With Luo Jin's safe return, Luo Yong, who was restless in his heart, breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help complaining verbally, "Why did it take so long to come back?"

"You have to get some useful information first, right? Otherwise, what do you say when you report to the patriarch?" After speaking, Luo Jin's eyes quickly swept over the people who were still digging white radishes in the snow, "How are they all digging? already?"

"I feel almost." The person who spoke was Zhou Tao. Although they were the youngest group from the time they joined the tribe, after a period of time, the stable life in the Mingjing tribe also started their loyalty. Steady rise, and the other people in the tribe are gradually getting acquainted, and there is no difficulty in communication.

While speaking, Zhou Tao weighed his rattan basket, "The weight is no longer light. If you dig it further, it may affect the efficiency when you go back."

"Then retreat!" Luo Jin made a decisive decision and chose to retreat.

Although they know that their patriarch attaches great importance to these crops called 'white radish', Luo Jin is more aware that even without these white radishes, according to the daily harvest of the fishing team and hunting team, all of them will still not be hungry. abdomen.

Under this premise, the safety of the labor force of the tribal population is obviously above these crops. It doesn’t matter if you dig a few white radishes and go back, but if something happens and one or two people die, the lost population will be really lost.

"Luo Yong, is there any problem after you four wolf warriors are broken?" Luo Jin quickly turned his attention to Luo Yong as he signaled everyone to retreat with the white radish dug out of their backs.

"No problem." More than that, there is no problem. At this moment, Rayong is still a little excited, and there is even a hint of anticipation for the barbarians of the other tribe to kill.

Seeing this, Luo Jin immediately reminded angrily, "I'll say it first, even if the other tribe's people find us and chase after us during the retreat, you are not allowed to fight! Retreat first, otherwise, you will wait for the patriarch to clean up you!"

"Let's go now! There's so much nonsense!" Luo Yong was obviously a little annoyed that his thoughts were seen through again, but at the same time he had to say that Luo Jin's words really hit his life. .

Since their tribe started formal training, their patriarch's emphasis on troop discipline can be said to have skyrocketed, and every now and then they will come over to add rules, one of which is specifically aimed at those who do not obey orders and act without authorization, and are in charge of commanding. It was obviously the kid Luo Jin who acted this time. In this case, if he did not act according to the order, it would be a violation of discipline, and the fate could be imagined.

He decisively dismissed the idea of ​​fighting with the enemy of the other tribe. He didn't want to be cleaned up by Luo Ji after returning. After seeing that the members of the tribe with the white radish on their backs were almost withdrawn, Luo Yong waved his hand, "Everyone. All cheer up, pay attention to the enemy who may catch up behind, after all, this is the first official action since the establishment of the army, lose face, see how I go back to clean up you!"

Hearing this, the other three wolf warriors started to get serious after laughing for a while. They trained and retrained every day, but they never showed any serious results. They were in a hurry. It's not just Rayong. The [-] soldiers in their army are all full of energy. Finally, the patriarch has a place to mobilize them. Although it is just an escort mission, if they fail, they will be shameless. .

Under the leadership of the members of the reconnaissance team, the evacuation efficiency of everyone was very high, and together with the escort of four wolf warriors, they finally returned to the tribe safely before dark.

When Luo Ji, who had been waiting in the tribal camp for nearly a day, saw them coming back, he immediately greeted them, "How is it? Are things going well?"

While speaking, Luo Ji's gaze had already fallen to the vine basket behind them, and his face was already showing obvious joy.

However, before he could be happy for a while, Luo Jin, who looked a little dignified, quickly came up and said in a low voice, "Patriarch, something unexpected happened."

Taking a look at Luo Jin's expression, the joy on Luo Ji's face subsided slightly, "What happened?"

While they were talking, the two quickly sat down by a fire. Luo Jin spread his decent map on the ground, then picked up a branch, dipped it in dye, and quickly moved on the map. made up a few strokes.

"This area is where the 'white radish' was discovered, and it's not far from this area..." Having said this, Luo Jin's voice paused for a while, with a clear heaviness in his voice, "There is a tribe."

Hearing this, Luo Ji's pupils shrank obviously. Although the Mirror Tribe still faces the problem of lack of labor, to be honest, in a short period of time, he doesn't plan to go to war with other tribes easily. He concentrated his energy on building fortifications and developing farming. If possible, he even wanted to farm safely and steadily for two or three months. However, the current situation is obviously changing.

"Have the other tribe's people discovered you?"

"After we left yesterday, people from the other tribe may have been to that area. The point is whether they noticed the footprints we left on the snow."

