First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 15

Mrs. Ma also nodded slightly. To be honest, she was looking forward to leaving the city more than Zhu Chongba. When she thought of Guo Tianxu's humble appearance, she wanted to slap that guy a few times.Ma Shi gritted his teeth and said: "Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, that's all."

The decision was made, and soon Zhang Ximeng, Ma Shi, and the little guy Mu Ying left the yard and left quietly. They didn't bring anything, and even the oil lamp in the house was still on.

Not long after Zhang Ximeng and the others left, Zhang Tianyou quietly appeared outside the small courtyard with a dozen of his cronies.He first poked the probe and found the light, and his heart immediately settled down.

The subordinates rushed to the door recklessly, Zhang Tianyou caught him immediately, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Young lady, please see me!" Xiao Bing grinned, "It's so cold, it's good to go inside to keep warm."

"Fool! I'll give you another pot of shochu!" Zhang Tianyou spat angrily, "Zhu Chongba hasn't left the city yet! After he's gone, let's invite the young lady into the commander's mansion to accompany the commander's wife well. understand?"

What kind of companionship is clearly under house arrest!

The soldiers could only agree again and again, "Understood, I understand!"

Zhang Tianyou had people watch the front and back, and then he sat down by the courtyard door with a smug sneer on his face.

Zhu Chongba, Zhu Chongba, eat inside and out!

You dare to collude with Peng Da and the others to force the palace, you simply don't pay attention to the commander in chief.

I shouldn't have married the beautiful Miss Ma to you in the first place!

Even marrying a dog or an eagle is much better than marrying a white-eyed wolf!

But you don't have to be complacent, aren't you going out of town?Isn't it said that fighter jets are rare?

Alright, I'll let you fight Yuanbing, regardless of victory or defeat, your mother-in-law is in our hands, so you can only be obedient!Don't worry, Zhu Chongba, you can't escape our palm.

It has to be said that some people are naturally good at playing tricks.

Zhang Tianyou sat down in the corner, thinking of Zhu Chongba's bad luck, he almost laughed out loud, he quickly covered his mouth, and waited happily.

At this moment, Zhu Chongba was frowning slightly, recalling the scene when he faced Guo Zixing an hour ago... He and Peng Da and others asked for a battle, asked to go out of the city, and set off the camp of the Yuan army.

He, Zhu Chongba, openly disobeyed the commander-in-chief!

At that moment, Guo Zixing looked as if he had eaten two catties of flies.

He looked at Zhu Chongba, full of anger, disappointment, and complaints... He couldn't accept that the person he carried with him was standing with outsiders.

Did I marry my goddaughter to you in exchange for your betrayal?

If it wasn't for the presence of Peng Da, Zhao Junyong and others, Guo Zixing would have killed Zhu Chongba.

After a while, Guo Zixing suppressed his anger, "Leaving the city? Aren't you afraid of dying?"

Zhu Chongba's heart moved, and he knelt down on one knee, "Reporting to the commander, Yuan soldiers have not attacked the city for more than a month, the soldiers are slack, and there are flaws everywhere. Moreover, Jia Lu is already seriously ill, and the three armies have no commander. At this time, the Yuan soldiers are the last We are weak, and there is no food in the city, and spring plowing is imminent, if the Yuan soldiers cannot be driven away as soon as possible, the people of Haozhou will have no means of living, and I don’t know how many people will starve to death!"

Zhu Chongba thinks a little more than most people, he still misses spring plowing, and thinks about his father and fellow villagers.

After he made his statement, Peng Da and others immediately spoke up, and they all agreed with Zhu Chongba. In the whole Haozhou, only Guo Zixing became a loner.

And the culprit of everything is his righteous son-in-law Zhu Chongba!

"Okay, very good! Zhu Chongba, ask yourself, how does this commander treat you?"

Zhu Chongba was silent for a while, his forehead soaked with sweat. Guo Zixing was not only a commander in chief, but also a father-in-law, but also a benefactor.Before meeting Guo Zixing, Zhu Chongba was a precarious monk, and within a year of following Guo Zixing, he turned upside down.

It stands to reason that he should give his life to Guo Zixing, even if he was to die, he shouldn't hesitate.

But in such a world, Guo Zixing's tolerance is not enough to make things happen, so he just missed the opportunity?

What's more, Zhu Chongbai and others were not involved in the war... so many fathers and villagers risked their lives, the elder brother died, and the younger brother joined the army. Isn't the big guy just trying to drive away the Yuan soldiers and protect their homeland!

The opportunity is right in front of you, how can you miss it?

"Responding to the Commander-in-Chief's words, my lord treats the lowly position with great dignity, just for the safety of Haozhou. At this moment, we should attack resolutely, and we can't be afraid of the enemy and stop fighting!"

Zhu Chongba spoke his mind.

