"Xiao Chuan, are you worried about how to make these things?" Fang Long asked.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't speak, just nodded.

"Actually, Xiaochuan, you have fallen into a misunderstanding. You want to let the people on the island solve everything. Why don't you think about it and let the survivors outside the island figure out a solution?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Tang Xiaochuan was a little surprised when he heard Fang Long's words.

"What I mean is very simple. Generally speaking, it is to find an outsourcer." Fang Long said with a smile.

"Huh? Outsourcing? Why does this have something to do with outsourcing again?" Tang Xiaochuan was puzzled.

However, he only thought for a while before he understood what Fang Long meant.

Fang Long's meaning is very clear, that is, since the people on his own island can't solve it, they should find a way and let other survivors outside the island solve it.

On my own side, I just need to pay them a reward.

Among survivors, the hardest circulating "currency" is food.

And food happens to be the most abundant resource on the island.

This is equivalent to Tang Xiaochuan having a lot of "wealth" in his hands.

Although Tang Xiaochuan understood Fang Long's words, he was still a little worried.

He was afraid that if he exposed his wealth without absolute strength, he would attract the prying eyes of other survivors.

"Mr. Fang, I'm worried that our big fanfare to buy these materials will make people think about it." Tang Xiaochuan said worriedly.

"You are wrong." Fang Long shook his head, and then said: "In fact, the relationship between survivors is the same as the relationship between countries in the past."

"The reason why a big country is called a big country has never been because of its size."

"It's like the empire in the [-]th century. Although the country is large, it is the main dish of Western countries."

"But the island country far away in Europe can dominate the world. Do you know why?" Fang Long asked.

"Is it because that country is more advanced and enlightened?" Tang Xiaochuan replied with a frown.

"No." Fang Long shook his head, and then said, "No, this shows that Gou is useless."

"Ah?" Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help shouting when he heard this sentence.

He never thought that such words could come from Fang Long's mouth.

Seeing the astonishment on Tang Xiaochuan's face, Fang Long continued with satisfaction: "Actually, between countries, there is no affection to speak of at all, and some of them just rely on their own strength to speak."

"Why can the flower growers get the five permanent seats? Is it because of the strength of the country?"

"No! At that time, the national power of the flower growers was not strong, but they dared to fight!"

"Be able to use your own blood in exchange for the respect of other countries."

"You are afraid that other survivors will join forces to deal with you after they know your wealth."

"However, have you ever thought about why you are afraid even though you are the strongest?"

"Even if these survivors unite, they won't be of one mind. So you don't have to be afraid at all."

"Let's not talk about it, why are they coming to beat you, just say they are coming, won't we resist?"

"You know, there are not many people who have the ability to sail long distances. Even if they come, there will not be many people."

"And this is our chance to show our strength to other survivors!"

"I can't go to the end, because the weaker you are, the more you'll be a dish in the eyes of other survivors." Fang Long said to Tang Xiaochuan slowly.

After Tang Xiaochuan listened to Fang Long's words, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

Indeed, as Fang Long said, because he was afraid of being discovered by other survivors, he had been carefully hiding himself.

But the more hidden it is, the greater the potential danger.

In the end, it was equally inevitable to fight once.

In this case, it is really not as good as Fang Long said, to nip this hidden danger in the bud.

"I understand." Tang Xiaochuan nodded with firm eyes.

Looking at Tang Xiaochuan's expression, Fang Long knew that Tang Xiaochuan at this time was completely different from the previous Tang Xiaochuan.

If the former Tang Xiaochuan chose to hide himself in order to survive, then the current Tang Xiaochuan has become more resolute.

"Old Fang, then you are busy first, I will go back and prepare. Try to make what you need as soon as possible."

"Okay." Fang Long nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Fang Long nodding his head, Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and left.

Now that you have decided to do it, do it as soon as possible.

Tang Xiaochuan hurried all the way back to the villa, and plunged into his room.

Then he directly opened Daoshi's public screen page.

What caught my eyes was a screen full of abuse.

However, the object of the abuse was not Tang Xiaochuan, but another old acquaintance, Zhou Yunwei.

Two days have passed since Zhou Yunwei invaded the islands of other survivors last time.

During these two days, he invaded the islands of 7 or 8 survivors.

And the survivors on these islands were all killed by Zhou Yunwei without exception.

Originally, Zhou Yunwei didn't intend to go on a killing spree, he only wanted to target Yuanyue, Sky City, Oath and him, Tang Xiaochuan.

However, since he killed the first survivor and gained the title of "Undead", he became more and more out of control.

Living people can betray themselves no matter what, but dead people can't.

Now that I have the ability to control the undead, why keep the hidden danger of the living?

Therefore, Zhou Yunwei didn't do anything, and directly started his own path of killing.

Chapter 138 Deception, I am a professional

"Wow! Where are the bosses from the previous survival team? Why didn't they stand up against that Zhou Yunwei?" A survivor said on the public screen.

"Upstairs, you're thinking too much. Those bosses are probably going to be scared to death. How could they stand up and provoke Zhou Yunwei at this time?"

"It's true, now we are all on our own island, how could we be the opponents of Zhou Yunwei's group of animals?"

"Upstairs, are you a real leader? Are you afraid that Zhou Yunwei will follow the network cable to find you?"

"I..." The survivor who said that Zhou Yunwei was an animal at the beginning was immediately frightened.

Now even the other big survival groups dare not face Zhou Yunwei directly. How could he, a small solo player, dare to confront Zhou Yunwei head-on.

In the past, if it was on the Internet, he would naturally have the courage to fight against the sky.

But now, he doesn't have the courage to confront Zhou Yunwei.Because, in the past, smacking someone would mean getting a beating at most, but now smacking someone is likely to kill you.

