"Hey, why is the style of painting not quite right? Why does Master Night Breeze feel like he is kneeling and licking Zhou Yunwei?" A survivor suddenly said something weird when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

"Fart! How could Night Breeze kneel and lick that bitch Zhou Yunwei?"

"Then tell me, what is Night Breeze doing now?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, why don't you just read it?"

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the remarks on the public screen, but he didn't take it seriously. He still said to himself, "However, I am very sorry that Captain Zhou changed his career to become a pirate recently."

"Although I despise such behavior very much, this is the choice of Captain Zhou himself."

"Recently, there are other brothers who compare me with Captain Zhou. What I want to say is that I will not take the initiative to provoke other people, but others should not try to provoke me."

"I can tell everyone very responsibly that I, Night Breeze, am not that bully. I just want to develop peacefully."

"But if someone thinks I'm a soft persimmon, you can try it and ask the 40 brothers on my island if they agree."

"Also, if you think I'm lying, you can take a look. The coordinates of my island are placed here. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"However, the ugly thing is to say that any survivor who dares to approach my island within 30 kilometers will be regarded as an invasion by me, and the consequences will be at your own risk."

Tang Xiaochuan said very domineeringly, and then he quietly waited for the feedback on the public screen.

And the survivors on the public screen saw Tang Xiaochuan's remarks in the second half, which could almost be regarded as a provocative declaration of war, and fell silent for a while.

"Oh my god, what did I see? Just now, Big Brother Yefeng said how many people are there on his island? 40 people?"

"Upstairs, you made a mistake. Big Brother Night Breeze said that there are 40 brothers behind him. Then counting Big Brother Night Breeze himself, there are a total of 41 people on his island."

"Fuck! You're lying! 41 people! How can he support him? And how big is his island?"

"That's right! It must be a lie. I'm so special that one person can't eat enough now. Where does the food from him feed 40 people?"

"Heizi upstairs, have you forgotten that Mr. Night Breeze has extra supplies to sell? Do you think that if he doesn't have enough to eat, he will give out so much food?" A fan who was a Night Breeze Survivor, said to other survivors.

"That's right! Mr. Night Breeze has been exchanging food and fresh water for other supplies during this time. If it is said that he is short of food on the island, I will be the first to not believe it."

"No, haven't you guys thought about one thing? Boss Night Breeze needs to feed 40 people, and there are so many supplies that can be sold, so how big is his island?"

"Brother Night Breeze, may I ask, do you mind if there is one more person on your island? After five months, there will be one more person."

"Upstairs, why is there another one after five months?"

"I'll go, the bastard upstairs! What she said is that she has another one in her stomach!"

"Goddamn Meow has another one in his stomach! Are you going to be the boss of Night Breeze and take over the pan?"

"No, why do I think it's good to pick up Panxia? Buy one get one free?"



"God man!"

Looking at this astonishing remark, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly felt that he was stunned, and he was still the kind of coke on the outside and tender on the inside.

Sure enough, the bird is big, and there are all kinds of forests.

Looking at the public screen of the crooked building every day, Tang Xiaochuan felt that his remarks just now could reach Zhou Yunwei's ears no matter what.

As long as this caution reaches Zhou Yunwei's ears, he is not afraid that Zhou Yunwei will not be fooled.

Although he didn't know where Zhou Yunwei was now, Tang Xiaochuan felt that it was necessary for him to hide his strength from now on.

In order to allow Zhou Yunwei to attack him confidently, from now on, he can only have about 20 aborigines on the bright side.

As for why only [-] people were allowed to come out, the most important thing was for credibility.

After all, the island is so big, if you have too few people, a discerning eye will know it is fake.

And twenty people, not counting the development of the island, can barely collect the entire island every day, and still have so many surplus materials.

As long as Zhou Yunwei dared to land on the island, he could let the young and strong of Jushi and his entire tribe go together.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't believe it anymore, he couldn't handle Zhou Yunwei in his tribe of more than 200 people.

However, Tang Xiaochuan did not relax his vigilance because of this.