"In other words, not sure?" Luo Ji's brows furrowed even tighter after receiving this answer.

"Yes." Luo Jin bit the bullet and responded.

"If they don't find out, then the initiative is in our hands, but if they find out, it means that our existence may be exposed. The distance between the two tribes is not too far, and we may be attacked at any time. ..." Thinking of this, Luo Ji obviously started to have a headache, and his face became a little ugly, "It's really uneasy these days!"

Chapter 36. Be a Beast

Take the initiative!This was Luo Ji's first thought. At such a close distance, he didn't intend to hand over the initiative. He just said in the game that when he found another city-state, he had to do it quickly. Helping the beasts will scramble for resources while building a branch city next to your main city, and condemn you for being too close to them!

Of course, this is a different world that is basically the same as reality. Although the people of the other tribe are natives, they are not so mentally retarded, but this does not dispel Luo Ji's determination. Let others sleep peacefully?

Luo Ji wasn't afraid of going to war. With the advantages of his weapons and the special units in his hand, he really did not panic. He was worried that once the war started, it would slow down the development of the tribe.

During this period of time, he could almost say that he was building fortifications with all his strength, because he knew very well that in this era of basically nothing, as long as the Mirror Tribe built fortifications, then they would have absolute initiative. Quan, if you want to take the initiative to attack, take the initiative to attack, if you want to keep it, you can't keep it.

Backed by Mingjing Lake, there are abundant fish resources, and there are fortifications on the periphery to resist foreign invasions. Then, a few acres of fields are planted in the city. With Zhao Pan's "unmoving like a mountain" ability to defend the city, the harsh words will be put directly. It's here, it's useless for anyone to come!I can farm till the end of the world in this city, believe it or not?

However, at this moment, Luo Ji's farming plan clearly went wrong. In this ancient era, it was not that simple to build a circle of fortifications to protect the entire tribe. He needed a lot of manpower and material resources. , there is still time, however, under this premise, he cannot avoid the appearance of enemies or other tribes...

"Is there any news from the investigation?" Luo Ji was very sure. According to Luo Jin's character, it was impossible to run back and report to him without knowing anything.

"I sneaked into a certain distance and confirmed the number of tents in the other party's camp. Judging from the number, the population of that tribe may be around 70 people."

The corner of Luo Ji's eyes twitched when he heard the news. Based on the total population, the Mingjing Tribe, which currently has a population of 97 people, still has a clear advantage, but the problem is that this piece of meat is a bit big and not easy to swallow. Win, after accepting the population of this tribe, they can't manage it. Simply put, they swallow it forcibly, which is prone to indigestion.

When Luo Ji first arrived in this different world, the reason why Luo Ji was able to swallow a tribe so smoothly was because the leader of the other tribe had a very low command. The morale and loyalty of each tribe member had a subtle drop, which allowed Luo Ji to take advantage of it and easily annex it.

When they got to the Red Fox Tribe, Zhou Tao, who was good at managing the tribe, made Luo Ji obviously slumped and realized the problem. Fortunately, the total population of the Red Fox Tribe was not large, so it didn't cause much trouble.

But now the newly discovered tribe is different. It can manage a tribe with a population of this level, and the leader's command level has three stars. That is to say, the members of this tribe have a certain degree of loyalty to their leader. , swallowed, easy to indigestion, annihilation, it is a bit thankless, it is simply tangled.

Luo Ji, who was in deep thought, could hardly feel the passage of time. He didn't know how long this state lasted. He suddenly came back to his senses and slapped his forehead, "Damn! It’s not worth it, and you can’t swallow it, so just drive them away!”

Luo Ji, who already had a plan in his heart, was obviously refreshed. He decided that he wanted to be a beast!

The next morning, after calling everyone together, and after laying out the plan, Luo Ji set off with the seven wolf warriors from the tribe. There were no accidents along the way, and they arrived at the outer area of ​​the enemy tribe fairly smoothly. .

Through the mask, he looked at the barbarian tribe in the distance with a calm expression on his face. With the advantage of the high ground and the cover of the surrounding trees, the other party did not notice their existence for the time being, and Luo Ji did not rush to act. For a while, I saw him looking back at Luo Jin, who was in charge of leading the way, and then said to the other party, "The plan remains unchanged, go to the location determined in the morning to pick up the follow-up troops."

"Understood." After receiving the order, Luo Jin didn't stop, and quickly withdrew. In this woodland, only eight wolf warriors, including Luo Ji, remained.

