Such maddening days passed, and the weather was getting colder day by day. In the early morning of this day, Luo Ji, who was sleeping, suddenly shuddered, "Okay, it's so cold..."

Subconsciously tightening the animal skin quilt on his body, Luo Ji almost wanted to wrap himself into a zongzi, but he was completely unable to dispel the swept chill. The Mirror Tribe was completely frozen.

The moment Luo Ji got out of his tent, wrapped in the thick animal skin, the cold wind roaring in his face was like a handful of ice knives. The feeling of blowing on his face was no longer cold, but pain. !

This kind of skin is almost like the pain of being scratched by frostbite, so Luo Ji, who had already gradually adapted to this icy world, once again clearly felt the harsh living environment of this era.

It wasn't dawn yet, but almost the entire tribe was awake from the cold, and the cries of children could still be heard faintly. Luo Ji gritted his teeth, and the growing unease in his heart drove him He shouted, "Hurry up and take out all the coal that was hoarded before to make a fire, and then cook a few more pots of radish soup."

The temperature is so low that I can't sleep now, and if I go to sleep again, I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up!Under the command of Luo Ji, the Mingjing tribe quickly lit fires one after another. The temperature generated by the burning of the coal caused the temperature in the tribe to rise slightly, but Luo Ji was not optimistic at all. It was too cold. Even sitting by the fire, he felt that he was about to freeze, and even breathing became painful.

After the radish soup was cooked, he drank two bowls in a row, and the whole person finally felt a little better, "Cook more, let everyone in the tribe get a bowl of soup, boil hot water after the soup is finished, don't stop."

After speaking, Luo Ji stood up from the fire wrapped in animal skins, "Don't sit, everyone, stand up and do more activities around the fire, so that your body will be warmer!"

Luo Ji was very afraid. He was afraid that some of his tribe's people would freeze to death or get sick. The disease might spread symptoms. At the same time, the sick people could not work, which would lead to the tribe's work efficiency and development speed. Then the food supply and wood fuel also became insufficient due to the decline in work efficiency, everyone began to be unable to eat enough, and the body became weak, more and more people got sick, and completely fell into a negative cycle, and finally, towards destroy……

Shaking his head vigorously, he threw this bad guess out of his head. Luo Ji's originally perfect development plan was instantly disrupted by this ruthless nature.

What can he do now?What can he do other than make soup and remind his tribesmen to move their bodies and keep their body warm?A deep sense of powerlessness arises spontaneously.

"Think of a way! Hurry up and think of a way!" Sitting by the fire, Luo Ji almost forced his brain to start working. The weather was so cold that people couldn't sleep at all. ?At the same time, if you can't get enough rest, how can you get the energy to work the next day?This is simply the entrance to a negative cycle!Therefore, the problem of sleep and rest must be solved!

"Lighting a fire in a tent?" As soon as the thought arose, Luo Ji himself smashed it into pieces and threw it into a non-recyclable trash can. He was really frozen and stupid. The gas produced by burning coal is a harmful substance. He still knows common sense, lighting a fire in the tent, it is warm, but it is not far from death.

No, it's too cold, he feels like his mind is about to stop thinking, "Damn! I really want air conditioning and floor heating..."

This thought was more nonsense than lighting a fire in a tent, so he just thought about it in his head, but before he could laugh at himself, Luo Ji's expression suddenly froze, "Wait, floor heating?"

A faint light flashed in his mind, it was a very subtle feeling, but Luo Ji knew that he might have found a breakthrough!

The whole mood clearly showed a hint of excitement. Luo Ji called two members of the tribe, quickly got into his tent, motioned them to dig a rectangular shallow hole on the ground inside the tent, and then asked them to take the two With a wooden stick, I picked a few hot coals from the fire outside and threw them into this shallow pit, followed by filling the shallow pit, and finally spread the animal skins on top, and it was done!

After waiting for a while, Luo Ji burrowed into the animal skin quilt, damn it!Is there heaven in here? !No one cares about me, I've been here this winter!