Although at present, Zhou Yunwei only has 7 or 8 people under his command, but in case Zhou Yunwei is far enough away from him.And along the way, he conquered various islands.

Maybe it can really make him attract a large number of followers.

If Zhou Yunwei had more than 50 pirates in his hands, he would be in danger.

For such a problem, Tang Xiaochuan just realized it.

If he really faced such a situation, Tang Xiaochuan could only ask people to block the entire island, and then spend a lot of money to ask other survival groups for help.

If it really fell into this field, Tang Xiaochuan was really not sure whether those survival groups would be motivated by money directly.

After all, to be able to deal with Zhou Yunwei independently, in the eyes of others, you are very powerful, and it is not sure whether you have any unexposed backhands.

If you need to find someone for help, then others will think that you have played all your cards, and this is all your strength.

A person who does not have much strength but owns such a large island, do you think those survival groups will directly attack you?

At that time, even if Zhou Yunwei can be solved, Tang Xiaochuan will probably fall into a more difficult situation.

Therefore, the best way is for Tang Xiaochuan to solve Zhou Yunwei independently.

Since Tang Xiaochuan couldn't ask other survival groups for help, he could only find a way from himself.

The number of natives cannot increase in a short period of time, so they have to find a way to get more equipment.

Tang Xiaochuan was still hesitating whether he should start preparing some equipment for the natives now, but he still hesitated a little.After all, I just blew out the cowhide.

Going to buy weapons now, isn't it a little cowardly?

While Tang Xiaochuan was still hesitating, Zhou Yunwei, who had not spoken on the public screen for many days, suddenly bubbled up on the public screen.

"Night Breeze, you are so brave, you dare to provoke me!"

"However, I like your bold and pretending personality."

"I just checked the coordinates of your island, and it's only a day away from my current location."

"I hope you take a good bath tonight, especially your neck."

"Tomorrow morning, I will pay a visit, and we will settle our old and new enmities together."

1 Chapter [-] Not a Human?Could it be a ghost!

Looking at Zhou Yunwei's threat, Tang Xiaochuan raised his mouth slightly.

Originally, I just planned to pass the news to Zhou Yunwei through the mouths of other survivors, but I didn't expect Zhou Yunwei to see it himself.

I also plan to come to trouble myself tomorrow.

To be able to arrive tomorrow means that Zhou Yunwei is very close to him.

Very close means that the distance between two people is short, and there are few survivors in between.


How dare he come when even twenty people have not arrived?

The overall population on my side has reached 200 people, and even the young and strong have 80 people.

No matter how you calculate it, it is more than 4 times that of Zhou Yunwei.

Even if Zhou Yunwei is fully armed, it is impossible to smooth out the huge difference in numbers.

It's just that Zhou Yunwei has too many people, and his side will be hurt.But there is absolutely no problem with winning.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't want to lose the existing labor force. After all, it was hard for him to recruit so many labor force. If these indigenous labor force were lost, Tang Xiaochuan estimated that he would cry for a long time.

Therefore, just in case, Tang Xiaochuan still needs to prepare some weapons and equipment.

But those are things for the future, what we have to do now is to laning against Zhou Yunwei.

"Since Chief Zhou wants to visit Bidao, I will sweep the couch to welcome you." Tang Xiaochuan said without showing any weakness.

"I hope you won't ask for mercy then." Zhou Yunwei replied domineeringly when he heard Tang Xiaochuan's words.

After Zhou Yunwei said this, he directly exited the public screen.

"Wow! It's a fight, it's a fight! Everyone, come and see! It's a fight!" A survivor who was watching a show and didn't think it was a big deal immediately jumped out and said.

"Come on, open, open! Night Breeze wins 1 to 1.8, Zhou Yunwei wins to 1."

"Huh? Upstairs, what's the matter with your odds? Why is Zhou Yunwei lower than Ye Feng?"

"Do you know how to shovel? Zhou Yunwei must be better than Ye Feng! After all, Zhou Yunwei has invaded Survivor Island 7 and 8, so what record can Ye Feng have?"