Time passed by, looking at the slowly sinking sun in the sky, Luo Ji let out a long breath, then raised the stone spear in his hand, without holding back his hand, he directly activated the 'moral booster' skill , "Go!"

Almost at the moment Luo Ji roared these two words, the seven wolf warriors who had been ready to attack rushed out of the woods at the same time and charged straight towards the tribal camp below. They had been waiting for this moment for too long. !

The galloping figures ran wildly on the snow, and the icy cold wind whistled in their ears, but they failed to make them feel a chill, and their blood boiled?wrong!The blood is burning! !

Their approach was soon discovered, and a commotion was inevitable. However, Luo Ji was surprised that, facing the wolf warriors of their tribe, the warriors of the other tribe did not flinch. It was the wolf warrior's 'deterrent' effect. didn't work?impossible!

It only means that the morale of the members of this tribe has not dropped below [-] points, so they have not entered a negative state while they are still on the qualified line.

This situation made Luo Ji even more clearly aware that this was a tough bone to crack, but the more so, the less he could let such a threat stay so close to their Mirror Tribe!

The warriors of the two tribes quickly fought together. As the defender, aside from the women, children, and old people who were basically incapable of fighting, the enemy tribe could be said to be all soldiers, and they had an obvious advantage in numbers.

However, the wolf warriors under Luo Ji's command are not vegetarian. The ability and cost of special arms have already given them a considerable advantage. Under this premise, they are still holding the stone axes carefully polished by the Ordnance Department. The stone spear has further expanded this advantage. How can the combat power that erupts be comparable to that of ordinary barbarian warriors?

The polished stone axe has already brought a bit of sharpness to the axe blade. In just one face-to-face, one of the barbarian warriors fell to the ground. With fewer enemies and more enemies, the first round of confrontation, the wolf warriors not only did not fall into a disadvantage, Instead, relying on the ferocity in the offensive, he quickly suppressed the enemy in front of him!

Chapter 37, Chess Match

Holding a double axe, Rayong attacked fiercely. With his strength, he rushed back and forth in the enemy camp.

Luo Yong's reckless actions at the moment obviously got Luo Ji's approval. Although he has no interest in destroying this tribe, his ultimate purpose is only to make these people abandon the camp in front of him and leave this area, but he wants to do At this point, you have to show a strong enough deterrent first, right?Let them clearly realize that you can't beat us, stay here only to be beaten, only in this way, the other party will obediently leave, right?

However, just as Luo Ji was estimating the situation in front of him and was about to retreat for a while, an unexpected situation suddenly occurred. In the enemy camp, a vigorous figure quickly rushed out, with a wooden stick of the same height in his hand. It turned out to be directly provoking the very energetic Luo Yong who was rushing to kill!

Luo Yong also obviously sensed the approaching crisis, and saw him stretch one arm, and the powerful axe slashed directly behind him.

Facing Luo Yong's axe that didn't return, a look of surprise flashed across the attacker's face. He didn't expect that the other party was able to react in this instant, which really surprised him, but , he himself is obviously not a mediocre hand, and the offensive in his hand can be described as being able to be retracted and released neatly.

In a round of confrontation like lightning and flint, the eyes of the two of them looking at each other changed at the same time, and a feeling of meeting their opponents came spontaneously, which made Luo Yong's fighting spirit stronger, "Come on, try me with two axes!"

Before he finished speaking, the double axe in Luo Yong's hand was already attacking the opponent, and his natural divine power made him use the double axe in his hand to make an amazing offensive!

"This guy, what a lot of strength!" Just listening to the dull whistling between the swinging of the axe, the young man dancing the long stick can already imagine how strong the strength of the stone axe is. , the long stick in his hand couldn't bear it at all, and it was estimated that it would be broken into two pieces.

As everyone knows, while he was amazed at Luo Yong's strength, Luo Yong was also amazed at his skills, "What's wrong with this kid? It's more slippery than the fish in Mingjing Lake! Can't beat him?"

The attack frequency of Rayong, who is holding a double axe, is very high, and his offensive is even more fierce. However, at this time, facing the guy who is shaking left and right in front of him, he has a feeling that he can't do anything about him.

In the crowd, the two of them fought more and more fiercely, and that round after round, the offensive that you came and I did not give in to each other was dazzling.

There was such a big movement here, and the other six wolf warriors who rushed in with Luo Yong obviously noticed it, and their faces flashed with shock. Everyone is a wolf warrior and usually trains together. Rayong's strength is strong. To what extent, they know clearly in their hearts. It is no exaggeration to say that during actual combat training, no one is willing to fight with him at all. As the person who trains his opponent, he basically only has to be beaten. When he got up, his strength was terrifying, and he was still firing from both ends, which was terrifying.

