First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 14

Chapter 20 Rebellion

Jia Lu was originally sick... Under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, people were divided into three, six, and nine grades. Although some people in later generations denied it, saying that there was no document in the Yuan Dynasty to clearly stipulate four grades of people, and even in terms of employment, it was not the same. According to the so-called four-class division.But no one can deny that there was class discrimination in the Yuan Dynasty, and it was very serious.

When the Mongols beat the Han people, the Han people were not allowed to fight back, and if they were beaten to death, they only had to pay a little money, which was about the same as a donkey.Conversely, if the Han people rebel against the Mongols, they will be sentenced to death.

In fact, there is no need to argue about the text of the law. It can be seen from the names of the Han people in the Yuan Dynasty, Zhu Wusi, Zhang Jiuliu, Chen Jiusi... May I ask which dynasty the people named like this?

In the process of the Mongols conquering the world, the areas conquered first had a higher status, and the later they conquered, the lower they were. The people in the Southern Song Dynasty were undoubtedly the worst. Ordinary people didn’t even have a proper name. Usually the ages of the parents are added together, 23 plus 22, the child is called Siwu, and there is another variant, Wujiu 45, the child can also be called Wujiu.

Zhu Chongba's situation is a bit special, he is not called Chongba if the sum of his parents is 88.But his elder brother was called Zhu Chongsi, and then he used the heavy character generation and called Zhu Chongba.

Anyway, it's not a good name with profound meaning.

Just from this name, it can be seen that the people in the south of the Yuan Dynasty were miserable.

Of course, these are ordinary people, and the upper-class scholar-bureaucrats are still different.Especially after the Yuan Dynasty unified the world, there was a period of time when the cooperation between the Han people and the Yuan Dynasty emperor was considered tacit.

For example, Zhang Yanghao, because of his outstanding literary talent and reputation, he was supported and became an official in the court.

Then came the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Yuan Dynasty, which was a rare bright spot in the entire Yuan Dynasty. Under the promotion of Zhang Yanghao and others, the imperial examination was reopened, which gave Han officials a way to become an official.

But that's all. When Prime Minister Boyan came to power, he even asked to kill Zhang, Wang, Liu, Li, and Zhao, the five Han people with the surnames. Although they didn't approve, the contradiction has been made public, and the face has been torn apart. It's all right.

Although Jia Lu is not among the five surnames, he is also aware of the imperial court's suspicion of them, if that's all, it's fine.But with the rise of the Red Turban Army, the Great Yuan Dynasty was in turmoil. Will these Han officials also be buried with the Yuan Dynasty?

It would be embarrassing if the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty treated them kindly, but he regarded them as a threat.

In the past, Jia Lu could keep calm. The red scarves were a bunch of local thieves, and they couldn’t do anything. As long as they are suppressed, the world will be peaceful... This is not to say that Jia Lu is naive, but because of his position, it would be strange not to think so Woolen cloth!

However, the situation that he feared the most appeared. What did the Yuan Dynasty think? It was the Mongols’ business, but among the Red Scarf Army, there were voices to restore the Song Dynasty, and there were claims to restore their homeland...Zheng Sixiao, Lu You, Wen Tianxiang... When these names are mentioned again and again, and their poems are widely circulated, at that time, people like myself will become ugly, ruined, be reviled by future generations, and die without a place to die!

With a beard and white hair, how can he face the future generations and the elders in his hometown?

Unfavorable siege, pressure from the court, fear in the heart, and old age, all these superimpose, Jia Lu's illness is getting worse day by day.He managed to hold on, and patrolled the camp twice, but in the second time, just halfway through, he was in a dizzy situation. Fortunately, brother Yue Cha'er hugged him, otherwise he would have fallen off the horse.

Brother Yue Cha'er sent Jia Lu back to the handsome tent and told him to lie down.

"Boss, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, not to mention that we are only a small setback in a siege, so there is no need to worry."

Jia Lu knew Yuege Cha'er was comforting himself, but it was already rare for a Mongolian to have such a heart.

"This old man is overestimated. He thought he could quell the chaos for the imperial court, but he didn't expect that he would put his life on the line. General Yuege, help this old man up and give him a pen and paper. Only you picked it up."

Brother Yue Cha'er was slightly taken aback, he was not confused, and hurriedly said: "My lord, to put down chaos requires both wisdom and bravery, combining suppression and appeasement, I am just a brave man, I can only charge and kill in the battlefield, I must not be a commander in chief." Ah! The overall situation in Haozhou still needs to be borne by the boss, I can only help you, and I hope the boss will take good care of his body."

