by one patiently. No, but the body is surprisingly honest.

"So, is it stable?"

Looking at this news, the always expressionless Gao Shou, the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, "You already have a plan, why are you asking me?"

When the two played against each other in other games before, Luo Ji was a good defender of the city, and his stability was enough to make the player on the offensive side feel a stomach ache.

However, I still really care about it. After two seconds of tangled in my heart, Gao Su finally sent a message to ask, "How did you build the city wall?"

Seeing this news, Luo Ji's expression was stunned. After all, he was a newcomer himself, and he had no other player's experience to use as a reference. In addition, each player's development policy was estimated to be somewhat different. The difference is that he has formulated a development policy a long time ago, and now, it can only be said that his plan is going smoothly.

With that being said, Luo Ji could only say something and replied, "I just got a logging team, and then got a construction team to chop down trees and build walls. Otherwise, how else could they be built?"

However, this is obviously not what Gao Su wants to know, "How many people do you have in your tribe now?"

Luo Ji glanced at the properties panel, and then returned a number, "160 three."

In six months, the tribe's population reached 160. This number is definitely not small, but it can't be said that it is a lot. As far as he knows, before the novice protection period ends, the tribe's population has increased to the largest player , once reached the level of three to 400 people. Of course, people like this generally belong to war madness. Due to poor management, various internal problems will be very serious in this kind of war mad tribe. In the end, it will inevitably happen. Internal division, vital energy was seriously injured.

Luo Ji, who likes farming, obviously chose a more stable development mode. Under this development mode, various internal problems can be controlled to a certain extent, but it is still unavoidable...

Thinking of this, Gao Su asked very bluntly, "Isn't there a problem of rebellion in your tribe? There is still extra manpower and time to build the ancient city wall?"

Seeing this news, Luo Ji suddenly realized, "So it is, other players have to deal with the rebellion that may be caused by the low loyalty of the tribe, in addition to solving the food problem and survival threat, so they have no time and energy. Build the ancient city wall, but I am different..."

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help feeling a little dark in his heart. That's right, he's different. With the talent of 'ruler', his subjects will increase their loyalty by [-] points by default. After brushing above [-] points, all the fallen people maintain a high degree of loyalty to him, rebellion?nonexistent!

"However, do you want to tell him the effect of 'ruler'?" Luo rubbed his chin, with a slightly hesitant expression on his face. After all, this is considered private information. Once you tell Gao Su the effect of "ruler" , the other party relied on the method of reverse reasoning, and it is estimated that he will soon be able to analyze his super high upper limit of command. In this way, there will be too much intelligence information exposed...

Although they were already allies with each other, and compared to other players who didn't know each other at all, Luo Ji was more inclined to form a group with Gao Su, but if they were to form a showdown, they had a relationship of trust. It doesn't seem to be there yet.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji suddenly had a decision in his heart, and saw him quickly enter, "Rebellion? It's alright, the loyalty of my tribesmen is quite high, probably because I discovered a two-star natural wonder. , +1 for livability, because everyone lives very comfortably, hahahahaha!”

After sending this message, Luo Ji stretched leisurely. He wasn't lying. He did discover a two-star natural wonder, and he did add a little livability, and everyone really lived there. It's quite comfortable, it's all true, as for how Gao Su understands it, it's up to him.

And it turned out that, looking at Luo Ji's last string of 'hahahaha', after Gao Su uttered the word 'rely' with no expression on his face, he was successfully misled by him, and he found a two-star natural so quickly. Wonders, in ancient times, it was not easy to find a natural wonder in such a vast world. Although it was only a two-star wonder, it was enough to make Luo Ji's survival difficulty drop a level. This guy really is a European masterpiece!

However, it was clear that they had a good chat in the first minute, and they started to share a word when they disagreed?This is a terrorist attack!Terrorist attacks! !Feeling stuffy and uncomfortable, Gao Su, whose face was suddenly exposed to the sun, obviously had no mood to continue chatting with this European spy. After simply ending the conversation, Luo Ji was a little nervous and anxious. Feeling inexplicably relaxed, he exhaled a long breath, it really is healthier to sunbathe...

