A unilateral massacre was going on, and the target was the barbarians who had given up their resistance. Some of the Mirror tribe's warriors frowned, some looked complicated, but none of them were surprised, because Zhao Pan's orders were from start to finish. They are very clear, that is to surround them, and then kill them all! !

Chapter 51, Zhao Pan's practice

"Why, why? We, we have already..." Tears and blood were mixed on that face, and the appearance was extremely miserable. All this happened too fast. He was dying in the snow, and now, he still hasn't even reacted, looking at Zhao Pan's eyes with a bit of daze in grief and anger.

Maintaining his expressionless face, no one knew what Zhao Pan was thinking at this time. Facing the barbarian's full of grief and indignation, he was like a cold-blooded and cruel executioner. Without giving any answer, the heavy stone bullet flew out from the sling, killing the opponent in the blink of an eye.

"How to deal with these corpses?" Zhou Yue looked at Zhao Pan with a complex look in his eyes. When he first became a tribal warrior, he was very dissatisfied with Zhao Pan. He couldn't understand at all, this guy who couldn't fight at all Why command them, and now, he seems to understand a little bit.

"Burn it, otherwise, the smell of blood here may attract some dangerous beasts. After the burning, everyone will continue to patrol according to the original allocation." After that, Zhao Pan left without looking back and started from the beginning. In the end, no one questioned his behavior, which may have been cruel, but it was not wrong.

Now the Mirror Tribe is in an extraordinary period, for the safety of the patriarch and the tribe, he rejects all unstable factors!And the prisoners, obviously, are also included.

Accepting prisoners, although it increases manpower, will also increase the consumption of food and coal for their tribe, and these prisoners may not be obedient and obedient. The stability within the tribe is simply more harm than good.

But they couldn't just drive them away. Who knows if the savages who were driven away will come back with more savages?In this way, according to the current situation of the Mirror Tribe, killing is the safest way.

After the night fell, Luo Ji, who had rested for the day, felt that his state had improved slightly. He forced his tired and weak body to show his face at dinner.

The appearance of the patriarch was undoubtedly a boost to the tribesmen who were in an uneasy state. Everyone firmly believed that Luo Ji would definitely be able to lead them through this difficult winter. Advantages, and sometimes just showing one face, can play an inspiring role.

At the same time, Zhao Pan also found an opportunity to report to Luo Ji what happened in the afternoon. After listening, the expression on Luo Ji's face did not change much. He was not a bitch, but he was not a murderer either. , At the same time, that dizzy head really made him not in the mood to be sad.

It can only be said that Zhao Pan's performance surprised him a bit, but there is an old saying that is good, kindness does not command soldiers, and decisiveness in killing is one of the basic qualities needed to become a general. Originally, he thought he had only accepted some Zhao Pan, who has been trained simply, may not be able to deal with that ruthless hand in similar matters. Now it seems that the previous 30 years of life have already tempered his temper. What he lacks now is probably only experience...

Luo Ji reached out and patted Zhao Pan on the shoulder. He didn't blame him, but he didn't praise him either. After all, these kinds of things are often subtle, and it's hard to tell right from wrong. In extraordinary times, extraordinary means are used. He acquiesced, but did not advocate it.

After all, there are many famous generals in this history, all of them are soldiers and horses all their lives, which one has not directly or indirectly killed millions of people?Some people are praised for being decisive, while others are angrily reprimanded for being a butcher. Of course, this is affected by everyone's different perspectives and positions, but the point is whether you can grasp a good one. If you go too far, you will be a butcher. If you don't go too far, you will be a decisive hero. I believe Zhao Pan can understand what he means.

I didn’t talk much about this topic. How to overcome the difficulties at hand is the top priority. The key points are nothing more than three, the first is the acquisition of food, the second is the maintenance of temperature, and the third is the treatment of injured patients.