Yuege Cha'er refused again and again, and Jia Lu had no choice but to hold on... But the siege failed miserably, the commander was seriously ill, and the morale of the army was unstable, how could he hold on?

First of all, he didn't spend anything, this guy was not a good thing, he didn't have the courage to kill the red scarf, but he did have the courage to make a fortune by suppressing the bandits, and it was very big!

He killed everywhere, looted supplies, money and food, and forced Zhu Chongba to take refuge in the red scarf.

After Jia Lu arrived, he severely reprimanded Cheli Buhua, forcing him to restrain himself a lot.

But now that Jia Lu was frustrated, Cheli Buhua picked up traditional performing arts again. Not only did he plunder, but he also secretly sued Jia Lu, saying that Jia Lu was hesitating and hesitating, which gave the Haozhou red scarf respite. machine.

In order to prove that he is not a false accusation, Cheli Buhua also obtained four lines of poems, which are "Shower" handwritten by Jia Lu, which just shows that the old man has a heart in his heart and colludes with bandits.

Cheli didn't spend such a toss, did he lose his mind?

On the contrary, Cheli Buhua is too smart, he is now committing crimes and meritorious deeds, if Haozhou can't take it down, and Jia Lu is not allowed to take the blame, then he may be the one who loses his head.

After a lot of hard work, Yuan Ting was suspicious, and the army's morale was lax. The army outside Haozhou City was getting more and more difficult every day. Let alone attacking the city, being able to besiege Haozhou was considered pretty good.

People outside the city were panicked, and the city was not much better. As the siege time passed, a terrible situation appeared, and the city was short of food!

"I used to be able to give a catty of food every day. Ten days ago, I could only give half a catty. Now there are only four taels left!" Ma Shi complained for the first time. It's not easy for women either.

They need to dig trenches, wash clothes, cook, treat the wounded, and go on patrol at night. In order to let the soldiers sleep more, the women stay up all night.

"That's all. Yuan soldiers besieged the city. The inside and outside were blocked. The people inside shit and peed, and there were so many corpses that couldn't be transported out. Mr. Xiao explained several times that if the plague was not dealt with properly, Haozhou would be destroyed." It will be destroyed by itself." Ma sighed: "Now we have to dig a deep hole and bury it carefully. In this cold weather, the hole is full of mud and water, and big guys have to step on it with bare feet, even if they are men. How much can you bear?"

"We have to cut down on our food first. If we don't have enough to eat, and suffer from hunger and cold, what should we do with the big guys?"

Zhu Chongba sullenly, speechless.

It's not just Madam, he has been wronged even more.

There is a matter of not giving reinforcements and not giving ordnance ahead.

As the battle progressed, Guo Zixing became more and more stingy, especially when he asked Guo Tianxu to manage the ordnance, Lao Zhu was even more helpless.If Peng Da was not willing to help and sent a lot of things, Lao Zhu didn't know how to maintain it...

If it continues, Haozhou will be really difficult to hold.

Zhu Chongba proposed to send troops to try to break out of the siege, and also proposed to cross the Huaihe River and send a small group of troops to attack the Yuan army's rear... Without exception, Guo Zixing sternly rejected all of them.

Zhu Chongba was not reconciled, and ran to beg, hoping that the commander would agree.

Who knew that Guo Zixing not only disagreed, but also scolded Zhu Chongba severely, and brought up the previous incident of Tang He and Peng Zao living out of the city to kill the enemy, and warned Zhu Chongba that if he dared to let people go out of the city casually, he would go back to the commander. The mansion is the personal guard, and the soldiers are not allowed to defend the city!

This is to seize Lao Zhu's military power!

Guo Zixing couldn't see this righteous son-in-law continue to make meritorious service and enhance his prestige even more.

If it weren't for the sake of the soldiers and civilians in the city, Zhu Chongba really didn't want to follow Guo Zixing, there was no room for him to show his strength, his hands were tied, and his eyesight was short-sighted, which was really hopeful.

Zhang Ximeng got a glimpse of Zhu Chongba's mind, and decided to give it another push and leave the insects as soon as possible.

"Engong, the commander is not only guarding against you, but also the other commanders."

Guo Zixing was afraid of any threats, needless to say Peng Da and Zhao Junyong, the four generals headed by Sun Deya were also dissatisfied with Guo Zixing's superior attitude.