However, the actual situation was that the next morning, Luo Ji woke up early as usual, even earlier than usual. He was so worried that he couldn't sleep well because he was worried about the condition of the tribe members. , which caused him to obviously lack sleep at the moment, and his whole spirit seemed a little sluggish.

After dawn, along with the rising of the sun, the temperature slightly warmed up, which made people feel a lot more comfortable. Luo Ji, who had not heard any bad news for a while, was a little relieved. After thinking about it carefully, he didn't need to be too pessimistic. Yesterday's response measures were fairly timely. People living in ancient times have been tested by so many harsh environments, and their physique should not be unable to hold up even for a while.

However, after thinking about it, when everyone got together for breakfast, Luo Ji emphasized to everyone that if anyone felt unwell, he must speak up as soon as possible.

At the same time, just to be on the safe side, Luo Ji also changed the original two meals a day to three meals a day, and added a hot soup at noon to ward off the cold. Although this will obviously increase the consumption of ingredients for their tribe, it only requires manpower The security is guaranteed, and the food problem can always find a solution.

In addition, Luo Ji was a little worried about the situation on the Black Rock Tribe. Because of this rapid cooling, the importance of coal has increased again, and the demand has also increased. Although the previous paragraph In time, Luo Ji had been hoarding the coal mined by the Heiyan tribe, but based on the consumption last night, he really didn't know how long it would last.

In this case, the top priority of their tribe had to be changed. Luo Ji asked the members of the logging team to temporarily stop their work, and then divided them into two groups. One group temporarily joined the mining team and rushed to the Heiyan tribe. On the one hand, speed up the mining of coal, and the other group rushed to the farmland where the white radish was discovered, and asked them to dig more white radish or other vegetable food. The development focus of the entire tribe began to focus on food and food. Coal offset.

Chapter 48, Variables and Surprises

Looking at the members of the tribe who had been working hard, Luo Ji let out a long breath and sat down by the fire. Next, he should think about what happened next. The situation yesterday made him completely feel what it is called Unpredictable circumstances, his original plan was beaten into chaos.

How long will this cold weather last?Will anyone in the tribe get sick?After changing to three meals a day, can the food supply be sustained?Can the mining of coal make up for the daily consumption?

I don't know I don't know I don't know!There were too many things he didn't know waiting for him to confirm, waiting for him to find out, but at this moment, Luo Ji, who was sitting by the fire, only felt that he was groggy, his mind was blank, and he was almost stagnant. Thinking, and even with the expression became a little trance.

This bad state made him feel a little uncomfortable, "Damn, isn't it? Is it me who is sick?"

With this thought rising, Luo Ji only felt that his whole heart skipped a beat, and hurriedly drank another bowl of hot water, then called Luo Yong and Zhao Pan over, "I need to rest for a while now, you guys. The two of you should pay more attention to the situation in the tribe, and don't let your guard down. You can discuss some things and decide, if you can't decide, just wake me up."

"Understood! Patriarch, rest well." Zhao Pan's heart sank slightly when he looked at Luo Ji, whose face was a little pale. At this moment, he clearly realized that he had to do something. When Luo Ji left the tribe, he sent the tribe to him. It was different when the safety was handed over to him. This time, it was Zhao Pan who took the initiative to put this heavy burden on his shoulders!

"Zhao Pan, should he be the patriarch..." Looking at Luo Ji who turned around and got into the tent to rest, Luo Yong's slightly uneasy voice rang out. However, Zhao Pan was just halfway through saying this. Forcibly interrupt.

"The patriarch was just too tired because of the sudden situation last night, so he didn't sleep well. Now he needs to sleep and rest, understand?" In one sentence, Zhao Pan said decisively, and his tone was full of indulgence, as if changed person.

At that moment, as the first warrior of the tribe, when facing the opponent he could bring down with one hand in front of him, there was a feeling of inability to resist in his heart, and then he nodded dumbly. nod.

