Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds of Civilization Author: Flying De Lazy Cat


Luo Ji, a prospective college student who was enjoying the last summer of his senior year of high school, accepted an invitation from a game friend to become a player of the game 'Rise of Civilization'. At this moment, his entire life changed dramatically.

This is a war game between worlds and worlds, and it is also a fierce collision between civilizations!To annex the five continents and sweep the three oceans, let's see how Luo Ji leads his people to fight a bloody road to the strongest imperial civilization on this civilized battlefield where powerful enemies look around and all heroes fight for hegemony!

Author custom label farming text

Chapter 1. The Rise of Civilization

On the evening of summer Friday, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the streets that were not spacious. Luo Ji, who had just finished his summer job, dragged his heavy body back home. Today is the last day of his part-time job, and it will be over in just over a week. The school is about to start, and after a long summer vacation, he plans to enjoy his last summer vacation in his senior year of high school.

Taking off the T-shirt that was almost completely soaked in sweat, I first gave myself a cold shower, then had a casual dinner, and then habitually made a cup of coffee, and turned on the broken fan in my room to the maximum. After doing all the prep work, he turned on the computer, clicked the game icon on the desktop, and started his favorite game 'Savage 6'.

With the playback of the CG animation at the beginning, the tired look on Luo Ji's face dissipated slightly, and the whole face became a little more energetic. Between mouse movements, the highest difficulty was directly selected, and a new game started.

With the beginning of the game, his tired body seemed to be fully recovered, and his drowsy mind began to become clear and flexible, occupying land, negotiating, trading, building troops, and forming alliances. , after all, in this game, he is a seasoned veteran.

Just when he was about to click 'one more round', a message window popped up in the lower left corner of the computer screen, "Come on?"

The one who sent the message was a friend of his who played 'Savage 6'. Although the two of them didn't chat much, this guy often asked him to connect with him. When he opened his mouth, it was basically these three words, but the strength of the other party was indeed very strong. He is strong and very difficult to deal with. Every time I play online battles with him, it will take a long time, but at the same time, it is also very enjoyable, so Luo Ji actually doesn't hate this netizen with a strange personality.

After a fierce battle, looking at the picture declaring victory in front of him, Luo Ji drank the last sip of coffee in the cup, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, even though he had fought so many times with the opponent, he always won more and lost less. , but because winning is not easy, so every time I feel a special sense of achievement.

According to the past situation, after the winner is decided, the other party will go offline directly, but this time, it was an unexpected message.

"Want to play a more interesting strategy game?"

"??" Luo Ji directly replied with two question marks.

"Establish a city-state, develop civilization, and deploy troops, in the true sense of the word!"

Seeing such a piece of news, Luo Ji's first reaction was that the other party was lying to him, but thinking about it carefully, it would be quite cool if he could really appreciate it. But in the end, he is still a student, and he has a little impulsiveness in his heart, and this boring day really makes him a little sleepy, "If there is, I really want to try it."

Following his reply, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind...

System prompt: Qualified host is detected, do you accept the 'Rise of Civilization' installer?

"Huh? This voice..." Luo Ji looked around subconsciously, "It came from my head?"

This voice came a bit suddenly, according to Luo Ji's character, although he didn't panic, there was a hint of surprise on that delicate face.

At this moment, in the chat window, his friend sent another message, "Accept."

Looking at these two words, Luo Ji suddenly realized that he might be in for a big deal!His heartbeat began to accelerate, and he felt a little nervous and excited. The impulse in his heart made him want to accept it, but his reason told him that 'rejection' was a more secure choice.

He slowly exhaled a long breath. However, he has always been a very self-willed person, plus he is a lonely person, what is there to be afraid of?Decisively choose to accept!

The system prompts: The 'Rise of Civilization' installer is being installed, please stay awake...

System prompt: 'Rise of Civilization' is installed!

With the sound of the system prompt, Luo Ji only felt a sudden darkness in front of him, and before he could open his eyes, his body already felt a biting chill, causing him to shiver on the spot, "Why? What's the matter? It's so cold..."

When he opened his eyes, the first thing that caught his eye was a burning fire. Luo Ji instinctively moved closer to the fire, hoping that the flame would bring him some warmth. At that time, another system prompt rang in his ear...

System prompt: Received friend request from player 'Gao Su', do you accept it?

"Player? Gao Su?" I don't know if it was because I was frozen stupid, or if the change from one to the other was too great, causing Luo Ji's always flexible brain to have a short circuit for a few seconds, and after being stunned for a while. , Only then did I finally come back to my senses, "I am, let's start the game directly?!"

Luo Ji regained his senses a little, his brain finally regained a bit of his usual intelligence, this player named 'Gao Su' needn't think too much, it must be his netizen who decided to apply for Gao Su's friend.

