First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 51

You can go a thousand miles without accumulating steps, and all changes come from the accumulation of knowledge.

Lao Zhang's memoirs are just the beginning.

"You led the army to kill the Red Turban rebels and harmed the people. Your crimes are serious, and your death is not a pity! But because you have a good attitude of repentance and obeyed orders, so you are only sentenced to be beheaded."

Lao Zhu announced loudly.

Luo Guanzhong almost laughed out loud, what is this?To give you grace, I only cut off your head, and you thought you were going to be released?Anyway, they are all dead, so what's the difference?

Just when he was laughing at the absurdity and ignorance of old Zhu in his heart, Zhu Yuanzhang said slowly: "The sentence is suspended for five years to see the effect!"

At this time Zhang Ximeng said, "Old Zhang, the five-year probation is to give you five years to reform yourself. You must think about where to go! Understand?"

Lao Zhang kowtowed vigorously, made a loud noise, and was grateful, "The superior is kind, the superior is magnanimous... Lao Zhang understands that Lao Zhang must work hard, repent seriously, and be a new man."

He was very grateful, and some soldiers took Lao Zhang away and let him go to work.

Luo Guanzhong was dumbfounded. For the officials and generals who surrendered, they either pardoned their crimes and took them for their own use, or chopped off their heads to thank the world.I've never seen anything like this before.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is another deep meaning, but what is the deep meaning, but I can't figure it out... Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng, a pair of monarchs and ministers, can't help but become mysterious and profound.

At this time, someone brought the prefect Bai Jingen up again... and Luo Guanzhong also looked at the file in hand. This meaty Xiancheng seems to have a good official reputation. No need to ask, Lao Zhang can escape from death. Nothing will happen.

But at this moment, Zhang Ximeng suddenly said leisurely: "Bai Jing'en, you begged us not to kill the people and not to do anything reckless... But look now, is Chuzhou better or worse than it used to be? It's because we don't know how to govern. , or are you shielding corrupt officials?"

Startled, Bai Jingen raised his head to look at Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Ximeng who were sitting on it, a flame of anger surged deep in his eyes...

Chapter 76 Send Dayuan Loyal Officials on the Road

Bai Jingen was furious and almost had an attack, but in the end because of his status as a prisoner, he just let out a long sigh and bowed his head in silence.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought he knew he was wrong, so he sneered and said, "You said that you have a heart of caring for the people, but now the people support and praise in unison, the market is peaceful, and you live and work in peace and contentment, isn't it our credit?"

Hearing Lao Zhu calling himself "We", Bai Jing'en's anger was once again uncontrollable.

It turned out to be such a vulgar thing, do you know how to govern the people?

It's just relying on the self-respect of supporting soldiers and showing off their might.

After all, I have read the books of sages and sages for decades, and I have been an official in the court for many years, how can I surrender to bandits?

"Hmph! You are a rebellious thief, and the chaos in the world is all your fault. How dare you claim credit now?"


Old Zhu was furious, is this still a human word?

The world is in chaos, is it his fault?

The Yuan court acted against the law and regarded the people as worthless. After decades of oppression, the people were destitute.

That's why people who can't survive get angrily hit, and there are red scarves everywhere!

Now someone is talking nonsense with their eyes open, pushing the responsibility for the chaos in the world onto themselves, and this is still a person who is an official?

Could it be that what you read is confusing black and white, and what you are an official is devoid of conscience?

Lao Zhu's repressed anger could not be restrained. In order to get Chuzhou, he was too lenient to people. Some animals, not killing them would not be enough to calm his anger!

Zhu Yuanzhang looked around and was about to give an order.

At this time Zhang Ximeng stood up and smiled at Zhu Yuanzhang.

"My lord, please be safe and don't be impatient. Let me ask a few questions, so I can tell the heart of this person for my lord."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with a dark face, "Leave it to the master."

Zhang Ximeng stood up and said with a smile: "Bai Jing'en, I'm very curious. A few days ago, you surrendered naked. If the lord was a virtuous corporal and gave you a great favor, please ignore the past and assist the lord in governing the place and benefiting the people." People... will you agree?"

Bai Jingen was startled, will it?

In all fairness, yes!

After all, if you really want to be a loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty, you can fight against the city, or hang yourself on the beam, and if you can leave a letter and pray that Zhu Yuanzhang treats the people well, you have a conscience.

But the problem is that Zhu Yuanzhang did not treat him well, the prefect who has read poetry and books.

He loved the people so much, but was taken as a prisoner and held up.

It is especially hateful that he humiliated himself and said that he is better at governing the people than himself, which is unbearable!

"I am a loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty, how can I bend my knees to a thief?"

Hearing the kneeling thief, Lao Zhu became more and more angry. He simply turned his head to the side and handed it over to Zhang Ximeng.

Zhang Ximeng was calm, he said calmly: "You repeatedly said that we are thieves, so you regard Yuan Ting as orthodox?"

