As if infected by the confidence in Luo Ji's tone, each of Luo Yong and the others felt a lot more relaxed. That's right, they are no longer the small tribe with a population of only 34. They have become stronger, and in the future, They will get stronger!And fear no enemies!

"By the way, these guys are really strange. Let's go, and carry so many stones. Isn't this looking for guilt for yourself?" Looking at the barbarians gradually walking away, one of the wolf warriors Suddenly he laughed.

But Luo Ji, who heard this, frowned slightly, "Stone?"

"That's right." While speaking, the wolf warrior looked over there again to confirm, "I still moved a lot, black stones."

"Black stone..." With these words in his mouth, Luo Ji quickly took two steps forward. As a modern person, after watching electronic screens for so many years, Luo Ji's eyesight can only be said to be short-sighted. , but it's not too good. Keeping this distance, he really can't see what the other party is carrying on his back.

But this did not prevent him from guessing. Although the tribal leader was young, he was definitely not stupid. He did not hesitate to increase the load and left with those so-called black stones on his back. It's important to say, and you can't find it anywhere else!Luo Ji already had a guess in his heart, but he still needed to confirm it.

After watching the other tribe's people completely walk away, Luo Ji waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go over there."

Naturally, Luo Yong and the others would not have any objections to this, and followed Luo Ji quickly to the location of the other party's original tribe's camp. After all, it was a tribe with a population of six to seventy people, and it occupied a rather large area. A large piece of the ground suddenly emptied out, looking at the unexpected emptiness.

Luo Ji wasn't actually interested in this empty camp. He was interested in something that might appear here. His eyes kept scanning the camp, and finally his eyes stopped at a snowdrift. superior.

It has been snowing all this time, and some snowdrifts in the camp itself are nothing special, and others may not care, but for Luo Ji, who is looking for something in this camp, it is a little bit. Eye-catching.

"Dig up this snowdrift." While speaking, Luo Ji himself was not idle, he started to do it himself, and Luo Yong and the others naturally wouldn't question Luo Ji's orders, they put down their weapons and started to use them.

It's not a tiring thing. Eight people start at the same time, and it can basically be done in three or two times. Looking at the gap in the ground exposed after the snowdrift was dug up, Luo Ji grinned, "I found it!"

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Luo Ji quickly rummaged with both hands. When the other party left, he probably took everything he could. Luo Ji searched for a long time before he finally found a fist-sized piece. .

"Haha, hahahahaha!!" Looking at the black stone in his hand that dyed both of his palms, the ecstasy in his heart that could no longer be suppressed made him laugh out loud on the spot. They took all of them away, but the most valuable thing they couldn't take away was the coal mine in front of them! ! !

System prompt: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for discovering the 'coal' resource, he has obtained [-] civilization points and [-] industrial point, and the industrial project 'Mining' has been unlocked.

The sound of the system's prompt made Luo Ji thoroughly verify his guess. He has been wondering these days. These people have no food and can only survive by drinking water every day. In such a weak state, in this In the icy and snowy environment, no one freezes to death, which is too strange, isn't it?

Now the answer is in front of him, because the people of this tribe don't use wood to make fire at all, but these coals!

There are many functions of coal, but as a prospective college student, one hundred uses of coal are obviously not within the scope of his research, so he is not particularly familiar with it, but what he knows is that coal can be burned longer than wood, And provide higher temperature!

Based on this alone, the value of this coal mine has already been reflected. As an important fuel, if Luo Ji wanted to enter the Bronze Age, or even the Iron Age, he would obviously have to rely on this coal.

It's impossible for the other party to think as far as Luo Ji, but as a simple heating fuel, coal has already shown its value, so they deliberately buried this gap with snow before leaving.

If it is replaced by ordinary barbarians, I am afraid that they will not notice at all. Even if they do, it is estimated that they are just like the wolf warrior before, who treats coal as black stones and does not pay much attention, but they met Luo. Edit this modern man.

This coal mine, he will definitely occupy it!He had not planned to build a branch so early, but the coal resources were enough to make him change his mind.

"Rayong, go to the temporary camp and let us know. Let's work together and move the temporary camp directly here!" Which is more important, white radish and coal mine?There is no comparison at all. He can directly dig white radish back to the Mingjing tribe and plant it slowly, but can he dig back this coal mine?cannot!Then only branch cities can be built!

Chapter 44. Candidate determination

While everyone was busy moving the camp, Luo Ji took time to open the attribute panel and checked the newly unlocked industrial item...