But in fact, on these three issues, Luo Ji can be said to be exhausted. He has done everything he can. In this era when everything is lacking and the living environment is still poor, can they survive? Really It's just up to God's will.

At the same time, it was at this moment that he clearly realized why the ancients revered the gods of heaven and earth, because in front of this ruthless nature, they were so fragile...

The only thing that is fortunate is that Luo Ji's talent as a 'ruler' has kept the tribe's people highly loyal to themselves. Even in this environment of sudden changes in the world, nothing disturbing happened within the tribe. .

In the same situation, if it was replaced by other players' tribes, it would be quite lively at the moment. Cold, disease, food, rebellion, these can be said to be the four most difficult hurdles for all newcomers to overcome, and it is also their novice stage. The greatest trial.

Time continued to flow, and on the third day of cooling down, after two consecutive days of recuperation, Luo Ji's body gradually regained strength, feeling the improvement of his condition, and before he could be happy for a second, the sudden bad news made him completely numb. The heart fell to the bottom in an instant, and in this severe cold, the first deceased of the tribe appeared, the eldest of their tribe, Zhao He.

This old man with a strong body and bones finally didn't get through this test. When they found out, Zhao He had already died in his sleep...

Looking at Zhao He being carried out of the tent, Luo Ji had a complicated expression. As a player, are all his tribesmen all NPCs to him?Obviously not, he really felt it when he was in this world. They had flesh and blood, joys and sorrows, and they were all living people.

An atmosphere of sadness spread throughout the tribe, infecting everyone, even Luo Ji's mood became obviously sad. In this state, he made a willful decision to hold a funeral.

This cold environment has caused everyone's work efficiency to decrease. The amount of food harvested and the amount of coal transported back is obviously reduced. To be honest, this is very bad. If this state continues, their tribe will soon be Completely in a state of being unable to make ends meet.

Under this premise, spending time holding funerals will obviously further reduce work efficiency and make the food and coal resources in the tribe even more precarious, but Luo Ji did it anyway. Perhaps the sad atmosphere infected him. He felt that he needed to give the deceased an explanation, or a destination for the deceased.

Chapter 52. Funerals and adjustments

Luo Ji didn't force anyone to attend Zhao He's funeral, but aside from the need to keep guarding the surrounding patrols and those from the Heiyan tribe who couldn't come back in time, the people from the Quanmingjing tribe still gathered at this moment. , Under this sad atmosphere, it may be better for everyone to stay together.

The funeral wasn't complicated. Luo Ji chose a simple cremation. After all, keeping the corpse would carry the risk of contagious diseases. No one came forward to question his decision. Right now, they don't have the idea that the corpse must be buried completely. It is estimated that in the future There will be no more.

After the corpse was burnt to ashes, Luo Ji motioned everyone to put the ashes into a small wooden box that could only be described as rough in workmanship, then a tombstone with his name on it, and an earthen bag with the ashes buried. This was Zhao He's final destination. .

However, what Luo Ji didn't expect was that his willful actions at this time had unexpected effects. The tribesmen who attended Zhao He's funeral did not indulge in grief, or even did not. If Luo Ji needed to say more, one by one, they had already regained their energy and threw themselves into their respective work.

In fact, the reason is not complicated, because their emotions were vented and released during the whole funeral process. When they saw Zhao He's body being burned to ashes and then buried in the tomb, they may be sad or cry. , but also clearly realized that Zhao He's life has come to an end at this moment, with this funeral coming to an end, and their lives have to continue, through this funeral, everyone clearly realized this. .

The whole tribe was running at high speed again. Luo Ji, who had just recovered from a serious illness, did not choose to stay in his tent and continue to recuperate. Instead, he used the spiritual support for all the fallen people to inspect the work in various places. Of course, in order to avoid his small His body became ill again, and he wrapped two thick layers of animal skins on his body. The whole person looked extremely bloated, and even a little stupid, but he obviously didn't care about that.

