First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 53

Zhu Yuanzhang was not angry, but laughed loudly and said: "Sir, what you said is wrong! We can not only kill people, but also cultivate talents. Sir, you have read a lot, so follow us! Gaoyou City will be captured by the Yuan army sooner or later, why do you bother?" Go back and die! That's it, let's prepare this school, you come to help."

Old Zhu turned his head to look at Zhang Ximeng, and said with a smile, "What position can I give Mr. Luo?"

Zhang Ximeng thought: "Why don't we call it the University Festival Bar!"

"University sacrificial wine? How do you say it?"

Zhang Ximeng said: "In the past dynasties, there have been Guozijian Jijiu in charge of the method of education and cultivation of talents for the country. Taixue is also the highest institution of learning, gathering talents from all over the country. Now the lord is only in Chuzhou, which is naturally a little worse than Taixue, so we can only resign ourselves to it , called a university."

Zhu Yuanzhang clapped his hands and laughed, "Okay, that's a good name! Mr. Luo, that's all you need to do. Later, we will give you a big seal and take office immediately!"

Having said that, Lao Zhu got up and left without giving Luo Guanzhong a chance to refute.

Lao Luo is crying, what kind of bullshit university, is it a little bit worse?

He saw Zhang Ximeng at a glance, rushed over immediately, and said angrily, "Isn't it too inappropriate for General Zhu to do things like this?"

Zhang Ximeng said: "Brother Luo, the lord is talented, you can see clearly, we are short of scribes here, so you can do it anyway! Trust my judgment, following the lord is much better than following the short-sighted Zhang Shicheng."

Luo Guanzhong became anxious, and blamed him: "You, how can you say that King Cheng is short-sighted?"

"Hahaha!" Zhang Ximeng laughed loudly, "Zhang Shicheng started his business with [-] poles, of course he was proud. But he soon gathered tens of thousands of people, and he didn't want to make progress. The Yuan army ordered An, and he was only willing to give it to [-] households. Zhang Shicheng was dissatisfied, That’s when Gaoyou was captured. If he really had ambitions, he should have taken up the banner and expelled the barbarians. However, judging from his behavior, he is really petty and not worth mentioning!”

After Zhang Ximeng finished speaking, he also swaggered away!

Luo Guanzhong was disturbed by these two people and turned around a thousand times.

The most powerful thing in the world is not rhetoric, but the truth.

Zhu Yuanzhang's means and demeanor are absolutely domineering.

Zhang Ximeng said that Zhang Shicheng is not good, and it is not groundless, just talking nonsense.

But the question is if Zhang Shicheng can't do it, should he take refuge in Zhu Yuanzhang?

Also help him cultivate literati?

I can't!

The protagonist that Luo Guanzhong wanted to help was not a ruthless person like Zhu Yuanzhang who would be skinned at every turn... But he didn't have the courage to refuse directly!

Luo Guanzhong really wanted to make a mouthful of himself, but it was really useless.

You really failed King Cheng's trust, damn it.

But no matter what, Luo Guanzhong was panicked and at a loss.

He had no idea, but Lao Zhu made arrangements for him clearly.

Soon Guo Ying sent some book lists, and told Luo Guanzhong, "The superior and Mr. Zhang went to thoroughly investigate those big households who have colluded with Bai Jingen. There are too many things to take care of Mr. for a while. Mr. read books here , Think about how you want to teach. Later, I will send some official documents and government orders from the superior, so that the master can understand the mind of the lord as soon as possible."

After Guo Ying confessed, he left some snacks for Luo Guanzhong and left.

On Zhu Yuanzhang's side, from top to bottom, everyone likes the overlord to force his bow!

Did I say I want to work for you?

Luo Guanzhong was so angry that he couldn't read the book and didn't want to eat snacks. He was just thinking about how to get out...but he fell into the tiger's mouth and wanted to run, but there was no way!

There were guards outside until evening, when Guo Ying rushed over and brought a large stack of manuscripts.

Luo Guanzhong was so bored, he thought he could just take a look, and see what Zhu Yuanzhang is!

He flipped through it casually, rummaging through it, and suddenly found a letter!