Originally they had a conflict with Peng Da, but Guo Zixing forced Sun Deya and Zhao Jun to get along well. In other words, Guo Zixing gradually put himself on the opposite side of everyone, and Zhu Chongba really had nothing to say to him. , Stupid out of a new realm.

What's more terrible is that the people around Guo Zixing didn't notice it at all. The young commander Guo Tianxu and his uncle Zhang Tianyou were chattering around Guo Zixing all day long, discussing things without even thinking about them.

This is true for the son-in-law, let alone other people.

"Mr. Xiao is right, the other marshals are not happy either."

"That's right, everyone unite!"

"United?" Zhu Zhongba asked in surprise.

"Yes, seize the opportunity, talk to those generals, enough to get Marshal Guo to agree. Yuan soldiers outside the city are also veterans, and there are many loopholes. Just now, someone ran over from the Yuan army camp, saying that the old man Jia Lu was sick. At this time, the chances of winning are not small, but..."

Zhu Chongba also agreed with Zhang Ximeng's judgment, "Just what?"

"It's just that the commander-in-chief may not have a big heart. Seeing that the benefactor betrayed him, he will definitely attack him. We can't stay in Haozhou, we must find a way out immediately!"

Zhu Chongba's body vibrated again, do he really want to part ways?


After a long time, Zhu Chongba said slowly: "It seems that I really want to find a way out, but I just need to think carefully." His gaze gradually became firmer, and he became assertive.


The night was shrouded in darkness, and in the commander-in-chief's mansion, Guo's father and son, as well as Zhang Tianyou, sat opposite each other, with four dishes and a jug of wine in front of them.

"Father, there is nothing delicious in the city, so we can only make do with it."

Guo Zixing reprimanded him coldly: "At this time, it's already too late to have wine and food!"

Guo Tianxu lowered his head and didn't say anything, but Zhang Tianyou smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, I've figured it out, if you don't pick it up, within half a month, Yuan soldiers will retreat... When they retreat, what do you want?"

Guo Zixing frowned slightly, thoughtful, but Zhang Tianyou leaned forward and smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I have made up my mind, and you will become king when the time comes. We won't be emperor, but being a prince is fine!"

Guo Zixing was taken aback, and suddenly felt a warm current surge in his chest and abdomen.


Can it work?

At this moment, someone suddenly reported in a hurry.

"Commander, Peng, Zhao, Sun, and several other commanders are here!"

Guo Zixing was startled, and hurriedly stood up. What are these people coming to do at night?

He hurried out, followed by Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou, their expressions were flustered... When they got outside, there were four people lined up in front of them.

Peng Da is in the middle, holding Zhao Junyong with his right hand, and Sun Deya is on Zhao Junyong's right hand.

And Peng Da's left hand was holding Zhu Chongba, and the four of them moved forward side by side, followed by the three Marshals Yu, Lu, and Pan, and the young Marshal Peng Zaozhu.

A total of eight people appeared boldly in front of the Shuai's mansion with a menacing aura.When Guo Zixing saw it, his face suddenly changed. Is this a rebellion?

Chapter 21 Kill Out

"It's finally come this far!"

Zhang Ximeng looked in the direction of the commander-in-chief's mansion, his heart was surging... From the very beginning, he used Han Gaozu to motivate Lao Zhu, and then he analyzed Guo Zixing's flaws.When the Yuan army was under pressure, Guo Zixing held back in every possible way, and did not give Zhu Chongba any room to display his strength.

In desperation, Lao Zhu communicated with Peng Da in private, and today, he and the other generals put pressure on Guo Zixing.

Along the way, I analyzed it in detail... But according to common sense, after the Yuan army was defeated, Guo Zixing continued to suppress Zhu Chongba. He couldn't tolerate this righteous son-in-law, and finally Zhu Chongba had to leave.

It is true in history.

It's just that with the addition of Zhang Ximeng, the progress of the matter is much faster.Lao Zhu has been able to grasp the general trend, so he can't wait to show his strength.As long as the Yuan army outside the city is defeated and the encirclement disappears, they will leave the city immediately. There is a vast world outside, and they can develop and grow at will.

It's not about getting rid of Guo Zixing immediately, but at least soldiers, horses and trophies are what they deserve, and they can't work in vain, because they can't get anything.

Although it seems rushed, but after a little thought, it is still logical.

Zhang Ximeng took a deep breath, it's time to act...