"Let me tell you, since you can't beat it, you should join." At this time, a survivor suddenly made a different remark.

Hearing his words, the entire public screen suddenly fell into silence.

"Upstairs, are you stupid, you actually want to join the pirates?"

"What's the point? This world is a world without rules. Everything is for survival. Since there is no way to fight against Mr. Zhou, why can't you choose to join?"

"That's right! That's the reason. Since you can't beat it, then you can just join." At this moment, someone immediately came out to echo the previous survivor who wanted to join the pirates.

"Besides, since you want to choose to stand against Mr. Zhou, then we can also choose to join. This issue is our own choice."

"Do you still have a little conscience? You even chose to join the pirates to persecute your own compatriots?"

"Upstairs, I want to ask, what is conscience, how much is it per catty? Is it delicious?"

"Those of you who want to join the pirates are a group of people with bad views! I am ashamed to be with you!"

"Yo yo, upstairs, are you so righteous? Then do you dare to report the coordinates of your island? Wait for Mr. Zhou to find you? I hope you won't be cowardly when the time comes."

"Me!" The Survivor, who said that the Three Views were not correct, immediately dared not speak.

Looking at the crowd on the public screen, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that Zhou Yunwei's notoriety has spread." Tang Xiaochuan murmured.

Although he wanted to kill Zhou Yunwei, to be honest, he was not ready at this time.

At this moment, if he really meets Zhou Yunwei, maybe he can win, but he will definitely lose.

Although Zhou Yunwei only has 7 or 8 people now, these people are all survivors, and they are all people who have seen the world.It is simply not comparable to the natives like stubborn stones.

When a single survivor faces a group of aborigines, it may be easily settled by the aborigines, but if these survivors gather in large numbers, with their equipment, they can crush the same number of aborigines.

Tang Xiaochuan didn't think that after Zhou Yunwei cleared so many islands, he would have no weapons in his hands.

However, Zhou Yunwei was able to sweep so many islands in just one or two days. If you say that he doesn't have any cards in his hand, Tang Xiaochuan wouldn't believe it.

Since, now is not the best time to deal with Zhou Yunwei, then just pretend you didn't see it.

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it, but decided to complete the acquisition first.

"Night Breeze: Now I need to make some farm tools. If you have any farm tools or brothers who can make farm tools, please chat with me privately."

"Wow! The missing persons are back! Everyone, come and see!"

"What, what! Master Night Breeze appeared again."

"Master Night Breeze, do you need a thigh pendant? I am light and soft and easy to push down."

As always, when Tang Xiaochuan appeared, all kinds of flattery began on the public screen.

And the focus of discussion on the entire public screen has naturally changed from Zhou Yunwei to Tang Xiaochuan.

"Master Night Breeze! What have you been doing these days! You haven't shown up for several days."

"That's right, that's right, boss, during the few days you've been away, Zhou Yunwei, who used to be a deep-sea titan, has now gone to become a pirate. Boss, find a way to save us."

"Upstairs, you flattering is flattering, but you want Night Breeze to save you, are you thinking too much?"

"Yes! The times have changed now, the world is owned by the pirate king, Mr. Zhou! What kind of a fart is Night Breeze?" Some people flattered him, and naturally some people who didn't like Tang Xiaochuan jumped out to ridicule Tang Xiaochuan.

"You play for fun, play for trouble, don't make fun of Mr. Night Breeze! When Mr. Night Breeze was around, Zhou Yunwei and his survival team couldn't beat Mr. Night Breeze. What are you thinking now?" Some of them were Tang Xiaochuan A die-hard fan of Tang Xiaochuan immediately defended Tang Xiaochuan on the public screen.

"Stop making trouble, more supplies are more powerful? After all, this world needs strength. Now Mr. Zhou has at least 7 or 8 island members under him, and Night Breeze is alone no matter how many supplies he has. "

"Upstairs, I just want to ask, how do you know that Mr. Night Breeze is alone? Did you see it?"

"That's right, that's right, I don't believe that Mr. Night Breeze can come up with such supplies. There is only one person on his island."

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the other survivors in Gongping, comparing himself with Zhou Yunwei, and didn't discuss the farming tools he just mentioned at all.

He suddenly felt a little dissatisfied, and just wanted to remind these survivors that it would be better to talk less about these things and do more practical things.

However, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly realized that the current situation, isn't it a suitable opportunity for him?

If he exposed some of the actual situation on his island at this time, it would probably reach Zhou Yunwei's ears soon.

At that time, Zhou Yunwei could be induced to miscalculate the strength of his island.

Moreover, by revealing some things about his island at this time, in the eyes of others, he is showing off his own strength.

From a normal person's point of view, since it is showing off, it must be bragging in a good way. It is estimated that no one will think that when showing off, they will choose to hide it.

So, at this time, even if Tang Xiaochuan said on the public screen that there are 40 people on his island, most of the survivors probably wouldn't believe it.

They would instinctively think that Tang Xiaochuan was bragging.

Since Tang Xiaochuan wanted to get rid of Zhou Yunwei, it was inevitable to dig holes for Zhou Yunwei.

A professional pit digging team needs to dig pits for people anytime, anywhere, regardless of time period.

If there is no opportunity, create an opportunity to dig a hole for others. Now that the opportunity comes, if you give up, you will be sorry for your title of "pit digger".

Chapter 139 Night Breeze, Our Old and New Enmity Count Together!

"Thank you for your concern. I've been busy expanding my island recently. So I don't have much time to pay attention to your chats."

"However, I want to say that you all misunderstood what you just said about the matter between me and Zhou Yunwei, the former leader of Deep Sea Titan."

"I have had a long-standing friendship with Captain Zhou, and he is an excellent leader of the survival team." Tang Xiaochuan said on the public screen.

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