Seeing this scene, Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at this posture, they at least had the basic awareness to deal with wounds. At the same time, it seemed that they also had herbs or something. As for chewing herbs with their mouths, saliva has a disinfecting effect. Although it's a little disgusting, don't worry about it in extraordinary times, but that's not the point!

"Stop, stop, stop!!!" Luo Ji, who called five stop in a row, rushed to the old man and asked earnestly, "Has the wound been cleaned?"


Hearing this, the old man and the injured tribal warriors showed a blank expression at the same time.

Seeing this, Luo Ji immediately stretched out his hand to cover his face, "Okay, everyone, listen, after an injury, you must clean the wound first, otherwise there will be a possibility of infection and inflammation!"

"Patriarch, what do you mean by infection and inflammation?" As the only person in the entire tribe who knew some medical knowledge, the old man asked subconsciously.

In response, Luo Ji said seriously, "You will understand this later."

What are you kidding?Infection and inflammation are of course because of bacteria, but the question is what if the old man asks him what the bacteria are?The devil knows how to explain it!And this is simply a topic that the more you explain, the more problems there are. In the final analysis, the development of civilization is too backward.

Fortunately, a hole had been opened on the other side of Mingjing Lake, so I hurriedly called someone to get some clean water, and after carefully cleaning the wound with the lake water several times, the old man put the herbs on it and was doing it. At the moment when all this is over, the system prompt rang.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully promoting medical development, obtaining [-] civilization points and dozens of medical points.

Luo Ji was also a little used to the system prompts that sounded from time to time, but he was not a little complacent, because he knew very well that in the early stage of development, there was nothing in his tribe, and with his basic common sense as a modern person Just tossing around can always trigger some similar things, but the point is later, how to really develop, this is the difficult part.

"All in all, just follow this method." There are quite a few injured people. At this juncture, Luo Ji, who has to worry about this and that, obviously doesn't have so much time for them to clean their wounds one by one. The matter is left to the old man to do.

On the other hand, he ran to the other side to see the progress of the production of the fishing net. After a look, a hint of satisfaction appeared on his face, "Not bad."

Although the opening of the fishing net was a little bigger, it didn't matter, he just wanted to catch big fish anyway, and the system's prompt sounded as he expected.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for making a 'Simple Fishing Net', for obtaining [-] civilization points and [-] production points.

"By the way, since before, in addition to civilization points, I seem to have obtained a lot of other points in a mess?" You want to study it carefully, but now the time is too short, and a lot of things are waiting for him to do, Where are you free?In this way, the matter of research points can only be temporarily suppressed.

After grabbing the prepared fishing net, they went to the children of the tribe to get the bait they dug up. A group of people followed Luo Ji to the ice hole with great interest, and there were still people working on it. The eyes are also looking this way from time to time. Obviously, everyone is very concerned about what the patriarch is doing.

"Who of you is the most patient? The kind that can stay in one place for a long time without moving."

Everyone who heard this, look at me, I look at you, the last middle-aged man raised his hand, "Patriarch, I think I can."

"Then you should try it first." There is nothing to scrutinize or not to scrutinize. Luo Ji's idea is very simple. Since he said he can, let him try it. Anyway, he has already hunted a roe deer, even if everyone is not full, You won't be hungry either. Although you can't slack off on fishing, you won't be in a hurry for a while.

"Don't be nervous, it's not difficult, the important thing is patience." Like Luo Ji said, it's really not difficult, the basic thing to do is to gather up the fishing net, sit next to the ice hole, and grab one end of the net. , don't let all the fishing nets fall off, and then throw a handful of bait into the lake every once in a while. When you feel the movement and find the fish getting into the fishing net, you can immediately lift the fishing net. The point is that when a fish gets in Before you don't mess around.

After he was instructed to go fishing, Luo Ji still had to do the next thing. Before he left, he deliberately left more people there. On the one hand, he was chatting to relieve his boredom, so that he would not be too bored. On the other hand, he was thinking about safety. The problem, after all, it is quite dangerous next to this hole. If something happens, there are many people around to take care of it.

When he walked back to the shore of Mingjing Lake, the women in the tribe had already set up simple tents with the building materials they brought back. The prompt sounded unexpectedly.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully establishing the first tribal camp, obtaining [-] civilization points and [-] industrial points.

System prompt: Do you want to name the newly established tribal camp?