"Go ahead and let the other twelve warriors be divided into four groups of three, two warriors in each group, and a slinger, to patrol the area near the tribe, this change in weather is likely to force the people of other tribes We will not be careless.” When Luo Ji was not in the tribe before, Zhao Pan was a general defender of the city, and now he is not unfamiliar in commanding, invisibly It revealed a general style.

Although Luo Yong is the first warrior, he is not good at commanding and dispatching. Coupled with the joint training some time ago, the eighteen warriors in the tribe have become brothers who share weal and woe, and naturally they will not dance at this time. When I came out to question Zhao Pan's command, the only question was, "What about me? What do I do? Everyone went to patrol..."

"You stay in the tribe, on the one hand, to protect the safety of the patriarch, on the other hand..." While speaking, Zhao Pan glanced around, "As the first warrior of the tribe, if you stay in the camp, everyone can feel at ease. Also, if other people ask about the patriarch, just say what I said before, understand?"

"Okay, I understand."

"What did I say before?"

"The patriarch was too tired because of the sudden situation last night and didn't sleep well, so he is sleeping and resting now."

"Well, that's all!" After instructing Rayong, Zhao Pan got up and walked out of the camp. As he walked, he calmly adjusted his breathing and eased his unease. What was Rayong thinking at the time, he Of course he knew that, but what he knew more clearly was that this kind of idea or similar rumors must not spread in the tribe. Everyone just suffered from the sudden change in temperature last night, and everyone was a little panicked. At this juncture, the patriarch may be sick. Once the news spread, the consequences would be unimaginable.

As a person in this era, Zhao Pan knows the horror of disease better than anyone else. It is rude to say that in their era, disease is often equated with death, so the pressure he is under at this moment is a certain amount. How big doesn't need to be said at all.

He couldn't stay in the tribal camp, he was a little worried that he couldn't take the pressure, and then exposed in the tribe, he had to divert his attention and find something for himself.

With this thought in mind, he planned to go to the lake to have a look. The temperature suddenly dropped so much that he was a little worried that the members of the fishing team would be unable to bear the long-term fishing on the ice.

After turning around, everyone was in a good condition, which made Zhao Pan a little relieved, and then went to the farmland to take a look, and tirelessly told everyone to pay attention to their physical condition.

By the time he walked back to the camp, it was almost noon. Luo Jin, who was running back and forth between the Mingjing tribe and the Heiyan tribe, had already returned with news and was about to report the situation to Luo Ji, but was guarded by the fire outside. Rayong stopped him.

Luo Jin frowned slightly, "I have something to report to the patriarch."

"The patriarch is resting." Before Luo Yong could speak, Zhao Pan's voice sounded from behind Luo Jin.

He subconsciously looked back at Zhao Pan, who had no expression on his face. Luo Jin's eyebrows could not help but wrinkle even tighter. He was also a person whose intelligence limit reached four stars. His brain was not stupid at all. This morning, Luo Ji's slightly pale face appeared, and he panicked immediately, and then he quickly lowered his voice and asked Zhao Pan, "Tell me the truth, is the patriarch sick?"

Hearing this, Zhao Pan gave Luo Jin a deep look, and then repeated what he said before, "The patriarch is resting."

A flash of understanding flashed in Luo Jin's eyes, then he took a deep breath, walked to the side of the fire in two steps and sat down.

Zhao Pan, who saw this scene in his eyes, this time it was him who took the initiative to speak, "What's going on with the Heiyan tribe, you can tell me that the patriarch gave me part of the decision-making power before taking a break. and Rayong."

Hearing this, Luo Jin glanced at Luo Yong subconsciously, Luo Yong nodded, and Luo Jin, who got the answer, once again turned his attention to Zhao Pan.

It was said before that he and Luo Yong were considered young. Wouldn't he know how much ink Luo Yong had in his mind?What decision can Rayong make?To put it bluntly, the reason why the patriarch brought Luo Yong is to increase the persuasiveness of Zhao Pan's decision, which means that the person who really makes the decision now is actually Zhao Pan.

