First Minister of Ming Dynasty

First Minister Section 13


Zhang Ximeng turned pale with shock, and looked at Zhu Chongba hastily, "Call back, don't send them away!"

Unexpectedly, Zhu Chong's face was so dark that he didn't say a word, just staring at him like this.

No matter how anxious Zhang Ximeng was, it was useless, he could only watch in horror.

Tang He just stared at Jia Lu's banner, grabbed a horse, and rushed towards Jia Lu.

"Old man, your time of death has arrived!"

From the Yuan army, a group of people was quickly separated to stop Tang He. How could he know that Tang He possessed the killing spirit, quickly rushed past the block, and moved forward again.

At this moment Yuege Cha'er hastily drew his bow and shot two arrows at Tang He.

One of the arrows missed, and the other hit Tanghe's shoulder... But this guy didn't care at all, and laughed wildly, "God tartar, aren't you invincible in riding and shooting? That's all!"

Tang He pulled out the arrow from his shoulder, threw it hard, and continued to charge forward.

At this time, Yuan soldiers were terrified and retreated one after another.

Tang He was less than fifty steps away from Jia Lu, and he could see his face clearly.

There wasn't much fear on Jia Lu's face, he was just astonished, this gang of thieves actually had such a warrior?

Brother Yue Cha'er saw it clearly, and quickly pulled the reins to protect Jia Lu from retreating.

Cheli Buhua was more slippery than the two of them and ran faster.

Without the commander in chief, the Yuan army immediately collapsed... Tang He and Peng Zaozhu chased before the gate of the Yuan army's camp. Only then did the gong sound on the city, and the red scarf won a complete victory.

1000 troops, chasing an army of more than 1 yuan to fight, and even beat the opponent to flee back to the camp. It seems like nonsense... But in the past, only a few thousand yuan soldiers could beat tens of thousands of Song troops to the ground. .Going back further, hundreds of Jin soldiers dared to charge dozens of times the Song army.

Of course, the strong soldiers of the Han and Tang Dynasties were enough to count as ten.

It seems that there is really luck, and God is now on the side of the Red Scarf Army and Zhu Chongba.

However, there is also a more practical explanation. After the failure of the artillery battle, the morale of the Yuan army was greatly damaged.

It was only logical that Tang He and Peng Zaozhu took advantage of the opportunity to go out, kill and slash, and take advantage of it.

But any advantages are not in vain. When a thousand soldiers went out, only more than 700 people came back, almost a quarter of whom died outside the city.

As the corpses were transported back, not far from the gate of the city, someone was crying, and the crying became louder... An old woman with gray hair suddenly rushed in, hugged a young corpse, Howling.

"My son!"

The woman cried out heart-piercingly, Zhu Chongba hurried over, Tang He also hurried over, he endured the pain, "Well, this brother is a good man, he killed five Tartars by himself, Steal a war horse!"

Zhu Chongba nodded vigorously, and leaned over, "Madam, my condolences, we will give you a pension later, and bury our brother properly!"

The old woman barely held back her tears. She stared at her son who died in battle, and suddenly stretched out her hand, took off his blood-stained jacket, turned her head, went to the front of the crowd, and threw it on another young man.

"Second, you, you wear your elder brother's battle jacket, follow, follow Mr. Zhu to kill the Tartars! Avenge your elder brother!"

Chapter 19 Jalu is sick

Li Xincai was wearing his elder brother's blood-stained battle jacket, and he couldn't help shaking... He was afraid that the two brothers born to one mother, Li Xincai and his elder brother Li Xinshan, were completely two extremes.

The eldest brother has been mischievous since he was a child, and when he grows up, he will fight and do everything.On the contrary, Li Xincai is honest and honest, following behind his father all day long, raising horses and driving carts, and helping people sell goods.

Li Xincai can bear hardships and is diligent. He takes good care of the horses and has a shiny coat.When it comes to the second boy of the Li family, everyone gives a thumbs up.

But when the boss Li Xinshan was mentioned, everyone shook their heads, even their own parents looked down on him.

Just over a year ago, Father Li told his second son that money would be enough for this trip, and that he would find a daughter-in-law first, so that his elder brother would stare blankly.

Li Xincai was quite happy, but who knew that his father died this time, at the hands of Yuan Bing.

They were transporting goods, but they were stopped by Yuan soldiers on the road. When they saw the cloth on the cart, Yuan soldiers wanted to snatch it. Dad went to argue, but they were beaten up by Yuan soldiers. Not only the cloth, but even the carriage were taken away. up.

Dad vomited blood and died that night.

Li Xincai returned home with his father's body on his back. Facing his dead father, he could do nothing but cry.

And the elder brother Li Xinshan rarely went home, he just kowtowed a few times in front of his father's coffin, turned around and left without even shedding tears.

The neighbors said he was unfilial, but who knew that a few days later, everyone knew that Li Xinshan had taken refuge in the Red Scarf, and he wanted revenge!

From then on, Li Xinshan fought bravely, and never showed mercy to Yuan soldiers before every battle.Until this time, he killed five Tartars, drained their blood, and died without flinching from fear.