Looking at the envelope again, it turned out to be written by Zhao Junyong.

Luo Guanzhong's heart was beating wildly, what's going on?

Could it be that he accidentally sneaked in while picking up official documents?

He hurriedly looked around, and then looked outside through the window to make sure there was nothing unusual. Then he suppressed his emotions and began to watch... Before he saw half of it, his blood pressure went up again!

It's bad, it turned out that Zhao Jun used Zhu Yuanzhang to attack Gaoyou together!

Zhao Junyong even said that the Yushi doctor of the Yuan court would also send troops to respond to Timur first, and marched in three directions, and there was no disadvantage... It's broken, it's terrible!

Luo Guanzhong was already terrified, Zhu Yuanzhang was a ruthless man, and Zhao Junyong would not give up too much, plus Yuan Ting, the three-party alliance, Gaoyou is in danger!

It's just that I'm trapped in Chuzhou now, and I can't go back to inform King Cheng, what should I do?

Luo Guanzhong was so anxious that he circled back and forth, and he was afraid that the people on Zhu Yuanzhang's side would know that he had seen something he shouldn't have seen, which made him very anxious.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and suddenly, there was a shout of killing outside, followed by the flames soaring into the sky... What's going on?Could it be that there was a fight?

Out of curiosity, Luo Guanzhong heard soldiers yelling outside, saying that the Hao clan had caused a rebellion, and they should go and quell the rebellion.

When the guards heard this, they all followed suit.

Luo Guanzhong walked out cautiously, but there was no one outside?

One step, two steps, three steps... nothing happened.

Luo Guanzhong was overjoyed, turned his head and rushed in, stuffed the secret letter into his bosom, and left the magistrate's yamen.Not far away, I saw a red scarf army coming.

In his haste, he quickly shouted: "I am the university priest appointed by the superior, there are thieves making trouble, you go and put it down!"

The soldiers came over, asked a few words, and found that it was true, and saw that Luo Guanzhong had no horses, so he spared a horse and gave him a command flag to protect himself.

Luo Guanzhong almost wanted to laugh three times. He rode on the horse, took the command flag, and left Chuzhou easily. After identifying the direction, he ran down. After galloping all night, he should have left Zhu Yuanzhang's territory.He just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but when he inquired, it turned out to be in Liang County.

Luo Guanzhong was dumbfounded, he should go east, why did he go west?

Helpless, he turned around again, the horses were too tired, and he was afraid of being intercepted by pursuers... Luo Guanzhong was miserable, and he returned to Gaoyou in embarrassment after running around for ten days.

Fortunately, the letter in his arms is still there, and he can still explain it to King Cheng.

Chapter 79 Another Success

Lao Zhu rubbed his temples and rolled his eyes, "This is what you call a great talent in the world? Why can't you even recognize the way? He ran to the east and then to the west. If this is under our command, if he beats the dog, he will not be kicked out." chicken?"

Zhang Ximeng grinned wryly, and he couldn't do anything about it, Lao Luo was a famous road idiot, even Guan Erye was ordered by him to run around the world, and ran in the wrong direction, it was nothing more than a trivial matter.

"My lord, when this Mr. Luo was in the south of the Yangtze River, he wrote poems, lyrics, and plays. He is quite famous among talented scholars."

Zhu Yuanzhang frowned, and said again: "Since he has some skills, can he see through our tricks? In case Zhang Shicheng is unwilling to let Liuhe go, do we have to fight them head-on?"

Zhang Ximeng thought for a while and said with a smile: "My lord, I don't need to worry about this matter. This letter is just a spoonful of oil poured on the fire. In fact, we have already paved the way... Zhang Shicheng is smart, so he shouldn't be in trouble." ! As for Luo Guanzhong, he will also be willing to cooperate with us in singing a play!"

Undoubtedly, if I randomly got a letter of unknown origin and handed it to Luo Guanzhong, in order to deceive Zhang Shicheng, wouldn't it be like a dream!

But since Lao Luo came, how many programs have been prepared here?

Wu Datou's play, "Mu's Ancestral Hall" with the theme of crusade against the family, all show Lao Zhu's thoughts.

