Endurance: ★★☆

Command: ★★☆☆☆ (recommended)

Talent: Ruler

Skills: none

Tactics: none

People under his command: 34 people

Owning a city-state: none (no permanent residence)

Important things, Luo Ji habitually read twice, first roughly once, then carefully, and when he finally saw that they had no fixed place to live, Luo Ji's face was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of confusion. Silently glanced at the busy people behind him, and a glimpse of clarity flashed in his eyes. It seems that this state will not change until this settlement is built.

Don't worry about this, he focuses more on attributes and talents. This panel attribute is determined by star rating, and it is also divided into two types: black five-pointed star and white five-pointed star, which is quite good for game play. It is not unfamiliar to Luo Ji. Obviously, the black five-pointed star represents the strength of his current attributes, while the white five-pointed star represents the growth limit of this attribute, which is easy to understand. of.

His gaze flicked, and Luo Ji's attention quickly focused on command. After all, the five stars of the growth cap were too conspicuous!Can't even see it!

He didn't think that he actually had this hidden talent. After all, as a student in reality, he didn't seem to have the chance to show this talent. Could it be that his love of playing strategy games was also influenced by this talent?He accidentally went too far, and his breathing became a little short unconsciously. If this growth talent was put in the game, he would be an SSR!However, considering that the actual strength of the current commander is only two stars, it should still be the type of the big late stage.

He hurriedly took two deep breaths to suppress the excitement in his heart, and after silently reciting 'Don't be rude' twice, the whole person finally calmed down.

At the same time, he gradually found the state, and he soon had a development route in his mind, "The upper limit of endurance and bravery growth is only three stars, which is obviously not expected, and although the commander growth is very high, it is estimated that it will take a long time to fully grow. It took a lot of time, that is to say, in the early stage, intelligence and spirit were the two main things, and in the later stage, the development route of transformation and commanding..."

With a general direction in mind, Luo Ji became more and more calm between his gestures, and then turned his attention to the last column of talents.

"Ruler..." With the name of his talent in mind, Luo Ji could almost swear that his talent was definitely directly related to his five-star command.

I tried to stretch out my finger and click on the three words ruler, and the relatively detailed description of the talent suddenly unfolded...

Ruler: As an excellent ruler, your civilization is impregnable, the default loyalty of all your subjects is +10, the civilization development speed is increased by 20% (10%×2), and the combat power of the army you lead is increased by 20% (10% ×2)! (This talent is directly affected by 'Command')

"Sure enough, it is affected by command! Originally, this bonus should be [-]%, but now I have a command of two stars, so I multiplied it by two, and there is loyalty..." My talent is in the end Whether it was good or not, he couldn't make a judgment for a while, but as a player who often played strategy games, Luo Ji knew the importance of loyalty and development speed, not to mention the army's combat power and achievements, so , overall it looks pretty good.

Just as he was thinking about this, the person he called to find the vines and stones had already returned, and after glancing at what they found, Luo Ji patted the savage youth on the shoulder, "Good job. ,Thanks a lot."

"It's not hard, it's not hard!" The savage youth who was praised was a little flattered, showing an excited expression.

Seeing the other party's happy expression, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing, but he also knew that the most important thing right now was to solve the food problem quickly. In this icy world, people who go around and collect camp materials can easily find some wild animals. Fruit or some game is naturally the best, but Luo Ji still expects the fish in Mingjing Lake more.

With this thought in mind, he stretched out his hand and summoned two young barbarians, the one he had praised before was obviously among them, and pointed to the large stone that they brought back, motioning them to hold the stone. follow him.

It is obviously unreliable to smash the ice surface by the lake. He saw that those who play ice fishing are all walking towards the center of the frozen lake. After all, the water in the center of the lake is deeper, and there should be more fish in the deeper water.

"Let's go here." Considering the safety issue, Luo Ji didn't intend to take his two people to the center of the lake. After leaving the shore for a dozen meters, he found a similar-looking place to stop.

"You hit a hole here with a stone to get out..." Luo Ji said, gesturing with his hands, "When one hits, the other is watching carefully, and be careful not to fall."

His simple words of concern can make these two flattered, which makes Luo Ji's mood also subtle and complicated, "This should be the effect of default loyalty +10, right? It seems that the people of my tribe are loyal to me. All are high.”

After completing the task here, Luo Ji didn't intend to stay here any longer. Smashing an ice hole was just the first step in fishing. Other than that, he had to get some fishing tools out.

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to make a stone spear to stab the fish. The lake was so deep that it was unrealistic, so he wanted to use those slender tree vines to make something similar to a fishing net.

