It didn't take long for a group of contemporary Yuanqi figures to appear outside the door of the chamber.

The knights with different elemental powers sat down one by one, and then listened carefully to the speeches of the Pope and the knight commander.

There are two main contents of this roundtable meeting.

The first is to discuss the various offensive strategies and intentions that the abyss army may adopt in the future.

The second is to discuss the preparatory solutions for the potential threat of the hunting group headed by Jihun running out of control.

Among them, as the tenth seat of the newly-appointed Extreme Hunter, the files printed with Ye Chen's photos and information were distributed to each Yuan Qi as the final topic in turn.

Looking at the face of the young man who had met once in the past, Yinghuo, the oldest blazing knight among the contemporary Yuanqi, did not speak for a long time.

The supreme knight Amenting believes that Ye Chen's growth is too rapid, and his career record is the most mysterious compared to other extreme hunters, so he belongs to the potential threats that the Yuan knights most need to be vigilant against.

On the contrary, Pope Yosevi showed great admiration for Ye Chen's contribution and conduct, and even believed that he was expected to become the hub that closely links the hunting group and the church in the future. The young people who were in their early years were included in the list of candidates for the most suitable leader of the Oring Hunting Group after Kuize.


Holy Light.

Wearing a holy and noble glorious gauze, a white figure with a magnificent outline, sitting safely on the temple of the gods.

The starry eyes of the seas and rivers pass through the wall of the gods like this, and then integrate the prosperous world and all things into their own gaze.

At the same time, in the classical church in the old town of Hunter, the young nun also stood still in the center of the prayer hall.

She held her head high, looked into the distance, her expression and demeanor were in perfect synchronization with the stalwart figure in the abode of gods.

The will of origin is surging in the outline of the gods.

The light of mercy flickered in the nun's pupils.

And where the two merge into one line of sight, there are all things in the world, all living beings, and the future.

The pace of time and space will not end here.

The brilliance of thought should not be buried in despair.

Perhaps in the future, as Yechen said in the past, even if the abyss will eventually perish, the ugliness originating from life will never disappear from this world...

However, even so, Anglino Ander's philosophy will not change from beginning to end.

Since He is the creator of all living things, he is naturally obliged to protect all of them!

This is the last chance.

Matter has been annihilated, only thought exists!

We must not let these remaining things also return to nothingness!

Even if the price is for him to ignite himself as a torch to light the way forward!

The holy light is immortal, and life is endless.

This is the belief of the God of Light and Origin!


The bottom of the abyss.

Through the swaying and covering of thousands of wriggling flesh and blood, at the end of the dark and deep abyss, a thin baby figure no more than the size of a palm crawls quietly here.

He opened and closed the cracked small mouth, swallowing the bubbles of life, like a black hole that can swallow all the light of the big and small eyes, closed and blinked, and finally dyed the golden pupil color that is enough to see through everything.

Then, I saw that the baby slowly raised the broken palm, activating the Holy Light bloodline in the body in one fell swoop.

In the blink of an eye, a cloud of turbid holy light was gently held in the palm of the baby's palm.

Just like that, He, who controlled three divine powers at the same time, began to groan.

The abyss can never be beaten.

For Him, all disadvantages are stepping stones for growth, and all sufferings are catalysts for transformation.

Because the abyss is the answer that countless futures have bred together.

Unless you kill your own way, the past can never defeat the future, and reincarnation will only repeat over and over again.

One day, Harvey Jordan will find Yechen and devour him again, swallowed by him again!

In any case, the malice of the abyss will eventually settle, accumulate, and inherit from generation to generation!

Until all the false souls are devoured, until all the wheels of ignorance are crushed into slag!

Endless life, endless abyss!

This is the desire of the god of the abyss and the future!


Old clock tower.

Above the cold hall, the silver-haired old man in black sat quietly in the old reclining chair.

The steel palm fits the hilt of the cane sword.

The vicissitudes of life faced the turning clock.

The deep single eye stared at the turbulent future.

He once longed for the only sibling to weave this madman's dream with him.

It's just that the other party later abandoned him.

However, at least, he has kept the other party's son by his side now, which can be regarded as saving a thought when he was young and frivolous.

I hope that Ye Chen can continue to grow and eventually become a far superior replacement for his father.

