"No, that buddy is indeed very fierce, and even if he is putting on airs and swinging around with a big blade, it is impossible that no one will be injured." The oath shook his head.

"I'm going to brother, it's not this, it's not that, what is it for? You said it, I'm so anxious." Tang Xiaochuan suddenly felt that the oath deserved a beating.

"Forget it, I won't tease you anymore, that's because Zhou Yunwei's subordinates are not human."

"What do you mean? Not a human? Could it be a ghost!" Tang Xiaochuan didn't expect that he had waited so long for an answer like the oath.

But what Tang Xiaochuan didn't expect was that the oath nodded very solemnly, and said to him: "In a sense, they may really be ghosts."

Chapter 141 Want to Capture Zhou Yunwei Alive

"What do you mean?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded when he heard the oath.

It never occurred to him that what he said casually would become a reality.

"Ghost? What the hell?" Tang Xiaochuan said with a mask on his face.

"How would I describe it to you? It's the kind where a knife is cut on the body, just like a normal person." After thinking about it, the oath said to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Wait, what does it mean to be cut with a knife, just like someone who has nothing to do?" Tang Xiaochuan still didn't quite understand.

"Let's put it this way, I saw with my own eyes that the buddy slashed one of the men's necks with a knife, but after the knife went in, there was no trace of blood."

"Also, after the blade was pulled out, the person who was cut had an accident with a wound on his neck, and continued to attack that buddy like a normal person."

"I roughly counted it. That buddy basically stabbed everyone, but the people who were stabbed were all as if nothing happened."

"I'm going, so fierce?" Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded. He suddenly felt that what happened to him this time was a bit big.

"Yes, otherwise, do you think the leaders of our survival team will not speak?" The oath gave Tang Xiaochuan a blank look.

Tang Xiaochuan was speechless when he heard the oath.He felt that he had been hasty this time.

"No, brother, why did you tell me such an important matter now?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"I wanted to tell you in advance, but you didn't give me a chance! You reported the coordinates of your own island in one go, and I can't stop it even if I want to." Oath felt that he had such a A little bit of grievance.

"Brother, according to what you mean, Zhou Yunwei has an immortal body? Then how do we play? Just wipe his neck?" Tang Xiaochuan said with some bitterness in his mouth.

"Correct me, I don't know if Zhou Yunwei is immortal, but if you don't have a tool to escape, I suggest wiping your neck is better." The oath nodded and said.

"Hey, no, I'll go! Brother oath, you actually let me wipe my neck? You just want me to die that much?" Tang Xiaochuan said with some surprise.

"Hahaha, okay, let's stop making trouble." Oath laughed loudly, and then said solemnly to Tang Xiaochuan.

"It's because Zhou Yunwei is hard to deal with, so I contacted you as soon as I saw you reported the coordinates of the island." Oath said to Tang Xiaochuan with a smile.

"Brother, isn't there still a boat here? Zhou Yunwei is about a day away from your side, you can run away."

"Run? Can running solve the problem?" Tang Xiaochuan felt a little speechless when he heard the oath.

"Brother, don't be so stubborn. You have to know that if you keep the green hills alive, you won't have to worry about firewood. If we can't do Zhou Yunwei now, it doesn't mean we won't be able to do it in the future."

"Our survival team is already discussing how to deal with Zhou Yunwei. Even if you run away, you don't have to run for long."

"If my brother is worried about the living supplies during this period of time, I can give my brother a guarantee that I will cover your supplies during this period of time."

It was impossible for Tang Xiaochuan not to be moved when he heard the words of the oath.

After all, I only cooperated with the oath a few times, but now that the oath is willing to help me at this time, that's okay.

Although, he has a better ship in his hand, but this, the oath does not know.

However, Tang Xiaochuan did not intend to escape.

The reason is very simple, Tang Xiaochuan does not believe that there are really such heaven-defying things in this world.

Invulnerability, doesn't that make it clear that Zhou Yunwei wants to rule the entire island world?

