First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 52

But if they do this, will there still be a place for the sages of Confucius and Mencius in the future?Does the Confucian education have to be decided by the emperor?

its not right!

How can he be the emperor?

The emperor should be His Royal Highness Cheng Wang!

Luo Guanzhong shook his head vigorously, but even so, he also knew one thing clearly, Zhu Yuanzhang's means and magnanimity were far beyond what Zhang Shicheng could match.

This is a character, a very powerful character!

It's just that in their conversation, their attitude towards literati, they still think about running their own schools and cultivating talents... but they are far inferior to Corporal Cheng Wang Lixian!

So I would rather follow King Cheng than help someone surnamed Zhu.

Moreover, most of the people of insight in the world will, like me and my teacher, turn to King Cheng, a wise king... Although the surname Zhu has a lot of ambition, he will definitely fail, for sure!

Luo Guanzhong regained his energy and stabilized his mind.Coincidentally, Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile: "Mr. Luo thinks that we run schools to cultivate talents, what's the idea?"

Luo Guanzhong pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "There have been imperial schools in all dynasties, even the Yuan court is the same. It is only natural for the country to cultivate talents for its own use!"

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "Then what if the focus is on practice and the study of classics is secondary?"

Luo Guanzhong was shocked, and hurriedly said: "Virtue comes first, how can we not cultivate virtue, but only cultivate talent? I thought that doing so would only deviate from the teachings of sages, which is not a wise move!"

Obviously, although there have been official schools in all dynasties, the content of learning is not up to the emperors of all dynasties. Naturally, it is self-evident what kind of talents are cultivated.

Zhang Ximeng also wanted to have a chat with Luo Guanzhong to see how this guy is... Guo Ying came in from the outside.

"My lord, sir, Bai Jing'en has already been sent to the execution ground, people from all directions have come, there are a lot of people!"

Zhu Yuanzhang hurriedly asked: "How is it? Is there anything wrong?"

After all, Bai Jing'en's official reputation is not bad, if beheading him causes dissatisfaction among the people and conflicts break out, it will be difficult to handle.

Guo Ying scratched her head, "The superiors, the humble officials, feel that the common people don't seem to be complaining for Bai Jingen, on the contrary, they are here to take revenge!"


Lao Zhu was also surprised, didn't he say that Bai Jingen's official voice is not bad?

Why are there so many people coming to him to settle accounts?

Is this good official also a fake?

Lao Zhu immediately became interested, "Sir, let's go and have a look."

Zhang Ximeng agreed and hurriedly followed Zhu Yuanzhang.Luo Guanzhong also followed behind, and before he even got to the execution ground, he saw a crowd of people rushing towards him like a tide.

Don't look at His Majesty Lao Luo, there are hundreds of thousands of troops at every turn, boundless... But when he really faces thousands of people, his brain is suddenly not enough.

It was densely packed, similar to an ant nest, and the pressure was too great, cold sweat broke out on Luo Guanzhong's back.

As for Bai Jing'en, who was escorted to the execution ground, he was extremely surprised at this moment and couldn't figure it out at all.

In fear, with strong anger.

They are all a bunch of troublemakers!

Like Zhu Yuanzhang and the others, they are born rebels, and they are rebellious all over!

This official has worked hard and treated you so well, but you actually repay your kindness with revenge, you really have no conscience!

He was angry, Bai Jingen felt that he would rather die than be a hero of the Great Yuan Dynasty, he was fearless, and even wanted to recite a righteous song!

"I am not ashamed of the world and my conscience! In the eighth year of Zhengzheng, there was a severe drought in Chuzhou. I personally opened a warehouse to release grain, prayed for rain for ten days, and finally rained from the sky, saving 10 people! You are going to kill me. What's the difference between killing your parents? Say it!"

Bai Jingen yelled fiercely, but he was also somewhat confident.

However, his questioning did not get the understanding of the people. On the contrary, among the crowd, the discussion became louder. The big guy was full of anger, pointing and cursing non-stop, and flames could be shot out of his eyes.

"Sure enough, they are a group of foolish men and women who can only be bewitched by others. They can't even tell the good from the bad. I have no shame in my heart. If you want to kill them, you can kill them. Just let me face the direction of Dadu!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Jing'en actually planned to struggle and turn his head to look at his master, so as to die loyally.

