After a night of silence, Luo Jin, who rested for a night, left this temporary camp early the next morning and returned to the Jingjing tribe. In this backward ancient times, they did not have any means of long-distance communication, so they could only rely on people to use two The legs run back and forth to deliver the message.

The members of the reconnaissance team who are familiar with the terrain and journey are undoubtedly the best candidates at the moment. The three members of the scouting team need to rotate every day to return to the Mirror Tribe in the morning, and then return to this place with a new day's food and fresh water supplies after noon. camp.

And under this premise, no matter what happened to the Jingjing tribe, or there was a situation in the temporary camp that needed support, they could communicate with each other every day through the members of the reconnaissance team running back and forth.

According to the current situation, there is no doubt about the importance of this temporary camp. After breakfast, the three tribe warriors are responsible for staying in the camp, while Luo Ji puts on his wolf bone mask and joins the other seven wolf warriors. One at a time towards the location of the enemy clan.

If his purpose is to defeat or exterminate that tribe, then he will definitely not choose this time to do it. He will wait a while longer, and after the warriors of that tribe go out hunting, then bring the wolf warriors to launch a surprise attack, causing them A substantial blow, but Luo Ji's purpose is obviously not this...

Along with the rising sun in the sky, the tribes that have not yet fully awakened from their sleep have once again welcomed this group of uninvited guests!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

"The monsters are here again!"

"Women and children, go back to the tent to hide, don't come out!"

"Grass! What are these guys trying to do?!"

The wolf warriors who came to join the door once last night, this time can be said to be familiar with each other. While the enemy tribe members panicked, the eight of them had already rushed in all the way.

During this period, Luo Yong, who was holding a double axe, was even more targeted, "Hey! That kid yesterday, come out and fight again!!"

In the face of this unbridled provocation by Rayong, the young man in the tribal camp twitched his facial muscles, and his heart was also burning with anger. Do these sick-minded monsters really think he is easy to provoke? !Thinking of this, I saw the young man rush out in one step, and the weapon in his hand quickly stabbed at Rayong who was inviting him to fight!

He had already played a match yesterday, and Luo Yong, who knew in his heart that the opponent's strength was good, naturally wouldn't be careless. Almost at the moment when the opponent made a move, he sensed the movement and waved the two stone axes in his hand to meet him directly with a fierce offensive. go up.

In a round of confrontation, the young man who shot with anger was a little less flexible than yesterday, but a little more sturdy. The weapons in the hands of both sides collided on the spot and made a sound.

"Learn very fast, boy!" Looking at the weapon in the young man's hand, Rayong's pupils shrank, and he saw a long, flat stone tied to the stick at the moment, which was at least seven different from their tribe's stone spear. Eighty percent of them are similar. Obviously, after the battle yesterday, the stone weapons of their Mingjing tribe were learned by this kid.

However, this did not shake him in the slightest. After living for more than 20 years, he has never met an opponent with all his strength!With a sudden force of both arms, the stone spear hit by the opponent was easily pushed back, and a new round of confrontation began again!

At the same time, the changes in the weapons in the hands of these barbarians naturally cannot escape Luo Ji's eyes. Under the mask of wolf bones, Luo Ji's expression is relatively calm. It is only a matter of time before the stone weapons spread. At this point , he was mentally prepared, and besides, although the production method of stone axes and stone spears is simple, it is not something that can be learned casually.

There are two difficulties, one is the method of binding, and the other is the grinding of stone tools. In these two points, it is impossible for other tribes to catch up with the Jingjing tribe in a short time.

Take the stone spear in the young man's hand as an example. After fighting hard with the two stone axes in Rayong's hand, the entire spear tip was crooked a lot. It was not that easy to tie a stone to a wooden stick. , for Luo Ji, a well-informed modern man, this is naturally not a big problem. Active thinking allows him to quickly find the key points, but for these indigenous barbarians, there are still some So a little technical content, by no means can be learned with two eyes.

This is indeed the case. Looking at the stone spear that was obviously crooked in his hand, the young man gritted his teeth, completely unable to imagine how the stone spears in the hands of these monsters were so strong.

In any case, it is impossible to confront the monster in front of him head-on. After a brief period of feverishness, the young man quickly adjusted back to his usual flexible style of play.

