Luo Yong, who was standing next to him, felt a little uncomfortable. He also borrowed the sling from Zhao Pan and practiced it a few times. The famous slinger showed great power, and the barbarians of the other tribe were unable to fight back. He said that he was not depressed at all, which must be false. It seems that they came out this time to watch the show.

The main force in this battle is the slinger, which Luo Ji does not deny. The emergence of long-range arms has trans-epoch significance. As a modern Luo Ji, can he not know about it?On the modern battlefield, soldiers are all rushing with guns. Which one have you seen rushing with melee weapons?Facts have proved that in modern times, soldiers can at most give you a saber for self-defense. As for weapons such as knives, guns and sticks, they have long been eliminated from the battlefield.

But now, the development of their tribe's civilization is still in the ancient Stone Age. It is obviously too early to talk about hot weapons. In the following eras, the status of cold weapons is still unshakable.

Bringing Rayong and the others out was obviously not to watch the show, but to prevent the barbarians from the other tribe from getting close, but the effect of that headshot was really good, and it directly broke the courage they wanted to rush up. , the other party did not dare to rush up, then Rayong and the others would be useless.

No matter how depressed Luo Yong and the others were, from the point of view of Luo Ji, the commander, this was obviously a situation he would most like to see.

After confirming the number of stone bullets left by the slingers, Luo Ji began to persuade him to surrender when half of the stone bullets were left. There was no suspense about the defeat of this small tribe from beginning to end. For them, the most difficult part is the distance. The distance between the tribe and the tribe is a bit disgusting to them. Besides, there is no pressure and threat.

Instructing Luo Yong and the others not to relax, Luo Ji and his party entered the tribal camp with a victorious attitude.

In order to avoid unnecessary commotion, Luo Ji removed the wolf bone mask on his face ahead of time, and then asked someone to call out all the 30 or so members of the tribe and gather them in the center of the camp.

Taking a cursory glance at the crowd, a look of surprise flashed across Luo Ji's face. There are more than 30 people in this tribe, including men, women and children. Just been swept by the low temperature. The low temperature and severe cold lasted for half a month. Their Mingjing tribe relies on coal for heating, and the fish resources in Mingjing Lake are so difficult. How did such a small tribe survive? ?

Luo Ji raised his brows, and the expression on his face seemed so subtle, "Isn't it? I'm so lucky? What's missing?"

Chapter 56 Dumbfounded

As for his luck, Luo Ji himself has always felt very subtle. When he used to play some card games, he was often classified by the chiefs in the group into the ranks of European craftsmen, but in fact he knew in his heart that he His luck was good and bad. When it was good, it was very good, and when it was bad, it was a mess. Even he himself couldn't figure it out.

"Are there any medical talents in this tribe?" Luo Ji was nervous and a little nervous at the moment, no nonsense, taking advantage of the opportunity that all the fallen people gathered, he decisively opened the panel one by one to confirm, and at the same time he could By the way, check your loyalty with a glance.

After quickly confirming more than a dozen people, Luo Ji's expression became a little dignified. Not to mention medical talents, among the dozen or so people, there was not even one that stood out a little, and several of them even had only all attributes. Two-star 'real ordinary people' have no special skills like this, and can only be thrown away as coolies or helpers in this era.

However, the good and bad luck in the past had made Luo Ji develop a mentality of never giving up until the last moment, and there were still nearly half of them, so it was too early to be disappointed.

After looking at five or six more people, I finally found someone who could make Luo Ji feel a little better. Tribal hunting team members +1, and I continued to look down. I don't know if my face was dark for a while, but my luck began to improve a little. Afterwards, he discovered several talents whose single or double attribute upper limit reached three stars.

However, at this moment, Luo Ji, who was watching the last person in the entire tribe, was completely unhappy, damn it!What about medical professionals? !He even saw the little fart kid in the tribe with snot hanging from his nose, but he didn't even see it!

"Are all those who fell here?" Luo Ji asked again, still not giving up. It's impossible for such a group of old, weak, sick and disabled to survive the severe cold for half a month. All right?