Today, who would doubt Li Xinshan's courage and filial piety?

This street sneaker who was not favored by his parents, used his courage to prove what a real man is!

"Your father was killed by Yuan Tartars, your elder brother died in battle, you still have a younger sister, and your mother... If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, let the Tartars come in and behead us all!" Li The mother hugged her son, wept bitterly, and beat his chest severely with her fist.

"You useless bastard, you've only been hiding behind your father since you were a child, you useless trash!"

Li Xincai's face flushed red when his mother scolded him loudly. In the past, he was a good son in the eyes of his parents, but in a blink of an eye, he became a waste?

Li Xincai blushed, from fear to confusion, what is right?

"Little brother, do you want to hear a few words from us?"

Zhu Chongba reached out and patted Li Xincai on the shoulder, and then said earnestly: "We were also tenants in Haozhou. Ten years ago, the drought and plague destroyed our family. The bones are smashed and dedicated to them!"

"If you can live on, who is willing to raise your head and rebel. Now they are besieging Haozhou, and they are going to kill the big guys. At this time, whoever dares to come out, kill the Tartars, and protect the villagers, no matter what he has done before, he will They are heroes, they are all good men! Think about it, is this the reason?"

Li Xincai was stunned for a while, thinking over and over again, he seemed to understand, "Then, then I want to join the army! Avenge my elder brother!"

Zhu Zhongba waved his hand, "Don't be too busy, let me ask you, who else is in the family?"

"That's it, my mother, my sister, and me are all that's left." Li Xincai's voice became softer as he lowered his head.

Zhu Chongba sighed: "That's it. Now you have only one man in your family. If you join the army, what will your mother and sister do? Let's not say no. Let's go home and take care of it. After thinking about it carefully, if you are willing to join the army, come find him again." we."

The old woman still didn't agree, and wanted her second son to join the army.

Zhu Chongba said with a smile: "We also have a blood feud, but we can't leave the living alone... Isn't the reason we fight to protect our relatives and the elders in our hometown?"

The old woman opened her mouth, finally nodded, and with tears in her eyes, she asked her second son to carry her eldest son on her back and return home... Zhang Ximeng has been watching, and he did not teach Lao Zhu these words. Facts have proved that Zhu Chongba has many problems. On, really can stand, think clearly.

With his last words, many people couldn't help but nod their heads.

well said!

That's right!

Those exhausted soldiers cheered up, and among the crowd, some young men were also active in their thoughts. At this juncture, joining the army might be a way out.

Mr. Zhu is sympathetic to the common people and understands righteousness. He is really a good leader.

At this moment, a big man was squeezed out from the crowd.

"Young Master Zhu, my name is Fei Ju. There is no shortage of successors in my family. Accept me!"

This man named Fei Ju was tall and muscular, and he looked like a warrior at first glance.

Zhu Chongba was overjoyed, at this time many people stood up and shouted: "Young Master Zhu, you are a good person, everyone respects you, let us follow you!"

The crowd was noisy and enthusiastic, and there seemed to be no fewer than 100 people.

Zhu Chongba was also a bit overwhelmed, who doesn't know the benefits of military power, but the question is that he is only a nine-member commander, will he take the initiative to be promoted to a centurion without the permission of the commander-in-chief?

Zhu Chongba was in a dilemma, at this time Zhang Ximeng ran over with a smile.

"Grandpa, when the army employs people, it is needless to say what the villagers think. But fighting a war is not a casual thing, so we temporarily assign them to civilian husbands and equip them with weapons, just as a supplement."

What Zhang Ximeng said was reasonable, and there was nothing wrong with it, Zhu Zhongba nodded, "Well, let the little gentleman register and compile the books!"

Zhang Ximeng nodded hastily, and responded happily.These people are not included in the Red Scarf Army, they are naturally Lao Zhu's private soldiers. He has been planning to develop independently, but it is impossible to have no one under him.

There is no doubt that these people are Lao Zhu's team.

When Zhang Ximeng was registering, he was very careful and asked carefully. He found that Fei Ju and Lao Zhu were from the same hometown, and they were both from Zhongli. He was immediately elated.

"Fei Zhuangshi, you have to be clear, this is Mr. Zhu's soldier!"

Fei Ju didn't hesitate, and said with a smile: "He, Marshal Guo, wants us to serve him, and we don't mind that!"

"Okay!" Zhang Ximeng was overjoyed, and immediately began to write vigorously.

After being busy for a long time, Zhang Ximeng gathered more than 170 people at once, and his waist stiffened in a daze.

Zhang Ximeng was happy, but the Yuan soldiers outside the city were crying.


Counting the losses in the past few days, the miscellaneous soldiers are not counted, and the number of elite court elites that have been lost has exceeded 3000.Especially in the decisive battle of the return artillery, the gunners and armored soldiers killed more than two thousand people in total, and many of them were burned by the fire, and the skin on their bodies was eroded and difficult to heal.

