"Yes, imagination returns to imagination, and reality returns to reality. How could anyone relax because of this?"

Shia covered her mouth and laughed.

"Yechen really likes to nag repeatedly like an old man sometimes~"

Wei Meng joked while stretching:

"Hey, I seem to be able to see the picture of the children after Ye Chen breaking down and running wild because they can't stand his father's long-windedness!"

Even Ou Ke directly sided with everyone.

"Pfft, when you said that, I immediately imagined that kind of picture, hahaha!"

Seeing Oke, Weimon, Shia, Ferona, and Errigat giggling and laughing, Ye Chen shook his head helplessly and gave a wry smile.

"Oh, I really can't stand you..."

Then, he turned his face, and once again looked up with his partner at the rising golden sun in the distance of the sea.

In this splendid and sacred brilliance, in a trance, everyone in the Dawn Team seems to have seen the future that belongs to each other with their own eyes.

Peace, ease, comfort, happiness, ideals...

Of course, while everyone's heart is surging together, they all know it well...

No matter how beautiful the various pictures that come into the eyes and hearts appear, now, they are just a group of illusory fantasies after all.

But to turn these dreams into reality step by step...

From now on, the young hunters still need to continue to struggle, continue to cultivate, continue to fight, and continue to give full play to their value!

Until all the ugliness and darkness are dispelled away!

So, thinking of this, a pair of young and bright eyes emerged with clear highlights!

In this, there is both dazzling hope and fiery fighting spirit!

Now that the road ahead is clear, then the only thing left is to keep moving forward!

Defend the Light!

Destroy the abyss!

Carry out the hunter's mission to the end!

Finally, let the whole world usher in eternal prosperity!

in the past...

Now so...

So is the future!

At this moment, Oke, Weimon, Shia, Ferona, and Errigat looked up at the golden dawn on the other side of the sea, and they all believed so strongly in their hearts.


among the crowd...

Only Ye Chen, but not all.

Chapter 1370 Orion Hunter

Between the twilight of the sea and the sky, what Yechen sees is not only a bright future...

And the past.

The past that should have become "established facts"!

At this moment, the "revelation" scene I saw in my dream in the past has poured into Ye Chen's heart again from the depths of my memory!

It is an ideal land that has reshaped the fate of hundreds of millions of deceased people!

Here, there is no ugliness, no killing, no war, no crime, no regret, no tragedy...

Here, there is only infinite fairness and endless happiness!

Here, all the kind people who deserve to be treated kindly can be happy and healthy, have a happy reunion, and end their lives!

And such a pure and flawless paradise like a fairy tale...

This is the future that Ye Chen really wants to see now!

Even today, he still can't imagine what means will be used to turn such an idealized world into reality...

However, since the prophecy made by this and even the supreme "Book of Revelation", no matter how absurd the result is, Ye Chen's heart will always choose to believe it, and is willing to believe it.

Just because those scenes resounding in his heart through dreams are the only appeal in the deepest part of Yechen's soul!


As the "Revelation" said...

If Ye Chen wants to make all these impossible possible, then, from now on, he will still have to bear the title of "Bloodsmith Hunter" and continue to endure more life and death battles!

Moreover, compared to any experience in Ye Chen's past life, these death battles that exist in the future and have not yet happened are more difficult, cruel and painful!

Ye Chen, who thinks he has walked through countless hells on earth, has no way of imagining these scenes that are more terrifying than his past experiences!

However, even so, young people have nothing to fear.

Just because, in his heart, he always believed that no matter how dark this thorny road was, there would always be light at the end of it.

And this is the only direction that Ye Chen will pursue in the future!




In this way, time is like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles.

Time continues to move forward as usual.

The still intact world is running smoothly today.


Sand grass hidden domain.

Mu Zheng stood in the courtyard of his small tree house, carrying a basket of vegetable leaves, and bent over to feed all kinds of pets in the courtyard.

After a while, the old man hammered his sore waist, and then raised his head to look at the vast mountains and forests in the distance.

In a trance, the figure of the young man who was sent to a foreign land by himself, appeared in front of Mu's eyes again.

The world is still alive today, and the Holy Light is still prosperous, which shows that Yechen should have successfully overcome the inherent malice and instinct of the flesh...

However, in contrast, the abyss is also not extinct.

In this case, who knows how long the current stability and peace will last?

Mu Yao looked into the distance, fell into contemplation, and finally lowered his head and sighed, then turned around and paced, slowly returning to the shadow of the tree house.


Windmill Village.

The Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce was appointed by the government and is assisting the local church in distributing living materials to the villagers.