Facing Luo Ji's questioning, among the group of people, the old man who looked like he was in his 60s walked out slowly. What can't be ignored by the old man for most of his life?The situation is stronger than people, and it is better to be a slave of other tribes than to die now.

With such a mentality, the old man was quite cooperative, "It's all here, my lord..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, before he could hear what he said, Luo Ji took two steps back uncontrollably, then subconsciously pinched his nose, and when it came to his lips, he blurted out, "Fuck! A mouthful of garlic, how much garlic did you eat?!"

After saying a word, the old man was stunned, Luo Yong and the others were stunned, and finally even Luo Ji himself was stunned. Because he actually smelled a garlic smell here! ?At this moment, he inexplicably had an aftertaste. Is there garlic in this place? !

"You've eaten something, right?" Luo Ji, looking back, stared at the old man in front of him with bright eyes.

In this era, it is not easy to live to his age. This old man is obviously a sensible person. Seeing that this private goods can no longer be hidden, he will honestly explain it.

I saw that he took it out into his arms, and suddenly there was something in his hand. Luo Ji looked at it, wasn't it a garlic head?And this garlic is obviously air-dried, so it can be stored for a long time.

Garlic is a good thing. Luo Ji clearly remembers that when he was in elementary school, when he had the flu, they would have three more cloves of garlic on the plate of their school lunches. This stuff prevents the flu and also fights cancer. To drive away the cold, the most important thing is that the dish of white pork with garlic is his favorite!Just thinking about it, he swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva. The days without seasonings are really hard, and the mouth fades out. If it wasn't for a group of people watching, he would want to peel the clove of garlic and throw it in his mouth.

And the reason why the people in this tribe can survive is because they eat enough garlic on weekdays and their resistance is strong enough.

Maintaining his image as the patriarch, Luo Ji took the garlic in his hand, and then glanced at the old man. He was old and refined, and he always felt that the old man was dishonest. Of course, the most important thing was that he confirmed the loyalty of the old man. The speed is only 65 points, and combined with the old man's fairly cooperative performance just now, I know it all at once.

I'm afraid this is a piece of grass. Where the wind blows and people fall, they belong to the kind of person who can't talk about much loyalty, but under normal circumstances, they don't make any trouble.

If you think about it carefully, this old man has survived until now, and he obviously knows a lot about the way to save his life...

Thinking of this, Luo Ji decided to deceive him, "What else? Take it all out!"

Hearing these words, Luo Yong's body suddenly bulged. He didn't have as much thought as Luo Ji, and his thoughts were very simple. That is, if their patriarch said yes, then there must be!This old man is dishonest!Thinking of this, Luo Yong glared at him on the spot, with obvious malice in his eyes.

Feeling the eyes full of badness, coupled with the tendon and flesh, the old man's heart trembled, how dare he play any tricks?Quickly call someone to move things out.

Looking at the group of people who ran to carry things, Luo Ji glanced at Luo Yong who was demonstrating, couldn't hold back for a moment, rolled his eyes, "Get dressed, it's winter, aren't you cold?"

Although the temperature has been getting warmer during this time, it has not yet come to spring. Now that Luo Ji said this, Luo Yong also shivered, and quickly put on his clothes again.

After all this tossing, the old man also asked people to take out all the hidden goods. Looking at these things piled up in front of him, the corners of Luo Ji's mouth could not be controlled. This little tribe was bigger than he imagined. It's still in stock!

After it was air-dried, it goes without saying that the bunches of garlic were piled up in a pile. The pile next to it was not small and was still round, wasn’t it cabbage? !

When I hold a cabbage in my hand, I don't know if it's because the temperature is too low or because of poor storage. Many of them are already rotten. However, in this era, who cares about this?Some food is good, but if you choose, how many people have to starve to death?

At this moment, Luo Ji was both angry and funny. He was so angry that this old man was too arrogant to hide private goods. As for the laugh, it was obvious that although he could not find medical talents this time, he found garlic and The two crops, cabbage, were enough for Luo Ji to wake up laughing in the middle of the night.