But Luo Yong didn't intend to let him go like this. The two stone axes in his hands became more and more mad, and the fighting spirit in his heart soared, "Come, come, come! Boy, why are you suddenly cowardly?!"

It's oppressive!Facing the violent offensive of Luo Yong, the young man only felt a sense of oppression that was almost arrogant crushing him directly, almost making him breathless.

"What's going on? Why is this guy's offensive suddenly so fierce?!" A look of shock flashed across the youth's eyes. At this moment, I am afraid that only Luo Ji knew what happened. It was the effect of Luo Yong's 'more courageous' Triggered, at this time, Rayong's bravery has soared to a four-star level!

In the face of this star-level suppression, in just one round of confrontation, the young man has already fallen into a disadvantage, and the gap in strength is undoubtedly revealed at this moment. Although he is still quite strong, he still maintains his flexible skills, but every dodge His heart skipped a beat. Facing such a beast-like monster, he could only imagine how much psychological pressure he felt at the moment.

"Bang!" There was a sound of stone tools hitting, and the stone axe on Rayong's right hand slashed directly on the spearhead of the stone spear. The crooked spearhead couldn't withstand the brute force of Rayong, and was chopped and flew out on the spot. The young man's face turned pale.

"Hahahaha! It seems that the counterfeit goods in your hand are not very good!"

The rise of the war, Luo Yong, laughed wildly, but the youth's expression became more and more difficult to look at, but he was unable to refute, who said this was the truth?

Facing the soaring strength of Rayong, he was not an opponent at all. The spearhead that was hit was just the beginning. After less than two rounds, he only heard a 'click' and the long stick in his hand broke, letting him at this time. The situation suddenly became extremely dangerous.

When the other warriors in the tribe saw that the young man was in danger, the expressions on their faces were full of shock and anger, and they roared and killed them, "Protect the leader! Protect the leader!"

Chapter 40, Luo Ji's Purpose

The loyalty of this gang of barbarians was unexpectedly high, and the defeat of the young man did not seem to dampen their morale, but aroused their anger.

After all, the other party was crowded and powerful. Facing the barbarians who suddenly surrounded him, Luo Ji frowned slightly, and immediately activated his morale-boosting skills, "Luo Yong! Don't fight, retreat first!"

Although the stone spears and stone axes in the hands of these barbarians are imitated of very poor quality and the number is not large, it is undeniable that their threat has increased. As one of the most important combat powers of the tribe, it is also the only one with a valiant limit of four stars. With a certain chance of winning, Luo Ji didn't plan to take a risk on Luo Yong at all. After all, from the perspective of personal combat effectiveness, Luo Yong was the only fierce general he could handle at the moment.

However, what Luo Ji didn't expect was that just as he was speaking, a barbarian from the enemy tribe suddenly saw a gap and stabbed him with a low-quality stone spear in his hand!

Faced with this situation, the two wolf warriors who were closest to Luo Ji were shocked, "Patriarch, dangerous!!"

"What are you panicking about? Stabilize the formation!" With a low roar, he is not a scumbag who has reached the upper limit of three stars in martial arts. Facing the sneak attack of an ordinary barbarian, although he is nervous, he will not lose his position.

Knowing that the weapon in the opponent's hand is of inferior quality, how could he let go of such an obvious weakness?After a period of time, he had also practiced a few hands, and when he saw an opportunity, he saw a wave of the stone spear in his hand, hitting the opponent's spear directly and accurately. The simple binding simply couldn't bear Luo Ji's With this blow, the entire spearhead suddenly crooked, and the opponent's sneak attack also disintegrated.

However, would Luo Ji just let him go?Obviously not, there was a trace of hostility in his eyes, maintaining the movement of swinging the spear, he directly launched the follow-up pursuit, a stone spear was actually swung in a similar manner, after a series of bursts, only heard a 'puchi' , the sharp spearhead suddenly plunged into the heart of the barbarian.

"It's too shallow!" Feeling the feedback, Luo Ji's pupils shrank slightly, and his entire nerves were still tense. In the next second, an indescribable special feeling spread through him, holding the stone spear tightly. Inexplicable shaking of the arms, shaking!The exhausted stone spear actually exploded with a second stage of force impact, accompanied by a scream, the sharp spear head stabbed in another inch, and a bright blood flower suddenly bloomed, and the skill 'Weakness Pursuit' trigger!