The fate of these people is worse than immediate death in battle. Most of their wounds will rot, fester and bleed, and they will die of pain.

Such a loss has already shaken the morale of the army, and Yuan soldiers are powerless to attack the city.

You must know that today's Yuan soldiers are not the Mongolian cavalry who swept the world under Genghis Khan's men decades ago.They are greedy for life and afraid of death, they like to enjoy themselves, and when they are not satisfied, they will get angry.

If it weren't for Jia Lu's high prestige and Yuege Cha'er's willingness to support him, the army would have been in chaos.

"For now, the only way is to build a fortress and besiege Haozhou, and spend time with them." Jia Lu thought.

Brother Yue Cha'er nodded, and echoed: "My lord said that attacking a city is nothing more than a quick victory and a long-term trap. Since the thieves in the city are treacherous and stubborn, we should surround the city from all sides and trap them to death!"

Both of them meant the same thing, but Cheli Buhua shook their heads slightly.

"Master Jia, we add up to 10,000+ people, and every day people eat horse chews, and the food and grass consumed is not a small amount... There is not much food around Haozhou, and there will be no government to hold us back, and they will definitely urge soldiers , if I can’t win Haozhou, I, I’m afraid I will blame it!”

Brother Yue Cha'er didn't want to listen, "You are afraid of being blamed by the court, so why don't you dare to take back Haozhou when the red scarf thieves have just risen?"

In a word, the question is completely eloquent, what else can I say?However, he was dissatisfied in his heart. Brother Cha'er this month, the court asked you to supervise Jia Lu, but you and Jia Lu had the same nostrils. You lost the court's trust in vain. You might as well give up the position to me!

Disagreement quietly appeared in the command of the Yuan army.

Jia Lu sighed slightly, and took the initiative to take responsibility, "It's the old man who underestimated the red scarf thief. Now that Lu Gong's car has been destroyed, the returning cannon has also suffered heavy losses. He wants to rebuild it, but he lacks the key materials, even the fire oil. And allow the old man to think of a way to see how to defeat the enemy."

The two Mongolian generals left, and Jia Lu was the only one left. He couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Is it my fault to make it like this?

When the Mongolian army marched west, they used [-] return artillery to blast open the city.He also used [-] return guns in Champa and won a complete victory.

Why did he lose so badly?

It has been too long to break through Haozhou, and those villains in the court alone can make themselves drink a pot... Could it be that the number of days is really on the side of the red scarf thief?

Jia Lu became flustered for no reason. There seemed to be a voice in his ear, but Jia Lu couldn't hear clearly. He tried hard to listen seemed to be Lu You's "Shower".

His heart suddenly became irritable. A standard scholar-bureaucrat always cherishes feathers and regards fame as more important than life. Even if he dies, he will not forget to restore the Central Plains. This is Lu Fangweng's state.

On the other hand, do you work hard for the Mongols, and then watch the dynasty change?

How will future generations see themselves at that time?

Are they all shameless traitors like Liu Mengyan?

Jia Lu's heart became more and more flustered, anxious, the battle was not going well, and he was not too young, Jia Lu only felt more powerless and couldn't sleep at night.

But he couldn't give up his picks, so he could only force himself to go out with a few guards in person to investigate the situation in Haozhou and find flaws.

Jia Lu circled Haozhou for more than half a circle, and returned to the most heavily guarded Xicheng, which was also the direction Zhu Chongba was defending, and it was also the place where Yuan soldiers suffered a disastrous defeat.

At the moment, the city wall of Haozhou is being strengthened and supplies are being transported... Soldiers and civilians are resting against the city wall, and a group of children are standing opposite.

"Uncle Tang, let us recite poems for you!"

Tang He laughed, "Okay, good memorization, we will reward you!" Tang He really took out a handful of treasure notes, "Speak up, let everyone hear!"

"Okay!" Mu Ying quickly agreed, he cleared his throat, and took the lead in reciting: "Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. The bottom is Heyue, and the top is the sun and stars..."

The children recited together, and the voice once again spread outside the city, and with the wind, it reached Jia Lu's ears.

Upright song!

In fact, Jia Lu had read it in his early years, and Wen Tianxiang was a role model for scholars, and he also admired it very much, but at this moment, it sounded like mixed flavors.

In addition to the strong north wind, Jia Lu could only return to the barracks in a hurry. That night, Jia Lu felt hot all over his body and his mind was dizzy.

But the next morning, Jia Lu was so sick that he couldn't get up. In his coma, he seemed to see Prime Minister Wen, who was holding fetters in his hands, glaring at him.

"Shameless thief, surrender to the enemy!"

Jia Lu shook his head hastily, "I, I am not a Song official. When I was born, the Southern Song Dynasty perished for 20 years... Prime Minister Wen, you are a god after death, so you have to be reasonable!"

Wen Tianxiang still sneered with disdain, "Not for Song officials, nor for Han people?"

Jia Lu was dumbfounded, let out a loud cry, and woke up suddenly, only to find that it was a dream, Nai He was sweating through his back, and his illness got worse...

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