In fact, they didn't have any good means of heating in this era. In addition to heating the fire and drinking soup, they just put on more clothes. However, even so, fishing on the ice all day can still make them freeze completely. , and even frostbite, and even the fishing efficiency has become lower.

To solve this problem, Luo Ji had no clever way to do it, so he could only use the stupidest way to make the women in the tribe keep boiling hot water, and at the same time cut the number of fishing nets in half.

Originally, each member of the fishing team worked full-time, but now it has been replaced by a shift system. Two people use a fishing net to take turns fishing at the same location. One of them is fishing while the other is fishing. Just go to the shore to exercise and heat up, so as to minimize the possibility of them being frostbitten, and to ensure that each of them is in relatively good condition when they are on shift, so as not to be so slow that a fish gets in. There was no time to react in the fishing net, and finally the fish escaped in vain.

At the same time, in terms of food, Luo Ji also made some changes. The original grilled meat and grilled fish were all cancelled, and all soups were stewed. The reason is very simple. It may not make you full, but two bowls of soup will at least fill your stomach, and more importantly, it will reduce food consumption.

Fortunately, most people in this era are used to suffering, and at the same time they are aware of the difficulties of the tribe during this period. They are not too dissatisfied with this soup, which makes Luo Ji a little relieved, but But it didn't make him happy, because he knew very well that doing so was a last resort, and it was not a solution.

The flaws of his approach were quickly exposed. It was only one day after the temperature dropped, and three more people were tired. At the same time, one of the sick tribe members was sick because of the aggravation of his condition. passed away...

This situation undoubtedly gave Luo Ji a heavy blow, even if he was mentally prepared, it was useless. At the moment when the incident actually happened, his heart was still a little shaken, "Did I make a mistake in my previous decision? ? No, that's right! If you don't do this, there won't be enough food every day for everyone!"

At this time, he clearly realized that this was the pressure he had to bear as the patriarch. Under this pressure, Luo Ji devoted almost all the manpower in the tribe to the acquisition of food and coal. Days, after a night's rest, the three people who had been exhausted before seemed to have regained some energy and returned to work, which made Luo Ji a little relieved.

On the sixth day, two more people in the tribe fell ill, but they were not seriously ill. Just in case, Luo Ji asked those two to temporarily stop their work and take a good rest.

On the seventh day, one of the five patients was significantly worsened. The patient's face was no longer bloody. He said that he had difficulty breathing, and he coughed violently as if to cough out his lungs. Up and dying.

On the eighth day, after a night of mental struggles, Luo Ji decided to further isolate the aggravated patient. He even began to worry about whether the people who went to deliver water and food would be infected by the patient. His spirit was tormented.

On the ninth day, the aggravated patient failed to survive. He died in the tent in the early hours of the day. However, this was only the beginning. Bad news came one after another. An old hunter in the hunting team was chasing one. When the roe deer stumbled and rolled down the hill, his feet were swollen, and he might not be able to participate in the hunting for a while after that. This was undoubtedly worse for the Jingjing tribe, which was running out of food.

On the tenth day, the person who was in charge of delivering water and food to the patient was unfortunately infected. At the same time, a member of the fishing team fell into the ice hole due to exhaustion. We were unable to rescue him. Recently People kept getting tired, everyone was hungry and tired, and the situation got worse and worse.

No. On the 11th day, another group of uninvited guests broke in from outside the tribe. Luo Ji led the soldiers under his command to leave the uninvited guests in the forest forever. During the battle, one soldier was accidentally injured. not heavy.

On the 12th day, the cooling seems to have stopped, but there is no upward trend. The atmosphere in the tribe is much more dignified than it was at the beginning. Many people start to panic, and the uneasy atmosphere is spreading among them...

No. On the 13th day, the two previous patients recovered. This was definitely the most beautiful sentence Luo Ji had heard in the past half month, and it made him ecstatic.