"Get up!"

Zhang Ximeng patted Mu Ying lightly to wake the little guy up from sleep, Mu Ying rubbed her eyes, saw that it was Zhang Ximeng, and asked, "Is the meal ready?"

Zhang Ximeng couldn't help but roll his eyes, it's the right thing to do.

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me out of the city, eat delicious food, drink spicy food, and never be hungry again."

Seeing Zhang Ximeng's staring eyes, Mu Ying hurriedly put on her clothes.

At this moment, the door opened and Ma Shi came in. She sat on the head of the bed with a worried look on her face.

"Sir, do we really want to leave Haozhou immediately? Chongba's disobedience to the commander-in-chief this time will indeed have serious consequences, but it won't be too embarrassing. I'll go and ask my godmother to give her a good word, maybe I can make it through. There is no need to rush out of the city. If we leave, but instead annoy the commander-in-chief and blame us, that would be bad."

Mrs. Ma is worried. She has been in Haozhou for so long, has a family and relatives, and it is not so easy to give up all of a sudden.

What's more, Guo Zixing was jealous and suppressed, who knows what he will do when he hears that Zhu Chongba is out of the city?There is also chaos outside the city, can you really drive away the Yuan army?

Not really sure.

Zhang Ximeng had no choice but to tell Ma Shishi: "Madam, a few days ago, Tang Qianhu arrested a Yuan army."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Hmm!" Zhang Ximeng said, "According to Yuan Jun's confession, Jia Lu is already seriously ill and unable to handle military affairs. The Yuan soldiers outside the city are distracted and in a mess."

Mrs. Ma was startled, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's difficult in the city, but I didn't expect the Yuan army outside the city to be like this...Mr. Xiao, this news can't be fake, right?"

Zhang Ximeng shook his head, "After getting the news, Engong asked Fei Ju to sneak out of the city, pretending to be a civilian husband, and sneaking into the Yuan army's camp. He just came back, Madam can ask him."

Mrs. Ma was taken aback. She had some impression of Fei Ju. That day, this guy took the lead to join Chongba.

Since it was arranged by Chongba, what else is there to say.

Mashi said in a deep voice: "So the Yuan Tartars are in a difficult situation, and it is a great thing to be relieved of the siege."

Zhang Ximeng didn't see it that way, "Ma'am, from what I've seen these days, all the heroes in the city can share adversity, but cannot share wealth. When Yuan soldiers retreat, the commanders must be in trouble, and benefactor defends the city and makes contributions." , quite popular among the people, it is bound to arouse the fear of the generals, and if you stay in Haozhou, you will inevitably be involved in the disputes between several generals, and your energy will be wasted, not to mention..."

Zhang Ximeng lowered his voice, "Ma'am, there are now 10,000+ people outside the city. If the benefactor wants to accomplish great things, he must have manpower. It is imperative to recruit and surrender. This opportunity must not be missed. Madam stays in the city. Given the commander-in-chief’s excuse to hold Engong hostage, it’s better to leave the city as soon as possible and let Engong let go to gather people, if the 10,000+ people are robbed by others, then Engong will suffer a lot.”

"What's more, from my point of view, the commander-in-chief is hard-working, and once the benefactor has enough troops, the commander-in-chief will not dare to do anything to him." Zhang Ximeng added, "I believe Benedict is a man, but I don't trust the commander in chief, especially the young commander in chief!"

Mrs. Ma couldn't help being terrified, Guo Tianxu became more and more suspicious of her husband, it's really hard to say what this guy did!

Judging from this meaning, it is indeed necessary to arrange a way out.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

"It's easy. My wife and I are mixed among the civilians. If the benefactor succeeds in defeating the Yuan soldiers, they will need to be transported and captured by hand. We will go out of the city. There is a town in the west of Haozhou called Linhuai, where we can temporarily settle down." Zhang Ximeng persuaded: "Madam, although the town is small, it is my own place after all, don't worry!"

Mashi lowered her neck, thought over and over again, and said: "Then, how many people can follow Chongba?"

This is the key, if no one is willing to follow, it will be over.

Zhang Ximeng smiled slightly, "Ma'am, there are still six to seven hundred soldiers under Tang Qianhu, and there are hundreds of defenders in the west city. There are also hundreds of young and strong peasants I recruited a few days ago. If you can capture and reorganize A few yuan troops are enough to make a difference."

Listening to Zhang Ximeng's calculation, it can be said to be very thorough.

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