When the words fell, Ye Chen and his comrades finally walked into the fog wall with their heads held high, and together they wrote a new chapter in the hunter's career.

from now on.

Whether it is the 2020 graduates of the Hunter Academy...

Whether as a bloodsmith hunter...

Whether as the tenth seat of the active polar hunter...

Ye Chen will still risk everything, and under the malicious claws of the abyss, he will do his best to protect the Holy Land of Light.

Until the day when the stars return to their place...

He will carry out his duties and missions to the end as an "Ao Ling hunter".


Once the doomsday divine power capable of eradicating everything descends on the world, once the youthful original intention of exterminating the abyssal race becomes a reality...

Ye Chen was about to turn around and pursue higher-level ideals.

At that time, if there is a conflict between his "identity position" and "personal appeal"...

Then, Ye Chen doesn't mind completely abandoning the identity of "Ao Ling Hunter", and from now on, he will step into his own noble avenue in one fell swoop!

Because, along the way, the thoughts of young people are no longer limited to mere personal happiness!

He hopes that one day, all false ugliness can be wiped out!

He hopes that one day, he can defend all truth, goodness and beauty!

He hopes that one day, all the injustices, all regrets, and all tragedies of the past and present can be reversed!

He hopes that one day, the concept of hunter and prey will no longer exist in this world!

He hopes that one day, he will witness the fairy tale world that is ideal to the extreme!

It is neither the conservative and benevolent "Holy Light" nor the radical and cruel "Abyss" that truly responds to Yechen's soul appeals...

It's the mysterious "Ao Ling"!

Ye Chen longed to meet Him!

Yechen longs for real answers from Him!

Ye Chen is eager to use his divine power to create that beautiful and flawless paradise like a fairy tale!

In order to turn this seemingly impossible ideal into reality, the youth will continue to wear crimson blood on the road ahead, forging ahead, overcoming obstacles and never stopping!

This is the story of Yechen, the fate of Yechen, and the miracle of Yechen.

Before heaven was made...

The blood is boiling!

(End of the book)

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