Luo Ji, who succeeded in one blow, secretly called out "lucky", and closed it when he saw it. He took a step back. With the force of his arms, the stone spear in his hand was drawn with a bunch of blood flowers. At the same time, the other two The famous wolf warrior also killed him in time. Two stone spears with murderous intent stabbed the already pale savage almost indiscriminately, taking his life mercilessly.

However, this is just the beginning. The equally excited barbarians did not flinch because of the death of a companion, but instead attacked like a madman. At this moment, even the wolf warriors with outstanding strength felt it. obvious stress.

On the other hand, how could Luo Yong, who saw this situation in his eyes, still have the mood to fight that young man again?He swung the two stone axes in a row, relying on his valour soaring to a four-star level, he rushed back to Luo Ji's side, then glared at the two negligent wolf warriors, "I'll settle the account with you later!"

The situation fell into a stalemate for a while. Luo Ji glanced at the young man standing in the camp. To be honest, the young man made him feel a little threatened, "Luo Yong, are you sure you can kill him?"

Luo Yong obviously knew who the 'he' that Luo Ji was referring to was referring to, and after a little thought, he quickly said, "It's not easy, there are many of them."

Hearing this, Luo Ji nodded. Luo Yong's meaning was already obvious. If he wanted to kill that young man, the barbarians would definitely rush to get in the way, and it would be difficult for them to stop them effectively when the number of them was at a disadvantage. At that time, what he needs to face is not one enemy, but a group of enemies.

"Then withdraw, anyway, the purpose has been achieved!"

As soon as they said they would retreat, Rayong would open the way, plus they wanted to leave, the barbarians couldn't stop them at all, and they had already smashed out of the opponent's camp in a few breaths.

Looking at the retreating eight people, the barbarians who were on the top of their blood at this time subconsciously started to chase and kill, but they were stopped by the young man, "Don't chase, all come back!"

It's impossible not to stop, the opponent's strength is obvious, they can't beat them at all, the only advantage is the number of people.

And after running for a while, Luo Ji looked back at Luo Ji, and there was a hint of surprise on his face, "Huh? He didn't come after him."

At first, looking at their excited appearances, Luo Ji thought that the savages would chase and kill them with blood and blood. At that time, during the whole process of chasing and killing, considering everyone's physical strength and running speed, The front line will definitely be stretched, and the opponent cannot form a group. No matter how many people there are, it is impossible to pose a threat to the wolf warriors who have an advantage in personal strength.

However, the current situation obviously failed to make Luo Ji get his wish. He retreated to the temporary camp all the way. Luo Yong, who had been holding back all the way, suddenly burst out, "How the two of you are protecting the patriarch? Can a guy of that level be able to stop him? !"

In the face of Luo Yong's questioning, the two wolf warriors did not refute, lowered their heads, and obviously fell into deep self-blame, "Please punish the patriarch!"

"Okay." Faced with this situation, Luo Ji waved his hand, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, they were not dominant in numbers. Even if every wolf warrior's personal fighting ability was outstanding, it was impossible to have more enemies with less. It can also cover all aspects of the situation.

But think about it from another angle, these two wolf warriors are indeed the people responsible for protecting his safety in this operation, and they are indeed dereliction of duty. If there is no punishment, then he has broken himself. Has there been a rule of 'must be punished'?How to convince the public in the future?

Thinking of this, Luo Ji already knew what he had in mind, and only listened to him speak slowly, "Considering the current situation, the punishment will be temporarily postponed. After this operation is over, the training volume will be doubled within a month!"


Looking at the two who simply responded, Luo Ji nodded, then glanced in the direction where the tribe was, and the expression on his face suddenly brought a bit of playfulness, "After this round of attacks, there are nine out of ten of them. I will be afraid that we will kill again, considering the safety of the tribe, the soldiers will definitely choose to stay behind, unable to go out to hunt, without food supply, hungry, I see how long they can last!"