Not letting this smile show on his face, Luo Ji forced his face to stiffen and said viciously, "What else?!"

"It's gone, it's really gone, my lord..." The old man had a sad face, looking miserable.

Luo Ji didn't have any idea about this. He guessed that it was almost the same. He opened his mouth as if going through a process, "Is it really gone? If I find out that you still have some private goods hidden, you will end up here. Measure for yourself..."

Who knows, before he finished this process, the old man's face suddenly became bitter. This time, Luo Ji was completely dumbfounded, damn it!Didn't expect it to exist? !How much private goods did he hide?If this old man was placed in other dynasties, he would be a big corrupt official and traitor!The one that stinks forever!

Chapter 57. Talent

Luo Ji didn't know what to say for a while, this motherfucker is a colossal greedy!At that moment, he clearly saw that not only him, but the eyes of other people in the small tribe changed when they looked at the old man.

Subconsciously, he opened the attribute panel of those few people and took a look. Luo Ji suddenly felt dumbfounded, and he actually got a few points of loyalty. Damn, everyone was shocked!

After dawdling for a long time, this time, the private goods that the old man took out did not surprise Luo Ji any longer. It was a slap-sized steak.

For the Mingjing tribe, which lacked meat and crops, the old man's steak didn't make Luo Ji think, but the situation in this tribe was obviously different. They were short of meat!This old man's private goods can be said to have completely caused public outrage.

"Uh, don't you have any other private goods?" Luo Ji's voice sounded a little lacking after taking the steak. Who told the old man in front of him to keep setting his lower limit?

Feeling the sight of moral indignation, the old man wanted to cry without tears, he knew that he was ruined and the evening was in danger, "No, really gone!"

"Really gone?" Luo Ji asked again.

"It's gone!!" This time the old man really cried, and the one crying was a miserable one, but unfortunately no one sympathized.

To be on the safe side, I finally asked someone to search the old man's tent and body. A few minutes later, Luo Yong, who was speechless, walked in front of Luo Ji with an animal skin wrapped in a lot of dirt, and opened it. , two garlic heads, three pieces of meat...

Seeing this scene, I don't know if it was because of his anger. The old man rolled his eyes and collapsed to the ground on the spot, fainting.

Luo Ji ignored him and asked with the same speechless expression, "Where did you find it?"

"In the tent, the sleeping piece of animal skin is low, and it's buried in the earth pit below..." Most people probably wouldn't think of it there, but, some time ago, their Mingjing tribe had been digging pits and burying coal in that place for warmth, and suddenly thought of this Luo Yong, who was stumped, just flipped through it casually, but he didn't expect him to dig something out. To be honest, he himself was quite confused.

"Talent..." After he was convinced, Luo Ji was completely convinced. If it weren't for the fact that he still had two heads of garlic in his hands, he would have applauded the old man. Of course, with talents like this, they were managed by the Mingjing tribe. , can't bear it, "It's a pity, drag it down and find a hole to bury him."

"Live, live, I'm still alive..." Hearing this, the old man who was 'in a coma' the moment before jumped up on the spot, he thought that Luo Ji was mistaken for him to be dead, so Only then did someone dig a hole to bury him, and the moment he jumped up from the ground and saw Luo Ji's half-smiling face, he suddenly realized that the other party had no intention of caring whether he was dead or not. , just wanted to bury him.

Realizing this, the old man's entire face instantly faded from blood, and then he begged for mercy loudly, the expression on his face was a tearful expression, "Forgive your life, Lord, forgive your life!"

"Forgive your life?" Luo Ji twisted his stiff neck, "Why don't you ask the people of your tribe to see if they will spare you?"

There is no need to ask, those cold or resentful eyes have already explained everything. Unlike some large tribes with large populations, small tribes in this era pay the most attention to unity, because their strength is inherently weak. If they are not united, then How can we survive in this era?At this point, the original Mingjing tribe is also like this. There are more than 30 tribe members, and basically each of them regards each other as family members.