And this is the fundamental reason why Kui Ze is willing to save Ye Chen.

Then, the old man smiled and silently began to look forward to it in his heart.

The time will come soon.

3000 years of pretense, 3000 years of obedience, 3000 years of mediocrity...

Everything will come to an end when the stars return.

Everything will be reborn on the end of time and space.

Beings, order, society, civilization...

From beginning to end, these intricate red tapes were not what Kuize wanted at all.

From the moment he was born into this world, the obsession in his heart has always been to carry out his own divine will to the end.

Holy light is fine.

The abyss is fine.

Orling is fine.

One day, at the end of the dusk, Kuize will let the gods know personally...

In his eyes, there has always been no difference between man and god, only the difference between hunter and prey!

The hunter comes from the prey.

The prey makes the hunter.

The above two are mutually dependent and cannot be separated from each other.

Only the moment of reaching the peak completely falls in the palm of my hand...

Only the god of hunting and conquest can truly find the meaning of returning to the world!


old church.

The wind is cold and the winter snow drifts.

Dark horses leaned over and slept at the broken gates of the prayer hall.

As for all directions outside the gate, there is endless darkness and filth, always eager to completely nibble and digest the soul world in front of him.

However, the golden divine light shining on the top of the church has made it difficult for these filthy minions to move forward for thousands of years.

Deep in the cold hall, the old man with black hair and white clothes sat silently on the old bench.

After closing his eyes for a long time, his everlasting golden pupils slowly opened, and then he calmly stared at the intact stone statue of the mother in front of him.

This stone statue built on the model of Neshin reminds Yellen of the meaning of his existence here, and it is their child who is still struggling to survive in the distant reality.

Long, long ago, this pair of golden pupils, who pierced the future, had actually foreseen the final outcome of the conflict in the Holy Abyss.

Yellen, however, doesn't care about that at all.

He just wants to forget all the disturbances in the world. As a father in this time and space, he witnesses with his own eyes that his child who should have died has lived a fulfilling and happy life.

And that time will soon come.

Wait until Yechen's thoughts visit this church in person, and wait until Yechen's soul really arrives in front of him...

It's time for Yellen, the father, to offer the final requiem for his children, thus bringing the curtain down on everything.

So far, everything has been going well, just as his golden eyes had foreseen early on.

However, if there is anything Yellen is still worried about, it is nothing but the last god who never showed up.


This is the only existence in the world today that is completely detached from Yellen's cognition from beginning to end.

Even his golden eyes were unable to glimpse Oring's true body.

I hope this unknown existence will not hinder his Requiem plan.

Thinking of this, Yellen faced the stone statue. After a long time, he closed his eyes again and fell into silence again...

The world of the soul is frozen.

Real time begins to flow.

The light of gold continues to lead the trajectory of cause and effect forward.

Until all destiny comes to an end...

The All-Seeing and All-Knowing God will always be here waiting for the return of his children.


Maze fog wall.

The door to the labyrinth welcomed the hunter once again.

Today is an important day for the top combat power of the Oring Hunting Group to go to different areas of the maze to perform multi-party enemy missions.

This is an immeasurable risk factor to detect the enemy, and only the hunting group combat power of the extreme hunting level is eligible to participate in it.

Alpedis, Nesso, Hungry, Sophie Lanie, Feng, Evelyn, Vanato, He Sheng.

The above-mentioned eight senior extreme hunters are all alone in the maze, and the situation is no different from the past.

As for the other two new Pole Hunters, they are acting with each other's teams.

Fanu leads his Sunset Squad to explore the southern part of the labyrinth.

The Dawn-breaking team led by Ye Chen needs to go all the way to the north of the labyrinth.

Everyone must collect all the trends and information about the abyss along the way, and at the same time, on the premise of ensuring their own safety, they must destroy as many abyss strongholds as possible, and strike as many abyss forces as possible.

Beginning at the foot of the fog wall, Ye Chen felt the vast breath emanating from the labyrinth after a long absence, then turned to look at the group of reliable companions behind him who had spent countless lives and deaths with him.

"This mission may be no less dangerous than the war we've been through before."


"Are you all ready?"

Oke, Weimon, Shia, Filona, ​​and Errigat responded with vigor:

"Of course!"

Ye Chen listened, took a deep breath, and then made an announcement with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then, let's go."

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