Luo Guanzhong looked at the densely packed crowd, and at the very passionate Bai Jing'en, he couldn't help admiring him.

This person is also a loyal man!

However, the way is different and they are not conspiring with each other, but he has no way to speak up and save his life.

Just when Luo Guanzhong was sighing, Zhang Ximeng accompanied Zhu Yuanzhang to the middle of the execution ground.

Bai Jing'en mustered up his courage, and cursed loudly, "Red thief, you are bullying and rebelling! There will be no good end! The imperial court's army of one million will go south soon, smash you and wait for me, avenge me!"

He roared sharply, as if using all the strength in his body.

Zhang Ximeng remained calm, just sneered.

"My lord, let's invite a few people to come up and let them speak freely. Anyway, it's still a while before three o'clock in the afternoon!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, and after a while, a middle-aged man squeezed out from the crowd. He was very thin, with only a piece of skin covering the bones.

But when he came up, he was aggressive, with inexplicable grief and indignation!

"Bastard! How dare you brag about opening a porridge factory and praying for rain? The blood of the common people is boiled in the pot!"

After saying this, he turned his head and kowtowed to Zhu Yuanzhang, crying and telling the whole story... Lao Zhu listened, and Zhang Ximeng also listened, and gradually, he became angry.But Bai Jing'en, who was still arrogant just now, unexpectedly changed color, and trembled involuntarily.

Floods and droughts at the end of the Yuan Dynasty never stopped, and Chuzhou was no exception.

After the drought, Bai Jingen did as he said, opened a porridge factory, and went to the temple to pray for rain every day... The common people were grateful at first, but gradually, they felt something was wrong.

It is obviously a disaster year, and the land rent and tax should be paid less and postponed, but Chuzhou is paying more and earlier than usual... Many tenant farmers couldn't bear it and became refugees.

They went to the porridge factory to beg for food, but the porridge factory only opened for a short time in the morning. Except for a few young and strong, the old, weak, women and children couldn't grab it.

In a porridge factory, people starve to death every day, at most, more than 30 people!

Later, I heard that there was food coming in, but there was no relief. After a drought, thousands of people died of starvation in Chuzhou. In the countryside and villages, there were new graves, and some families starved to death. !

"Your Majesty, don't be fooled by this bastard! He's just doing face-saving work... Those who collect taxes and collect land rent are those big households. Also, the relief food from outside also falls into the hands of big households. They don't care. Sending it to the common people is just to watch the big guy starve to death, and then take away the big guy's land!"

"Your Majesty, no one can make decisions for the little people!" The thin middle-aged man cried until he couldn't make a sound, "My parents, my three children, all starved to death! I, I am not human! In order to survive, I, I exchanged... for a dead child! I should go to hell!"

When this man said this, he suddenly tore open his clothes, grabbed the bony bones with his hands, and within a few strokes, his flesh and blood... He seemed to be crazy, as if he wanted to take out his heart!

Zhu Yuanzhang was shocked and hurriedly asked Guo Ying to stop him.

Starting from this person, people have stepped forward one after another, including the servants of the yamen, the servants of the rich family, and many ordinary people... The official reputation is good, and it is not what the big family said!

Where are the real poor people qualified to speak?

It's not the same as wormwood!

If Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't seen Zhu Yuanzhang sincerely doing things for the common people, killing wealthy gentry and corrupt officials, and wanting to suppress bandits and divide the land... the big guy dare not say it even if he dies!

"Superior, avenge us!"

"Superior! Kill him!"


As everyone pointed out, Bai Jingen was already lying there, shaking his head desperately, but his sweat was pouring down like rain.

Zhu Yuanzhang gritted his teeth and sneered slightly, "It's cheaper to kill him! Skin this beast for us! Let's see how he can deceive the world!"

Chapter 78 Luo Guanzhong Steals Books

Lao Zhu's behavior since he entered the city has not exceeded the scope of the Yue family army.Deal fairly and treat people kindly.

Absolutely the posture of a king teacher, but that's all.

After all, what the common people like most is a peaceful life without any fighting.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang has announced the equal distribution of farmland and the eradication of exorbitant taxes... But these are just claims, who knows if they can be implemented?

The long-term squeeze has reduced the confidence of ordinary people to a negative value.