However, he did not deny that, in comparison, Zhao Pan's character is indeed calm enough. He is a person who knows how to do things. Thinking of this, Luo Jin slowly said, "There is an accident in the Heiyan tribe... "

Chapter 49, Zhao Pan's Decision

"There was an accident in the Black Rock tribe..."

Hearing this, Zhao Pan immediately raised his hand and made a 'stop' gesture, "This is not the place to talk, come with me."

After speaking, Zhao Pan motioned for Luo Yong to stay here to protect Luo Ji, while he took Luo Jin back to his tent, "Okay, let's talk, what happened to the Heiyan tribe?"

Looking at Zhao Pan with a serious and cautious face, Luo Jin nodded secretly in his heart. He deliberately played a trick just now. In the current situation, all unexpected situations are obviously inappropriate before a clear decision is made and handled. Let's talk about it, if Zhao Pan didn't stop him in time, it means that the other party is not rigorous enough, and Luo Jin has to weigh his decision-making power, but looking at Zhao Pan's performance now, it is obvious that he has obtained his approval. .

"The temperature dropped suddenly in the middle of the night last night, and the Heiyan tribe was backed by the mine. A lot of snow on the mountain wall was blown off by the wind, and several tents in the tribe near the mountain wall were smashed. Four members of the mining team were confirmed to be ill, and two others were frostbitten..." Quickly reciting what he knew, Luo Jin's eyes looked directly at Zhao Pan, he wanted to see how Zhao Pan would deal with it.

Hearing this, Zhao Pan's heart sank obviously, but his emotion was not directly expressed on his face, and his own personality made him sigh.

"It must be contained." With this thought in mind, Zhao Pan thought for a while before slowly opening his mouth, "At present, the importance of the mining team to the tribe does not need to be said much. Let the four sick people and the two frostbite people first Come back, lest the disease spread among the mining team..."

"There are more people on this side of the tribe. It's not a good thing for sick people to come back." Luo Jin reminded him without changing his face.

"But leaving the situation alone will only make it worse." Zhao Pan glanced at Luo Jin calmly, "Once the disease spreads in the mining team, the number of sick people will further increase, and the work efficiency of the mining team will drop. , the tribe's subsequent coal supply is likely to be cut off."

"If you bring them back, the disease may spread among the Mirror Tribe." Luo Jin once again emphasized the threat of the four patients to their Mirror Tribe.

"Before, in order to build a military camp, the patriarch asked the logging team to clear an open space outside the tribe. There is a distance between the open space and the camp. I will have people go to that open space to set up a few tents. All the patients are placed there. The resources on the tribe's side are relatively sufficient. They are more likely to recover. At the same time, the spread of the disease can be controlled to some extent. Our tribe has been short of manpower, but the current situation makes us I can't accept more new population, but at least keep the original population." At this time, Zhao Pan had obviously sorted out his thoughts and knew exactly what he was going to do.

"But what if the disease can't be controlled?" It's not that Luo Jin is deliberately making things difficult for Zhao Pan, but the fact is that in this era, the lack of relevant knowledge and the backwardness of medical development make it impossible to effectively control the disease at all. At this moment, both Zhao Pan and Luo Jin were just thinking about these issues in the interests of Luo Ji and the tribe, and raised their own questions and methods.

"Then we can only expel them!"

Hearing this answer, Luo Jin's heart twitched slightly, expelling the seriously ill person from the tribe is equivalent to sentenced the person to death, but at the same time it is also the most effective way to prevent the disease from spreading within the tribe. At the moment of this sentence, Luo Jin felt that he admired the other party a little, at least he couldn't say it so firmly, although he also thought of it.

"Doing this will make the rest of the tribe uneasy." What could be more terrifying in this environment than being expelled from the tribe to die if seriously ill?

"Then what can we do?" Zhao Pan asked back, "Can't we all die together?"