A week passed quietly. In the middle of the night, the entire Mingjing tribe was lit by bonfires, and the number of vigils increased significantly. Several sentinel platforms were also placed on the inner side of the city wall. The tribe warriors responsible for the vigil stood on the sentry On the stage, follow the instructions to pay attention to the situation outside the camp.

Inside the tent, Luo Ji raised his hand to open his attribute panel. In the corner of the panel, a number was counting down, showing that his remaining novice protection time was less than 1 minute!

When the event came to an end, he lost his previous anxiety, and his whole body calmed down. Watching the number return to zero and the novice mark disappears, the sudden invasion he expected did not happen, but Luo Ji didn't take it seriously. He stayed awake this night. He had a good rest during the day. The same is true for the tribe warriors. Everyone is full of energy and waiting for this moment!

Before falling asleep, Luo Ji sat cross-legged in his tent and closed his eyes. Time passed by, his brain was in a state of emptying, he didn't think about anything, just simply closed his eyes and sat in the tent waiting. the oncoming intruder.

System prompt: Player 'Wang Chao' has invaded your civilization!

Chapter 91. Intruders

In the Mirror Tribe, on the plain outside the woods, one after another silhouettes appeared out of thin air, showing their figures and faces under the moonlight.

They all wore leather armor and held weapons such as stone spears and stone axes. In addition to the large number of them, the first impression was that they were not easy to mess with.

Wang Chao, who was standing at the front of the team, was a young man with slightly dark skin who looked like he was in his twenties. He looked up at the night above his head, and then a smirk appeared on his face. "It's good luck, it's actually midnight here, just to give this young man a night attack! Help him accumulate valuable life experience!"

While speaking, Wang Chao waved his hand, "Find it for me, the other party's tribal camp should be nearby!"

After receiving the order, the soldiers following him immediately dispersed. This is obviously not the first time that Wang Chao has invaded other players. All the soldiers under him were extremely proficient. Within 10 minutes after that, one of them A soldier holding a stone spear quickly ran back to report to Wang Chao, "Boss, there is a fire ahead, it should be the bonfire in the opponent's camp."

Hearing this, Wang Chao couldn't help laughing out loud, "Sure enough, he is a rookie. He burned the fire so vigorously in the middle of the night. Isn't this showing his position?"

Wang Chao, who had already completely determined that the other party was a rookie, became more confident. Using the cover of the night, he led the men and horses under his hands and quietly approached the location of the other party's camp.

"Hey hey..." Pushing aside the bushes that blocked his view, he imagined the panicked appearance of the rookie after being attacked by him, Wang Chao finally couldn't hold back, and let out a wretched sound His laughter, just waiting for him to look up, saw that the huge black shadow that caught his eye made the wretched smile on his face instantly stiff, and the whole person was dumbfounded, "Grass! How can there be a city wall?! "

In the face of Wang Chao's questioning, the soldier who discovered the firelight had an innocent face. If he hadn't cared about Wang Chao's identity as the leader, he would have said, 'You ask me, who am I going to ask? '

I saw the Jingjing tribe at this time, under the reflection of the moonlight, it was like a sleeping ancient beast!It brought Wang Chao a strong sense of oppression.

A moment ago, I thought that the person standing opposite was a beautiful elementary school girl who could be teased by herself, but the next moment, the elementary school girl changed her body and turned into a burly man with chest hair on her face!The ups and downs of this life are too fast, causing Wang Chao's mentality to explode in an instant at this moment, "Damn! Did I go out today and didn't read the almanac? Kicked the iron plate?"

Wang Chao was a little stunned. The number of players in 'Rise of Civilization' is not too much, not too much, and there are also restrictions on the division of rank. If they have been in the same rank for a long time, the players on the list Each name, which is a ruthless character, which is an old driver, and which is a stinky hooligan, naturally has a number in my heart.