Then I asked Luo Guanzhong to watch the trial of Bai Jing'en, the people who shouted at the mountains and the tsunami, and the overwhelming public opinion... These actions all have rich meanings.

In fact, it can be seen from Luo Guanzhong's books that he has some talents, but he is also relatively conservative and traditional.Especially Luo Guanzhong has personally participated in the battle, but among the Three Kingdoms, he would rather devote his efforts to the generals who do not necessarily exist, rather than spend more time writing about ordinary soldiers.

In his writing, the small soldiers are assigned to the general to wave the flag and shout, and then follow them to cover up and kill for a while, which can't play any more role.

It should be said that deep down in his heart, at least he ignored the common people and was unwilling to face this largest and deepest force.

It's not about black Luo Guanzhong, it's just that most of the scholar-bureaucrats have this mentality.

But in Chuzhou, he saw the scene he least wanted to see.

Zhu Yuanzhang's great ambitions and strong methods are by no means as simple as overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty.If this person wins the world, I am afraid that all scholars will have a bad life.

That being the case, we must never let Cheng Wang and Zhu Yuanzhang get together, and let Cheng Wang know that this person has ulterior motives and wants to get involved in Gaoyou!Let the two completely break up.

This letter used by Zhao Jun is the best evidence.

At this time, Luo Guanzhong didn't care about whether there was a problem, even if there was something strange, he was willing to believe it, and he was more willing to let Zhang Shicheng believe it!

The ass decides the head, and Lao Luo is no exception.

"This little Zhu Chongba dares to set my mind on me! I really don't know what to do! I must go to Chuzhou and behead Zhu Yuanzhang!"

Zhang Shicheng gritted his teeth in anger. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, prominent cheekbones, and a black and shiny beard. He looked like a standard ruthless man.

When he was young, Zhang Shicheng made his fortune by selling illegal salt, and Yuan Ting tried his best to crack down on illegal salt. Once he was caught, he would end up miserable.Zhang Shicheng has dealt with Yuan Ting for many years, and has developed a cunning and tough character.

To be honest, he really doesn't think highly of Zhu Yuanzhang.

Dare to seek to seize Gaoyou, believe it or not, I will kill you first?

"Mr. Luo, you went there once, but tell me, how many soldiers are there with the surname Zhu?"

Luo Guanzhong quickly said: "Zhu Yuanzhang doesn't seem to have many soldiers in Chuzhou, only a few thousand, but..."

"but what?"

"However, Zhu Yuanzhang killed officials and rich families. There are many people in Chuzhou, and they seem to return to Zhu Yuanzhang. However, the powerful and powerful households may not be like this. There may be chaos after a long time. Zhu Yuanzhang is a grassroots bandit. How can he compare with the king? It's just that he attacked rashly at this moment, and his humble position is on the sidelines. Hua, it's hard to say what the outcome will be!" Seeing Zhang Shicheng's boss, Luo Guanzhong hesitated, and if he really called, everyone would know about his book theft.I vaguely feel that there may be something going on here, and I shouldn't take risks.

Zhang Shicheng's face was dark, he hated such ambiguous words the most.This group of literati is like this. They always want to be watertight and make no mistakes, but they don't know if it's useless, which is disappointing.

He could only put his eyes on his brother Zhang Jiuliu, as if he felt his brother's gaze, Zhang Jiuliu hurriedly said: "I know Zhu Yuanzhang. His name is Zhu Chongba. He is Guo Zixing's son-in-law. It's not worth mentioning. Zhao Junyong is a hero, he has a lot of soldiers and horses, and he has merged many of Peng Da's tribes. Moreover, this person is a wolf. It is not impossible for him to surrender to the Yuan Tartars and take the lead in attacking Gaoyou. !"

What Zhang Jiuliu said made Zhang Shicheng quite agree. In terms of fame and influence, Zhao Junyong was far above Zhu Yuanzhang. After all, Zhao Junyong and Zhang Shicheng were on the same level, both princes!

"In this way, as long as Zhao Junyong is blocked, Zhu Yuanzhang is no problem. On September 5000, you will lead [-] troops and go to Tianchang immediately to prevent Zhao Junyong from going south!"