Originally, as an elder in a tribe, he ate a little more at each meal, and usually no one would say anything to him, but his mistake was that he should not hide so much food. This tribe must have starved to death before. And this old man is hoarding so much food that he will die!This has violated the most taboo and intolerable thing for these small tribes!

Ignoring the old man's screams and pleadings, with his small stature, it was impossible for him to break free from Luo Yong's capture. This was a coincidence, and Luo Ji didn't know whether he should thank the old man for helping him win a wave of hatred. , causing the loyalty of other members of this tribe to rise steadily twice. Originally, there were still many people in this tribe whose loyalty was less than 76 points, but now after reconfirmation, each of them has a loyalty of [-] Ten bases, the highest one reached [-] points.

At dinner, Luo Ji didn't skimp on the pieces of meat and cabbage. In comparison, he paid more attention to the garlic that could prevent flu and fight cancer. After cooking the food, he simply divided it. This move has undoubtedly earned himself a loyalty point or two.

Luo Ji was quite satisfied with this, at least these people were out of the scope of the grass, but they still couldn't be careless. After nightfall, they needed to rest. Luo Ji arranged the ones with the lowest loyalty in the same tent. And the work of reading 'night watch' and writing 'guardian' was, of course, handed over to a few people in Rayong.

The night was fairly stable. After all, the group of people with the lowest loyalty were all guarded by him. Even if they wanted to make a fool of themselves, they probably couldn't do it.

Early the next morning, knowing that there were cabbage and garlic crops here, how could Luo Ji just leave?To be honest, before going to bed yesterday, he even thought about building another sub-city here.

Of course, this thought just flashed through his mind. Luo Ji, who still maintained a sense of reason, knew very well that according to the current population of their Mingjing tribe, building a branch city would be no different from killing them. The immovable resources like coal mines, crops, the big deal, he digs them all back!

With members of this tribe leading the way, Luo Ji quickly found the place, no nonsense, everyone worked together to dig back all that could be digged.

Luo Ji's decision delayed their return trip until noon. It seemed that it was too late to return to the Mingjing tribe today, and they had to spend the night with the Heiyan tribe.

But it doesn't matter. After this trip, he harvested two kinds of crop resources in a row, plus more than 30 manpower. This can be said to be a bumper harvest, no matter what it is, it is worth it!

At this time, Luo Ji, who had returned with a reward, was in a good mood. He almost hummed a song and danced to celebrate. The trivial matter of returning to the Mirror Tribe one day later could not affect his current good mood at all.

Chapter 58. Exposure Risk

I don’t know if it’s because God can’t bear to see that Luo Ji is in such a good mood, so he’s trying to make him feel uncomfortable. A member of the reconnaissance team on standby at the Heiyan tribe’s side, the news he brought brought a kind of joy on Luo Ji’s face. The speed visible to the naked eye quickly faded. In the few days he was away, the location of the Mirror Tribe seemed to be discovered by people from other tribes!

How could Luo Ji, who heard the news, still be in the mood to spend another night in the Black Rock Tribe?He directly took Rayong and other wolf warriors to take the first step, and under their escort, they rushed back to the Jingjing tribe overnight.

Walking through the woods and looking at An Ran's tribal camp beside Mingjing Lake, Luo Ji was slightly relieved. It seemed that the other party didn't take it lightly. After all, in this era, their Mingjing tribe is also a big tribe. There, it is enough for many tribes to weigh it before starting.

After returning to the tribe, Luo Ji immediately found Zhao Pan and planned to ask about the situation.

And Zhao Pan, who saw Luo Ji, was blaming himself at the moment, "It's the subordinate's dereliction of duty, failing to deal with those intruders in time."

Looking at Zhao Pan with a face of remorse, Luo Ji waved his hand, "It's not your fault, tell me the specifics."

Zhao Pan had clearly sorted out his thoughts long ago, and when he talked about things in an orderly manner, this was what Luo Ji admired about him. In short, there were other barbarians around the Mingjing tribe, but the other party was obviously also concerned. , did not take any further action, turned around and ran away after being discovered, and Zhao Pan has already let a member of the reconnaissance team chase after the other party's footprints, wanting to try if he can follow the clues and find those savage People's camp location.