Almost as soon as he added Gaosu as a friend, the other party's message came in quickly, "Sending a message requires 'civilization points'. Civilization points are the most important currency in this game. It is not easy for newcomers to earn civilization points. So you don't need to return my message, next, I will explain a few precautions, please remember it carefully."

Almost at the moment when this news was sent, one after another news came quickly...

"You have now entered a world of primitive civilization, which is a completely real world, don't be bound by the game framework of Savage 6, because you are a newcomer, so there is a six-month newcomer protection period in the world over there. During this period , other players can't invade you, you can farm and develop as much as you like, and grow your own civilized tribe."

"But don't underestimate the natives in this world. In the beginning, those natives were not easy to deal with. Be careful in doing things, but at the same time, you must explore the world as much as possible. There may be unexpected gains. Take a look at your Attributes panel before you start, and then develop to your strengths.”

"The last thing I want to say is don't quit easily, because whether it is quitting or logging in, you need to consume civilization points. Newcomers are very short of civilization points. Let's develop as much as possible in that world. In the end, I wish you good luck. !"

After sending this message, there was no movement on Gao Su's side. During this period, Luo Ji also tried to send a message. It turns out that, as Gao Su said, every message needs to consume ten civilization points. , and there is a character limit, and now the civilization points on him seem to be zero...

Chapter 2. Deployment configuration

While digesting the information that Gao Su told him, Luo Ji slowly raised his head. When he raised his head, he suddenly realized that he was surrounded by a group of barbarians wrapped in animal skins!

"Damn it!" Facing such a battle, Luo Ji yelled in his heart on the spot, and he was shocked, "What the hell? I fell into the hands of the barbarians from the very beginning?!"

"What should I do, what should I do?" The brain was in a mess on the spot, and even his face began to turn a little white. I don't know if it was his illusion. How could it feel that these savages were staring at him with red light. , ill-intentioned ah?

"These guys can't eat people, right?" Thinking of this, Luo Ji only felt that his fragile little heart twitched fiercely. If these savages were really cannibals or something, then his fate would be inevitable. Too bad, right?

Just when he was thinking about it, a barbarian old man leaning on a log and having a messy beard like a weed walked over slowly, "Patriarch, everyone is waiting for you to make a decision."

Facing the old barbarian man who suddenly approached, Luo Ji was startled at first, then, after hearing the other party's words, the expression on his face was stunned again, and he pointed to himself subconsciously, "Patriarch? Me?"

After saying this, he reacted first. To be precise, something similar to the system settings appeared in his mind. He was the patriarch of this small tribe, and their tribe was because of five A blizzard a few days ago was destroyed, and at this time he was leading the people of his tribe to find a new place to live, which is probably right.

Thinking about it this way, it's really similar to the beginning of Barbarian 6. At the same time, after he figured out that this group of barbarians were all his subjects, Luo Ji suddenly realized that before he thought these barbarians were red-eyed. Lightness, maliciousness and decisiveness are psychological effects. After a closer look, although his people are unkempt, their eyes are definitely full of reverence and worry when looking at him, and there is a bit of helplessness after being displaced.

Standing up slowly, his every move attracted the attention of every savage. It was still a little uncomfortable to be watched like this. However, after knowing that these savages would not hurt him, the whole person was decisive. Relaxed a lot.

When Luo Ji got up, he also took a look at his attire. Well, Judgment was also dressed in animal skins, and the environment was windy and snowy, no wonder it was so cold...

Forget the issue of clothing first, after all, it is in ancient times, so don't pay too much attention to such small details. Fortunately, he is not a hypocritical person himself.

"It seems that this first task is definitely to find a new place to live, which is the so-called settlement..." Attention quickly focused on the task of finding a settlement. Thinking, "For the first settlement, it is very important to find a good location. If it is in the game, the basic conditions must be trees, food and rivers! As for strategic resources, luxury resources, etc., of course The more the better, but now in this world of ice and snow, I feel that if I don't hurry up and find a place to settle down, maybe someone will freeze to death..."

Thinking of this, Luo Ji subconsciously took another look at his tribe's people. At a glance, there were about 30 people. There were old people, women, and even three children. Four of them were relatively burly, holding The middle-aged barbarian with a big wooden stick reminded Luo Ji of the initial melee unit in the game, Warrior!

Luo Ji, who already knew about his tribe's people, observed the surrounding environment again. The location they were in should be a forest area, and there was no shortage of wood. As for food, to be honest, it was icy and snowy. Luo Ji really didn't know where to find food.

At this moment, he couldn't help but clearly feel the difference between the game and reality. If it was in the game, he could almost easily find a food grid, and then sit on that grid, and the food would naturally be there. How could it be like this now? Give him a headache?

"By the way, is there a river nearby?" After feeling the difference between the game and reality, Luo Ji suddenly realized the importance of freshwater resources. , people can live for a long time.