"No, didn't Night Breeze say that there are 40 brothers on his island?"

"Upstairs, are you stupid? Ye Feng said that he has 40, do you believe it? I also said that I have thousands of brothers on the island."

Tang Xiaochuan saw that the market had started to open on the public screen, and he knew that he couldn't find someone to make the farm tools he needed today.

Since there is no way to find someone to make farm tools, it is a waste of time to stay in the public screen.

It's not like I have nothing to do.

After Tang Xiaochuan quit the public screen, his private chats started to ring out continuously.

Tang Xiaochuan took a general look and found that most of the people were begging to hug their thighs.

Of course, there are also some survivors who feel that Tang Xiaochuan is pretending to be an AC, telling him to give him all the supplies on the island before he dies.

For such people, Tang Xiaochuan can only say, "You guys are thinking about shit!"

However, there are also some messages from acquaintances, such as once and oath.

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, and still connected to the oath's chat request.

"Long time no see, brother oath." Tang Xiaochuan greeted oath with a smile.

"Oh, my brother Night Breeze, why did you suddenly have a conflict with that scumbag Zhou Yunwei?" The oath asked eagerly.

"What's wrong? Why do I have a conflict with him?" Tang Xiaochuan was speechless when he heard the words of the oath.

"No, Brother Night Breeze, we can't afford to offend Zhou Yunwei now. This grandson doesn't know what kind of medicine he's taken recently. He's so fierce." The oath said with some lingering fear.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard the words of the oath, he immediately felt something was wrong. It seemed that the oath knew some internal situations.

"Brother oath, do you know what's going on?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"I know a little bit." The oath nodded, and then said, "Among the survivors that this grandson attacked in the past two days, one of them is from my regiment."

"That brother has some tough guys in his hands, and he is still a practicing family, so he chose to face Zhou Yunwei with a tough front."

"I'll go, Zhou Yunwei is just facing him, this buddy is fine." Tang Xiaochuan sighed when he heard the words of the oath.

"But it's okay. In the past, that buddy was the kind where 7 or 8 people couldn't get in. But now everyone else is completely cold." Oath felt a little speechless.

Hearing the words of the oath, Tang Xiaochuan frowned slightly.

"Brother Oath, tell me, what's the specific situation?" Tang Xiaochuan asked in a deep voice.

"Hey, speaking of which, that buddy is also a top iron. He actually discovered Zhou Yunwei in advance, because at that time, that buddy asked me to withdraw some materials just a moment ago, saying that he wanted to build a ship."

"It turned out that the boat had just been built, and during the trial voyage, Zhou Yunwei was found driving the boat towards him."

"After that, that buddy went back to the island immediately, asked me for some weapons, and said he wanted to fight Zhou Yunwei head-on."

"I told him at the time to let him withdraw first. After all, he has a boat, so he just passed that buddy's head iron. If he insisted on going, he couldn't stop him."

"In the end, I had no choice but to agree. That buddy put the boat he just built here as a mortgage, and rented a set of leather armor and weapons. Moreover, that buddy still showed me the live broadcast of his battle scenes. "Oath said with some regret.

"Live broadcast for you?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned when he heard what the oath said, "Then what did you see?"

"Don't worry, am I just about to say this?" The oath was interrupted by Tang Xiaochuan, slightly dissatisfied.

"Okay, I was wrong, brother, you continue." Tang Xiaochuan curled his lips, and then said to the oath.

After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, vowed to brew his emotions again, and then continued, "The buddy rushed up, and the big blade in his hand was dancing like a tiger."

"Although, that buddy operated fiercely like a tiger, but after looking at the results of the battle, not a single one was injured."

"Huh? No, no one was injured? Could it be that the people on the other side are all masters?" Tang Xiaochuan frowned with doubts on his face.

"A master? What a master." Oath pouted, and then said: "Those people move slowly and stiffly. How could they be masters."

"If you're not a master, how could you not be injured? Could it be that the buddy you mentioned is just a show?"

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