I don't know if the five-star growth cap was playing a role, but Luo Ji was very handy in giving orders now, and he was going to make the three ingenious women recruited by the barbarian old man behind him. The work is left to the three of them.

Of course Luo Ji had never done anything like editing fishing nets before, but he had never eaten pork, so he had never seen a pig run before?Holding a branch as a pen, I drew on the snow. The whole structure is quite simple. The main thing is that they can't make fishing nets that are too complicated and too detailed. The gourd painting scoop is simple to use.

After instructing this side to weave the fishing nets, Luo Ji reached out and summoned a few young children from the tribe, and asked them to dig through the surrounding snowy soil to see if they could dig up some earthworms. Insects are used as bait. When the time comes, it is more reliable to throw some bait than just throwing a fishing net and then foolishly waiting for a silly fish to deliver it to your door.

After basically ordering all the things to be done, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath, sorted out the thoughts in his head, and then couldn't help but sighed that there was not enough manpower. Originally, 34 people seemed to be quite a lot, but in the end, the assignment of tasks After going down, it was a little stretched.

"Population development is also a big problem..." Luo Ji thought about the problem of population development as he found a clean place and sat down. After poking around for a while, I finally found a relatively flat and sharp stone and began to make gestures.

The stone spear weapon, in simple terms, is to tie a polished stone to a wooden stick. The polishing process can be done slowly. Luo Ji plans to make one or two stone spears to practice his hand, and by the way, improve their tribe's status. armed forces.

Originally, according to Luo Ji's idea, I wanted to use those vines to tie it up. After all, it doesn't look like a rope in this era. However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny, and it can't be tied at all!Even the thinnest vines are as thick as his fingers. When they are tied up, the stone spear will be crooked as soon as they are released. How can you expect this thing to fight?

But fortunately, his current three-star intelligence is not filled with water. As soon as his mind turned, he quickly thought of a way. He asked the old barbarian to ask for a thin animal skin. This animal skin is very tough. It took him a lot of effort to tear it into strips, and then tied it to the stone spear. After it was firmly tied, a system prompt sounded decisively in his mind...

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully crafting a 'Rough Stone Spear', gaining [-] Civilization Points and [-] Military Points.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for entering the 'Stone Age' and gaining [-] civilization points.

However, at this moment, the continuous sound of the system prompts could not make him take his attention away from the stone spear. Holding the stone spear he made by himself, Luo Ji only felt that his heart was 'banging'. The jump of banging kept jumping, "I rely on, obviously just made a stone spear. What is this strong sense of accomplishment?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What comes out is really different!!”

The ecstasy on his face has reached the point where he can't hide it. He almost laughed like a fool. Even when he confirmed that he was accepted by the university at public expense, he was not so happy!

He couldn't help but waved it a few times. Even Luo Ji, who only had two stars for his bravery, felt like he was waving this stone spear at the moment.

At the same time, the tribesmen, who had been paying attention to what their patriarch was doing, looked at him with reverence in their eyes, which greatly satisfied Luo Ji's self-esteem.

All of a sudden, the whole person is also full of energy, as the so-called once born and twice cooked, after having the experience of this stone spear, after a while, I made another stone axe. The sense of accomplishment that surged up, the five points of civilization and three points of military points suggested by the system were simply not worth mentioning!

Just when he was about to maintain this drive and make more weapons to improve the combat effectiveness of his tribesmen, the young barbarian who he had previously identified as a scout talent fled back with a face full of panic." Clan, patriarch! Not good! We met people from other tribes outside, and they wanted to snatch our prey, and now they are fighting!"

Chapter 5, The First Warrior

"Clan, patriarch! It's not good! We met people from other tribes, and they wanted to snatch the prey we caught. It is estimated that they are going to fight!"

Hearing this report, Luo Ji was shocked on the spot, "Damn, I'm about to start a fight just a day after I arrived? Calm down, in short, check the situation first..."

"How many people are there? Where are they?" Luo Ji asked, forcing himself to calm down.

"About eight or nine people, not far from here, just over there..." As he spoke, the scout who had been appointed by Luo Ji quickly pointed his finger in one direction.

After getting this answer, Luo Ji felt nervous. Originally, according to his expectations, if the distance was still far away, he would retreat temporarily and develop a wave of vulgarity, and wait for him to arm the barbarian warriors in his own tribe. When the stone spear and stone axe are used, go to take revenge and kill him seven in and seven out.