Mining (Level 0): Mining efficiency increased by 10%.

This effect can be said to be concise and clear. He has earned two industrial points before, and now it is only three points. It is very unlikely that he wants to upgrade in a short time, and Luo Ji has basically not earned it in his mind. The idea of ​​industrial points can only be put aside for now.

However, even if the mining industry cannot be upgraded, he still has to dig this coal mine!Do you know how much wood you can save by burning a piece of coal?Although it was explained that on the mirror tribe's side, the logging team was cutting down trees every day in order to provide materials for the fortifications, but the wood collected by hand still could not support the consumption of all the fall.

In such cold weather, they did not dare to build more fires most of the time during the day, because they were worried that there would not be enough wood to heat them when it was time to cook and at night.

Under this premise, whether the tribe members will get sick from the cold because the weather is too cold has become a worrying issue.

So far, I've been lucky. No one has suffered from any serious illness. Occasionally, when a few minor illnesses and coughs are found, Luo Ji will immediately let them rest, and then urge them to drink more hot water.

But a few days ago, he clearly realized that the temperature was gradually dropping, which made his worries even stronger. The coal mine he discovered now was just a timely rain for him!As long as this coal mine is mined, the tribe's heating problem can be alleviated to a large extent, if not completely solved.

However, while this problem was solved, there was a more troublesome problem before his eyes, and that was the mobilization of tribal manpower.

Fortifications, farming, and fishing were the three developments that the Mingjing tribe had invested the most manpower in. The importance of fortifications was no longer needed. No matter how Luo Ji moved, he would not move people from the fortifications.

As for farming and fishing, fishing is one of the most important and stable food sources for the Jingjing tribe. Obviously, it cannot be moved. After such a period of elimination, people can only be moved from the farming that has just begun to develop.

According to the white radish encyclopedia sent by Gao Su, if the white radish wants to bloom and plant seeds, it has to wait until after the beginning of spring. Even though the fertilization and cultivation of the fields cannot fall, it does not need too many people for the time being. The big deal is to slow down. The progress of farming, less ploughing of a few acres of land, and more people to dig coal.

And since a sub-city is to be established here, it must be managed by someone. Luo Ji subconsciously thinks of Zhou Tao. After all, Zhou Tao's talent has a bonus to development speed and a little livability. He is a quite suitable talent. .

Moreover, a few days ago, he just checked by chance. At present, Zhou Tao's loyalty has reached 85. This loyalty, in the civilization of other players, is already a good and loyal minister, but on Luo Ji's side, it is also It's just an average level, but the chances of betrayal have been suppressed to a very small level anyway, and Luo Ji is also wondering if it's time for Zhou Tao to show his strength and enthusiasm this week.

Of course, there is another reason for so long. Among the people of the original Red Fox tribe, there are still many people whose loyalty hovers around [-]. This makes Luo Ji wonder if it is because they have been staying with Zhou Tao. For the sake of being together, I just took this opportunity to move Zhou Tao farther away and let them separate, so that he could further reduce the influence of Zhou Tao, the former leader, and then brush up the loyalty of these people in one breath!At the same time, considering the safety issue, it would be better to send a few wolf warriors to stay here for a long time.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji couldn't help but nodded secretly. He had already sorted out the candidates and development plans for the coal mine, and he was waiting to implement it...

Just when he was thinking about it, the transfer of the temporary camp here went quite smoothly. After all, there were only a few tents, so it was much faster to dismantle them than to set them up. On the side of the coal mine, the land was basically occupied by them, and it was still early. It was quite easy for them to rebuild the tent before dark.

Naturally, Luo Ji didn't intend to stay here any longer. The discovery of the coal mine required some adjustments and changes to his numerous development plans. How could he have the spare time to linger here?

Just in case, Luo Ji only let Luo Yong protect himself and return to the Jingjing tribe, and the others were temporarily stationed at the temporary camp. Although during this period, they were discovered by other enemies and even robbed the camp. It's small, but considering the importance of coal resources, we still have to be careful. We have already eaten the meat in our mouth, so we can't spit it out just because of one carelessness, right?

After half a day's journey, there was no danger along the way. The dusty two finally returned to the Mingjing tribe before the sun went down.

The return of the patriarch made Zhao Pan, the general defender of the city, secretly relieved. During Luo Ji's absence, the safety of the entire Mingjing tribe was directly on his shoulders. If he said that he was not nervous at all, it must be false. In fact, he was so nervous that he hadn't slept well for several days!In the end, Zhao Pan even felt that he was a little nervous. Now that Luo Ji is back, he can finally return this heavy burden.