No matter how much they thought about it, they would never have imagined that in this tribe with a total population of six to seventy people, there was actually someone who could fight Luo Yong to such an extent.

Not to mention Luo Ji, the shock on his face could not be concealed, and at the same time there was a hint of incredulousness, because he could be said to be the one who knew the situation in front of him the most.

The combat power bonus of the high morale state, the effect of the crusade against the barbarians, plus the weapon advantage, under this situation, Rayong is actually inseparable from the opponent?How could this not shock him?

Quickly opened Rayong's attribute panel and took a look. Now his bravery level is still at the level of three stars. After all, Yuezhan Yueyong is a passive skill. The trigger rate of 30.00% can only be said to be not high or low, and it is not intended to be triggered. can be triggered.

This situation softened Luo Ji's face a little bit. If Luo Yong's combat power reached four stars and couldn't win, then the young man's level of bravery would be a bit scary.

"Three-star or four-star?" Looking at the young man who was fighting with Luo Yong, Luo Ji couldn't help but get a little short of breath, "This person's upper limit of bravery is definitely not low, if he can be caught..."

As soon as this thought arose, Luo Ji, who seemed to realize something, hurriedly shook his head, as if he wanted to get this thought out of his head, "Calm down, calm down! Don't be greedy, it's easy to get into trouble if you're greedy. Judging from his strength, it is too difficult to capture him alive, forcibly arresting someone will probably cost a lot of money, and after he is caught, he may not be able to use it for himself..."

As his thoughts flew around, Luo Ji's eyes quickly swept across the other six wolf warriors. They were all elites from their tribe, and their loyalty to him was close to full. Losing any of them would hurt his flesh. The young man may be a fierce general, but people may not be willing to follow him. Under this premise, it is too irrational and uneconomical to sacrifice the die-hard elites under him to capture people. It is not his usual style.

After taking two deep breaths forcefully, and then readjusting his mentality, Luo Ji decided to ignore this accidental discovery for the time being and continue to act according to the original plan.

In this tribe, there is obviously only the young man with ferocious combat power. Most of the other barbarians are of ordinary strength, and they are not the opponents of the wolf warriors under his command. The risk of injury, anyway, the goal has been achieved, seeing an opportunity, Luo Ji immediately issued an order to retreat.

"Boy, we'll fight again next time!" Hearing Luo Ji's order, even Luo Yong, who was fighting at the moment, did not hesitate to push back the young man wielding a long stick with two axes, and he quickly broke out of the encirclement. , walk away.

After running for a while, Luo Ji turned his head and glanced behind him. The barbarians of the other tribe were obviously afraid of their strength and had no intention of chasing them out. A small change was not enough to affect his plans, but Can't be careless about that...

"Luo Yong, give me an estimate. Can you beat the person who fought with you before?"

Facing Luo Ji's simple question, Luo Yong didn't think much about it, and said directly, "That kid is very agile, but his physical strength is not good, and his body is not good either. After playing with me for a few rounds, he was already out of breath. After five more rounds at most, his skills and reactions will start to slow down, and then I can cut him down with a single axe!"

As the first warrior in the tribe, Luo Yong obviously knows more about combat than Luo Ji. At the same time, the full loyalty makes it impossible for Luo Yong to lie to him. Therefore, Luo Ji's eyes flashed when he got this exact answer. After a little bit of understanding, my heart was also relieved.

Chapter 38. Temporary Camp

All the way to the west, a group of eight people quickly retreated according to the pre-determined retreat route. At this time, the sky was obviously dark. Once night falls, they are in the wild, and the possibility of encountering beast attacks will greatly increase.

Although according to their current strength, there is no need to be afraid of most beasts, but once they hit it, it is very troublesome, and they have to bear the risk of injury. Therefore, with a mentality of avoiding it as much as possible, The crowd continued to speed up their retreat.

"Patriarch, this way!"

A figure in the distance was waving at them. The dim environment in the woods made it impossible for Luo Ji to see the other party's face, but he could hear the other party's voice. It was Luo Jin who was waiting to answer them.

After the two sides met, under the leadership of Luo Jin, they passed through the layers of woods, and at the moment when the warm firelight reflected on their faces, everyone was relieved, they had arrived, and the scene in front of them at this moment. , it is the temporary camp that was just set up today!

Luo Ji has said before that in the game, a group of beasts will grab resources and build a branch city next to your main city. Just to be a beast!