Chapter 41. Dirty Routine

This day just started today, how could it end like this?After drinking two bowls of hot water in the temporary camp, and resting for a while, Luo Ji estimated the time, and sent a few wolf warriors to wander around the outside of the opponent's tribe in turn. , but he couldn't take my distance to kill the barbarians in that tribe disgustingly.

"Those monsters are still outside?" Inside the camp, the young man sitting beside the fire had a gloomy face, with a clear gnashing of teeth in his tone, and then his fist slammed on the ground, "What are they trying to do? !"

Two battles in a row, although it cannot be said that they lost, but the actual situation is more embarrassing than losing!The people who are injured are basically their people. This kind of thing has never happened before. Even the faces of the women and children in the tribe have obvious panic, not to mention the men, basically one. All of them are painted, and the atmosphere of the entire tribe at the moment can be imagined.

In comparison, Luo Ji, who was still sitting in the temporary camp at this time, was like an old monk entering meditation, and his calm demeanor made the wolf warriors, who were already high in momentum, even more confident.

Originally, as an old driver who has played various strategy development games and experienced countless multiplayer modes, what dirty routines have he never seen?This method of sending troops to the periphery of the enemy's territory is just one of the most elementary routines. The purpose is to attract the enemy's attention. It can restrain the development speed of your own site to a certain extent and disrupt your original plan. It is very basic, but it is very useful!

Moreover, according to this routine, various chain routines and play styles can be derived in the follow-up. Of course, with Luo Ji's current conditions and current situation, it is obviously unusable.

He took a sip of hot water. I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that it was getting colder and colder in recent days. He moved closer to the fire. Rayong and the others didn't need to worry about harassing and fighting. At this time, Luo Ji decided to calm down and think about the issue of weapons and equipment.

His stone axe and stone spear were obviously learned by the people of the other tribe, that is to say, the weapon advantage of their Mirror tribe is not as great as it was at the beginning, and it will become smaller and smaller as time goes on. Finally disappeared completely.

As the patriarch, Luo Ji felt that he had to make further considerations. Fortunately, he is a modern person, and the most important thing in his mind is all kinds of ideas. He has a general understanding of the entire history of human weapon development. , The general point is stone tools, bronze tools, iron tools, firearms, and at present he is obviously at the bottom.

Bronze utensils, iron utensils, etc. To be honest, Luo Ji still doesn't think he can come up with something that transcends the times. The reason is very simple. Let's not say that he has no copper or iron in his hands now, even if the sky falls right now. When a piece of iron comes down, he doesn't know what to do. Do you think you can burn a few pieces of wood and build a fire to wrought iron?He's not that stupid yet.

As such, he intends to think about something practical first, for example, bows and arrows!This is a good choice. Long-range weapons have obvious advantages. Most importantly, bows and arrows can be made of wood!And the structure is not too complicated.

Subconsciously, he spread out a piece of animal skin and rubbed some dye for himself. Luo Ji began to think about it seriously. From nothing, he clearly realized that he enjoyed this process very much, and was even more indulged in that kind of success. Of course, it does not rule out that sometimes it will be very crazy...

"The first is the bow body. It must be made of wood with strong toughness. For the bowstring, it should be possible to use animal tendons. Then there are arrows, arrows, and foreheads. I feel that I can't make them. For the time being, I will polish one end of the arrow shaft to be sharper. , let’s make do with it, it seems that we have to get a feather in the back, it seems to increase the range and improve the balance…”

The structure of the bow and arrow is not complicated at all. Luo Ji drew the design in three or two times, but he knew very well that the difficulty was not here, but in the choice of materials, especially the part of the bow body. Whether it works well or not, the material of the bow definitely plays a decisive role.

However, as for wood, Luo Ji obviously didn't study it. The most terrible thing is that it's useless to ask Gao Su about this kind of thing. What's the use of Gao Su telling him which tree material is suitable for the bow body?In his eyes, every tree is basically the same!

no!Just thinking about this made his head start to hurt. He always felt that this was a big project. Just when he was so entangled, the members of the reconnaissance team who were responsible for delivering food supplies today rushed to the camp with a tree and rattan basket on their backs.

As a member of an important department in the Mingjing tribe, the reconnaissance team consisted of only three people. Luo Ji naturally remembered their names. The one who came here this time was named Liu Chuan.