But now listening to the report of the scouts, it is obviously impossible. Once retreat, if the barbarians of other tribes chase after them, this piece of Mirror Lake will be exposed. The settlement must also be ruined, no matter from which point of view, this is a result that he cannot accept.

"My ruler's talent can increase the combat power of the soldiers under my command by 20.00%. With these two weapons, although the two-star bravery feels a little low, how can I fight for it in the early stage?!" Thinking of this, Luo Ji also felt a little sinister. He looked down at the stone spear and stone ax that had just been made, and then thrust the stone ax into the scout's hand. Shi Mao shouted loudly, "Old people, women and children all hide first, men follow me!"

In Luo Ji's tribe, apart from the four savage warriors who were very strong and seemed to be very capable of fighting, the old men and children aside, the physiques of the other men were generally weak or average, but at this moment, I don't know whether it was It wasn't Luo Ji's 'commanding' ability that worked. None of the four men who stayed on the side of Mingjing Lake to help clean up the camp was scared or flinched!

Seeing the reaction of the people of his tribe, Luo Ji, who was still a little uncertain in his heart, was also encouraged. The scout led the way, and the five men, including Luo Ji himself, followed with murderous intent. , is obviously mentally prepared to fight the last one.

In the original world, Luo Ji had experience in fighting, but fighting and fighting were obviously not on the same level. To say that he was not nervous at all would be a lie. The hand holding the stone spear was too hard. The knuckles were all white, and the brain was completely messed up, and I didn't know what I was thinking.

After rushing for a while with the scouts, the sound of a violent fight suddenly reached their ears, and in a forest in front of them, four barbarian warriors from their tribe were waving the big wooden clubs in their hands. They guarded the prey they shot down, and each of them was basically painted, and one of them had blood all over his face, but he didn't take a step back!

Their idea is very simple. There are 34 people in their tribe, and this roe deer is not enough for them to eat. In this case, if the prey is taken away again, the old people, women and children in the tribe will all have to starve So this prey can't be let go. With such an idea, they were allowed to hold on until now when the numbers were completely unfavorable.

Seeing this scene, Luo Ji also burst into a surge of blood, regardless of 21, he rushed forward with a roar, "We are coming! Brothers, don't panic, let me kill them!!"

With this roar, the stone spear in Luo Ji's hand had already stabbed directly at the barbarian who was closest to him. The opponent was very strong and obviously a warrior, but Luo Ji's attack came suddenly, and the addition of The stone spear is long enough, and when the other party reacts, the stone spear in his hand has already stabbed in front of the other party's eyes.

Where have the barbarians who are still using clubs as weapons have seen this?He was stabbed right on the spot by the stone spear. Although it would not pierce the opponent's heart, it still made the barbarian see blood on the spot.

Panic shouts came from the barbarian. He was obviously frightened by this weapon he had never seen before. On the other hand, seeing their patriarch repelled the warriors of the enemy tribe with one blow, his own side suddenly The morale is high!

"Fuck them! Fuck them!!" Although Luo Ji didn't know what Luo Ji's roar meant, they all started shouting, and the fierce attitude suddenly frightened those on the opposite side. Barbarian, it was at this moment that the system's prompt sounded in Luo Ji's mind...

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for comprehending the skill 'Moralizing'.

The system's prompt didn't make Luo Ji react in any way, and even whether he heard it at this moment is a problem, because his attention is now completely focused on the battle in front of him!

Completely different from the mallet, the edge of this stone spear is also uneven and quite sharp. During the frantic dance, whoever gets scratched will have to add a few wounds, taking the advantage of this weapon. For a while, Luo The series is actually brave to the extreme.

But although these savages were not literate and their knowledge was very backward, it didn't mean they were stupid. Although Luo Ji's stone spear swung very fiercely, after a long time of fighting, they soon discovered Luo Ji's fighting experience. Insufficient flaws, except for the initial attack, although the other attacks made them see blood, but in fact the wound was not deep at all, it only scratched the skin or left a gap. For them All are minor injuries.

The other party could see it, and of course they could see it, but their loyalty to Luo Ji, the patriarch, was very high, so it was impossible for them to have any disrespectful thoughts.

The scout who led them was also quite clever. Knowing that the stone axe could not exert the greatest power in his hands, he saw the opportunity and quickly handed the weapon to the first warrior in the tribe.

He took the stone axe and weighed the weight. The barbarian warrior's eyes suddenly lit up, and he didn't need to explain much. As the first warrior of the tribe, he had a very high fighting talent. As soon as the stone axe got into his hand, he would Know how to use this thing.