Of course, building a branch city is not enough. After all, he doesn't have so many resources and manpower to invest in the construction of the branch city. Now he just intends to build a temporary camp like an outpost here. Otherwise, after a wave of harassment every day, they would have to rush back to the Jingjing tribe overnight to rest, and then run over the next day for the second wave of harassment?Running back and forth this way, I feel like I'm going to kill myself.

Therefore, while Luo Ji was carrying out the harassment operation with seven wolf warriors, he also sent three other warriors from the tribe to this place with the resources and food they needed to set up a temporary camp as their future camp. Frontline stronghold.

And Zhao Pan, the general defender of the city, took the remaining seven tribal warriors to guard the Mingjing tribe to ensure the safety of the tribe. Otherwise, Luo Ji would not be able to leave his main city alone, so he can be here with peace of mind. Fight harassment with other tribes.

However, it is undeniable that this area is really good. It is surrounded by forests. Naturally, there is no shortage of wood resources. There are white radishes that can be digged nearby, which means that there are still crop resources. It is also moderate, and they can support each other at critical moments. It is indeed a good location to build a branch city.

I saw that in the camp at this time, five or six tents had been set up in a decent manner, and there was a simple stone stove in the middle. soup.

Hearing the smell of the bone broth coming out of the gap in the pot lid, Luo Ji's stomach suddenly screamed in dissatisfaction, and then he said quickly as if he had remembered something, "By the way, there are white radishes around here, right? Luo Jin, go and dig a few."

"Okay." After a short response, Luo Jin returned with four or five white radishes in his arms, and his work efficiency was quite high.

Although everyone in the Mingjing tribe has seen this thing, this is the first time to eat it. Following Luo Ji's actions, one after another, curious gazes came over, and at the same time, there was a little more anticipation in their eyes.

Luo Ji, who had long been accustomed to his status as the patriarch, was obviously used to it. There was nothing to be particular about when people were outside. He patted the soil on these white radishes, rubbed them in the nearby snow, and cut them into pieces. The small pieces were thrown directly into the stone pot where the bone broth was being boiled.

Time passed by, although Luo Yong and Luo Jin were chatting, but they all looked absent-minded. They glanced at the pot from time to time, and it was obvious what was going on in their minds.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Luo Ji lifted the wooden board that served as the lid of the pot, and a strong fragrance peculiar to bone broth suddenly wafted into the nostrils, frantically stimulating the hungry crowd.

"Don't look at it stupidly, let's all eat."

After simply dividing this pot of radish bone soup, everyone who couldn't wait for a long time was not afraid of being hot, and started one after another. When they tasted the taste, they all lit up.

The bone soup is still the same bone soup, but it seems that because of the white radish, this pot of bone soup is a little less greasy, and it feels a lot more comfortable when I drink it in my stomach. At the same time, the refreshing taste of the white radish bites It also made everyone feel a novelty.

Compared to Luo Yong and the others who ate white radish for the first time, Luo Ji was obviously much calmer. He ate a lot in winter before, and it tasted like white radish in his mouth. What could he think?If I have to say it, it is, "It seems a little tasteless..."

After dinner, after simply assigning the candidates for the vigil, after a tired day, he retracted his tent to sleep early.

At the same time, at the other end, as the tribe that was attacked just before sunset, the atmosphere in the camp was obviously depressed. .

"How many people are injured in the tribe?" The young man said in a deep voice, looking at the tribe member who walked towards him after the wounded were settled.

"Eighteen people." When reporting the number, the man's tone could be said to be extremely difficult, "Four of them were seriously injured, maybe, maybe..."

It might be hopeless, he couldn't say these words, but the young man obviously already knew the answer, and then rubbed his eyebrows forcefully.

"The weapons in the hands of those attackers were too powerful for the warriors of the tribe to resist."

The young man nodded, expressing his approval, "Have you seen what the weapons in their hands are?"

"It's like putting a stone on a wooden stick..." When he said this sentence, there was an uncertainty in his tone. After all, in his common sense, such a heavy stone is on the round wooden How can it be put on the stick?

The young man who heard this nodded again. At that time, although his attention was basically focused on the battle with Rayong, he also had some impression of the weapons in the hands of the wolf warriors, "Call someone to find them. Bring some rocks and sticks."

"Boss, do you want to..."

"Let's try it first." When he said this, the young man's face showed a hint of maturity that did not match his current age, "The opponent's weapons are stronger than ours, and if you want to fight them, you must at least get it first. Bring out the same weapons as them!"

Chapter 39. Attack Again

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