Luo Ji glanced at the basket. Maybe it was because his patriarch was here. The ingredients he carried were quite rich. In addition to a plump carp, there was also a roe deer's leg, which could be big tonight. Have a meal.

He greeted Liu Chuan and sat down by the fire, and then Luo Ji scooped a bowl of hot water for him.

After receiving the bowl of hot water that Luo Ji handed him, Liu Chuan was overwhelmed with flattery. In this day and age, the leader who can let everyone have a mouthful of hot rice and soup will always be appreciated by his tribe's people. Ai Ai, not to mention that Luo Ji has developed a small tribe with a population of just over 30 people to a population of nearly a hundred in such a short period of time, which is simply incredible.

It is no exaggeration to say that many people in the tribe have already worshiped Luo Ji as a god, and even if Luo Ji ran over and told them that the sun rises from the west, they would nod their heads in a serious manner.

While drinking water to rest, Luo Ji and Liu Chuan first checked the situation of the Mingjing tribe. After learning that everything was fine on the tribe's side, and the progress of fortifications and farming had not been slowed down due to the situation here, he relaxed a little. After taking a sigh of relief, he casually talked about the bow and arrow materials.

The basic situation was that he was in charge of speaking, and Liu Chuan was in charge of listening. After speaking, Luo Ji directly signaled Liu Chuan to bring back the drawn design and hand it over to the Ordnance Department in the tribe, so that they could try to study it first, while he himself Obviously, there are no research conditions here, and the tribe does not know how many days it can spend with him. Time is precious, and the research and development of bows and arrows cannot be delayed. The sooner the better!

Chapter 42. Showdown

Day by day, the people of the other tribe's unexpected energy consumption, when the food source was basically cut off, the light melted the snow and drank water, which made them last for several days.

And in the past few days, Luo Ji has not been polite to them at all.

They are few in number and can't kill the young leader of the other tribe. Although the other party has a lot of people, their general strength is not enough. They can't beat them.

But under this premise, Luo Ji, who has enough food supplies, has an absolute advantage. He can completely consume it, but the other party has no such confidence...

At this moment, I saw the young leader's eyes were red. This bad situation prevented him from getting a good night's sleep for several days in a row. His eyes were bloodshot and scary red. At the same time, he hadn't eaten for several days. It was the cheeks that were deeply sunken, inevitably falling into a malnourished state of weakness.

On this day, in the face of another attack from the wolf warriors, he finally couldn't help roaring in a hoarse voice and asked, "What are you trying to do?!"

This question has already brought obvious grief and anger, yes, what are you trying to do?If they wanted to exterminate them, they should have been able to do it two or three days ago, but the other party didn't do it. The warriors rushed up, they stayed in the tribe, and the wolf warriors continued to wander outside, just consuming them so abruptly, what are you trying to do?Consume them until they starve to death, and then come up to collect the corpses?

To be honest, the young leaders are a little bit incomprehensible, because in this day and age, it is laborious and meaningless to consume the people of a tribe to starve to death, and then come up to collect the corpses. Who would be so bored to do such a thing?

Of course, Luo Ji wasn't that boring. To be honest, he was also muttering in his heart, these gangsters are too stubborn, so they still don't pack up and run away?Are you trying to fight him to the end?

As for exterminating them, Luo Ji didn't even think about it, because he had absolutely no plans to endure the savage counterattack, and he wouldn't accept the surrender of the other party. The tribe couldn't digest it. As a result, the development efficiency of their tribes is reduced, and even the tribes may become unstable, affecting unity and development.

"Since I've said this, I'll tell the truth. I'm not interested in fighting to the death with you, but it's getting in the way for you to stay here, so can I trouble you to change your place of residence? "

Luo Ji's words are polite, but the content is not polite at all!Hearing this, the young leader's facial muscles twitched on the spot and changed his residence?What are you kidding? !

How bad is the loss of camp and displacement for a tribe to think about in this snowy season?

Moreover, the temperature has continued to drop in the past few days, and there is no trend of warming for several days in a row. If this trend continues, in a few days, the temperature may become colder. At that time, they will lose their place of residence in Before finding a new place to live, I don't know how many tribe members will freeze to death in this cold winter!This is simply forcing them to die!