"Kill them! Fuck them!!" After so long, he finally had a chance to fight back. In addition, these sluts had robbed their tribe's food before, so they just took advantage of this opportunity to have a new hatred and an old hatred. Forget it together!

Seeing the barbarian warrior wielding a stone axe and killing him, the barbarian of the enemy tribe responded quickly, and quickly raised the club in his hand to block it.

The two weapons collided in an instant, and the strength of the barbarian warrior was astonishing. At that time, a 'click' was heard, and the club in the opponent's hand broke into two pieces on the spot!

Many barbarians who saw this scene were shocked by the ferocious lethality of the stone axe. The barbarian warriors of their tribe were also ecstatic, but at the same time the offensive did not stop. , and then lifted it with a kick, and kicked the opponent to the ground on the spot, and then kept moving, clenching the handle of the axe with both hands, and between the hands of the knife and the fall, the savage hit directly on the head of the barbarian superior.

With a muffled sound, blood splattered, worthy of being the number one warrior of their tribe, the stone axe was a great killer in his hands, Luo Ji could clearly see that half of the barbarian's head was dented. Almost got blown up!It is estimated that there is no chance of life.

If Luo Ji wielding a stone spear can only be called astonishing, then the number one warrior of their tribe is a real wolf into the flock!

Chapter 6: Luo Ji Getting Better

All the way to kill, the barbarians of the enemy tribe can't stop him at all. In the face of the stone axe whose lethality has been increased by more than one level, coupled with the exaggerated brute force, how can a few wooden sticks and hammers be able to withstand it?The words "wolves enter the flock" are simply too apt to describe them!

On the other side, holding the stone spear in his hand tightly, Luo Ji played a dance without being able to kill a single enemy, but Luo Ji was not too embarrassed. The main reason was that he didn't have too much expectation of his own combat effectiveness from the beginning. As a prospective college student born in a peaceful era, can he have no points in his heart?

In this way, he gradually got used to fighting, and began to use some smarter fighting methods. His eyes quickly turned to a barbarian who was fighting with the warriors of his own tribe. Seeing the opportunity, Luo Ji took a sharp breath. Directly stabbed out a powerful spear!

At that time, there was only a scream, and the strange feeling of the stone spear piercing into the flesh and blood suddenly reached his hand, causing him to feel a tingling on the spot, but Luo Ji did not let go, and even increased his strength. !At the same time, I kept telling myself in my heart, "This is the enemy! This is the enemy! This is the enemy!!"

Luo Ji, who has changed his style of play, can be said to be a hit. This is a smarter way of fighting for him. Of course, it can be described as sinister or despicable if it sounds ugly. However, would he care?not at all!

At the same time, it turned out that his tribesmen didn't care at all, and even shouted and cheered, and even their morale was improved.

For the people of this era, these eight words 'the strong eat the weak, survive the fittest' are the truth!There is nothing despicable or despicable, only if you can live!

Under the leadership of Luo Ji, the morale of the warriors in his tribe was high, and they became more and more courageous as they fought!The barbarians of the enemy tribes who fought were retreating steadily, and the situation was reversed in a short period of time. The two weapons with obvious advantages in civilization obviously played a big role. After all, this is the gap between the Stone Age and the ancient times, but At the same time, Luo Ji knew in his heart that the 20.00% increase in combat power of his 'ruler' talent probably played a very important role.

"Run! Everyone, run!!" Two fighters were broken in a row, and the rest were all wounded. The barbarians of the enemy tribe obviously lost their will to fight at the moment, and they ran faster than rabbits. , which sealed Luo Ji's victory in this first battle.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for winning the first battle, earning [-] Civilization Points and [-] Military Points.

There was no time to pay attention to the system prompts. Seeing that the fighting spirit was intensifying, each of the tribe warriors was roaring and ready to chase and kill them. Luo Ji hurriedly called to stop, "Okay, stop chasing!"

The warriors who heard the order of the patriarch stopped their actions one after another, but their eyes were full of doubts, apparently not understanding why their patriarch would let such a good opportunity to hunt down.

Facing the doubts of his own people, Luo Ji, who had calmed down at the moment, said calmly, "The most important thing now is to establish the camp first, and then solve the food problem. As for those savages, waste energy to solve the problem. They don't do any good, let's take it easy."

As soon as these words were said, the warriors suddenly realized that the doubts in their eyes turned into respect for Luo Ji, and at the same time they strengthened their confidence that Luo Ji, the patriarch, could lead their tribe forward!