Luo Ji nodded in agreement with Zhao Pan's response. If only the other party knew their location, but they didn't know where the other party's camp was, it would be too passive.

"Has the scout come back?" Luo Ji asked subconsciously.

"Not yet." Zhao Pan shook his head.

"Okay, I see, you've worked hard these days, go back to the tent to rest early." Since the animal skin water bag and jerky were made, the time spent by the scouts on missions outside has been significantly longer, occasionally one night Not coming back was nothing unusual. Luo Ji wasn't particularly worried. After all, they were all seasoned veterans, and their combat power might be limited, but their ability to protect themselves in the wild was quite good.

In comparison, Zhao Pan's mental state made him a little more worried. Looking at those eyes with dark circles, Luo Ji knew in his heart that something like this happened, Zhao Pan definitely didn't sleep peacefully for the past two days. , so after he understood the situation, he quickly asked Zhao Pan to rest.

After Zhao Pan left, Luo Ji let out a long breath. He knew very well what the problem was. There were only eighteen warriors in their tribe, three guarding the Black Rock Tribe, three guarding the Mingjing Tribe, and the remaining 12 warriors. Following him on the expedition, this directly led to the fact that the three soldiers including Zhao Pan in the Mingjing tribe were not enough to support the patrol duties. If the number of patrols is too small, the efficiency will be low, and the alert level outside the tribe will be lowered. If it is weak, barbarians from other tribes may break in by mistake and discover the location of the Mirror tribe.

The solution to this problem is simple, very simple, but it is troublesome, but it is really troublesome. Their tribe needs to get an independent patrol team, which is equivalent to the police in their modern society, but they lack. Human!Farming can be developed, fishing cannot be stopped, coal is also an important resource, not to mention fortifications, there is really a shortage of people everywhere.

Considering this special situation, in order to save manpower, Luo Ji usually handed over the duty of patrolling to the soldiers in the tribe. During part of training, the other part went to patrol, maintaining a cyclic mode, but in this mode Under the circumstances, once they need to go out, the tasks of the patrol team cannot be taken into account.

But in order to avoid this problem, a group of people was deliberately selected to set up a patrol team. To be honest, in the early days of their tribe's development, when there was a shortage of people everywhere, this approach was really a waste.

He had to make a choice, whether to sacrifice part of the labor force in exchange for a more stable patrol efficiency and make the tribe safer, or to retain the labor force and let the tribal warriors continue to take care of their patrols. Some of the time, it can be accommodated.

Some tangled, but not too urgent, after all, they just came back, the more than 30 newly received people have not had time to digest, and he does not plan to make any new actions in a short time.

At the same time, Luo Ji was already mentally prepared for the location of the Mingjing tribe to be exposed. With such a big tribe, they couldn't keep hiding and not being discovered by anyone. The feeling of hiding for a while is just dragging on.

Exposing the location is just a matter of time, so he was so eager to build a city wall and fortifications in order to deal with this situation, and now, it can only be said that it is time.

I just experienced low temperature baptism some time ago. At this time, it is estimated that each tribe is sending people out to find food or new settlements, which also increases the probability and risk of each tribe exposing their positions to each other. Luo Ji believes that, Their tribe is by no means the first.

Before the scout returned to the tribe and reported the situation to him, Luo Ji couldn't make any further decisions, so he could only do a good job of patrolling around the tribe's camp, so as not to change.

At the same time, he did not forget to open his attribute panel to check the changes of each point. Because he opened a cultural project of 'surname system' before, every member of their tribe with an official name has a daily Chance to contribute a little cultural points, which is called self-produced.

But this self-produced and self-sold project will cause the system prompt in your head to keep ringing when you are lucky. This is very annoying, you know?Especially when Luo Ji was sick with a cold and was feeling dizzy before, the constant sound of the system prompt gave him a splitting headache, so he tried to turn off the system prompt, and it turned out to be It can be done.