Among the novice players without a rank, Wang Chao is not a seasoned veteran driver, but he has already played a lot of games, and he still has so many points in his heart. With the name Ji', his first impression was that he had never seen it before!

In the face of rookie players who have just passed the novice protection period, everyone has always had no good intentions, but there are a lot of malicious intentions. Do you want a few pounds?Who doesn't like the good thing that you can easily grab resources, get a high rating, and earn a silver treasure chest at the last time?If it is a golden treasure chest, it will make a lot of money. If a world fragment is opened in the treasure chest, then it will really be a step to the sky!

In this way, adhering to the wise saying of "the hand is fast, the hand is slow", while everyone is fighting for character and luck, each of them is urging their own unicorn arms that have been cultivated for more than ten or twenty years, and their hand speed explodes. Just see one and grab one, soft hand?Love newcomers?nonexistent!In the face of such devastation, it is your ability to survive it, but if you cannot survive it, it is your fate!Obediently accept your fate!

However, the situation of Wang Chao in front of him was so blind that he mistakenly regarded an old driver as a newcomer. After all, in the eyes of normal players, it is impossible for a newcomer to build the ancient city wall within six months of the novice protection period, let alone It's a newcomer, even some old players with no rank have not yet made it, such as Wang Chao in front of him...

"To fight? Or not to fight?" Looking at the Jingjing tribe standing on the ancient city wall in front of him, there was an aura of 'strength to persuade him to quit', and Wang Chao was a pain in the ass.

If he doesn't fight, he can just turn around and leave, run farther, stay in this world for seven days, and then retreat directly after seven days, but in this way, the system will judge him as the invader as a defeated party when judging, At that time, as a punishment for defeat, he will directly lose half of his civilization points, and then give the other party a bronze treasure chest for nothing, and finally become a fool who sends couriers thousands of miles away!

But if he fought, he didn't bring the battering ram over. As the invading party, every additional soldier and an additional piece of ordnance would have to pay civilization points!Commonly known as military spending.

The principle is simple. Who doesn't need to spend money to fight?It takes [-] civilization points to bring a battering ram. At the time of the invasion, he felt that against a rookie, he would not need a battering ram at all. In addition, he felt a little distressed about the [-] civilization points. I didn't bring it with me, and it was so hard now...

However, he is also a veteran who has experienced many invasions. Siege battles cannot be fought. In the absence of siege equipment, going to siege is equivalent to courting death.

But think about it from another angle, he can stay in the woods outside, wait for the people inside to come out, and then fight a wave of ambush, and immediately withdraw after the wave, so that the system will record his Merit, when grading, he had successfully fought a wave of ambush battles, and he would not be judged as a defeat, and it would be good to earn the worst bronze treasure chest.

After calming down, Wang Chao's IQ came back online, and he decisively decided the plan for this invasion war.

On the other side, inside the tribal camp, Luo Ji raised his head to look at the already bright sky, his face flashed a dazed expression, "It's been a whole night, why hasn't that guy named Wang Chao made a move? I'm afraid I'm lost? No way? I've turned the fire so bright, can't he see it?"

After a few simple rants, Luo Ji regained his senses and couldn't help but worry a little, "Isn't he going to the Heiyan tribe?"

There is no city wall on the Black Rock Tribe. Although he sent five more wolf warriors to assist in the defense, just in case, but in the real fight, it is estimated that there is no chance of winning. This is why Luo Ji lit the bonfire so brightly and deliberately. The reason for exposing the location and attracting the other party is to prevent them from discovering the existence of the Black Rock Tribe!

Thinking of this, Luo Ji felt an inexplicable unease in his heart, "Calm down! Calm down, the Luo Jin people are on the Heiyan tribe's side. If the Heiyan tribe was attacked last night, Luo Jin would definitely come back overnight to ask for support. Now Luo Jin didn't come back, it means that the Black Rock tribe is fine..."