The situation gradually returned to his control, and the threat of the barbarians was temporarily lifted. Luo Ji's state at the moment can be said to be getting better, "However, we can't leave them alone..."

While speaking, Luo Ji waved at his appointed scout, "Come here, I have something dangerous for you to do, dare you?"

This scout's loyalty to Luo Ji was already very high, and since he had just won a battle, his morale was high, how could he not dare?On the spot, he patted his chest, "Patriarch, whatever you tell me!"

Seeing this, Luo Ji nodded in satisfaction, then shoved the stone spear into the scout's hand, "Those barbarians left obvious footprints on the snow when they escaped, I want you to follow quietly and confirm their Horde location, then come back and report to me."

"Patriarch, don't worry! I promise to get things done!"

Looking at the excited expression on the other side's face, Luo Ji was inevitably a little worried. Although this kid has the talent to be a scout, he has not received any professional training after all. Such a good seedling, if something happened to die in an accident, that would be great. It's a big loss.

But confirming the location of the other party's tribe is also something that has to be done, so I can only say a few more words, "Everything should take your own safety as the first priority, don't conflict with the other party, once you are discovered, or you feel that you have been discovered. Just retreat immediately, understand?"


"Okay, let's go."

After sending the scouts to catch up, Luo Ji brought the other soldiers from his tribe, loaded up the materials needed to build the tribe's camp, and started to walk back.

On the way back, he naturally had to talk to the first warrior of his tribe. After a round of conversation, he found out that the people in his tribe didn't even have a serious name, most of them were It's a pretty random name.

"How can the number one warrior in the tribe not even have a decent name?" Luo Ji thought about it as he spoke, "Why don't I give you a name, how about the same surname as mine?"

As for the surname, they obviously don't have that concept yet, but no matter what, the patriarch has spoken. According to his current loyalty, it is naturally impossible to refuse.

"It's called... Luo Yong! How about Luo Yong?!" After all, Luo Ji's first impression of him was bravery!When planning to name him, the first thing that came to mind was the word 'yong'. Although this name is relatively common in modern society, it is also appropriate for this first warrior.

"Royong? Thank you, Patriarch!" While feeling fresh about this so-called name, Luo Yong obviously liked it a lot, and more importantly, Luo Yong and Luo Ji, these two names sounded very similar to him!Being able to have a very similar name to the patriarch is undoubtedly something that will make them feel honored for these tribesmen!

That is, at the same time, the system prompt sounded again...

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for creating the concept of 'name', for obtaining [-] civilization points and [-] cultural points.

Listening to the prompts from the system, as soon as Luo Ji came back to his senses, he found other tribal warriors looking at him eagerly. He is not particularly good at it. He just named Luo Yong on a whim just now, and it was quite ordinary. If he really asked him to name a large group of people in a serious manner, let alone 34 of them, there are only [-] of them now. These few in front of him can make him worry to death.

But fortunately, his mind turned fast enough, and after a flash of inspiration, he suddenly said with aura, "Only those who have performed the best in the tribe or have made outstanding contributions are eligible for me to name him personally, so , If you want a name, you can show me well!"

Luo Ji's statement is quite convincing, although this is just an excuse he casually pulls out to avoid his "naming difficulty" attack, but what he doesn't know is that from this moment on his excuse, It has become one of the important traditions of their entire civilization, and being able to have the name he took personally has also become one of the highest honors of their civilization at this moment.

Chapter 7. Camp creation

Luo Ji and the others, who came back with their prey and building materials, enjoyed the cheers from the women and children in the tribe, and at the same time made everyone feel at ease, because the roe deer that Luo Yong placed on the ground meant that at least tonight everyone didn't need to. hungry.

When Luo Ji returned to Mingjing Lake, he had a lot of things to do. For example, he had to go and see what happened to the ice lake.Is the fishing net ready?How about the kids' bait digging again?Weapons such as stone spears and stone axes should also be made more, so that the warriors in the tribe can have one in hand.

Of course, the most important thing is that after this battle, the soldiers in his tribe were basically injured and bleeding, and the wounds must be treated properly!In case of infection or inflammation, it can really be fatal!

Thinking of this, Luo Ji's heart suddenly tightened. You must know that in this era, the level of medical care is not backward, but it may not be at all!

I can't calm down at all. In the early stage of this tribe's development, let alone the four warriors with the strongest fighting ability, even an ordinary tribe citizen is an important fighting force plus productivity for him, and he will lose a little bit of any one. rise.

He quickly found the wounded warriors, and then saw that the old barbarian was about to apply the herbs he had chewed to the wounds of a warrior.

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