No. On the 14th day, a ray of sunlight pierced through the thick clouds and shone down. Unlike before, Luo Ji could swear to God that he felt a tinge of warmth. The temperature is rising?In any case, the sky that has been gloomy for nearly half a month has cleared up...

Chapter 53, Seeing the Light Again

"We've survived, we've survived..." Feeling the temperature of the sun on his body, Luo Ji felt as if he had passed away. After a short period of stunned, he suddenly burst into laughter like a madman, "Haha, hahahaha! God, you Uncle's! I survived, survived!!"

Almost despairing for half a month, go to Te Niang's low temperature!Go to Te Niang's infectious disease!Go Te Niang's Food Crisis!Who knows how much pressure he has endured in the past two weeks?At this moment, Luo Ji was venting the pressure and emotions that had accumulated in his heart like crazy!The ecstasy of the rest of his life made him completely lose his mind at this moment!

The entire Mingjing tribe was boiling, the women embraced and wept, the men all turned into lunatics, shouting excitedly, and then imitating Luo Ji's way of pointing the middle finger toward the sky, even though they didn't know it yet. What means.

As a tribe that developed steadily and was almost self-sufficient before the low temperature hit, now with the warmer weather, the people of the Jingjing tribe quickly recovered after a night's rest. productivity, and after a few days, back into a virtuous circle...

The weather had just warmed up, and Luo Ji wasn't too careless. Still wrapped in a thick layer of animal skin, he inspected the work of the tribe, and then walked slowly to the medical department he had just established a few days ago.

In fact, Luo Ji started medical development from the very beginning, and even attached great importance to it. At a very early time, he screened out five people with an intelligence limit of three stars in the tribe. Follow Zhao He to learn about various herbal medicines, don't think People with an intelligence limit of only three stars are not very good. They all fall in. Apart from Luo Ji himself, only Luo Jin and Zhao Pan have an intelligence limit of four stars. There are only three in total. There is no five-star limit at all. .

Therefore, the level of three stars is already very objective. After all, the normal level of ordinary people is only two stars, and three stars can already be called talents.

But unfortunately, for Luo Ji, their tribe's medical development has a fatal flaw, that is, there is no way to start. He is not a medical student himself, and his medical knowledge is limited to the level of common sense. If you ask Gao Su, it seems that I can't even ask, even if he reported a prescription to Luo Ji, it would be useless to ask Luo Ji to collect the medicine himself.What do those medicines look like?Where is it?No, my brain hurts...

As a result, the medical development can only be figured out by the people in their tribe. There is a saying that everything is difficult at the beginning. Now the medical department of the Mingjing tribe is stuck on that head, and Luo Ji's mood at the moment It's almost like 'What?I'm desperate too, what can I do? '

All in all, first set a task for them to find out how to cure the disease before, and then let them study it by themselves. Fortunately, the five people in the medical department have learned well from Zhao He before, and they also know some herbal medicines. It shouldn't make Luo Ji too desperate, and of course, he can't be optimistic. He feels that he urgently needs a four-star ceiling and high-quality talents with medical talents to develop their tribe's medical level.

"Looks like there's news today?" At night, looking at Luo Jin who came dressed in darkness, a look of joy appeared on Luo Ji's face.

Since the establishment of the Heiyan tribe, the reconnaissance team has a new frontline stronghold. Using the Heiyan tribe as a rest stop for round trips and overnight stays, they can explore farther places every day. On the other hand, when there is no news, Luo Jin Usually, he stayed overnight with the Heiyan tribe, and then continued to investigate the next day, unless Luo Ji ordered him to come back.

And this time, Luo Ji didn't ask him to come back, but he came back by himself, which only means that their reconnaissance team's reconnaissance mission has made new progress.

There is no rush to talk about business, it is already dark, and no matter how fast you act, you will have to wait until tomorrow, so don't rush for a while.