At this moment, Zhao Junyong actually took a step forward, "Marshal Guo, Zhu Chongba is right, the overall situation is the most important thing!"

Sun Deya also said: "That's right, Guo Shuai doesn't want to fight, so let us come and relieve the siege, which is also a good thing for Guo Shuai."

Everyone pointed their finger at Guo Zixing, and this Marshal Guo could no longer stop him.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to your good news!"

After this man finished speaking, he walked away in anger. He went to the back and sat down on the chair with his facial features distorted.The anger of betrayal, the loneliness of being out of control, rubbed him, making his resentment beyond words.

At this moment, Guo Tianxu and Zhang Tianyou changed their colors, and when they arrived in front of Guo Zixing, Zhang Tianyou gritted his teeth first and said, "Father commander, Zhu Chongba, a white-eyed wolf, finally betrayed father commander, I think he should be taken directly!"

Guo Zixing snorted angrily: "It's easy to say, how can he get it when he is with Peng Da's gang?"

"Then take Mashi!" Guo Tianxu gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't Zhu Chongba respecting his wife like a guest? If you catch Ma Shi, you won't have to worry about Zhu Chongba being disobedient!"

Guo Zixing was startled, Ma Shi was the daughter of his righteous brother, how could he catch her?

"You bastard!"

Zhang Tianyou next to him hurriedly said: "Brother-in-law, I think my nephew's idea is right. There is nothing wrong with the new daughter-in-law returning to her mother's house. Zhu Chongba is still loyal, so he will naturally obey orders. But he doesn't know how to repent, we There's no point in ruining a good girl."

Guo Tianxu nodded vigorously, what my uncle said was too right.

The two people kept persuading, Guo Zixing thought for a long time, and the anger couldn't be contained...then let's do it!


Zhu Chongba didn't know Guo Zixing's move yet, and he was still looking forward to it in his heart.

Waiting for Guo Zixing to show up in front of everyone, then raise his weapons high and take the lead in fighting...

Zhu Chongba swears to the sky that if this scene really happens, he is still willing to be loyal to Guo Zixing, be honest, and be a pawn of his father-in-law.

Zhu Chongba waited until the fourth watch, but Guo Zixing didn't make any movement. After all, he made a wrong payment!

It seemed that Guo Zixing already hated him to the core, and he had to leave the city to take refuge as soon as possible according to the method discussed with Zhang Ximeng.

At this moment, Peng Da and others have mobilized their troops.

Peng Da and Peng Zaozhu, father and son, commanded 7000 men and horses, fully armed, and Zhao Junyong also assembled 5000 men, betting all his family assets.

Sun Deya has more than 2000 troops, all of whom are Haozhou soldiers.

The remaining three generals also led their own troops, ready to fight.

Zhu Chongba didn't have many soldiers, only a thousand households in Tanghe, and some defenders, the total number was less than 3000, which was considered the weakest force.

But Peng Da respected Zhu Chongba so much that he even let him be the coach.

"Young Master Zhu, you are resourceful, just give orders!"

Zhu Chongba took a deep breath, "No matter how big the Yuan army is, as long as we break through a little bit, the whole army will be wiped out... We are willing to be the vanguard, Peng Shuai, Zhao Shuai, Sun Shuai, you follow closely, forming an overwhelming momentum, we must break through Yuan army camp. Before that, no one is allowed to covet spoils, mess up the position, and affect the overall situation!"

Peng Da looked at the other people, and everyone nodded together.

"Don't worry, we understand!"

Zhu Chongba didn't have anything to say, he just counted his subordinates, armors, weapons, and was meticulous... But he was still worried, wondering if his wife was going well?

At this moment, a man suddenly brought a horse to Zhu Chongba.

"Please get on the horse!"

Zhu Chongba frowned, the voice was so familiar to him, he turned his head hastily, and just saw Madam Ma...Old Zhu put his heart in his stomach all of a sudden, with a relieved smile on his face, he could finally kill with confidence up!

Chapter 22 The Unstoppable Zhu Zhongba

The sky is slightly brighter, the cold wind is blowing, and there is a hint of coolness.

The morning of spring is the best time for sweet dreams.Even the soldiers who watched the night, after a night of torment, curled up at this time, breathed heavily, and fell asleep.

Zhu Chongba chose a time when the enemy was most relaxed, and launched an offensive.

At this time, the sky is already bright, and I can see the direction clearly, so I won't run around like headless chickens.At the level of the Haozhou Red Turban, no effective night raid has yet been organized.

It has to be said that Zhu Chongba chose the best time to maximize his strengths and avoid weaknesses.

All the soldiers who went out to the battle only ate half full, and then they gripped their weapons tightly and got ready for battle.

Suddenly, the drums sounded, the city gates opened, and the drawbridge fell.

Zhu Chongba was the first to rush out.

Horses, iron armor, long swords.