"There must be something that I just ignored." Tang Xiaochuan murmured.

"It seems that I just swore that I don't know if Zhou Yunwei is immortal?" Tang Xiaochuan suddenly thought of what the vow had just said.

"Brother, you just said that Zhou Yunwei is not immortal?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"I didn't say that." The oath shook his head and said, "I just said, I don't know if Zhou Yunwei is immortal."

"What do you mean?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

"Because I didn't see Zhou Yunwei make a move." Xie Yan said after thinking for a while.

"Huh?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little confused by the oath.

"Hey, let me just say it straight." Oath thought for a while, and then said to Tang Xiaochuan, "When my buddy chose to fight hard with Zhou Yunwei, Zhou Yunwei didn't do anything."

"To be precise, it was Zhou Yunwei and another person who didn't do anything. So I don't know if Zhou Yunwei is immortal."

"But there is a detail, that is, Zhou Yunwei and the survivor next to him move like normal people, but the other survivors who participated in the attack are stiff and slow."

"Huh? There is such an operation?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little surprised when he heard the oath.

"It's true." The oath confirmed solemnly.

When Tang Xiaochuan heard the confirmation of the oath, he suddenly realized that perhaps the key to the solution was Zhou Yunwei himself.

According to Zhou Yunwei's bratty, flamboyant character, if he really had an immortal body, he would definitely be the first one.

And, one more thing, the other survivors who participated in the siege all moved stiffly. Why is Zhou Yunwei okay?

Finally, why would an invulnerable survivor give his life to Zhou Yunwei?

Since they have such great abilities, they are invulnerable to swords and guns, and possess an immortal body, why do they have to work for Zhou Yunwei?

Therefore, there must be some connection between Zhou Yunwei and these survivors.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help thinking.

Assuming that such a relationship exists, what kind of relationship will it be?

A survivor who can make immortals obey him, can execute his orders accurately, and doesn't have to worry about betrayal.

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, and felt that the most likely thing was that these survivors were created by Zhou Yunwei.And these survivors can also be controlled by Zhou Yunwei.

Then think about it the other way around, if Zhou Yunwei is really able to control these survivors, then if he wants to defeat Zhou Yunwei, can he take the lead in controlling Zhou Yunwei with the advantage in numbers?

If it is really possible, then you can think about whether you want to form your own "Undead Legion".

The more Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Although he can't confirm it, Tang Xiaochuan feels that he has at least 8 levels of confidence. As long as he controls Zhou Yunwei, then there is no need to continue to fight.

However, for my plan, someone needs to hold back the survivors around Zhou Yunwei.They cannot be given the chance to come back to support Zhou Yunwei.

Since you want to hold those people back, you need to prepare some weapons and protective gear.

Now that I am on the island, I don't have enough of these things, so the only thing left is to find someone to borrow.As for the candidate, Tang Xiaochuan now knows the head of a big survival group, and that is the oath.

But the question is, how much do you need to borrow?

Although Tang Xiaochuan knew that he had a good relationship with the oath, he hadn't reached the point where he could reveal all his trump cards.

Chapter 142 Sell a message to the oath

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, and decided to borrow 40 sets of protective gear and weapons from the oath.

After all, this number was already half of the manpower that Tang Xiaochuan planned to use to encircle and suppress Zhou Yunwei. With so many people, it was enough to encircle and suppress Zhou Yunwei.

"By the way, brother oath, there is one more thing I need to ask you to do." Tang Xiaochuan said to oath.

"Brother, tell me, if my brother can help, I will definitely help." Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Xi Yan said very readily.

"Brother, you also know that I'm going to have a fight with Zhou Yunwei soon, but there are still some shortages of weapons and protective gear on my side. So, I want to ask my brother if there is any extra protective gear." tools and weapons."

"Of course, I will definitely not let my brother Bai help me with these." Tang Xiaochuan said.

After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, vowed not to answer in a hurry, but asked Tang Xiaochuan after thinking about it, "Brother, how many sets of weapons and protective gear do you need?"