Chapter 92, Wang Chao's vicissitudes and Luo Ji's confusion

500 years! !With his subordinates, Wang Chao, who had been lying in ambush in the surrounding woods for five days, had a vicissitudes on his face, "Damn! Don't people in this tribe need to come out to hunt? They can survive by eating air." right?!"

Wang Chao is about to cry, why is this squatting person so tired?The jerky he brought with him as military ration was also finished, and his patience was quickly fading along with the jerky he had eaten.

At the same time, Luo Ji, who stayed in the Jingjing tribe behind closed doors, had a face full of innocence. Just when Wang Chao wondered what he was doing and whether he could live by eating air, he also wondered about Wang Chao. Where did this guy go, what about the invasion?Why can't I even see a figure?Then, Luo Ji started to wonder while... um, farming, in the true sense...

After all, the season has shifted to spring, the ice and snow have melted, and all things have recovered. The few acres of land in his tribe should be planted, so Luo Ji has spent most of his time on those fields these days, and occasionally has free time. When I was there, I taught the children in the tribe how to read, and then I kept giving them homework...

Of course, his crazy behavior has been a little restrained recently, because he felt that the eyes of these children looked at him as if they were looking at a class enemy. If this goes on, it is estimated that there are a few traitors among them, assigning homework. Although it is very cool, it really has to be considered for the future of the tribe.

But to be honest, being a teacher is really a good career. He should have been admitted to Normal University at the beginning, but the scholarship from Z University blinded him, but he didn't get it in the end, bah!

Like this, another two days have passed...

"Haha, hahaha..." A nervous laughter came from Wang Chao's mouth, staring at a pair of bloodshot eyes and two heavy dark circles. That way, no one would be surprised if he died suddenly in the next second. His mentality had completely exploded. He was hungry for two days, and in about an hour or so, it would be seven days. However, There is absolutely no one in this tribe!

The whole person stood up directly from the crouching bushes. As a result, he was anemic because he was hungry for a long time, and almost fell to the ground, "Grass! No wait!"

"Leader, what shall we do next?" Hungry and tired, the tribal warriors who were ambushing nearby with Wang Chao obviously lost their patience long ago.

"In another hour, withdraw!" After speaking, Wang Chao gave the subordinate who was questioning the questioning stern look. Obviously, he was in a terrible mood at this time. What's the use of staying here?It's just looking for guilt for himself, and he's admitting it!

But think about it from another angle, what if he succeeded in this wave of ambush, took advantage of the wave and ran away, and then mixed himself with a bronze treasure chest, what would he do if he was missed by this Luo Ji?Is it so cheap?Looking at the scale of other people's tribal camps, they are almost developing to the level of a city. Among the players in the bronze rank, it is estimated that they will not give in too much. They will be targeted by such a player who is obviously stronger than him, and will invade him every day. Are the days over?

After thinking about it this way, Wang Chao's mood suddenly improved a lot, and his complexion also improved. This trip can be regarded as spending money to keep his safety.

With this thought in mind, Wang Chao was about to take people away, but at this moment, in the darkness, a pair of green eyes lit up!

Before he could react at all, Wang Chao only felt a shadow flash in front of him, and the subordinate standing next to him was thrown to the ground heavily on the spot.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and at and at and followed by a scream, hot blood splashed directly on his face...

"Hyenas! There are hyenas!!"

With the faintly shining moonlight, Wang Chao and the others, who could barely see the true face of the attacker, let out a cry of despair. They were hungry, and in this dim forest environment, they encountered a group of equally hungry people. Hyena, this situation is enough to make anyone feel hopeless.

At the same time, on the sentry platform of the Mingjing tribe in the distance, one of the sentries who was on duty frowned, as if he had a feeling of looking at the dark woods in the distance, and then directed at the not far away. Another sentinel asked aloud, "Hey, did you hear anything?"

"Voice?" During the conversation, the sentinel who was a little sleepy yawned, and then continued to speak in a leisurely manner, "What's the sound?"