Banner, drum horn, shocking.

Zhu Chongba is like rushing to the thunder. It turned out that he rushed to kill the enemy, and he was also at the top level, not weaker than a famous general in the world.Although he is still the head of the nine husbands, he is so majestic and majestic, how is it unusual!

Tang He and Fei Ju followed Zhu Chongba to the left and right, protecting Lao Zhu like the second general Heng Ha.Behind them, there are three thousand Huaixi men, each of them glaring and frowning, and running wildly.

He rushed up towards the panicked Yuan army position.

The earth, which had been silent for a long time, boiled at this moment.

Zhang Ximeng was mixed among the peasants, so he could only watch from a distance, but his heart followed him.

Somewhere, maybe there really is a destiny!

The Mongols originated in the desert, and Temujin was just a down-and-out aristocrat, but luckily, all his men were gods of war, and his sons were fiercer than each other, and even his grandson was brave and invincible.

From a small grassland tribe, it swept across the Eurasian continent, regardless of the East and the West, it was shrouded under the Mongolian cavalry.

Counting forward, the same is true for the Wanyan tribe. A lot of war gods emerged and took half of the country.

With the rise of every king, there will be a bunch of assistant generals, the famous generals of the Guanlong Group, the Cao clan of Emperor Wu of Wei, the Nanyang 28th of the great magister... Now this luck falls in Huaixi , Another group of generals is about to rise.

Although most of them haven't had time to participate in this battle, but as the commander of this group of people, Zhu Chongba is indomitable and imposing like a rainbow, which also makes people see a clue.

Lao Zhu himself is the most powerful famous general of this era, famous handsome!

The reason why people like Xu Da and Chang Yuchun are willing to give their allegiance to Zhu is simple, because Zhu Chongba is stronger than them!

The Red Turban Army came like a tidal wave, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Yuan Jun, who hadn't fully awakened from his sleep, panicked and became a mess.

In an instant, Zhu Chongba rushed to the front of the Yuan army's camp.

He found that the trench in front of the Yuanbing camp was not very wide, so he subconsciously urged the horse, and it turned out... passed!

That's right, the Haozhou Red Turban didn't clean up the moat, and the Yuan army didn't dig a trench that was wide enough or deep enough. This matching mechanism is really amazing.

Scattered arrows were shot from the camp of the Yuan army, and Zhu Chongba could not be threatened at all. He rushed to the gate in one breath, beheaded several Yuan soldiers who had no time to escape, and blood stained the sword.

At this time Tang He and Fei Ju had already followed, Fei Ju threw out his flying claws first, and grabbed half of the gate, and several soldiers joined hands, pulling the gate aside forcefully.

Zhu Chongba rushed in at the first time, swung the long knife in his hand with great strength, one after another Yuan soldiers fell in front of Lao Zhu.

He led the troops on a rampage, destroying most of the outer camps of the Yuan army.Then a big fire was lit, and the Yuan soldiers inside were too frightened to fight.

Zhu Chongba shot into the core camp of the Yuan army with fireworks!

Standing at the top of Haozhou City, one can see that Zhu Chongba and his subordinates are like a magic sword, splitting a huge hole in the Yuan army camp, as if entering a land without people.

The cries of the Red Scarf Army were earth-shattering and overwhelming.

Needless to say, the fool also knows that the fighter is coming.

Peng Da blushed, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, raised the mace in his hand, turned his head and shouted, "Boys, follow me and rush out!"

The soldier responded with a strange cry, unable to hold back for a long time.

The battle drums at the top of the city were like thunder, and these troops composed of Xuzhou's defeated soldiers finally ushered in the opportunity of revenge.

Peng Zaozhu was even more excited than his father, "Your old man, just watch from behind, the kid has experience, let the kid come first!"

As he said that, he went out without waiting for his father... Peng rolled his eyes angrily, "Good bastard, your father is not old yet!" He hurriedly mobilized his horse and followed him out.

The soldiers were not far behind, and rushed out in a panic.

The Peng family father and son are not only brave, but also have many soldiers.

They followed Zhu Chongba and rushed into the Yuan army's camp. Then the army divided into two wings and swept towards both sides.

If Zhu Chongba opened a door, then Peng's father and son dug a wall.

They chased the Yuan soldiers and slashed wildly, setting fires everywhere, thick smoke billowed in the camp, those Yuan troops who barely gathered to stop Zhu Chongba were all attracted by Peng's father and son.

Lao Zhu was still struggling to move forward, with a firm goal and rushed to the commander of the Chinese army.

The Yuan army who came in a hurry didn't even have time to put on their armor, so how could they stop Zhu Chongba? In this way, they were getting closer and closer to the Chinese army.

At this time, in the tent of the Chinese army, Jia Lu barely sat up with the support of others, his face was pale, and he coughed continuously. In his state, he was obviously unable to command the troops.

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