"Forty sets."

"Forty sets?" Oath yelled out in surprise, and then said with a look of shock, "There are really 40 people on your island?"

"This is about the same." Tang Xiaochuan said vaguely.

"Almost..." The oath was a little speechless, and then said, "At first, I thought that you were exaggerating, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"It looks like this, when Zhou Yunwei seeks trouble with you, he will suffer a big loss."

The oath said with some gloating.

"You can't say that. The people on my side basically don't have any weapons. It can be said that they are bare-handed."

"If you just run into Zhou Yunwei like this, you will suffer a lot."

Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the oath was also a little silent.

Indeed, as Tang Xiaochuan said, Zhou Yunwei does have some evil spirits now.

The 7 or 8 survivors under him were quite fierce.The kind that can't be cut with a knife.

If you don't have a weapon in your hand, it really doesn't work.

However, as soon as Tang Xiaochuan opened his mouth, there were forty sets of protective gear and weapons, which made the oath a little uncomfortable.

After all, it's okay, who will save 40 sets of weapons and equipment?After all, everyone is still an island.

Therefore, Tang Xiaochuan wanted these 40 sets of equipment, and he vowed that he could only borrow them from his team members.There are many things involved in this.

"Brother Night Breeze, I'm a straight person, so I'll just say it straight."

"I can't take out these forty sets of equipment personally, and I can only borrow them from other members of the regiment. Therefore, after this incident, I must give some compensation to the members of the regiment."

"If it's just a few sets, I can borrow it from other executives."

When Tang Xiaochuan heard the oath, he immediately understood what he meant.

Tang Xiaochuan expressed his understanding of what the oath said.After all, the Survival Group is not just a word of oath.He always needs to take into account the feelings of other members.

Therefore, if Tang Xiaochuan wants to borrow these equipments, he has to pay some price no matter what.

However, since you have to pay the price, and you really need some equipment if you want to form a guard on your side, it's better to buy it directly from the oath.

As soon as he thought of it, Tang Xiaochuan decided to ask the oath directly.

"Oath brother, since I need to rent it, why don't you help me ask, can you sell it to me directly?"

"Sell it to you?" Oath heard Tang Xiaochuan's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then said, "It's okay. But you want so much equipment, can you do it?"

"Yes, my island is a bit big, and I plan to form a guard." Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while, and felt that he could tell the oath about the evolution of the island.

After all, the oath is now his ally, and they will find out about this kind of thing sooner or later, so there is nothing to tell him in advance.

"Guards? Is the island a bit bigger?" After hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the oath immediately became interested.

"By the way, I forgot to ask. Your current island is 10 square meters." Oath asked, "I remember the last time I traded with you, I gave more than [-] fast cornerstones."

"Well, how should I put it, my current island is not [-] square meters, but more than one square kilometer." Tang Xiaochuan thought about it and said to the oath.

"Oh, one square kilometer." Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Yan Yan nodded casually.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately shouted, "How much? One square kilometer? One million square meters?"

"I'll go, Brother Night Breeze, how did you do it?"

"Brother, as long as the island wants to expand, there is always a way to expand it. But this is not what I want to talk about." Tang Xiaochuan said very indifferently.

"Then brother, what do you want to say?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, the oath immediately felt that what Tang Xiaochuan said next was the key point.

"Brother, let me tell you this."

"When my island was only 20 square meters, some small animals appeared on the island. Now, my island has just broken through one square kilometer today, although no new animals have yet been seen."

"However, I always feel that the bigger the island, the more good things can appear." Tang Xiaochuan said ambiguously.

"Wait! You just said that there were small animals on your island?" Hearing Tang Xiaochuan's words, Yan Yan was stunned.

"Yes, there are hares and pheasants."

"Then why doesn't my island exist!" said the oath with a speechless face.

"Brother, how big is your island?"

"It's a thousand square meters now." The oath replied honestly.

"Then it's probably because your island is too small, why don't you expand it?" Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile.

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