Moreover, after finding the river, he might be able to get some fish to eat. Thinking of this, Luo Ji immediately made up his mind to settle down next to the river!

"Patriarch, I just went around and walked in that direction for a while, there is a river!" Among the crowd, a young barbarian with a slightly thin physique stretched out his finger and opened his mouth in one direction.

In the end, he was reprimanded by the old barbarian, "Stinky boy! Without the order of the patriarch, you ran out without permission! With your small body, you are not afraid of being caught by wild wolves outside!"

In this tribe, this barbarian old man is the eldest and has a high status. It can be said that he is second only to the patriarch Luo Ji, because in this era and environment, age often represents wisdom, and the elderly are often equal to the wise. To put it bluntly, it means that you have more life experience, and you can teach young people something from time to time. Over time, you will naturally be respected.

Now that the old savage man was angry, the young man who opened his mouth immediately shrank his neck, then lowered his head, posing as if he was being disciplined obediently.

"It's all right." Seeing this, Luo Ji quickly waved his hand, saying it was fine. At the same time, because of the environment he grew up in, he was good at observing words and expressions since he was a child. He could clearly see that although the old man was angry on the surface, he was actually worried. The safety of the savage youth is a small tribe after all, and there are only so many people. For the old man, the young people in these tribes are equivalent to his children.

Moreover, at this very moment, Luo Ji's heart was bursting with joy when he had a new discovery. Looking at this young barbarian, his first reaction was that of a scout in the game!When playing the game, it is very important to create a scout exploration map in the early stage.

Without anyone opening his mouth, he could run around and figure out the terrain by himself. He definitely had the talent to be a scout.

"Come here, lead the way ahead, go to the river you mentioned." He waved at the young barbarian. When the other party saw that the patriarch called him, he ran to lead the way without saying a word. After all, in this tribe , in the final analysis is still the largest patriarch.

"How did you think of going around when no one was talking to you?" Luo Ji asked the savage youth as he gradually adjusted to his identity as the patriarch as he walked.

The other party didn't think much, scratched the back of his head and said in a low voice, "I just think, let's turn around first, so that everyone can be safer."

"I didn't run away! Proper scout awareness!" There were four barbarian warriors first, and now he found a young barbarian with scout potential. Luo Ji suddenly felt that this was not a bad start.

Chapter 3. Settlements

As Luo Ji walked, he chatted with the old barbarian. After all, this old man seemed to know the most things. He wanted to know more about this era. However, what made Luo Ji depressed was that the useful information was still limited. , and counting, there are only two.

One is where they used to live, and there are other small tribes around, but those small tribes have more warriors than them, so after winter, because of the scarcity of food, the other side often runs over to plunder their food, causing their tribes Many people starved to death this winter.

There is also the issue of beasts. Although most of the animals are hibernating, there are still evil wolves out for food. It is definitely a nightmare to encounter evil wolves out for food in the wild.

There is no doubt that both the evil wolves that came out to forage, and the natives of those small tribes, were all threats to Luo Ji, and they were still quite a threat.

There is no means of transportation in this era, that is to say, from the time when the blizzard destroyed their tribe to the present, they all walked on two legs for five days. Not particularly far.

Considering the area covered by the blizzard, it was impossible for other tribes that were very close to them to have not suffered at that time. If the natives of other tribes had also left their original places like them, Luo Ji was not narcissistic enough to think that he was the king. As soon as his anger is released, the other party will obediently run over to be his younger brother, and it is more likely that they will fight for food resources and new places to live, right?

And if there is a real fight, the old barbarian said just now that the sluts used to bully them because of the number of people. Can they fight now?

"Hey, I'm so worried..." Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help sighing. The emotions that had just eased up before were now starting to get tangled again. These days, the patriarch is not so easy to be!

Just when Luo Ji was struggling with the development of the tribe, the young barbarian who was walking in front suddenly shouted happily, "Patriarch, here we are."

Following the voice, Luo Ji, who had a worried look on his face, looked up subconsciously and saw that after passing through the grove in front of him, a large lake suddenly came into his sight. Before he could say anything, in his mind, the system The prompt sounded suddenly...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for discovering the two-star natural wonder 'Mingjing Lake' and obtaining [-] civilization points.

"Huh?!" Luo Ji was startled, he was a poor rookie with no civilization points before, but after a long journey, a thousand civilization points hit him like that?

This sudden little surprise made Luo Ji's mood suddenly cloudy, and at the same time there were a lot of thoughts in his mind, "Natural wonders? This thing is also in the game. According to this logic, if I build a new tribe next to this Mingjing Lake, Is there something like an effect bonus?"