Looking at Zhao Pan standing outside the tribal camp with a look of relief, Luo Ji's eyes flashed a glimpse of understanding, then smiled and patted Zhao Pan's shoulder, saying nothing.

Back at the camp, Luo Ji didn't take much rest. He drank a bowl of hot water to warm himself up, and then called someone to find Zhou Tao.

Zhou Tao came quickly, got into the tent, looked at Luo Ji sitting cross-legged on the hide, Zhou Tao said respectfully, "Boss, are you looking for me?"

"I plan to establish a branch city, and I want you to manage it." Luo Ji, who knew that Zhou Tao's loyalty was no problem, said straight to the point.

However, Zhou Tao, who heard this, was full of doubts, "Boss, what do you mean by 'sub-city'?"

"Uh, do I have to start from here?" Well, he is also used to the backwardness of this ancient era.

He explained the concept of dividing cities in a simple and clear way. Zhou Tao is also a smart person with three stars in intelligence. He quickly understood what Luo Ji meant, and the expression on his face was both surprise and surprise.

Surprisingly, no one has ever proposed such a concept, and it is estimated that no one has ever done it. What is surprising is that he is the most junior in the tribe, and he is also the leader of the original Red Fox tribe. He never thought that Luo Ji would give him the task of managing the sub-city.

At this moment, a feeling of 'I am trusted' spontaneously arises, and Zhou Tao, who slowly exhaled a long breath, readjusted his mentality, and looked at Luo Ji and couldn't help showing a bit of radiance in his eyes.

Chapter 45, new tribes and new developments

"As for the candidates to go with you this time, I have already selected them all. At the same time, there are seven wolf warriors and three ordinary warriors stationed there, and I will let some of them stay there. Over there, I'm responsible for protecting the security of the sub-city." No nonsense, Luo Ji directly spread out the map and pointed out to Zhou Tao where the sub-city needs to be established, "This is the place."

"After the sub-city here is established, your main task is only one, then dig this coal..." While speaking, Luo Ji put the piece of coal he brought back in front of Zhou Tao.

Zhou Tao subconsciously picked up the black stone in front of him, and in the next second he found that the palms of his hands that had touched the black stone were stained with obvious black, "Is this?"

"This thing is called coal, and it's a very important fuel. Simply put, it can be used to replace wood to make a fire. The wolf warrior over there will explain the specific situation to you." Having said that, Luo Ji drank After drooling, he breathed a little, "As for the tools needed to dig coal, I will have them ready to deliver them as soon as possible, and you don't have to worry about the food, I will send a few people to the sub-city every few days. One meal, and at the same time carry the coal dug up back to the Jingjing tribe, of course, if there is an accident, it is really a last resort..."

As Luo Ji spoke, he swiped his finger on the map, "At this location, there are still crop resources in this area, you can dig some white radishes first, it's not far from the sub-city location, what I'm going to say. That's all for now, do you have any questions?"

"Are you going to leave immediately tomorrow morning?" Zhou Tao planned to confirm the time.

"Yes." Luo Ji nodded earnestly, "You should have felt it too. The temperature has dropped significantly recently. According to this trend, the weather may get colder and colder. As I said just now, this kind of coal can replace wood to make a fire. , it can burn longer and the temperature is higher, so, considering the weather changes, I want to supply coal in the tribe as soon as possible."

"I understand, there is no problem for now. If there is any problem in the future, I will let the person in charge of delivering the ingredients bring the message back."

"Yeah." It was easy to talk to a smart person, and Luo Ji nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Luo Ji sitting in the tent after Zhou Tao left, the corners of his mouth could not help twitching, and the expression on his face revealed a hint of elation. That is to say, at this time, the other party has officially become a loyal minister whose loyalty has reached [-] points.

As the only member of the whole group with management and development skills, it is obviously a joy to be able to brush Zhou Tao's loyalty to [-] points.

However, Luo Ji wasn't too happy for a long time. There were still a lot of things that required him to be busy. He immediately made a list, confirmed the people who were going to be sent to the coal mine, and then asked them to inform them one by one, so that they could take care of themselves. Prepare.

Under Luo Ji's quick adjustment, everything was so orderly, and the entire tribe's development plan was on track again. At the same time, for the convenience of addressing him, he didn't forget to name the newly established branch city.