Luo Jin couldn't refute, because that's the truth. Looking at this issue from a rational point of view, Zhao Pan's approach is correct, but why does this correct approach cause everyone's dissatisfaction and panic?Because everyone is afraid that this kind of thing will happen to them one day.

"I will bear all the consequences! Now, do as I say!"

At this moment, Luo Jin was surprised by Zhao Pan's boldness. In his impression, Zhao Pan, who usually doesn't like to talk much, has always had a very low presence. When Zhao Pan was selected as a tribal warrior by the patriarch, he still It was an accident for a long time, and at this moment, he finally clearly felt the power of the man in front of him. Zhao Pan's 'powerful' was different from that of Luo Yong, but he couldn't deny that the man in front of him was very strong!

Under Zhao Pan's decision, there was no problem with the operation of the entire tribe. After noon, everyone followed Luo Ji's previous instructions and simply boiled a few pots of hot soup with white radish. into their respective jobs.

Looking at Luo Yong who was still standing by the fire, Zhao Pan walked over in two steps, "Is the patriarch still awake?"

"No." Luo Yong shook his head, the expression on his face uncontrollably showed a bit of solemnity.

"Your expression is too ugly, everyone will be disturbed." Zhao Pan himself is a person who is not rich in expressions, so he has a straight face, and no one in the tribe will be surprised when he sees it, but Luo Yong is not.

Hearing Zhao Pan's words, Luo Yong rubbed his facial muscles hard, but he didn't speak. He sat there and didn't know what to think.

"I'll go in and see the situation of the patriarch."

I don't know if I heard the movement, but between half-dreams and half-awakes, Luo Ji frowned, and his heavy eyelids barely opened a slit, "Is Zhao Pan?"

Looking at Luo Ji who had woken up, Zhao Pan had a happy expression on his face, and then quickly shouted outside, "Luo Yong, come in with a bowl of hot soup!"

Of course, Luo Yong, who had been guarding outside, heard the movement in the tent. He didn't need Zhao Pan to say more, he had already got in with a bowl full of hot soup.

Luo Ji struggled to support his body and sat up. After drinking two sips of hot soup, he felt a lot better. Then he glanced at Zhao Pan and Luo Yong, who were watching nervously beside him. He smiled, "Don't worry. , I'm fine, I'm just too tired, what time is it now?"

"It's just past noon."

Luo Ji's words obviously relieved the two of them, but Luo Ji, who said those words, felt extremely heavy because he lied...

Chapter 50, Accidents

"Have you slept all morning?" He felt that his current condition was terrible, his head was so dizzy, his throat was a little uncomfortable, and he felt a little inflamed, and he could clearly feel that his state had become worse than It was worse before, but he couldn't say that he was the patriarch and the spiritual pillar of the entire tribe. Once the news of his illness spread, who knew what it would turn out to be?

"Tell me, did something happen while I was asleep?"

Hearing this, Zhao Pan quickly recounted what happened in the morning, Luo Ji nodded after listening, "You're doing well, simply being cold isn't a serious illness, keep the temperature at the temporary camp well. , do not be stingy with food and coal, and provide patients with a steady stream of hot soup or hot water..."

Luo Ji's affirmation made Zhao Pan, who was still a little nervous in his heart, relieved. At the same time, after writing down those instructions one by one, Zhao Pan only felt that his confidence had greatly increased.

"Okay, it looks like I still need to sleep for a while, you guys go out first." After watching the two leave the tent, Luo Ji rubbed his forehead forcefully. He was so dizzy that he couldn't concentrate at all , "System, I want to log out..."

System prompt: Detecting the current state of player 'Luo Ji', please wait...

The system prompts: After the detection is completed, the player 'Luo Ji' cannot log out in this state.

System prompt: Player 'Luo Ji' failed to log out.

"Shit!" The three system prompts in a row almost burst Luo Ji's brain, but at the same time he laughed bitterly in his heart, "After getting sick, logging out of the login to treat the disease, and then logging in again, really doesn't work?"

Looking at this situation, I am afraid that players who are in any abnormal state cannot perform the operation of 'logout'.