And after that, he didn't plan to open it again, the big deal was every two or three days, or every night before going to bed, and he liked it more than the pain of a full point and a point. After a while, I remembered and took a look, and then I suddenly found the kind of surprise that I brought to myself after earning a lot of points, for example, now...

Chapter 59、This is a good thing

Looking at the new projects and various types of points that were clearly enriched in front of him, Luo Ji subconsciously hummed a little song, probably thanks to his cultivation a while ago and the continuous discovery of two crops, garlic and cabbage, his production The points were finally enough, so he decided to upgrade the 'farming' project to the first level, increasing the development efficiency and yield by 10%, which made Luo Ji more confident in the future agricultural development of the tribe.

At the same time, he has also earned a lot of military points. I don't know if it is thanks to the hard work of the Ordnance Department that he has a new project of 'Ordnance Research and Development' in his military section...

Ordnance Research (Level 0): The success rate of researching military equipment is increased by 5%, and the efficiency is increased by 10%.

There is no suspense, at this moment, although it was triggered long ago, the current level of 'Equipment Production' project was completely abandoned by Luo Ji. With a little hand, he decisively raised 'Ordnance Research and Development' to the next level.

Then he turned his attention to the next project that might have progress, or the project he hoped to make progress, that is the medical sector!

"Please, please, please!" There was a little more nervousness in the happy mood. Luo Ji stretched out his hand a little while praying, and the interface panel jumped. Seeing the medical development project presented in front of him in an instant, Luo Ji's heart pounded. Jump, "Have it! The third one!"

Originally, in the medical section, there were only two items, 'medical hygiene' and 'wound treatment'. In order to reduce the possibility of tribal members' wounds being infected, Luo Ji chose to upgrade the medical hygiene to the first level. Now, these two items One more project under one project!

Medical Care (Level 0): Injuries that are well cared for have a 10% increased chance of healing and a 10% faster recovery rate.

"This! This is what I want!!" He couldn't control his excitement, and he didn't need to think about it. For Luo Ji, who had not yet discovered any medical talents, he needed this too much, although the words were a bit strange. , but fortunately a lot of people in the tribe got sick before, and in the process of their recovery, this medical item was triggered, and at the same time, Luo Ji had enough medical points and decisively rose to the first level. What happened before can only be said to be a disaster. Blessed.

Luo Ji, who has upgraded the 'medical care', has calmed down a lot, and other projects have not made much progress. In the cultural project, the self-produced and self-sold ones have earned a lot of points, but no new projects have been unlocked, and Luo Ji felt that the main reason was that the living environment in this era was too harsh, and he really didn't have the time or mood to mess with things related to culture.

Besides, apart from the initial 'logging industry' and 'mining industry', the industrial project has triggered another 'construction industry'. After all, he has been tossing the city wall recently, but unfortunately, the points are not enough. The industrial points are unexpectedly high. Hard to earn.

The events of this day have come to an end for the time being. In addition, he has traveled so many roads. He is still tired and sleepy, and his eyelids are almost unable to hold on. As soon as he closes his eyes, he does not need any process at all. , and directly displayed the second sleep magic skill.

This night, he slept until dawn. Luo Ji stretched out and got out of the tent. He seemed to have overslept a bit this night. The rest of the tribe had already started work.

I found a fire and sat down next to it, skillfully scooped myself a bowl of hot soup to warm my stomach, and then unhurriedly sorted out the things I need to do today in my mind. The most important thing at the moment should be the newly received one. The problem of how to settle down for more than 30 people.

There are still a lot of empty places in the tribal camp. Before he was in the circle, when he built the city defense, he took into account the problem of the future population increase, so he deliberately made the circle a lot bigger.

However, it seems that the new batch of newcomers have not yet arrived here. After all, there are many people, and with so many crops, the speed of the journey is obviously not fast. When they arrive here, it is estimated that it will be after noon, but many things They have to wait for the people to arrive before they can make detailed allocations. At the same time, the scouts sent by Zhao Pan before seem to have not returned, and I don't know what happened...

Just when Luo Ji was thinking about it, the scout just came back, and the scout with a troubled face ran up to Luo Ji for the first time, "Leader."

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