Bai Jing'en gritted his teeth, "Emperor Dayuan, inherited the virtues of heaven, swept the world, and ruled the world. We are all subjects of the Great Yuan, but I am a loyal minister, and you are rebellious sons!"


Zhang Ximeng couldn't help laughing loudly, "Bai Jing'en, what a loyal minister of the Yuan Dynasty! After all, although you are a Han, you can be an official in the Yuan court, and you are also a superior person. Not only you, but also your family, are living well." Very good, right?"

Bai Jingen was taken aback, what do you mean?Do you still want to hurt your family?

But his family is not here, you have miscalculated!

He just glared and didn't speak.

Zhang Ximeng continued: "Although the Yuan court was dominated by the Mongols in the Central Plains, bullying and oppressing the Han people, the life of the people in the south of the Yangtze River is nothing more than a donkey! But under the Mongols, there are a group of people who work for tigers, people who follow the power, and are willing to act as lackeys." ...Especially at this time when the Yuan court has lost all hearts and the heroes of the world are rising together!"

"It's back to the original question." Zhang Ximeng stared at Bai Jingen, and asked again: "If the lord treated you like a guest at the beginning, gave you face, gave you power, and let you continue to be a master, would you abandon Yuan Ting?" , change to the lord?"

Bai Jingen gritted his teeth, rattled, and trembled all over. He suddenly yelled, "Little thief, don't talk nonsense here, you're just dead! Kill me!"

Zhang Ximeng laughed loudly, turned his head, and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "My lord, the matter has become clear now...Bai Jingen is not a person, but a group of people. If they are loyal to the Yuan court, they may not be willing to replace Yuan. Let Ting die. Say they can win over, but they rely on their status and want to continue to be masters and domineering. How to describe them?"

Zhang Ximeng pondered for a moment, then suddenly thought of a sentence, couldn't help laughing and said: "Maybe this is a group of hypocritical sluts!"

When Zhang Ximeng said this, Luo Guanzhong, who had been watching, widened his eyes, what a brilliant summary!

It must be written down, and it will be useful in writing books in the future!

Zhu Yuanzhang was naturally overjoyed, Mr. Xiao is sharp!However, after a little deliberation, Lao Zhu seemed to have tasted something deeper.

"Sir, we came from a humble background. We used to be beggar monks. It seems reasonable for people to look down on us."

Zhang Ximeng said with a smile: "My lord, this is not only reasonable, it is simply very reasonable. Speaking of it, our enmity with Yuan Ting may not be greater than our enmity with these high-ranking scholar-bureaucrats!"

The voice was not high, but it sounded like thunder.

Zhang Ximeng hit the key point again.

The Red Scarf Army uprising at the end of the Yuan Dynasty naturally had three thousand tigers and scorpions reaching the land of Youyan, expelling the barbarians, and restoring China... But since it was a peasant uprising, it naturally included opposing the family landlords and demanding equalization of the rich and the poor, The claim that the tiller owns his land is included.

And in some cases, the latter is far more important than the former!

As the magistrate of the Yuan court, Bai Jing'en's status and value were much higher than that of Li Shanchang, and Li Shanchang had to go through beatings before he wholeheartedly cooperated with Lao Zhu.Bai Jingen did not approve of Zhu Yuanzhang so easily, and even simply said that the two of them were not in the same boat.

Of course, it is also possible for Zhu Yuanzhang to win back Bai Jingen's heart.

That is to be like Song Jiang, bowing at every turn.A high-ranking official with a generous salary, as an ancestor, guarantees prosperity and wealth... Maybe in exchange for Bai Jing'en's allegiance.

However, he may not be sincere, and most of them will point and point, with an air of aloofness.

Zhu Yuanzhang pondered over and over again, thinking over and over again, suddenly there was a feeling of enlightenment, he realized it!

The resentment that was still full just now disappeared quite a bit. He was no longer angry, but felt that Bai Jingen was contemptible and detestable, and he was a complete villain.

In history, after Lao Zhu conquered the world, he was extremely short of civil servants, so he recruited everywhere... It happened that there was a man named Xia Boqi, whose uncles and nephews were quite famous. The uncle and nephew discussed it and simply cut off the thumb.

Look, we're disabled, we can't work, we don't have to be drafted.

Faced with this situation, Lao Zhu was so angry that his lungs exploded, and his ruthlessness also came up. He mentioned his uncle and nephew to the capital, and a famous scene happened: Lao Zhu asked Xia Boqi, the world is in turmoil, where are your uncles and nephews?

If you take your father along to escape, will you help him?

Now the world is peaceful, you teach in your hometown with peace of mind, safe and comfortable, do you know what is reborn parents?

Lao Zhu's meaning is very clear, your uncles and nephews are like duckweed in the midst of war, lonely and helpless, full of sorrow and sorrow.It is I who unified the world and gave the people peace and health, so that you can survive until today.

As the father of the emperor, I have the grace of rebuilding you, and let you come out to be officials, because I think highly of you.

But you are not willing to repay your father, you would rather cut off your fingers than become my officials.

Well, if you don’t want to be an official and don’t want to repay your kindness, then don’t live in this world.