Thinking of this, the young leader's face suddenly showed an undisguised hideous look, "Listen to what you said, you probably don't want to face our dying counterattack, so you've been wasting so much all this time, right? Are you not afraid to put us on the line? We are in a hurry, do we take the initiative to kill it?! The big deal is that everyone will die together in this cold winter!"

The young leader's remarks carried an obvious threat, completely putting on a posture of 'if you provoke me again, I will die with you', but Luo Ji didn't eat this at all...

"That's it, don't worry, if you kill them, I'll lead someone to turn around and run away, and I'll never give you a chance to perish together." Facing the threat of the young leader, Luo Ji's tone of voice when he said his answer was A serious and sincere man, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood from the young leader standing opposite him.

Facing Luo Ji's shameless words, he was completely shocked, his heart twitched non-stop, how could he be pushed to this point by such a shameless monster who didn't know if it was a human or a ghost?Doesn't this guy have any dignity as a warrior? !

At the same time, a deep sense of powerlessness rose in his heart, because after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he really had nothing to do with this shameless guy.

I didn't stop there, and I didn't need a reply from the young leader. In the past few days, the threat that this tribe's barbarians can pose to them has become less and less. After doing whatever they want, Luo Ji brought The other seven wolf warriors walked away with a victorious attitude, leaving only the barbarians in the camp to look at each other...

"Leader, we..." A group of people look at me, I look at you, no one knows what to say, they live here well, who would want to leave?Looking for a new settlement in the snow?This is a sick mind! ?But the situation in front of them made them feel that they had to bow their heads. In the end, the decision-making power could only be handed over to the leader, and the leader would make the decision, so everyone should have no opinion.

At the same time, at the other end, Luo Ji returned to the temporary camp. He looked up at the sun in the sky. He was bathed in the sun, but he could not feel any warmth. The temperature dropped, after all, this temporary camp is very simple, and it is not so easy for them to consume it like this.

At this moment, a wolf warrior who was in charge of the continuous harassment operation quickly rushed back to the camp, "Patriarch, the people from that tribe are dismantling the tent, as if they are planning to leave! Do we want to..."

"No need." Luo Ji knew what the wolf warrior meant. When the other party left with his luggage and his family, it would obviously become inconvenient to move. If they attacked suddenly at this time, the success rate would be very high, but he I still don't plan to do this. The reason is very simple. It's not good. As long as the people of that tribe are willing to move away, his purpose has been achieved, and there is no need to make extra efforts.

To be on the safe side, Luo Ji put on a wolf-bone mask and went to the outside of the camp to watch in person. .

There was no sympathy in Luo Ji's heart. The two sides had different positions. No one was right or wrong in this kind of thing. Before leaving, the young leader glanced at Luo Ji's position, his eyes seemed to say 'I will meet sooner or later' Kill back' the same.

Luo Ji didn't care about this. He believed that by that time, their Mingjing tribe would have established city defenses and developed farming. In other words, in this era, he was already invincible!

Chapter 43. New discoveries

"Patriarch, that kid will indeed be a threat, if it is now..." Luo Yong obviously heard what the wolf warrior said just now. Of course, he also heard Luo Ji's refusal, but reaching [-] loyalty is not enough. It means that he is a fool who can only follow orders. When he clearly realizes that something will benefit Luo Ji and the tribe, Luo Yong doesn't mind giving his opinion.

"Okay." Luo Ji waved his hands casually, with an obvious confidence in his tone, "That kid is really good, and I don't deny that once he grows up, he will definitely be a formidable warrior, but that's also true. That's all, a person's strength is not enough to determine the outcome of a war! Moreover, do you think they have no defense? Killing them at this time may not be able to obtain any benefits, let them go. "

What is the charm of strategy development games?Obviously, this is not a lawn mowing game where you can kill with a single hero or a single hero. Even if there are strengths and weaknesses in the arms and equipment, as long as various strategies and tactics are effectively used, even a team Small and weak soldiers also have a chance to kill a team of elites. At the same time, as long as you know how to seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity, the small city-states that developed behind in the early stage may also overtake in one breath in the later stage, and even become the winner of the last laugh. This is the charm of strategy development games.

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