With one hand supporting his head, which felt like two pounds of cement, Luo Ji sent a message to Gao Su, "Cold and seriously ill, I feel like I'm about to die."

Having said that, Luo Ji actually wanted to see if Gao Su had a solution, but...

"Pay attention to keep warm, drink plenty of hot water, and wish you good luck." Facts have proved that in this era of illness, it really doesn't matter who is here.

"Shit!" With another foul language, Luo Ji lay down again and retracted into the bed, what else could he do now except drink more water and rest?However, in the end, it was just a cold. As a modern person, Luo Ji didn't think that a cold would kill him. Otherwise, how could he still be in the mood to talk to Gao Su?So, no need to be too pessimistic...

Eh, well, he doesn't deny that he has a little self-comfort, it must be a lie to say that he is not panic at all, and so on, considering his own life, in the next few days, he plans to give up all work, Take a good rest, and strive for an early recovery.

"After I get through this for a while, I will definitely try my best to improve the medical level of the tribe. What should I do with medical development? Well, my head hurts, I have no clue at all, wait! Don't I have to rest now? Why is it inexplicable? Remember this? Ah! It's so annoying!"

Like this, after making himself dizzy several times, Luo Ji finally fell asleep...

At the same time, at the other end, a group of uninvited guests broke in in the wooded area outside the Mingjing Tribe. Just as they were about to go deeper, there was an extremely fast whistling in the woods in the distance, as if something was flying. over here!

Before they could react at all, a fist-sized stone slammed into the trunk of the big tree in front of them with an unusually fast 'bang', and left an obvious dent on the trunk!

"Enemies! There are enemies!!" This sudden attack made the barbarian at the front break into a cold sweat. Under the circumstances, as long as he took a step forward, the stone hit was not a tree trunk. It's his head!The barbarian who realized this screamed on the spot, making the otherwise silent woods seem a little noisy.

"Stop screaming, you are already surrounded." With the sound of the voice, Zhao Pan, who was expressionless, walked out from behind the trees, the sling in his hand was still spinning, obviously Be ready to strike at any time.

At the same time, it was at this moment that the barbarians who broke into this forest by mistake realized that, as Zhao Pan said, they were surrounded!

Front, back, left and right, the tribal warriors armed with weapons walked out one by one. As the outer area of ​​the Mingjing tribe, this forest was like their own backyard for the warriors in the tribe. The moment they entered this area, they had already noticed it and promptly reported it to Zhao Pan, who was sitting at the camp.

Zhao Pan was not in a hurry. In this extraordinary period, what he needed was foolproof!Rayong continued to stay in the camp to protect the safety of the patriarch, while he brought other tribe warriors, relying on their familiarity with this wooded area, to surround these intruders without knowing it.

This was just an extremely simple encirclement operation that took advantage of the terrain, but when the operation was truly successful, he was still relieved.

"Put down the weapon in your hand, and then squat down on the ground with your head in your hands. Otherwise, I'm afraid a few of you will die, and I can guarantee that you have no chance of winning..." Zhao Pan's set is obviously from Luo Ji had learned it from him, and the tone of his voice was indisputable. At the same time as he said these words, the slingers standing in four different directions turned their hands together quite cooperatively. sling in.

Facing the eyeing tribal warriors, I don't know if it was the illusion of the barbarians, or if they were simply frightened. At that moment, they clearly felt the gap in strength, and they did not resist, and no one planned to follow. Their own lives were not over, and they all honestly threw the simple wooden sticks in their hands on the ground.

In this regard, Zhao Pan nodded in satisfaction, and motioned one of the soldiers to go up and kick away the wooden sticks that had been thrown on the ground, and then he spit out two words coldly, "Go!"

Following the words of those two words, heavy stone bullets flew out from the slings that were spinning at high speed at the same time. Facing Zhao Pan's sudden change of face, the barbarians who gave up their resistance didn't even have time to react. , has been smashed by those flying stone bullets.

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