In a fit of anger, Lao Zhu chopped off all Xia's uncles and nephews, and ransacked their home.

This incident hit Lao Zhu very hard... He wrote it in "Da Gao", and once questioned the officials, if there were knights to help in the chaotic years, the people would be grateful and grateful, and they will never forget it.I beat Yuan Ting away and ruled the world, why are there so many people who don't know how to be grateful?

Could it be that the conscience has been eaten by dogs?

At that time, Lao Zhu was still a little confused and couldn't figure out the root cause of it, but it didn't prevent him from hating officials more and more. When he encountered corrupt officials, he would show no mercy.

In fact, as a latecomer, Lao Zhu's confusion is easy to explain.

In the process of destroying the Yuan and promoting the Ming Dynasty, although Lao Zhu made great contributions to the common people in the world, there were some dirty things attached to Yuan Ting, and he was unwilling to admit Lao Zhu.

This is not only because of Lao Zhu's humble background, but also because most of the policies he pursues are inclined to ordinary people.

And those high-ranking scholars compared it, and it seems that their life seems to be worse than that of the Yuan Dynasty.

The salary is low, there are fewer days off, no corruption, no oppression of the people, and if you make a mistake, you will lose your head... Is this tolerable?

They completely forgot that in the Yuan Dynasty, they were just the humble fourth-class people, the running dogs and slaves of the Yuan court.

Man is such a strange animal... Isn't it the same in later generations, some people who are not clear-headed recall the Shili Foreign Market, and dream of becoming concubine?

I think that era is the most beautiful!

I fantasize about a handsome warlord, wearing a neat woolen coat, and coming to meet her in an imported car.

People who have this dream should really understand what is the murder of a wife in the ancient city, and see how humble a woman lives!

"We understand that those who are not familiar with them will be those who are not familiar with them!" Old Zhu gritted his teeth, and said viciously, "Take Bai Jingen down and punish him! From now on, anyone who is willing to follow Yuan Ting, we All fulfill him!"

Some soldiers dragged Bai Jingen down. At this moment, Bai Jingen finally panicked. He didn't harm the people, he didn't kill anyone... Don't you pay attention to evidence?Why do you want to kill him without any real evidence?


Zhang Ximeng sneered, thinking about the goodness of the Yuan court like this, he should be buried with the Yuan Dynasty... Without them, the country can still be governed, and it will be even better!

As for the shortage of talents... Now that they have entered the city, running a school should also be put on the agenda.

Chapter 77 Skinning and Seeing the Heart

Under Zhang Shicheng's subordinates, Luo Guanzhong was also used to killing officials, hacking them to death with a single knife, so there was nothing unusual about it... But in Zhu Yuanzhang's place, Luo Guanzhong felt something different when facing this butcher knife held high, it was not right!

While he was still pondering, Zhang Ximeng had already stood up, and when he approached Zhu Yuanzhang, he didn't hesitate, and said directly: "My lord, if you want to reopen the universe and achieve an unprecedented great cause, you must show great courage and courage." ! Civil servants, officials and scholars under the Dayuan rule, of course we have to win over and reuse them, but for those who are hopeless and unwilling to change, we don’t need to bother, and it’s not worth making compromises with them. To deal with these people, we must Use an iron fist and strike hard! Of course, the lord also needs literati, so I boldly suggest to the lord that you can run a school and train yourself!"

"Cultivated by yourself?" Old Zhu's eyes lit up, of course he knew how much he had improved by studying with Zhang Ximeng during this time... He had imagined before that he would let his generals study to improve their horizons.Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with running a school and training civil servants!

Civil servants trained by themselves are naturally easier to use!

In fact, it is quite difficult for a civil servant of Bai Jingen's level to win them over... We must give them preferential treatment, allow officials and gentry to be exempted from taxes, be kind to their descendants, respect the Confucianism, and govern the country according to Confucianism.

All in all, you must keep their status in exchange for their assistance.

But the problem is that once these conditions are agreed, what should be done with the concepts that have been formed in Zhu Yuanzhang's army?

The most important land equalization system, should we still insist on it?

Once compromised, wouldn't their efforts be in vain!

Lao Zhu thought for a while, and finally nodded, with a relieved smile on his face, and sighed: "What you said is indeed a wise saying, we agree, and you have to work hard, Mr."

Zhang Ximeng smiled and said: "Master, you are being polite. There are tens of thousands of scholars in the world who are willing to follow Yuan Ting all the way to Hei. Those who don't want to change are in the minority. It's not difficult to do... Otherwise, the Lord can ask Mr. Luo?"

In a word, the matter was directed to Luo Guanzhong.

At this time, Lao Luo was still immersed in the huge shock, unable to extricate himself!

He even doubted his ears, what are these two people going to do?

Running a school?

Train civil servants?

What a big breath!

In the history of uprisings, it was a group of people who immediately conquered the country, seized the country, and then handed over the country to civil officials for governance.

It is precisely because of this that there is a situation where dynasties change and Confucian scholars are always on stage.

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