The boss, Tang Bo, sat inside the train, supervising his staff to carry things up and down the train, while holding the phone and greeting his daughter who was studying at Hunter College.

For her father's earnest nagging and admonitions, her daughter Tang Guo's attitude seemed very impatient.

This phenomenon made Tang Bo nostalgic for that lovely child who had not yet entered the rebellious period a few years ago.

Recently, he suddenly came up with the novel idea of ​​wanting Ye Chen to take the time to go to Hunter Academy to teach his daughter.

It's just that Ye Chen has been very busy recently, and Tang Bo didn't even have a chance to contact him, so he can only put this idea aside for the time being.

Tang Bo, who had finished talking with his daughter, put down the phone and began to pray silently in his heart.

I hope that my stupid daughter, who is determined to become a hunter, will not really have the opportunity to go to those terrible battlefields in the future.


Beacon of Truth.

The director of the research institute, Mapleton, his assistant Lan Bin, and a series of researchers stood on the top floor of the observation tower, looking up at the mushroom clouds that were blooming one after another on the other side of the desert through the strict protective windows.

After appreciating a series of excellent performances of the new hydrogen bomb, the members of the research team applauded and celebrated, and the tired and haggard faces were all a little more bloody because of excitement.

Only Mapleton's expression remained calm throughout.

Because he understands that the killing of mere nuclear weapons is still too weak for the abyss.

In order to maximize the mortal combat power of the Order Army, the scientific research team led by Mapleton will still have to continue to work overtime with the determination to die from overwork tomorrow, and continue to improve the power of science and technology as much as possible.


Hunter Town.

As a first-tier metropolis at the forefront of the Holy Light Pure Land economy, this city that started at the foot of the hunting group is also prosperous today.

The armed workshop specially designed for hunters in the workshop street is still entertaining all kinds of customers today as always, most of them are new hunters who have just started their jobs and lack suitable weapons.

Among these armed workshops, the two most popular merchants of cold weapons and hot weapons are Weiming Knife Workshop and Clingwood Gun Workshop.

Only because the tenth seat of the active-duty hunter had chosen them when he was a rookie.

So, when the two shopkeepers advertised these facts, Wiming Knives and Clingwood Gunsmiths naturally became a priority for all new hunters.


Hunter Academy.

The vigorous reading and shouting of the boys and girls echoed in the huge academy as always.

The tutors of various disciplines diligently guide the students in each other's classrooms, hoping that the knowledge they impart will improve the students' survival rate on the battlefield in the future, and at the same time hope that the war will end as soon as possible so that the students will have no chance to use them in the future.

Principal Dundo Cuomo and teacher Clifford were sitting in the principal's room, and the two began to discuss the special event of inviting the former student Dawnbreaker team to give lectures at the school. Presumably everyone in the academy would welcome each other.

Of course, in order to realize this wonderful plan, we have to wait for Ye Chen and his teammates to finish their current tasks.


Hunter's Peak.

The Oring Hunting Group still maintains the organizational operation policy during the special period.

Active-duty hunters live, train, stay, and stand by on and off the mountain.

Civilian members stay at their respective jobs, conscientiously focused and meticulous.

The rising star who just obtained the exchange qualification walked into the gate of the Hall of Relics in high spirits.

The potion shops headed by the Crow Alchemy Shop have once again welcomed new customers.

Patients who had been wounded in the war but had not yet recovered are still working hard in rehabilitation training in the sanatorium.

There are still figures of the living who came to mourn the deceased with pure land flowers in their hands in the hunter cemetery.

The hunting group management executives of the various departments are busy every day, and they have to hold group meetings every so often to report important work progress in all aspects, raise all vigilant issues, and then discuss the corresponding solutions together.

All in all, everything is in order and stable as Mount Tai.


Holy Light City.

As the only capital at the peak of the administrative power of the Holy Light Pure Land, this church city born in the swaddling clothes of the gods is still brilliant today.

Believers in white clothes walk on the circular avenue, look up at the Holy Light House from time to time, and then bow their heads in their hearts to silently pray for the future of mankind.

The well-armed Holy Light Knights group is stationed in all positions in the city, always ready to defend against foreign enemies from the sky, and dare to prove to the world that life is the person of the church, and death is the soul of the Holy Light.

The young and promising knight Yingnuo sat in the training hall of the monastery, watching the palm of his hand with joy, pure and pure, the elemental holy power that turned into a flame fluid, and he was ready to take over at any time because his grandfather had an accident. The mental preparation for the position of a generation of fire riders.


Church headquarters.

Pope Yosef and the Supreme Knight Amentine sat in the first and second seats of the Round Table Chamber respectively.

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