Zhang Jiuliu immediately agreed, got up and went to dispatch troops.

Looking at his back, Luo Guanzhong hesitated in his heart. There is no doubt that Zhu Yuanzhang was much more dangerous than Zhao Junyong. No matter in terms of means or structure, including the civil servants and generals around him, Zhu Yuanzhang was even higher than Zhang Shicheng.

According to the reason, Zhu Yuanzhang should be attacked first.

The problem is that if Zhu Yuanzhang deliberately released this letter to himself, the army will definitely be besieged if it fails.

It's better to keep your mouth shut, King Cheng is willing to guard against Zhao Junyong, that would be the best, and it has nothing to do with him anyway.

Luo Guanzhong aspires to go back to his residence, take a bath, take a rest, drink a cup of tea, listen to a little song, and write something in the evening... After walking this trip by himself, his knowledge has greatly increased, and his writing is like a spring!

On Zhu Yuanzhang's side, a big soldier can rehearse a play and is quite popular, I don't believe it's not as good as you!

The brain circuits of people who code words are very peculiar, and the focus of attention is completely different.

And just when Luo Guanzhong was immersed in the beauty of words, Lao Zhu finally moved.

He personally selected 100 soldiers, all of whom were the best of the elite. [-] of them pretended to be ordinary merchants and mixed into Liuhe, and the rest followed him, all wearing armor and holding knives, preparing to capture Liuhe as quickly as possible.

"Superior, this matter should be left to the subordinates!"

Tang He asked to fight, and the Feng brothers also wanted to fight, and they all looked at Zhu Yuanzhang.

Old Zhu smiled slightly, "We all know what you're thinking. In the past two years, we have fought battles to defend the city, and battles to attack the fortress, but we haven't fought this kind of battle to capture the city at night, so don't worry about it. !"

Zhu Yuanzhang glanced at Zhang Ximeng and asked, "What do you think, sir?"

Zhang Ximeng hurriedly said: "My lord, I have already ordered more pork livers to be supplied to the army. Tang Qianhu's subordinates ate the most, and there are not many night-blind soldiers left. My lord selects the best from among the best, eight hundred soldiers, and the night-blind soldiers are already gone." There are not many, and there will be no chaos and collapse."

Lao Zhu nodded in satisfaction. Zhang Ximeng had done too many things in the army, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation. It was indeed a lot easier to have him around.

"Sir gave us reassurance, so there is nothing to worry about. We will lead you to a fight, and when you have experience in the future, you will be able to take charge of your own."

Seeing what Lao Zhu said, everyone was speechless.

Zhu Yuanzhang is such a person who likes to do things by himself, what else can he do!

What's more, what Lao Zhu said made sense, the big guy had never fought, and no one could afford it if something happened, only Lao Zhu could afford it.

Therefore, Lao Zhu mobilized Tang He, the Feng family brothers, Guo Ying, and some confidantes to participate in this battle together.

Little Liuhe, He Dehe Neng, to have more than half of the Huaixi nobles to serve him, this is such a small blessing!

Zhang Ximeng, on the other hand, did not follow, nor did Fei Ju and Hua Yun, who had other missions.

"After the lord captured Liuhe, one of you led the army to occupy Lai'an, and the other captured Quanjiao... In this way, the entire Chuzhou is under our control."

Fei Ju and Hua Yun nodded quickly, the big guys were gearing up and eager to try... Especially Fei Ju, thinking that when he followed Zhu Yuanzhang, he was the leader of nine husbands.

In less than a year, it has grown from a town to a county to a prefecture, with more and more soldiers and horses under him, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

This feeling is really wonderful.

If you follow the leader, you will have a future!

Zhang Ximeng sent Zhu Yuanzhang away and waited anxiously. Although he was full of confidence in Zhu Yuanzhang, he was still worried that something would happen, so that he didn't sleep well, and dark circles appeared under his eyes.

Finally on the third day, a rider flew to the knight's shoulder, carrying a red flag, and shouted loudly, "Good news!"

"Successful news! The upper ranks won't fight with blood, and take Liuhe lightly!"

"The superior takes Liuhe lightly!"

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