"Hmm!" Hearing this prompt, Luo Ji's 'difficulty in naming names', which had been suppressed before, flared up again. After suppressing this stomach-ache again, Luo Ji focused his attention on this place. On the attribute panel of the tribal camp...

name: none

Level: Small Tribe

Population: 34 (your tribe is underpopulated)

Livability: 1 (from Mingjing Lake)

Fortifications: None (your tribe is vulnerable)

Special effects: 20% bonus for 'fishing' (from Mirror Lake), 20% increase in civilization development speed (from talent 'ruler')

Looking at the attribute panel of this tribal camp, Luo Ji's first reaction was that fortunately he did not choose to give up this settlement before. The two special effects, apart from the one that he brought with him, were both the fishing bonus and the habitability of the tribe. It is thanks to this natural wonder, otherwise this icy world, no matter where it is moved, the habitability is estimated to have dropped to a negative number.

Luo Ji didn't think he was lucky enough to find another natural wonder. According to his experience and guesses, the habitability falling to a negative number was a red flag, which showed that his people were dissatisfied with this place. Unhappy, this is likely to lead to a loss of loyalty and even mutiny.

"It's decided!" Thinking of this, Luo Ji immediately clapped his hands, "Alright, let's call it 'Der Spiegel', although the Der Spiegel tribe doesn't sound very good, but after a while of development, it became a city of Mirror Mirror and a city of Mirror Mirror, and it was quite pleasant. It was such a happy decision.”

Chapter 8. Developing Tribes

He really didn't want to be too entangled in a name because of the difficulty in naming names. In the end, strength is the last word. He found a place to sit down and got a few more suitable stones to make a few stone axes and stones. The spears are distributed to the four strongest warriors in the tribe first, and the rest will be the turn of the other warriors.

As the first warrior, Rayong already had a stone axe in his hand. He was also a little interested in stone spears. He picked up a stone spear and gestured twice, and finally shook his head, "It's too light."

"Stone axes are heavier and more powerful. The advantages of stone spears lie in their flexibility and attack range. If you think it's too light, try with two stone axes." As he spoke, Luo Ji put the just-tied A stone axe was handed to Rayong.

"Can I really take two by myself?" Luo Yong, who took the other stone axe, looked excited. In fact, he wanted to take two stone axe from the very beginning. According to his strength, he would have one stone axe in each hand. There's no problem at all, but there are so many people in their tribe who don't have weapons yet. It seems a bit unreasonable for him to take two by himself, and it's not easy to speak.

"It's alright." Luo Ji waved his hand indifferently, "As long as you find the right stone, you can make a lot of them. When you go out hunting in the future, pay attention to it. If you have a suitable stone, bring it back. Anyway, this weapon is easy to make. One hand is not too much."

In this regard, of course, Luo Yong responded repeatedly, and then waved his two stone axes excitedly to the side, and the other soldiers who got the weapons were also excited.

After a while, the scout sent out by Luo Ji walked back with a tired face. He successfully confirmed the location of the enemy tribe and left a mark along the way. This news undoubtedly made the tribe's warriors I felt a burst of excitement, after all, after mastering this news, it was equivalent to mastering the dominance!

Luo Ji, who had been struggling with the issue of the tribe's population, was now thinking about finding a time to bring someone to take down the tribe. At the same time, he praised the scout without hesitation, and gave him the After Luo Yong, Luo Jin became the second person to receive a name from Luo Ji, attracting the envy of many tribesmen.

Afterwards, as the sky darkened, they also had to start cooking on a fire. Here Luo Ji had to sigh, fortunately, he didn't have to do things like drilling a wood to make a fire.

However, in this ice and snowy weather, the wind is too strong, and occasionally a few pieces of snow are caught, which makes the difficulty of drilling wood to make fire more than one level higher. It is often difficult to get a little spark. Gone……

At the end of the day, Luo Ji, who was already starving, couldn't sit still. He turned his head, and then started to do it himself. Under the eyes of the people who were looking forward to it, he moved a few large rocks and built a ten-point building. The humble cooktop came out.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for building a 'simple stone hearth', and obtained [-] civilization points, [-] cultural points, and [-] industrial points.

"Huh, this stone stove actually adds cultural points and industrial points at the same time?" Luo Ji, who didn't have time to study this, just complained in his heart. At the same time, since he has already done this, he simply fiddled with it again. After a while, I plan to get a stone pot and a few more bowls.

For these things, the women in the tribe seem to have experience in making them. After all, they also need to hold water. Let’s work together and make them soon. It’s just that the appearance is really terrible. However, in extraordinary times, who pays attention to this? ?Can it be used?

He asked the women to make a few more bowls, and Luo Ji himself asked the men from the two tribes to lift the stone pot, intending to wash it in the lake, and by the way, he squatted the two beside the ice hole. The fisherman called back.

Luo Ji estimated that he had been squatting over there for almost three hours, but so far there has been no movement at all. It seems that there will be nothing to gain today, "Okay, let's stop here today, let's all take this stone together. Wash the pot and prepare to eat..."

Just as Luo Ji said that, the face of the person in charge of holding the fishing net suddenly changed. After sensing the movement in the fishing net, he quickly lifted the fishing net in his hand!Before Luo Ji could see it clearly, the system prompt in his mind had already told him what happened...