Although he is not good at naming names, please rest assured that Luo Ji will not be so careless to give the branch city a random name like 'Coal Tribe', although from the current point of view, the characteristics of this branch city It's about producing coal resources...

In this way, after a little pondering, Luo Ji named this sub-city 'Black Rock', because coal is a black stone, hence the name 'Black Rock'.

I don't know if it's because of Zhou Tao's rich development experience and the role of his natural abilities, the development of the Heiyan tribe went very smoothly.

According to Luo Ji's previous expectations, all the coal that could be picked up or dug with bare hands was picked up by the original tribe. If their tribe wanted to continue to acquire coal resources, they could only expand the mine, and then spend a lot of money. Time to dig slowly.

However, the actual situation was that within five days of the establishment of the Heiyan tribe, Zhou Tao had people come back with a basket full of coal.

To be honest, according to the size of the rattan basket, even if it was a full basket, it wasn't much, but it still surprised Luo Ji for a while, which was at least a good start.

Days passed. During this time, apart from checking the progress of fortifications and farming, Luo Ji spent the rest of his time and energy on the research and development of bows and arrows. However, the research and development of bows and arrows did not go well at all...

Looking at another broken bow, Luo Ji frowned slightly, feeling a little bad, "Isn't this okay?"

Rubbing his eyebrows hard, he found that the development of bows and arrows was far more difficult than he expected. The feeling of being stuck in a bottleneck, not knowing how to break through, and finally completely stagnant, made people both irritable and panic.

"Where is the problem?" He basically tried all the materials he could find nearby, but the results were not satisfactory.

Of course, when drawing the bow, it’s okay if you keep some strength, but the light arrow has no power at all. It’s no exaggeration to say that he was standing there 15 meters away, letting the bow and arrow shoot over. It might hurt a little bit if it hits the eyes, but if it hits the torso of the body, the arrow can't cause any substantial damage at all except for a little pain, it's a complete failure Taste!

Grabbing the hair that had become a little messy, Luo Ji tried to find the problem and the cause, but found nothing. In the end, he could only come to the conclusion that 'maybe the material of the bow body is not suitable'.

Well, it is undeniable that he suffered setbacks in the development of bows and arrows. Luo Ji is not a dead-headed person. After clearly realizing that this problem cannot be solved in a short period of time, he slowly regained his cool-headedness. Gently patted his forehead, "Don't worry, take it one step at a time..."

After speaking, he took a decisive step back. In various senses, he has realized that in this era of no long-range attack weapons, he wanted to make bows and arrows as soon as he came up. The meaning of running is, so he now took a step back and planned to learn to walk first.

He quickly picked up the charcoal pen he had tossed around a few days ago, then spread out a blank animal skin and immersed himself in another design drawing.

This time, he didn't draw for too long, and he didn't get too entangled. He almost finished the design in three or two times, and then stretched out his hand in front of the five members of the Ordnance Department, "Leave the research on bows and arrows first. Well, let's do this next."

Chapter 46. New weapons

Compared to the bows and arrows that suffered from frustration, the development of new weapons here was much smoother. Luo Ji made the first sample in less than an hour.

That's right, after Luo Ji took a step back, the new weapon he chose to make was the sling!Simply put, it is a slinger. This is probably the oldest long-range weapon in human civilization, right?

In ancient times, he did not know how humans made slings, nor did he study them, but the structure and production of slings were obviously much simpler than bows and arrows. Considering the strength of the animal tendons of the rope, he weaved the two animal tendons into one in a spiral weaving method, and then used a stone spear to forcibly pierce four small holes on the edge of the animal skin, one on each side. A simple sling is complete after the tendon is passed through the small hole and tied in a knot.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' for successfully crafting a 'Sling' to get [-] Civilization Points and [-] Military Points.

The system's reminders made Luo Ji more confident. With the newly completed sling, he walked out of the tribe with great interest. Whether the new weapon works or not will only be known by trying it out.

The five people in the Ordnance Department followed, and they were obviously very curious about the simple-looking new weapon in their patriarch's hands, but they had never seen it before.

On the way to the experimental site, Luo Ji did not let the five of them idle. He collected a lot of stones of suitable size as ammunition for the slings along the way, and also called Luo Yong, Zhao Pan and others who were training.

After all, the sling he made was for these warriors in the tribe. However, their tribe was currently short of manpower, and it was impossible for Luo Ji to increase the number of warriors in the tribe in a short period of time.