After dinner, Luo Jin spread out the map that he was carrying with him. Luo Ji had asked someone to draw several copies of the same map, but the first copy had always remained in Luo Jin's hands. Compared with this map, this map has been improved a lot, and Luo Jin quickly pointed out, "This is here, the southwest direction of the Black Rock tribe, it takes more than half a day's journey, and there is a small tribe with a population of more than 30 people at this location."

Hearing this, Luo Ji's eyes lit up, a small tribe of more than 30 people?According to the current population of their Mingjing tribe, the most suitable for their appetite is a small tribe with a population of 30 to [-] people. No matter how many people there are, it will be a bit difficult to digest. How can Luo Ji have the population and experience points delivered to the door? The reason for letting go?

It’s just that the distance is a little farther. According to Luo Jin, it takes more than half a day to get there from the Heiyan tribe, and it takes nearly half a day to get from the Mingjing tribe to the Heiyan tribe. It’s a simple calculation of the time. , From the Mingjing tribe, a one-way trip would take a whole day.

Even if the Mingjing tribe has an absolute advantage in military power at this time, they can't be reckless and reckless.

Rubbing his chin and pondering for a while, Luo Ji said slowly, "In short, first transfer troops to the Heiyan tribe, then adjust there for one night, and then set off for that small tribe the next morning..."

Having said this, Luo Ji's voice, who seemed to realize something, froze again, "No, even if we start from the Heiyan tribe, it will take us a long time to get there, and the next battle with that small tribe, even if we Relying on the advantage of force, it was easy to win, and it was too late to rush back to the Heiyan tribe with the population of that small tribe before dark..."

Realizing this, Luo Ji's voice was already full of confusion, "So, do you want to spend the night in that small tribe?"

This matter is not so easy to say. Simply put, in this era, only by bringing the population back to one's own territory can it be regarded as a true annexation of the other party, but if you want to rest in that small tribe for a night, then this In one night, no one can guarantee that the people of that small tribe will make some trouble.

However, this night's rest is unavoidable, because with these people, it is impossible for them to rush back to the Heiyan tribe overnight, and they have to wait until dawn.

"In this way, to be on the safe side, we can only bring more people over there..."

Both the Mingjing Tribe and the Heiyan Tribe had to keep warriors to protect the safety of the tribe. It was impossible for them to come out of their nests. Under this premise, Luo Ji had to bring some more people to annex other tribes. At this moment, the number of warriors in their tribe was insufficient It started to show up.

Chapter 54. Plan Confirmation

In this battle, Luo Ji originally wanted to take Zhao Pan to gain experience, but looking at the current situation, he can only leave a very small number of warriors to protect the safety of the Jingjing tribe. How important is the Mingjing tribe as his foundation. Needless to say, he didn't want to be copied from his hometown, so the most suitable candidate was undoubtedly Zhao Pan.

At the same time, two wolf warriors were left to assist. According to Zhao Pan's immovable talent, and when it really came to a critical moment, other men in the tribe could also serve as the defender's advantage in militia operations. In this state Next, even if the Mingjing tribe is attacked by a powerful enemy, Zhao Pan and the others should be able to hold on until they come back.

On the other hand, the Heiyan tribe also had very important coal fuel resources, so to be on the safe side, Luo Ji also left three wolf warriors to sit in town.

After going back and forth like this, in the next battle, Luo Ji could mobilize only 12 fighters. Including himself, there were 13 fighters in total, including four wolf fighters and nine ordinary tribe fighters. It's just a small tribe with a population of thirty or so, which should be enough.

Luo Ji, who had already made up his mind, did not hesitate any longer. His tribe needed fresh blood. If he refused to accept more people before because of the stability within the tribe, then this problem has now been resolved.

After going through that severe cold trial, he has completely become the spiritual pillar of every tribe member, even the members of the original Red Fox tribe who had the lowest loyalty before, have lost their loyalty to him now. It has risen to more than 85 points, and several even soared all the way to [-] points!