System prompt: Congratulations to the tribe where player 'Luo Ji' discovered 'carp' for the first time, obtained 1 civilization points, [-] production points, and 'fishing' development progress +[-]!

"Haha, hahaha..." He didn't have time to ignore the system prompts in his head. Looking at the carp that was struggling and fluttering in the fishing net, Luo Ji couldn't help laughing out loud. Seeing the patriarch laughing so happily, one by one also danced and laughed.

The reason why Luo Ji was so happy was of course not because he caught a carp, but because the appearance of this fish fully proved that his method was correct!Afterwards, as long as they make a few more fishing nets, smash a few more ice holes, develop fishery, and improve fishing efficiency, then their tribe can basically solve the problem of food, not to mention that the natural wonder of Mingjing Lake is not bad for the fishery. 'Development has a 20.00% bonus!

"Patriarch, is this the fish you're talking about?" The old man obviously remembered what Luo Ji said during the day, and when he saw the never-before-seen living creature in the fishing net, he immediately thought of it.

"That's right, that's it." As he spoke, Luo Ji motioned for the other party to throw the fish on the ground. In order to prevent his gang of people who had never seen a fish from making something that made him speechless, the job of killing the fish Decisively, it fell to his patriarch.

Thanks to his many years of independent living experience, he has trained most of his life skills to a high level. Killing a fish is no problem. Looking at the carp that is still struggling on the ground, it is probably because no one is fishing in this era. That head is really not small. In modern times, he has never seen such a big carp, and it is still wild. It is estimated that there will be a lot of rich people willing to pay high prices, but in any case, Luo Ji has already Decided to use it to cook a pot of fish soup.

He picked up a handy stone, stunned the fluttering carp at once, and then picked up a stone suitable for making a stone spear, making it a fish-killing knife.

But there is no doubt that this is too blunt. It took a lot of effort to kill the fish. When scraping the scales, the fish was scraped a bit miserably, but there is no way to do it. If you can have a decent kitchen knife in hand, it won't be so laborious.

Under everyone's attention, with the surprised whispers of the tribesmen, Luo Ji put the treated carp into the pot. In this era, there is no seasoning at all, only a pot of water and a fish. Where is 'gulugulu' cooking, and the roe deer meat skewered with branches is also roasting on another fire next to it.

After being hungry all day, everyone was hungry. Luo Ji cooperated to divide the roasted roe deer meat. You can get a few bites.

In the past, they should be happy to have such a mouthful of food, but today, all of them seem a little absent-minded, biting the roe deer meat in their mouths, but their eyes keep looking at Luo Ji's pot of fish soup , Obviously, they are full of curiosity about this novel food.

Estimating the time, Luo Ji lifted the piece of wood that was pressing on it as the lid of the pot, and before he could take a closer look, a strong fresh fragrance hit his face, which made him swallow a mouthful of water. The fish soup in it had already turned an attractive milky white color, and just looking at it made people move their index fingers. At this moment, including Luo Ji, almost all 35 pairs of eyes fell on this pot of fish soup.

But it is a pity that although this carp is very big, the stone pot is not big enough. I can't make more soup. It seems that today I can only let everyone take a sip and try it out. Anyway, Mingjing Lake It's right next to you, as long as you have a firm foothold here, are you afraid that you won't be able to drink fish soup?

Luo Ji, the patriarch, personally divided the pot of fish soup and fish meat. Before eating, he deliberately picked out a fishbone and reminded them to be careful. After all, there were always many such freshwater fish.

However, even after being reminded, there were still quite a few people who got stuck with the thorns, and then screamed 'wow', but luckily the fishbone was quite small, so they would swallow the roe deer meat if they took another bite.

After drinking the fish soup from the dry bowl, Luo Ji let out a long breath. Even though there was no seasoning at all, the fish soup was surprisingly delicious. Of course, it was also possible that he was dizzy from hunger, so everything was delicious.

After finishing dinner, Luo Ji sat beside the fire and rubbed his stomach. To be honest, he was not even [-]% full, and he only ate one meal a day. He heard from his tribesmen that every night You should be lucky to have a bite to eat. When they can't catch prey, they often have to drink water to survive for several days.

Hearing this, Luo Ji couldn't help but sighed that the people of this era were living a hard life, and at the same time, he sighed even more that this patriarch really wasn't that good.

Chapter 9, Happiness Blooms

At night in this era, there are basically no entertainment activities. Originally, Luo Ji thought about a group of people singing and dancing around the bonfire. It turned out that he thought too much. Everyone was tired all day, and food was scarce. Who has the strength and mood to sing and dance?