In this way, the candidates for this slinger can only be selected from the existing tribe warriors, but four of the wolf warriors are on the Black Rock tribe's side, so there are currently only fourteen warriors on the Mingjing tribe's side.

After the rigorous training some time ago, the fourteen tribal warriors finally felt a bit disciplined and well-trained. Standing there in a row, they felt a lot more reliable.

No nonsense, Luo Ji personally went into battle to demonstrate, who said that among this group of people, he was the only one who did so much research on this newly made sling?

Holding one end of the sling in his hand, he placed a round stone about the size of a tennis ball on the hide. To be honest, Luo Ji was quite nervous. He had never really used this sling. , If he misses and hurts himself by accident, wouldn't he be very embarrassed as a patriarch?

"Calm down." He comforted himself in his heart, and after casually adjusting his breathing, Luo Ji's mood quickly calmed down, "It should be the same principle as turning the pen, anyway, it's just using the centrifugal force of the spinning..."

Thinking of this, Luo Ji shook the hand holding the sling lightly twice, looking for a feeling, and then with one force, the sling in his hand spun quickly, making a whistling sound.

Luo Ji's action caused a burst of exclamations from the people behind, and a pair of curious eyes suddenly focused on the spinning sling.

Without much dawdling, with a feeling that he would die sooner than later, and that he would be humiliated, Luo Ji saw an opportunity and slammed the sling that was spinning fast in his hand into the distance!The stone placed on the hide suddenly flew out with a 'swipe'.

He was still strong, and with the blessing of centrifugal force, the stone flew far away. Seeing this, Luo Ji was finally relieved. Otherwise, according to his accurate head, it is enough to make him burst into tears.

"Hmm!" With a heavy dry cough, Luo Ji turned around in a serious manner, feeling the surprise, excitement, and admiration in his eyes, and his self-esteem was instantly satisfied, "In short, that's it, who wants to try it? a bit?"

"I, I!" Upon hearing this, Luo Yong, who was eager to try, quickly expressed his desire to try.

Luo Ji didn't care. He directly handed the sling in his hand to Luo Yong. After explaining the key points of the operation to him, he let him try it out himself.

The difficulty of the sling itself is how to control the accurate head so that it can hit the target with relative precision. It is not too difficult to just throw the sling.

After Luo Yong placed the stone, he smoothly made the sling spin. He was very powerful. Just waving and spinning around gave him an astonishing feeling. However, before Luo Ji could sigh for a second, At that time, only a muffled sound of 'bang' was heard, and the stone bullet carried an astonishing power and hit the ground heavily, directly smashing a small hole the size of the mouth of a bowl. The visual range is about... Hmm, five meters...

"Pfft!" At that moment, Luo Ji couldn't hold it back at all, and accidentally laughed out loud.

On the other hand, Luo Yong's face was flushed red on the spot. Although Luo Ji did not specify the standard, but looking at Luo Ji's previous demonstration, the distance the stone bullets flew, and looking at him again, anyone could see what he did just now. How bad is it to play.

As a long-range weapon, with a range of about five meters, what kind of trouble are you trying to make?It's better to rush up to Lisuo with a stone spear and fight in close combat.

The smile on his face subsided a little, Luo Ji stepped forward in two steps, and patted Luo Yong on the shoulder, "Okay, let's change to the next one, everyone come and get acquainted, and I will choose four or five of you to use later. The best people specialize in this sling."

Luo Yong's problem at the time was obviously that he was using too much force, and he didn't see the timing, so he shot that ridiculous range, but it didn't matter, as a fierce general who could charge in the front row, Luo Ji Ke didn't plan to let Luo Yong change his career as a slinger at all, but it was obviously unreasonable not to let him try.

After reassuring Luo Yong a little, and publicly stating that both slingers and melee fighters have their own advantages, and there is no difference between strong and weak, Luo Ji turned around and asked the people from the Ordnance Department to do more according to this style. A few slings came out, and then let them practice first. Although various developments in the tribe have been on the right track recently, his daily work is still not easy.

After such a long time, the fortifications on the outskirts of the Mingjing Tribe have almost been built. As the patriarch, he should go back and continue to fight against his 'Pulley Group'. At the same time, the design of the entire city gate has to be drawn quickly. Row.

Chapter 47, Winter

For the next period of time, Luo Ji could be said to be working hard on the pulley, while thinking about the design of the city gate, feeling that his brain cells were dying every day. mad.

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