The reason is very simple, because under the leadership of Luo Ji, they have gone through life and death together, and the members of the original Red Fox tribe have clearly realized that the man in front of them is the leader who can lead them forward!This trust built in desperation is difficult to surpass.

Gathered 13 soldiers including Luo Yong. At noon the next day, Luo Ji and his group of [-] arrived at the Black Rock Tribe safely. There was no accident on the way. After all, since the coal mining of the Black Rock Tribe, they were responsible for transporting food resources and coal resources. The people in the village often have to carry resources on their backs and go back and forth between the two tribes. This road is too familiar to them. Under such circumstances, it would be a rare thing if accidents happen.

Luo Jin, who was one step ahead, obviously told Zhou Tao that Luo Ji and the others were going to rest for the night in the Heiyan tribe, so long before they arrived, as the manager of the Heiyan tribe, Zhou Tao had already called people to the camp in advance. A tent was set up for Luo Ji and the others to use for the night.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Ji just happened to inspect the development of the Heiyan tribe. Because there are coal mines in the innermost part of the tribe, the Heiyan tribe, which is rich in coal resources, has done a good job of keeping warm. In addition, they can choose to hide in all. Taking shelter from the wind in the mine allowed the people of the Black Rock Tribe to survive the severe cold weather.

After nearly a month, Luo Ji came to the Heiyan tribe again. It can be said that this place has completely changed. In his impression, it was just a ore vein in the ground, but now it has been completely destroyed. A mine was dug out, and the tribesmen, carrying tree vine baskets and stone picks, went in and out of the mine, working hard, and it can be said that the development was quite smooth.

Zhou Tao, who was in charge of the management of the Heiyan Tribe, was obviously responsible for the smooth development of the Heiyan Tribe. In this regard, as the patriarch, Luo Ji would not be stingy with his compliments. At the same time, as a reward, he rewarded the Heiyan Tribe with a whole head of roe deer. In this day and age, that's a big reward.

After a night of adequate rest, the next morning, Luo Jin led the way, and the spirited warriors set off aggressively.

But in fact, their speed is not fast. Anyway, no matter how fast they are, it is impossible for them to finish the battle and return to the Black Rock Tribe before dark. In this case, it is better to slow down and let each tribe warrior stay as good as possible. .

According to Luo Ji, as long as you arrive before evening, this battle will not last long and will end soon. After all, he came out this time with his trump card. Among the 13 people in the group, some Four catapults!

Long-range arms were a real killer in this ancient era when there were no walls or armor!There is no reason why he shouldn't take advantage of the range and distance of this unit and use this advantage to crush his opponents.

Therefore, for the stone bombs that the slingers needed, he directly asked people to carry eight tree and rattan baskets on their backs. To a certain extent, their speed was not fast. .

"How far?" Luo Ji asked casually, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"It's very close." Luo Jin, who was leading the way in front, ran to a tree and checked the mark he made on the tree before. There were several kinds of marks, and the mark on the tree in front of him represented the target location. Just ahead.

Luo Ji nodded and glanced back at the others, the eight people in charge of carrying the stone bullets were already sweating profusely, "Everyone should have heard Luo Jin's words, take a good rest and eat something. Stuff, regain some strength, and it's time to do it later."

After speaking, Luo Ji took off the water bag around his waist and took two sips of water, then took out a piece of jerky from his pocket and gnawed on it.

These water bags and jerky were originally prepared to allow the reconnaissance team to perform tasks outside for a long time, but they were not very well done. The shelf life of jerky was only five or six days, and it would easily deteriorate after a long time. This really made Luo Ji depressed for a while.

Besides, this water bag does not actually use any sewing skills. To put it bluntly, it is to wrap a large piece of treated animal skin, then pierce a few small holes at one end, pass it through with animal tendons, and finally tie it up. Well, these animal skins have their own toughness, as long as you don't toss hard, there will be basically no water leakage.