"It seems, it seems to be a human scream, and it seems to be a hyena..." The sentinel who said that he heard the voice was a little uncertain, "It came from the woods."

"Over the woods?" The sleepy sentinel turned his head and glanced in the direction of the woods, "The wind is strong this night, and when it blows through the woods, it will 'woohoo', did you hear it wrong? , How dangerous is the woods after nightfall, who would run over there when they were impatient?"

Hearing what his companion said, the sentinel thought that it was indeed the case, so he nodded, "Probably."

"Okay, there's nothing to worry about." As if seeing the worry on his companion's face, the sleepy sentinel cheered up a bit, and then said again, "Look at this city wall, this height What if there are hyenas or enemies? Can they still jump up? You are just too tired. After a while, it's almost time to change shifts. Then go back and get a good night's sleep... "

A small episode, after about 10 minutes, a series of system prompts suddenly sounded in Luo Ji's mind...

System prompt: The invasion war is over, and the result is being judged, please wait...

System prompt: As a result of the judgment, the defending player 'Luo Ji' suffered zero battle losses in this battle, and the invading player 'Wang Chao' was wiped out!

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for winning the game.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for his first win, the reward is doubled.

System prompt: Congratulations to player 'Luo Ji' for getting the item 'Golden Treasure Chest × 2'

A series of system prompts in his mind abruptly woke Luo Ji, who was sleeping soundly, and the most terrible thing was that this situation made him quite inexplicable...

"Huh? Win?" Luo Ji, who had been focusing on farming for the past seven days, had no idea what was going on, and even had a serious continuous short circuit in his brain, and he couldn't turn around at all, "Hey?! !!!”

Chapter 93, Heaven and Man at War

After a sleep, two golden treasure chests came out of sleep. Luo Ji said that he was quite stunned, other than that...

"Damn! The first win for a novice player is actually double the reward, why didn't that guy Gao Su tell me?!" He decisively sent a message to ask.

After a long time, Gao Su replied with two words, "Forgot."

Then, another message was immediately sent, "Counting the time in another world, you don't even think about how many years I have been out of the novice stage. It's probably not bad to be able to remember it. Compared to this, I won?"

"I've won, I'm debating whether or not to open the treasure chest. Is it safe to save ten together?"


"You think too much."

"Okay, I'll struggle for a while myself."

Gao Su didn't ask Luo Ji what level of treasure chest he got, and Luo Ji didn't say, in Gao Su's opinion, Luo Ji's defensive style can effectively reduce his own battle losses, although it can greatly reduce the damage of his own team. Improve the winning rate, but the disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, the early attack methods are relatively poor, in short, they can't play a great record, even if they can win, it is difficult to get a high evaluation in the final system evaluation.

Gao Su guessed in his heart that it would be good for Luo Ji to get a black iron treasure chest in the first battle. With a little luck, he might even be able to get a silver treasure chest. It would be impossible for a gold treasure chest, but he would have to win big. You can only get a record at the level of complete victory. In the early stage, it is difficult to achieve this with the defensive style.

However, the reality was that at this moment, Luo Ji, who had lost all sleep, was staring at the two golden treasure chests in his props backpack in a daze.

This item backpack seems to be available only after the novice protection period is released. Luo Ji tried it before, and he can't put ordinary things in it. It should be a special item that can only be opened in those treasure chests.

By the way, after the end of the novice protection period, his system page has changed a lot. In addition to the attribute column and friend column at the beginning, there are more 'backpack', 'social', 'map' and 'auction' Field' these four options.

Needless to say about backpacks, maps and auctions, the social part is a little bit in, and a strong online game style suddenly hits my face, I saw that the news in the entire public chat channel was being refreshed by a large number of players...

Public channel: Liu Ye (player): The 'Across the World' guild is recruiting!The silver-ranked boss takes the seat in person!Take you to pretend to be forced to take you to fly, the minimum requirement to join the membership is the bronze rank, the seats are limited, first come first served!

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