I'd rather believe in the ghosts in the temple than in the yamen's mouth!

Between the officials and the people, there has long been an enemy. Who can guarantee that this group of red scarves will not be next?

Even if Zhu Yuanzhang dealt with a group of people, it did not completely dispel the doubts of the people.

But when Bai Jingen was escorted to the execution ground, the ice of Bai Jingen's confidence finally melted completely!

They began to believe that the man in front of them could change them, follow their ideas, and do what they wanted!

This man is his own!


This beast must be skinned!

Perhaps this method will make some people feel that it is too cruel, such as Luo Guanzhong who witnessed all this.

But the anger of the people has long been unstoppable.

Just in the past few years, disasters, conscription, and food and labor... More than [-] people died around Chuzhou, and they changed their children to eat!

The four words in the book are the daily life of every disaster!

There are too many ordinary people who live like ghosts, they can no longer be called human beings.

If Bai Jing'en was just killed lightly, how could he be worthy of those children who became meat in the pot?

Peel the skin!

It's cheap, Bai Jingen!

On behalf of Yuan Ting, he colluded with local wealthy families, how many bad things did he do, and how many people were harmed?There are too many to count!

It's hard for this bastard to act, to lie, and to pretend to be a good guy.

Tear off his face today!

Look at his heart, how dark it is!

Zhang Ximeng watched everything silently, and he also felt that skinning was too cruel.But this is Lao Zhu's method to deal with corrupt officials in the future, and it is no surprise that he uses it now.

It's just that when he noticed the stern voices and tearful expressions of the people... Zhang Ximeng suddenly realized one thing: Lao Zhu's civil servants and generals were harsh, they stripped their skins and grass, exterminated the nine clans, set up a big prison, and implicated several people at every turn. million people...

May I ask, how can Lao Zhu still sit on the dragon chair after so much tossing around?

Didn't those famous generals who founded the country ever think of rebelling with heavy troops in their hands?

Maybe I thought about it!

But I'm sorry, Lao Zhu's ruthlessness is just in line with people's hearts... Zhu Yuanzhang does not rely on Huaixi military generals, not on Zhejiang Eastern literati, but on thousands of Li people!

This is where Zhu Yuanzhang's confidence lies.

Among the ancient emperors, Lao Zhu could almost securely be at the top of the list for being so trusted by the people.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ximeng had a new understanding of his lord's strength.

Fortunately, I didn't overestimate my strength and fight with him!

Otherwise, I don't know how he died.

"My lord, now that Bai Jingen's true face has been found out, the rich merchants and cronies of government officials who have colluded with Bai Jingen, don't be merciful. After investigating to the end, they will be executed as soon as possible, following the people's will!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded, "Okay, let's do it like this!"

Bai Jing'en got what he deserved. A piece of human skin was peeled off and hung on the flagpole... As for his body, it fell into the hands of the common people and was left to be disposed of. Needless to say, there was no need to say anything about the result.

Lao Zhu returned to the Yamen lobby, his body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of evil spirit, making people lower their heads unconsciously and their hearts beating wildly.Luo Guanzhong was like this, he didn't even dare to raise his head.

Who can provoke this evil star?

However, Lao Zhu thought of him, and Zhu Yuanzhang looked sincere, "Mr. Luo, I want you to read these, just to tell you about our determination to govern the local area, and our thunderbolt methods... How about it, tell me, let's compare How about King Cheng of Gaoyou?"

Old Zhu Da Ma Jin Dao asked with a smile.

Luo Guanzhong has mixed feelings... No matter what, Zhang Shicheng can't do the thing of skinning people alive.

In terms of courage and means, Zhang Shicheng is much weaker than Zhu Yuanzhang.

But Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't accept a master like Zhu Yuanzhang.

A companion is like a tiger, this is a man-eating tiger, it's too scary!

"King Cheng, King Cheng convinces people with virtue, gathers people's hearts with benevolence and righteousness, and is in harmony with the upper and lower levels. It is a different situation." Luo Guanzhong paused at this point, not daring to poke Zhu Yuanzhang's lung tube.

But everyone understands that the next half of the sentence is that you, surnamed Zhu, subdue people with fierceness and commit murder. You are unkind and unrighteous, and are not as good as our King Cheng.

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