With nervousness and anticipation, Luo Ji quickly trotted two steps and approached this natural wonder. I have to say that the lake that can be called a natural wonder is really spectacular. It was frozen, but it didn't affect the impact this huge lake brought to Luo Ji.

At the same time, as Luo Ji approached, something similar to a panel window popped up in front of his eyes, and he saw the above introduction...

Name: Mingjing Lake

Type: freshwater lake, natural wonder

Level: two stars

Resources: freshwater resources, fish resources

Effect: If you settle around Mingjing Lake, you can get 20.00 fixed civilization points every day, and the 'fishery' bonus is [-]%.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Ji's breathing was imperceptibly quickened. Regardless of the use of the 20.00% fishery bonus, the fresh water resources and fish resources in the Mirror Lake alone were enough to make him make up his mind. Determined to set this place as a new settlement, not to mention getting a fixed [-] civilization points every day.

"Let's make this our new settlement!"

The patriarch has spoken. Naturally, the others have no opinion. All of them have expressions of relief on their faces. The displaced life in the past five days has also made them a little tired. Now they have finally found a new place to live. Everyone was clearly relieved.

"Okay, the men go around and pick up some branches and stones and come back, and the women clean up the snow on the ground." The old barbarian habitually began to instruct everyone to work.

This made Luo Ji's face, who was standing next to him, showing a hint of embarrassment. Well, he made another low-level mistake. If it was in the game, of course, with a click of the mouse, the tribe would be established, but now it is in a similar A place like another world, you can't have it with just a few words, you still have to instruct everyone to build it!

After thinking for a while in his heart, looking at his busy tribesmen, his idleness as the patriarch didn't seem very good, so Luo Ji decided to find something for himself to do.

With this thought in mind, his eyes fell directly on the frozen lake of Mingjing Lake, apparently thinking of fresh water and fish. After all, he was thinking of using fish as food.

Walking to the edge of the lake again, Luo Ji squatted down and first tapped the frozen lake with his hand. The sound was as if he had hit a wall, and he felt the ice surface in an instant. Thickness, "My dear, you have to find a bigger rock to smash this ice surface away..."

Just as he was muttering like this, a strange-looking old barbarian came over with his stick and crutches, "Patriarch, what are you doing?"

"Oh, it's just in time, ask someone to find a bigger rock..." While speaking, Luo Ji also stretched out his hand to measure the size of the rock, "Let's break the ice surface and see if we can get some. fish to eat."

"Patriarch, what is a fish? Can it be eaten?" If Luo Ji's first half sentence could be understood by the old barbarian, then the second half left him completely confused. Two questions were asked.

Faced with these continuous questions, Luo Ji was obviously stunned, thinking to himself, "Isn't it? This era is so primitive that even fish don't know it?"

Then, Luo Ji, who seemed to realize something, suddenly remembered the wooden sticks in the hands of the four barbarian warriors. They were still using wooden sticks instead of stone spears...

Well, he clarified the situation at once, this world is really elementary enough!According to this situation, catching fish is also a problem. In this frozen Jingjing Lake, if only one gap was opened, it was obvious that the fish could not be caught with those wooden sticks...

The primitiveness of this era was beyond his expectations. To be precise, it had not yet entered the Stone Age. Fortunately, Luo Ji was also a patient person. After sorting out what he needed in his mind, he spoke slowly. "All in all, first find a big rock that can smash the surface of the lake, and at the same time find some stones with a sharper edge or one end, oh yes, and tree vines, and get more thin and sturdy tree vines. …”

Luo Ji, the patriarch, spoke up. The tribe's people naturally followed suit. After watching the young people gather what he wanted, Luo Ji turned to look at the old barbarian who was still standing there, "If all goes well. If so, you'll find out what a fish is in a moment."

In this regard, although the old barbarian was full of doubts, he did not ask any further questions. It seemed that Luo Ji's identity as the patriarch was quite useful.

Chapter 4. It turns out that I am an SSR

He needs quite a lot of things, and since the ground is covered with snow, it will probably take a while to clean it up. During this period, of course, Luo Ji does not intend to be idle. He remembered the previous news from Gao Su. I told him to remember to take a look at his attribute panel, and then develop according to his own advantages.

Just maintaining his posture by the lake, Luo Ji tried to open the attribute panel. Sure enough, this thing was controlled with thoughts. Thinking of this in his mind, the attribute panel appeared in front of him.

When this attribute panel appeared, Luo Ji deliberately glanced at the old barbarian standing next to him. Obviously, the other party couldn't see this.

After confirming this, Luo Ji, who was relieved, began to focus on the attribute panel in front of him. He was obviously not interested in information such as name, gender, age, etc. The focus was on physical attributes in all aspects, and his eyes moved down for a while. After that, the information he wanted to know was quickly displayed in front of his eyes...

Bravery: ★★☆

Intelligence: ★★★☆

Spirit: ★★★☆

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