Everyone took a break, chatted a few times, and then went back to the tent to sleep, and Luo Ji also took this opportunity to pull the old man aside and talked about the 'name'. Obviously, the matter of naming everyone, he It was planned to be left to the elders of this tribe to get it done.

Luo Ji has never recited Baijia's surnames, but it's not a problem to report a dozen or so of common surnames at random. When he reported these surnames, the system naturally came out without any accident. A wave of presence.

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for establishing the 'surname system', for obtaining [-] civilization points and dozens of cultural points.

Luo Ji didn't expect that the number of civilization points was unexpectedly high, and he also added ten cultural points, but after thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. After all, 'surname' is an important culture that has been passed down for thousands of years. Ah, if he can memorize the entire family name, it is estimated that he will get more civilization points and cultural points.

But now it is obviously not necessary or impossible, just a dozen surnames are enough for the old man to digest for a while, let him think about it slowly.

After finishing all the things that need to be ordered, Luo Ji stretched his back and finally had time to study other things. At the end of the day, he had quite a lot of things in his mind...

As if nothing had happened, he turned his attention to Luo Yong, who was sharpening his two stone axes according to his instructions. Following Luo Ji's thought, an attribute panel suddenly jumped out.

"Sure enough, I can view their attribute panel!" There was a burst of joy in his heart. It was a good thing to be able to view the attribute panel of his tribesmen, because he could clearly see from the attribute panel. What is this person good at.

Name: Rayong

Sex: Male

Age: 26

Status: tired

Affiliation: Mirror

Loyalty: 100 (die loyal, unconditionally obey any of your orders, and will not drop due to any circumstances)

Bravery: ★★★☆

Intelligence: ★★

Spirit: ★★☆

Stamina: ★★★☆

Command: ★☆☆

Talent: Innate Divine Power: Born with a huge power far exceeding that of ordinary people, the power is increased by 100%

Skill: The more you fight, the more courageous (passive): During the battle, there is a 30% chance to temporarily increase the heroic star rating by 1

Tactics: none

With the 'ruler' default bonus of ten points, plus his performance all day today, Luo Ji had long imagined that the tribe's people should be very loyal to him, but Luo Yong's [-] The loyalty of the point still surprised him for a while, especially after the loyalty is full, it will become a die-hard, and the effect that will not decrease due to any circumstances makes him directly upgrade from surprise to ecstasy. !

He felt that in his 'ruler' talent, the value of the default loyalty +10 effect of all subjects was immediately reflected!Luo Ji's heart could be said to be overjoyed, a smirk appeared uncontrollably on his face, and he had a hunch that Luo Yong was definitely not the only one who was full of loyalty.

In addition to Luo Yong, the most likely to be loyal is Luo Jin, the reason is very simple, because of the name!The act of naming the two of them would obviously increase their loyalty, but even so, Luo Ji didn't plan to name everyone in the tribe, because no matter what, once it spreads, it's worthless. Now, in the entire tribe, only one or two people have the name he took, that is called honor, but once everyone has it, it becomes routine.

He was not in a hurry to look at Luo Jin's panel. He was attracted by the loyalty of over [-] just now, so that he hadn't looked at other attributes of Luo Yong yet. When he saw it, his heart suddenly became more and more pleasantly surprised.

Although Luo Yong's intelligence is only two stars, the upper limit of the growth of spirit and command is quite good three stars, and the most important thing is that the upper limit of bravery and endurance has reached four stars!This is a typical 'fighting general'. Although it is not very good to lead troops to fight, it is definitely a good player to charge into battle.

Luo Ji didn't expect any five-star generals from his tribe from the beginning. Luo Yong's growth value of these two four-star caps has already made him very satisfied, and the most important thing is the skill of 'the more you fight, the more courageous'. , He really deserves the name of Luo Yong. When his bravery was raised to the limit of four stars, with this 'more courageous in Vietnam War', he actually had a chance to break out into a five-star level of combat power!

Of course, it's still too early to say these things. After all, Luo Yong's valor now only has three stars, and his triggering skills are also four stars. As for the power boosted by the 'natural power' talent, it should be classified in the valiant category. After all, bravery symbolizes comprehensive combat power, and there must be strength, speed, physique, agility and the like when subdivided.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Luo Ji closed Luo Yong's attribute panel, and then turned his attention to Luo Jin with anticipation.

Name: Luo Jin

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Status: tired

Affiliation: Mirror

Loyalty: 100

Bravery: ★★

Intelligence: ★★☆☆

Spirit: ★★★☆

Stamina: ★★☆☆

Command: ★★☆

Talent: Observation: In the observation state, there is a 30% chance to produce new discoveries.

Skill: Scouting (Passive): To perform missions related to scouting, the success rate will increase by 10%

Tactics: none

"Phew—" He exhaled softly, Luo Jin's attribute panel could be said to have completely confirmed his guess, and there was no doubt that this was a scout!

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