However, the disadvantage of doing this is that it is a waste of materials. One water bag has to use a large piece of animal skin. As a result, there are not many water bags like this. This time, the twelve warriors who came out with him, Everyone drinks a water bag for three people. Luo Ji can only say that it is the privilege of the patriarch. If he can use better sewing skills and needlework, he can obviously save a lot of materials and make more water bags. Unfortunately, now Without that technology, it is easy to leak water, so it can only be used first.

Chapter 55. Advantages of Range

After simply drinking some water and eating a piece of jerky, they deliberately slowed down their marching speed, and the advantage of preserving their stamina was immediately manifested. After a short rest, they basically returned to their best condition.

When they got out of the forest cover, the barbarians of the other tribe obviously discovered their existence. After a commotion, four barbarians with wooden stick weapons stood outside the tribal camp with full faces, but they did not agree with them. There is no meaning to rush up. Although people are natives in ancient times, natives are not equal to mental retardation. The advantage of being a defender is that the whole people are soldiers. It is really at the moment of life and death. In a tribe with strong cohesion, every member can act as a combat force. , which fool would let such an advantage go unnoticed?

The opponent's style of play was undoubtedly correct. Luo Ji and seven wolf warriors were unable to do whatever they wanted in the young leader's tribe in the first few days. From this, it was enough to see the advantage of the defender. It's tiring to fight on someone else's turf.

It's a pity, this time is different from the past. He came with a killer this time. He is not a person who likes to hide and tuck in. Although Luo Ji's style of playing games in the past is like farming safely, but if you don't let him He's safe, that's fine, don't think about being safe, he will instantly transform into a war mad mode, and directly zoom in on the killer at the beginning. In any case, throw a nuclear warhead over to say hello first, be quick and accurate, and one shot will be fatal.

Now that he is in this different world, his style hasn't changed much. Looking at the four barbarians on the opposite side, who are waiting for them to kill, Luo Ji waved his hand unhurriedly, " Hit the killer!"

The four slings started to spin at high speed at the same time, and the whistling sound was inexplicable. The four slingers were obviously not beginners. In the past half month, they had already cooperated with other warriors in the tribe. , repelled two waves of barbarians who broke into their Mirror Tribe's territory, and now each of them is acting like a charm.

In the face of this slinger that was not in their common sense, the four barbarians from the opposite tribe obviously didn't know what Luo Ji and the others were doing. , the four stone bullets that had accumulated enough centrifugal force suddenly flew out.

This unexpected situation made the four barbarians have no time to react. One of the barbarians was hit in the head by a stone bullet on the spot, and he was hit with a peach blossom on his face, accompanied by splashing Blood Flower, the whole person was smashed, and then fell to the ground.

The other three savages were stunned by the sudden attack. They subconsciously glanced at Luo Ji and the others who were standing in the distance. According to their knowledge, they were really unable to react to this situation. , and then all of them screamed and fled. One of them was quite conscientious. When he fled, he didn't forget the one who was paralyzed on the ground and dragged the man away.

To be honest, Luo Ji himself was quite surprised that he was able to hit a single hit just now. After all, the biggest disadvantage of slingers is that their accuracy is not enough. In addition, the training time is limited. There must be a bit of luck in this, but it still makes He was pleasantly surprised.

There was no need for Luo Ji to say anything more. After the four slingers threw one sling, they all skillfully placed the second sling on the sling, and then they spun around again.

The stone bullets smashed towards the opponent's tribal camp one after another. If Luo Ji's method at this time was put in the game, it would be pulling four teams of long-range troops, taking advantage of the high ground and blocking the gate of the city. This configuration At the beginning of the game, you can do whatever you want, and it turns out that it is the same in this ancient world, which is the absolute advantage of range!

At the beginning, the headshot of the stone bullet definitely played a role in standing up. Under the circumstances, who has the courage to rush out?Are you really taking your own head?

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